The people of falsehood are still striving to spread their corruption and misguidance, and the people of truth are still fighting them by all legitimate means.

Among the images of contemporary falsehood that we face in our time are these sexual and offensive programs for morals and virtue, which have spread in the software store, the spread of wildfire ... and have become embarrassing for us, our values, our Arabism and our Islam, even with the presence of this type of programs in foreign content, but because of the abundance of content in general And the large number of programs as a whole do not appear in the same way as they appear in Arab stores. So, what do you wear to open the software store until you are shocked by dozens of sexual programs.

The misfortune is that the software store is not prepared to deal with the Arabic language, and unfortunately, these bad programs appear even if you search for very ordinary words and during your normal browsing of the software store, and we do not talk about programs that have legal violations and which are not permissible in our Sharia, we Muslims ... rather we talk about programs whose names are Bad and put pictures of women only for the purpose of deceiving the user, and you will find dozens of programs with sexual connotations, and all of these programs are nothing but hoaxes ... and the user is deceived in the end and regrets after the purchase.

Whoever seeks these programs is not the one we are talking about in this article, but rather we speak to the father, brother, mother, sister, and everyone who does not accept that this is the status of the software store in the Arab region ... I know that those who upload these programs are not Arabs, but rather Jews, and we have proven That is in a previous article named (Guide to selecting successful programs from the software store).

Today we want to start a campaign to purge the Apple software store ... so if you come across any of these programs, do not be silent on it and report it to Apple immediately ...

Here is how to report and complain about it

You enter the offending program through the software store on your device, and then go to the bottom of it
(Do not download or buy the program because some people download the program and evaluate it with a few stars, comment on it and then delete it, thinking that this method will download the program in the store, but this method will make it climb more in the software store)

Click on Report a Problem

Then This application is offensive
It means submitting a report to the store supervisors at Apple that this program has a problem and then informing them that the problem is that the program is offensive

You can write a comment and a message to Apple in the blank, indicating the extent of the offense of this program, and of course, in English

If we all did this, we would have cleansed the store from these shameless programs that God Almighty does not accept and we do not please our children and our families, or at least to make us Apple look at us and prevent the upcoming offensive programs or appoint an Arab person to check the programs because they have a lot of deception .

God Almighty said: (You were the best of a nation that brought people out to enjoin good and forbid evil)
The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever among you sees an objectionable one, let him pass it by his hand. If he is not able, then with his tongue.


The author of the article did not mention his name, so may God reward him

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