There are hundreds of wonderful additions that Apple added in its iOS 5 system, and we show only some of the advantages discovered so far to keep you aware of a small part of the features of this wonderful system. We would like to remind you that this system is still in the process of revision until its release in the last quarter of the year, so we are confident that the final version will be full of new features and capabilities that will make your use of your device a wonderful experience that will connect you to what you want quickly and easily. As Apple stated in its recent WWDC conference, in which the system was revealed, that it will make the various iOS devices integrated devices on their own.
Apple's interest in developing its operating systems from time to time and presenting them with real additions has made the rush of users for any update an unparalleled thing, as many studies have been conducted and the result was that both Apple products (iOS, Mac OS X) are the two products that topped the list to achieve the highest percentage Users have updated them more than other products.
Simultaneous download of software:
One of the things that we discovered in the iOS 5 beta system is the ability to download a number of applications at the same time, and in previous versions, one application is loaded after the other and the applications are placed on hold until the current application is finished downloading. The ability to download applications simultaneously occurs whether you are downloading through the wireless network or 3G network.
Take photos with the Apple headset that comes with different iOS devices:
We all know that Apple in the next framewire will make the ability to take pictures become possible by pressing the volume up button on the side of the device, which has also become available through the external headphones, so all you need is the original Apple headset that comes with the device, which contains A unit to control the volume or switch between songs. Photography using the handset will be a good solution for those who want to get perfect pictures and do not want to take a picture that is shaky due to pressing the buttons on the phone.
Calender will support a new layout in Landscape mode:
The calendar application will present you with a new view to display the week in landscape mode, and this method will enable you to navigate the different weeks by moving the table to the right or left. In addition to another view to display the annual calendar on the iPad, and one of the great additions is that you can modify your recorded appointments by Pull the appointment box to cover the entire event time by manual drawing. We would like to mention that the iCloud feature will enable you to synchronize your appointments with your friends and relatives and synchronize your appointments at the same time with all of your devices.
Of course, there is more, as Apple announced the presence of 200 new features in the upcoming iOS 5 system, and we will mention to you in upcoming articles some of the other features.
Thank you very much, iPhone Islam, but for those who press the home twice on the iPad, the camera will show me the photo album, unlike the iPhone.
with greetings
Please, how can I carry the vulva ios5.
Because I do not know the pregnancy and thank you for the benefit
May God bless you with goodness a quarter, by God, I will open this program, and I don’t know what is above. Haha. Someone teaches me a little about it. I mean, I mean, the program, Islam. Thank you.
Wonderful beautiful thing forward Aboathir
Frankly, the iPhone program is a wonderful Islam, I used to hear about it from more than one iPhone user, but I did not expect that.
Thank you for the service
Peace be upon you, my brothers, thank you for the subject
As for me, they talk about some of the features and it is intuitive in some devices. Their words are correct. How long will Apple ignore the need for some to transfer data to and from devices other than Apple devices !!
Do you expect to compete with Furio ??
Note that this release will last for a full year at least and the iPhone 5 will carry this version ...
A question that an expert needs to answer, not a previous Symbian system user, as I see in the responses above
I am ready to discuss...
Apple must make the iPhone integrated in the basic services and not push users to search for it in programs and improve touching on the letters, after using eight months for the iPhone I bought the Galaxy S I swear to God that I am shocked by the flexibility and speed of the Galaxy and the integration of basic services in it and the accuracy of the touch on the keyboard, the lightness of the device and the ease of access For everything you want and I say, try the Galaxy without fanaticism for the iPhone and say it, and you will remember my words for the future for Android if Apple does not make its device integrated at least in the basics
My brothers, I heard about synchronizing programs on one account
I mean, if you have another iPhone and iPhone, and they all have one account, meaning an account in the App Store, if you download a program on the iPhone, it will download automatically on the other iPhone
Q: What is the difference between issues XNUMX and XNUMX?
All I have read responses are writing that XNUMX is the best version possible. I know the reason ???
My device was version XNUMX, and I updated it to XNUMX. What was different to the contrary, I added that your device can be free from a router, this is a good thing
More than wonderful effort. You can inquire about any date that is present or is coming down
It seems that Apple rose up strongly and released 2 features after it learned strongly about the upcoming Galaxy SXNUMX.
And if they are all available in Saudi Arabia, the comparison between them will be accurate and clear
IPhone IOS 5 is an update only for iPhones and there is nothing fundamental that will change it
It means updating the system only with the addition of some extraordinary programs and features
As for the jailbreak, it will certainly be unrestricted after a period of issuance of the new system
I updated my system to version 4.3.3 and I can see that it is good and there are no problems
Among the advantages of the photo album is it is now possible to make a new album and add pictures directly to it, as well as choose the pictures you want and add them to a new album or create another and copy them, as well as send them to Twitter or Facebook with some
And there the music is now possible to delete the song you want without using iTunes and separate the video from the music
There is also the deletion of the contacted name from the record one by one without deleting all the names and there is much to discover
God does not turn everything Soooh except bluetooth
Now if I get to update the device for iOS XNUMX, can I do a backup?
Apple shocked everyone as usual
We wait for more
And God Zain if it was XNUMX properties
Thanks for the good articles
And if it is possible to update iPhone 3GS with ios5 system, will ios5 solve the GPS problem that was lost when updating iPhone 3gs with ios4 system ?????
Can I install ios5 on 3gs iPhone ???????????
Brothers, I do not have a warning about what will happen in news or new information that is not listed or alerted
Do you know, brothers, the iPhones of all kinds that were released to the world? How many companies became independent and their income increased through the manufacture of covers of all kinds, programs, chemicals, dubbing, and many companies that released. Apps. became rich and the reason is that Apple has moved the markets and employed many of the unemployed and moved the commercial market. Does the representative of this company not respect it? If we do not respect it, then we do not underestimate it. The truth must be told, the iPhone has given life a taste and the young man who does not own an iPhone feels that something is missing in his personality and becomes frustrated and feels backward. Long live Apple and a speedy recovery to Steve who amazed the world. We are proud of you, you Arab by origin.
Hi everyone
The most important feature of the new system is the email synchronization between the device and the server
When removing the e-mail from the device, it must also be deleted from the e-mail site server !!!
Thank you so much for this program. I have a question that can explain to me how to use the headphones while photographing
Thank you so much
This is nice, but when will this update be downloaded and when will the jailbreak be downloaded?
The feature of photography via the headphone button is pre-existing and is supported by Earphone Camera
Your collection is still full of what is wonderful and useful, and we are still waiting for more valuable surprises. I ask God to bless your efforts and to pay off your steps.
Question ? If I download the new system, how do I update it on the device and install it, please let anyone know me
Can someone tell me when the iPhone supports Java and Flash. I see it among the most important programs that are missing the iPhone, and I know people who left the iPhone because of it.
Thank you for keeping us updated on these wonderful additions
Thank you for the valuable information, but I hope Yvonne Islam is interested in the MacBook and this will benefit everyone because I bought one the day before yesterday and I want information on how to work with it, and you include that it be Mac Islam برنامج
Thank you for your great efforts to cover the new events from Apple
I want to get out a little on the topic
I have a problem with someone else
Yesterday, when I tried to connect my iPod to iTunes, I got this message:
Your iPod cannot connect to iTunes unknown error number 0xE8000001
Please inform me of a solution as soon as possible. Thank you
Peace and mercy of God
Nice thing, but there are still surprises and we are waiting for the most beautiful and the best.
I suggest that the iPhone Islam news program, which is in the appstore
The six options below
Instead of what is in two white arrows
Why is only one arrow on the right if you are on the left
But if you click on the arrow, the arrow will disappear and the other arrow will appear
Left arrow if you are on the right
God reminds Nokia with good, the days of Katkat, Loul, were sweet days, and we believe our soul is developed. The days of the screen are white and black. Time is actually repeating itself as it was said every 8 years. The world is evolving.
I have this version compound
And the battery goes on longer than usual with me, I don't know it or not
I swear by God, I will think of it as a protective device for the iPhone and return to Bluetooth
May God bless you, my brothers in the blog. Frankly, I am waiting for Firmware 5 with the untethered jailbreak.
The great efforts of those in charge of the iPhone Islam and frankly IOS5 will be a big leap forward
Peace be upon you, may God bless you, my brothers
Always cool with your novelty
But I do have a note about shooting with the headphone button
It is present, I think, in the current version
And let any of you see
Especially sorry XNUMX
God knows
God willing, more than one day has evolved
To the imam
May God reward you with good, Yvonne Islam
But as a beginner, I have a simple question
How do I put the iPhone device in offline mode without having to switch it off from the top and turn it off, as in Nokia devices
Thank you very much
My brother, don't you, but my father, I know the game that is below a base whose icon is scissors, sweetness and an insect
Yes, there is a great exaggeration on the part of some of the Brotherhood, and Apple did not accept the introduction of modifications and developments on the iPhone until it was damaged by competition from other companies and started to lose an important share of the phone market. Many of the modifications incorporated in the new system are already available in other systems such as Android and Windows Mobile.
Peace be upon you, my brother, for your good efforts, but what has been presented from the features of iOS 5 so far does not rise to the new and distinctive thing that forces me to want to upgrade to this system. One of the most important features that are present in this system was not mentioned and no one touched on it, which is the alert and reminder of any event that reaches the iPhone, whether messages, calls, or any incoming or outgoing matters, as well as displaying the new weather condition, which in my view is one of the beautiful features. May God reward you well, and I ask God to grant you success
thanks for the information
And admiration is what strength and quality
No one is forced to love the device, except for those who tried
I love the Nokia XNUMX, but I was not too nervous
I have a question and I would like someone to answer me ???
When iOS5 is released in September, God willing, will the device talk on its own or do I have to download the update?
Thank you Yvonne Islam for the efforts
But I have a question
First, will the idea of the custom firmware succeed, i.e. the modified version that does not update the baseband to keep the network open with the official 5.0
Secondly, the cessation of laziness in your ranks, Yvonne Islam, as we are accustomed to more than one article in general. Thank you
Please post my comment
Why. If someone calls you and you have another call. Why does the caller not show up to you?
Really why ??
Because the Nokia mobile phone of XNUMX SAR has this feature
☺ I downloaded this version for developers through one of the distinguished members, and by God it is a beautiful thing and there are no problems with it, even though it is a beta, but for me it is 100%, even the battery I notice is better than version 4.3.3 in consumption...
Download the ios5 Ultra system if you want to know how
1- Type in Google the owner’s blog
XNUMX- Click on the first unit
XNUMX- On the left in some articles, press
5- Click on iosXNUMX
Thank you
Peace be upon you, brother Tariq. I have a question, if you would be so kind. Does the fifth version include a personal hotspot service to enable the iPhone 3GS to activate the Wi-Fi service? Note that this service only works with iPhone 4 devices.
The iCloud system has existed for a long time in Hotmail and its name is Sky Drive, and you see it as new
Imaging from the sides is present in seventy now, and you are now Apple Store, just a company that develops the old thing by adding a feature. or. You have two advantages, and you are ignorant of God, and soon they will answer you in a new way, and I will remind you, I mean, FaceTime is like Skype, but on mobile phones, I mean, do you have a difference between it and Sky. On the contrary, Sky B might be better if it only has voice calls, but it is not a video that we represent FaceTime
You are not ignorant of God
Even Skype now supports voice and picture calls, meaning video from version 4.2.1
I have a question, please, where can I get the copied files ?????
Ok, people, when does Apple support the Hijri calendar
Peace be upon you, blog director
Please reply. How do I photograph on the earphone. I will send you an hour? I feel and I do not know how and whoever knows is useful to us. Thank you.
Thanks are extended to everyone who contributed to the success of this program or blog, without which I feel the iPhone is very desirable
But I have a question regarding the icloud service, does it store the applications themselves, but only the application data - the right of the stages that they have connected - if the applications themselves I do not expect XNUMX GB will suffice, and if the application data only has to be synchronized with iTunes and we will need the link, contrary to what the deputy marketing director In Apple TV at the WWDC conference
Will IOS 5 be open on any network, such as the iPhone XNUMX that was just released?
I think I am Apple playing the Traders game, which is:
In version 4 of the iPhone, there were things that were not (supported) such as taking pictures from the (-, +) button on the side of the device, and this technology is used before in others.
Also, other applications and services are not shown by Apple in the old versions, but rather affect and postpone them to a later version
(Also like the front cam in XNUMX and not in XNUMX)
who is agree with me..
Excellent article I did not know this information Thanks
First of all, I would like to thank the Yvonne Islam website
Frankly, the advantages will change the iPhone 180 degrees
Imam Yvonne Islam
We wish to scrutinize the transfer of files via bluetooth because it is the past and the present and the biggest problem that many suffer from, and I am the first of them.
Your brother / Sultan
Peace and mercy of God be upon you… Brother Tariq or Brother Muhammad Asfour… I have a question regarding the written dictionary… I searched for it in the software store and did not find it… So is the reason related to a change in the name or to delete it from the store…
I was using a written translator, but in the update 3.1 it was working normally, but after these challenges I change it because it is written I developed the application and God knows
In fact, there is no doubt that Apple invented a new market for its products, and this is evidence of creativity and the secret of its tremendous profits, which is controlling the smart phone market and setting standards that increase its control and extend its control ....
However, other companies are no less than them, even if they delay in taking the initiative to launch their phones
My question to the owners of the site, may God reward them, is do you have the intention of exploring Android devices and introducing what is new in them? I do not find that knowledge and science should be limited to a specific company or product, and diversifying the sources of knowledge, just as diversifying the sources of income contributes to stability and continuity.
your brother
Thanks for showing some of the features of ISO 5, and in fact I expect that it is the most update that carries changes to the system, and we await the rest of the features
I downloaded the beta on my device
Great operating system
Could someone give me an idea of how to do justice to widgets
May God reward you with the best of iPhone Islam for the wonderful information you provide to us about iOS 5
I hope Bluetooth works on iOS 5 without jailbreaking ,,,
The question that I want to ask the brothers is is it possible to install the new version iOS 5 on the iPhone 3GS, thank you in advance
Your brother Yacine from Casablanca
Peace be upon you, my brother Tariq. I wanted to inquire about one thing only. My device is 3gs. Does the fifth edition include enabling the personal hotspot service so that my device can broadcast the net as a Wi-Fi device, knowing that this service is only activated on the iPhone 4 device
Is the new system for money and where do we buy the headphones as I bought my device from Jarir?
I swear by God, I swear by Apple, filming via the headphones
I am in a closed position
Thank you very much to Hate Yvonne Islam
Thank you for informing us and providing us with everything new ... The question is, can I update my 4 device with the features of the 5 if it comes out, God willing? ... Thank you
Yes, you can, of course
thanks a lot
I wish you had touched on the subject of any elderly, I am very excited about it because it is destroying the BlackBerry market, but is there any special IP address or just the mobile number and the e-mail ?????
I am new to the wonderful world of Apple Question
iOS 5, is this a system or a device ??
If only a system was installed on iPhone XNUMX !!!
Brother, this is a new system
Yes, it installs on iPhone XNUMX
However, this is a trial version for developers only
As for the final version, it will be available to everyone in September
Very beautiful
But I was surprised that it even considers bluetooth a thing of the past
I expect it's a patch and no mob knows how to break bluetooth
I hope that the iPhone will have the ability to access the Internet through iTunes, not just update and sync.
All the features are good, but the service remains alone, and it informs you that the other party has a call instead of a disturbing one, and I knock it out every moment.
Peace be upon you..
Can I know if I can (put pictures and status) in my “iMessage” feature ???
The most important thing, will it support Java and Flash?
Because most of their additions to the new system are secondary and complementary.
Very beautiful from mother iPhone and Yvonne Islam
Thank you very much for the information
God bless you and protect you
Frankly, it is normal features, and I am surprised by the likes of downloading the brand in one go !! These are not the advantages of these download basics, and all devices are available in different systems !!
I am a big fan of the Apple TV system and iPhone Islam
We are always waiting for your new ones.
Thank you. We want Bluetooth and just
This is the situation
Apple manufactures
IPhone Islam transmits
We thank you both
Forward, God willing
But there is a question: Is there an iPhone 5 so we can buy 4G and wait for it to get an update?
There is a high probability that there will be a new iPhone at the end of September
Brother, the director of the blog
We thank you for your interest in us, and for providing us with the news
I have a question:
Will the new system XNUMX support the direction of Al-Arabi from right to left in messages?
شكرا لكم
We mentioned in a previous article what is new in support of Arabic, but if you mean the direction of text in the system in general, such as letters, then this is not supported.
May God give you a thousand days waiting for a new system.
When I update to the new system. Will I lose my old data ?? And my programs as well ????
Does this mean that my device will be completely new after the update???
My sister Haifa, you must make a backup copy or backup in English
Before any update so as not to lose your personal data and your programs
May God bless you and a thousand thanks to you, O people of Islam. The amazement and imagination come from you. You are the ones who benefit us with everything new. If it weren’t for God and then for you, it would have been a year and we wouldn’t have discovered anything. Thanks be to God and then to you.
May God reward you for the wonderful presentation of iOS 5 features
But I have a question, my brother Tariq, or any supervisor
I see in your presentation of the feature of simultaneous downloading of programs an image of a program that I am tired of, and I am looking for it, which is the dictionary program from Maktoob, so we want you to tell us how to install this program because it was cut off from the Apple Store
And thank you and they fell short
Peace be upon you, brother Muhammad, do not forget that the fifth edition will enable the user to delete any number from the contact list and not delete it completely, as is the case in the current version. It will also enable us to make shortcuts for some of the words that we want the device to know the moment the first two letters are written.
200 features
We hope it has an FM feature
That connects the cell phone to a radio wave
Is this one of them?
It is not possible because the special component for receiving radio waves is not included in the iPhone
Mmm ... But there is another solution for them to set up a service to listen to the radio via the Internet, isn't that beautiful ??
The problem is that Apple has developed things and activates important things like what some of the brothers here said, I mean, like the Resent Calls Scan feature, it is not reasonable, either you delete it completely, or you do not delete something !!
Apple is a rule that neglects things of interest to the average user and a rule that imposes its control in a way that is never beautiful
Of course, no one can deny that it is a rule that offers sweet things, but appealing to the needs and desires of the users. This in my opinion is the vanity of the company because in the first and foremost the company without its clients will be and nothing.
In addition, do not forget that three quarters of the iPhone’s fame is due to the applications that its developers are people from among the company's customers, meaning this glory is not Apple that made it alone.
Because of this, you should not deal with users with excessive arrogance !!!!!!
Thanks for the great articles, but I hope that you will increase the number of topics on the site, because frankly these days, we see only one or two topics per day.
Thank you
One can not wait for September in order to update his device
Thank you Yvonne Islam
I hope that Bluetooth will be developed further and dealt with other devices without using Cydia programs. The other important thing is to save the YouTube video without the need for Cydia programs.
Medicine, is it possible to take pictures using other headphones that have volume up and down buttons?
I suppose that er it being the same principle and programming
Thank you, iPhone, Islam, and I congratulate you on the frankness of everything
What does it mean that Bluetooth messaging is a thing of the past? Thank you.
Because Apple didn't support it :) and maybe Nokia will abandon it too.
Great features
But XNUMX is a very nice system
Where I noticed a wonderful and very dangerous feature
How do you know the feature
The iPhone fell from my hand in water
And when I took it out of the water, a slip mark came out for me
Automatically shutdown, so I switched off the device
I only waited an hour while he was lying in the air
So I turned it on and it worked directly
I did not notice any change in it
It gives you wellness, my brothers
Where can I see the rest of the 200 features??
Is a written dictionary that you have translated in iOS XNUMX?
I still have a job, but when I write, I don't like it !!!!
Your impatient victory, iPhone XNUMX
As for the WhatsApp program, I want to enter the measurements on it. At the beginning, I entered EMOJI without the need for free assistance.
I hope that the new Messenger feature on the iPhone is stronger than the one on the BlackBerry, until we say that Apple was able to strongly crush the BlackBerry and give you wellness Yvon Aslam
"And say, oh my Lord increase my knowledge"
Thank you for this information that you publish on this important site. I have really benefited a lot from your site. May Allah bless you. But I have a question if you have the patience. I learned from your site that with the latest update, the iPhone can feed 5 computers with the Internet, but the question is: What should I do to do this? I thank you very much. Whoever follows the path will arrive. Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
It's simple, happy brother. Go to Settings - General - Network - Internet Sharing ... and your iPhone will be like a modem.
By the way, this feature has been present since the release of IOS4
Frankly, it has very, very deadly features. IPhone Islam gives you a thousand million well-being for the effort you put into researching and formulating it properly .. Continue, we follow you with confidence, you are always the best
Beautiful and waiting for the final version
Thank you Yvonne Islam
My brothers, is version XNUMX a new update?
Or an iPhone XNUMX
Please advise me and thank you very much
Your brother Abu Alaa
It is a new update, and the next iPhone will be carrying it with the ability to put it on iPhone XNUMX, XNUMXGS, iPad One, TWO and iPod
My brother is a new version of the iOS system (not a device)
It will be released in September
My question is: Is it possible that after jailbreaking it, it will not be able to activate the fifth version of the iPhone operating system?
And a question from me: Brother Muhammad, the author of the article, is photography via the headphones available for the iPhone XNUMX or only for the iPhone XNUMX // and to Imam Apple
These features are all for the next release in September, God willing
Thank you iPhone Islam
Special thanks to the author of the article (Mohamed Asfour)
But I have a question: would you recommend that you download the new version of the iPhone and also .. the new update in iTunes .. does any iPhone hurt because I am your own .. and I want an urgent response
We do not recommend and there is a previous article about that on the site and a warning about it
I am fascinated by the Apple brand and also the iPhone Islam, may Allah reward you well
Glow here the fingers - Yvonne Islam
O God
Unrivaled creativity and effort
I expect after a while the whole technical world will be Apple
Beautiful, but created, may God continue to service Apple Mobile Me
Thank you, Islam iPhone, for this explanation
Nice thing and we thank you for that
شكرا لكم
When can we use this version specifically?
The edition will be ready in the month of XNUMX AD
Excellent feature, God willing, but is there any bluetooth update that allows the iPhone to send photos or anything to another type of mobile phone such as Nokia?
Hello, we get to know the new system more and more
Because the system does not come down, but we know everything
It gives you good health
As far as I go through Arab and foreign websites, I did not find anyone talking about these properties ... You really are, as you say in Al-Masry (Malcolm is a solution, Yvonne Islam) ... are always wonderful.
Apple announced the presence of 200 new features in the upcoming iOS 5 system.
Oh Lord, be among the Halmitain Bluetooth sends and receives to and from any device
Honestly, a need that conquers all of these capabilities and without bluetooth
No, file transfer via Bluetooth is a technology that Apple will not support, apparently because it is in the past
For the second time !
Why is there an unconvincing excuse in the past ?? !!!
And add my own voice to your voice An unconvincing justification Sharing photos and videos via Bluetooth is important to many people
What is the meaning of restricted please reply
Check out this article
Can I contact the owners of the plaque through any jQuery?
I do not think so
There is nothing new for me yet, as what is being developed or added is available with other devices, and some of them are very old, such as the Palm system, so it had the best program ever.
Acknowledging the truth is a virtue, scientist, so why do we not admit that Apple copies others and everyone knows that, but your exaggerated admiration for Apple and its products makes you lose your insight to see the truth or simply whoever has acquired technology recently will think that Apple is the one who made the base of NASA and it is the one who stepped on the moon first.
There is no objection to admiration, but within limits and without exaggeration, as some readers who severely lack correct reading and writing, so we see wonderful writings and words that are not in the surrounding dictionary.
We pray to God to guide all
My friend, if these features were released on the iPhone, such as the iPhone's Messenger, photography from the headphones, and ……. Your opinion of a phone like this is not worthy of appreciation, regardless of being mock ideas, the most important thing to do
Your words were right, Ahmed ..!
And God has people who are unknowingly exaggerating the praise of Apple
Some of them praise Apple and the topic is about a program that does not belong to Apple on its own, except that it is present in their store and is made by another company.
Knowledge is light, Ahmed.
And the owners of strange writings (There is no solution to them)!
Wellness gives you great news ..
Very beautiful
But I feel and find three months on the appearance of the Fremer
Something I hope for 5
That the messages are separated from any jQuery
System to say the least {magnificence} ...
And everyone is waiting for him ...
Nice ,,,,
I hope that some other features will be available without the need for Cydia add-ons, such as:
Resent Cole scan one one and not all of them together.
The ability to remove all numbers from the phone book at once without the need for assistance programs.
As well as take advantage of other Cydia service additions, which added a distinctive touch to the iPhone, iPad, as well as the iPod
I am version 4.2.1 from the day I bought the iPhone, and if they announced version 5 later
Mister Abdullah, I am like you, the version of my device is 4.2.1, and I see that it is the best version so far, and I will not update it except with the version of the iOS system 5
And I'm your zikm after 4.2.1
God willing, if the ios 5 version is released, an event will be made for him
Thanks iPhone Islam
Greetings. Is the new system going to work on our 4 devices or not, and thank you for your response
Yes it will even work on 3GS
I do not need a jailbreak
It makes the device slow and somewhat unreliable
And the original Apple features are better, especially if most
Jailbreak software has been added to iPhone OS5
Great efforts from those in charge of iPhone Islam, and frankly, IOS5 will be a big step forward.
Thank you iPhone Islam
Always keep us fresh
We are too hot . Waiting for IOS 5 system
It is true that these are very, very beautiful features.
But we can't let go of the jailbreak
Unrestricted and we update
Great features and more
But a question for the owners of the blog
QXNUMX / Does the next release consume battery or is it better than previous releases?
QXNUMX Is there an unrestricted jailbreak for the fifth version, and if not, is there a possibility for an unrestricted jailbreak?
And thanks to everyone who contributes to the success of this program
And thanks to Mohamed Asfour, the author of the article
1- So far the beta version cannot be judged
2- Until now, there is no jailbreak, but there is always a jailbreak, no matter how long it takes, do not worry
Is there new backgrounds in the iOS 5?
The home version has absolutely no backgrounds
But if there is a feature when the headphone is connected to the device, anyone calling you, we do not hear the sound of the device and the headphones must be in your ear
Incorrect. I am interlocking the headphones, and with that the sound is in the device’s headphones and not in the earphones, knowing that the version of my device is XNUMX
Brother verified the information and thanks
Great features and waiting for the update on pins and needles
Hand over to Khiva
Apple is still proving to the whole world that it is the best mobile company in the world
Neither Nokia nor Samsung Apple are the best
Apple did not manufacture any phone at all, Apple created a new device that was completely different from what I said: Nokia, Samsung, and others
The device name iPhone is never a phone
It is a device that is completely different from phones and has nothing to do with it except that it receives calls and messages, so the comparison is wrong ,,, If other companies make devices similar to the iPhone, then we will compare so far, we only see phones ,,,
Why (iPhone) what does phone mean? Apple added (i), and it became the iPhone !!!!! It is a smart phone !!!
Oh clever
It is meant that there is no competition between the iPhone (phone) and Nokia and Samsung phones
Are not the features of this system expired (Masha Allah ^ _ ^)
Frankly, I'm most impressed with the headphone capture feature
Thank you very much for this effort and forward, Taj Rosna
God bless you
thanks alot
You are the first in Apple's news and products
Very nice, and we expect more from you *****}
It means when you have a bluetooth headset, you can shoot from afar