What if I told you that I can know all the contacts you have on your phone, and I can know all the text messages that you have sent to whom and when, and I can know the places where you have been, so what do you say? You will say the damn jailbreak! It was decided to delete it. I will reply to you without jailbreak. Isn't that amazing?

But my dear brother, why so surprised? Isn't everything you do recorded on your device? Are not the contacts registered on your device? And are not the messages saved on your device? Do you not use GPS programs that know your location? It is normal for all of this to be on your device. The problem is that if you made a backup using the iTunes program and this file was without a password and not encrypted, then all your information is on your computer and it will be available to any hacker or to the FBI if they search your device.

Let me tell you something else, did you know that when you are anywhere, your phone calls the towers of the communication service, and these towers are in certain and well-known places, simply communication companies can know your location at any time of course roughly and not exactly, and also the FBI is able to take this information Contact companies.

Another thing every time you make a connection via the Internet, the service provider company can know where you are and can know anything you wrote on the Internet and any pictures you saw or uploaded in case the site did not encode that, and often only the financial information is encrypted, or the rest of the sites that Enter it, the communication company knows about it and keeps it in records, and the FBI can get it.

If you are a terrorist who is looking for you by the FBI, then you are not safe and we advise you not to use technology because it is very dangerous for you, and you must be careful and seek the help of experts to perform your terrorist acts smoothly and safely :)

But if you are a normal user like us, you must have technical awareness just to maintain your privacy even though you are not afraid of anything or fear of the FBI, so you set strong passwords, and encrypt your phone's address file through the iTunes settings, and do not upload your family photos Through the Internet or keeping it in your device without a program dedicated to encrypting images because your device is in the end subject to loss ... and so some simple information and you are in safety and your privacy is preserved in natural conditions as a normal person.

Now back to the main topic, is Apple spying on us? Does Apple monitor the movements of its users? As they tell ...

These days, a new topic has come back to us on the surface, or some think it is new, which is the discovery of the House of Wardin, who previously worked at Apple, that Apple monitors the movements of users of its devices such as the iPhone and the iPad and has proven this topic with the evidence, and even made a program that enables you to view this hidden data Whether on the iPhone or the computer to which you connect your phone.

Pete Warden was asked these questions

How does the program you have programmed work?

If you are using the Mac OSX operating system, which you use to connect an iPhone or iPad and a subscriber to the Internet, the program will perform a comprehensive scan of the backup files that are made automatically, looking for a hidden file that contains your site! If this file is found, it will display a record of the places you have been on the map.


How can I detect files without running the program?
These files are located in the following path / Users / / Library / Application Support / MobileSync / Backups. Every time you do a Sync for an iPhone or iPad, the files will be stored there. Most of them will be randomly named but there are basic files with fixed names such as Info.plist and Manifest.mbdb. Find the folder that contains the most recent backup copies by arranging the display in modified dates, then open the Info.plist file through any text editor to see which device follows this file (in case you are using more than one device such as an iPad or iPhone The same device to connect them). You should see the device name. Make sure it belongs to your device.

The files Manifest.mbdb and Manifest.mbdx contain a list of the files' real names represented as random numbers and letters. Luckily Alessandre has figured out how to turn it around Find it here


Does the program share this information with anyone?
No, all data remains on your computer. The code that was used in the implementation of the program has been made available to everyone so that anyone can check it and make sure that he is not spying on you or developing it if you are a developer.


- What can I do to remove this data?
The database is stored of your whereabouts on your iPhone, as well as in any of the automatic backups that are made when Sync works with iTunes. One thing that you can do that will help you choose encrypted backups. Doing so will prevent other users or programs on your device from viewing the data, but there will still be a copy on the device.

Why does Apple collect this information?
This is not clear. It is guesswork that they may have in mind some new features that require your sites' history, but this is pure speculation. The fact that its transmission across devices is evidence of data collection, which cannot be considered a coincidence.


Does Apple store this information elsewhere?
There is no evidence that it is being moved outside the device and any machines synchronized with it (for example, computers via iTunes).


What is the worst thing about it?
The most urgent problem is that this data is stored in an easy-to-read format on your device. Any other program or any user can access these files and information. And the most fundamental problem is that Apple is never collecting this information. A cell phone inevitably collects almost identical data as part of their operations, but this information remains behind their firewall. It usually requires a court order to access it, while this is available to anyone who can get a phone or computer. By secretly registering your location without your consent, it is possible for a jealous husband or a private investigator to obtain a detailed picture of your movements.


Why is the open source program not making this problem worse?
We hesitated a lot to know what is the right thing to do in this situation, but when it became clear that “individuals are aware of what is happening, as Ryan Neal says, at least one other person tried to alert the audience, but it seems that the issue failed to be clear about What happens. To make it less useful to hackers, the location and time accuracy of the data for the program was less intentional. You can only follow week after week even if the data timing is present in the second, and if you zoom in, you will see the map bound pointing to a grid, so that your exact location is not revealed. The source database located on the computer or iPhone has no such restrictions, unfortunately.


Why do some points indicate places I have not visited?
As far as we can tell, the location is determined by the nearest cell phone towers. This is not as accurate as GPS, but it assumes that it consumes less energy. In some cases, it can get incorrect locations and you are several miles away from the actual site, but these tend to have some glitches and happen only intermittently.


How was this discovered?
The cooperation has taken place in several projects related to the imaging and processing of site data, for example this map from Radiation levels in Japan While we were discussing some ideas for similar projects to conceptualize mobile site data, and while Al Sider was looking at what was available, he discovered this file. At first we were not sure about the amount of data that this file contains, but after we delved into the subject matter, we visualized the data. Abstracted, it became clear that there was a frightening amount of detail on our movements. It also became clear that at least some other people knew everything about him, but he never announced that he was going.


What is your relationship with Apple?
I worked for Apple for five years, and since that time, three years ago, I have had a good relationship with them. And when I worked for Apple, I had nothing to do with the iPhone. I was working on desktop software and did not get any help or information from inside the company while researching this issue. We are fans and fans of Apple and its products, and we find no joy in uncovering this issue.


You say the data is not publishing, but why do I see a web connection when I launch the app?
Visualization is performed by displaying it on a web page using the OpenHeatMap JQuery plugin. This means that these resources are taken from the Internet:

OpenStreetMap background tiles
The jQuery main script file hosted on Google
The OpenHeatMap script and CSS files

All of these files are static and downloaded from the internet, and none of your data leaves your computer. We still recommend inspecting the source code if you are a developer, or even relying solely on inspecting the database using traditional tools.

Now, let's leave Pete Warden and explain to you what the issue is. Pete Warden discovered that there is a file stored in the device and thus it is transferred with the backbase file to the computer. If you are synchronizing with the iTunes program, this file contains the coordinate numbers of some places of network towers and Wi-Fi networks that you have connected to and some of them Not detailed GPS coordinates. This issue is not new and a senator has done it in America before Send a message to Apple She is asked why this file is in the device, and Apple has responded at length This is a copy of it. What is useful is that this information is not related to the name of a person or any information about him or his device, and its purpose is to improve location-based services such as the Find my iPhone service or to know the locations of Wi-Fi networks so that you can find the location of the device without the presence of GPS service.

You can close all this by shutting down the Location Services service from the device's restore and also encrypting the backend file from the iTunes replays so that your wife does not exit the computer as mentioned by Pete Warden and know where you were, as well as knowing all your contacts :)

In the end, and as information, the restriction imposed by Apple on its devices and the great security in the software store programs, despite this huge number of programs, makes the iPhone one of the most secure devices for specialists if you do not jailbreak it. However, Apple devices, through the free (Find my iPhone) service, which we talked about before here, enable you to delete your data remotely and through some programs in the software store, you can encrypt most of your data. This security is one of its defects that restricts the freedom that some hate, and freedom has a price, for example in Android devices, and because of its open code, even without (Root) jailbreak, Google admitted that there are dozens of hacking and spyware programs in its store.

As we mentioned, do not be afraid of anything, there is no one watching or spying on you, and Apple will not lose its reputation for the sake of espionage or cooperation with intelligence, and if anyone wants to monitor you, it is very easy even if you own a Nokia of 100 riyals, there are communication and internet companies and everything has technology in Your life can be easily monitored ... Just as we mentioned, be careful because we as Muslims have sanctities, do not let your women send their pictures to you via mail, and you, my sister, do not put your photos on the phone or send them to your friends or upload them to Facebook even if they are not available to everyone and in particular, and we always make words The secret is strong and we encrypt everything that can be encrypted. Again, this is not to prevent surveillance, but only to some privacy.

the source

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