Many inventions and discoveries had a great impact on humanity and their importance was of great significance, so history immortalized them and engraved the names of their discoverers in the memory of time.

Who among us does not know the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison, who illuminated the world with his wonderful invention and turned the darkness of the night into a bright day. What an invention.

Who among us does not know the world Fleming discovered Penicillin, the first antibiotic that was discovered, which changed the method of treatment for many incurable diseases, which by the grace of God and then thanks to him was the healing of millions of humanity what a discovery.

Who among us does not know Steve Jobs who invented the phone (sorry who reinvented the phone) Yes, he said it in 2007 when the first generation of the iPhone was launched (We reinvented the phone)

Perhaps his words are correct. The iPhone was an amazing invention about the course of the phone industry, a radical transformation that no one had ever imagined, and the evidence for this is that more than 42 million devices have been sold since its inception, and the world's companies are racing at the present time to manufacture smart phones that resemble that amazing device.

The iPhone has become the algorithm and business map that others walk on when trying to make a smart phone. Have you not heard that word, which many people use when presenting a new device (It's Not Like iPhone), meaning that it is not like the iPhone, so the comparison is always done on the iPhone, so it is an amazing invention. Of an invention.

And the discoveries and inventions of this creative man are continuing at an escalating pace, and the iPad appears to us in a square that was completely free of that kind. Yes, it is another invention of Steve Jobs.

Don't you see the torrent of products from tablets coming from all sides, it is a revolution for a new modern product whose core and beginning was the iPad that laid the foundation stone for that revolution and new technology, and as the iPhone did in the past, here's the iPad, it does it again.

Some people may think that I am biased towards Apple or intolerant of its creative products, but what attracted me to write this article was that referendum carried out by the British telecom company Tesco Mobile, which was about arranging the most important inventions of the modern era according to their importance. This poll included 4000 people from all segments of society and the strange thing is that The iPhone ranked very high in the list of those inventions, as it ranked eighth out of a hundred inventions, immediately after the light bulb and penicillin.

Perhaps that referendum was not conducted on a scientific basis, but this is evidence of the power of the iPhone device, and that it has put a solid imprint in the minds and minds of people that will not be forgotten, and its invention has become comparable to the most important inventions in the modern era and may immortalize it.

Time magazine of America in its annual classification of the best inventions placed the iPad in the first place among technical inventions and considered it the most important and prominent invention of the year 2010.

We go back to our inventor, Steve Jobs, so what is the secret of the success of that man who invented these creative products? Does this man have supernatural potentials and talents that others do not possess or what, the writer Carmine Gallo summed up

In his well-known book The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, the successful experience of Steve Jobs' career and called it legendary, and in his book he highlighted the secrets of his successes and innovations, and summarized them in seven points, the most important of these points was thinking differently (Think Different) and this is the approach that It is based on Apple.

The genius of Steve Jobs and his successful innovations astounded a lot. Even the famous writer Thomas Friedman of the New York Times mentioned in one of his articles addressing the US President that America needs more good jobs to produce for us the likes of Steve Jobs.

After all of that, we wonder whether the iPhone device is really classified as one of the most important inventions of the modern era and will leave a firm imprint in the history of distinguished inventions, or is it just an ordinary device made in the midst of the modern industrial revolution and will pass unnoticed?

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