These days we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the world of processors, thanks to the intense competition between smartphone and tablet companies. After that, we read about triple and quad-core processors, while laptops and personal computers were limited to single-core processors for a long time. And a quick glance at Available tablets We find that the fastest processor is found in the Fujitsu Lifebook® T730, followed by the Fujitsu LifeBook® TH700 from the same company, then followed by several devices from different companies such as HP and Asus, all with Windows systems and Intel processors. But none of them, despite the superior speeds and processors provided by the most prestigious companies specialized in this field, could not withstand Apple devices, and these advantages did not help them. So what is the secret behind the iPad 2's distinction specifically?
Leading chipmaker Intel decided to find out this secret and in Experiments For 9 months conducted by a team of Intel engineers led by Francois Piednoel on the iPad 2 which, if it were not special, would not have been chosen to reveal the secret of its success, Intel finally discovered the secret of this superiority.
The team found that Apple did not use a special processor that gives its device its current strength, but it was able to employ the processor in a distinctive way to get the best performance for a tablet in the market, and the secret was that it relied on increasing the number of screen shots, and this of course increases the efficiency of performance and improves the user experience; The iPad now displays 60 frames per second, meaning that the secret of its superiority was related to the so-called Frame Rate And we know that if the Frame Rate increases, the flow of display and work increases, and the use improves, giving the user a unique experience capable of raising iPad sales to fantastic numbers.
But reaching 60 frames per second is not easy, as it consumes a lot of processor and memory capabilities, and even Apple reduces this consumption and increases the display rate at the same time. pixel depth equal to 4 while Microsoft systems are based on pixel depth equal to 7 bytes, which means that each pixel is three times more represented than iOS. All this made the iPad only require 15 milliseconds to respond, while Windows systems need about 200 milliseconds! Therefore, Intel will keep this secret in mind as it prepares for its new processors, in addition to paying attention to the issues of aerodynamics and responsiveness, as opposed to focusing on mere performance numbers.
Blog administrator's word:
So the secret is not always in the strength of the hardware and the hardware, but rather in the smart operating system that exploits these components. I am sometimes surprised when someone tells that a device has 64 GB memory, a quad-core processor and 8 GB camera and says that it is definitely better than another device, the truth This is a mistake. The memory or the power of the processor is not a measure of the quality of the device, although it has a definite impact. But the quality in the operating system that manages these components is also the quality in the materials used and the technologies, for example, the iPhone camera is not the best in terms of gigabytes, but everyone testifies to the quality of its image and this is due to technology used in it and manage its operating system.
Source of the article | Image source
This speech is inaccurate because the pixel depth if it is 4 means that the number of colors that can be shown on the screen is only 16 colors 2x2x2x2, i.e. 2s4, while the iPad screen displays millions of color gradients
Words of gold
and silver comments
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. Thank you to the site moderator for your tremendous efforts. Happy New Year to you all.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. Thank you to the site moderator for your tremendous efforts. Happy New Year to you all.
Frankly, explanation and valuable information, may God protect you for the great effort
May God bless you and I follow your site and benefit from it a lot and happy new year
I would like to note, and to correct, that the resolution of the cameras is measured in mega pixels and not gigabytes, as stated in the blog manager’s speech at the end of the article
Please accept my comment with open arms
May God preserve iPhone Islam and thank you
Apple's operating systems have been around for a long time... superior to others... as we know that Apple is the innovator of the Windows operating system and the graphics in its Macintosh devices. For example, when you turn on a new Mac that does not have an operating system... it will show you an image indicating that there is no operating system... or an image of the so-called (a sad Mac) if the operating system is damaged.
While on PC systems with Intel processors, a black screen appears and writings (from the DOS system). Even with the latest versions of Windows 7, which means that the Windows system is nothing but a cosmetic interface that cannot work without the presence of (DOS) in the background... that is, running two systems at the same time.
Apple's long-standing innovation in graphics has made it more powerful and sophisticated in its new products (hardware) and (software) at the same time :)
This is not a secret reserved for the iPad XNUMX.
Rather, this is an advantage in favor of Apple even before the advent of the iPhone
Whoever used the Mac before XNUMX knows the meaning of my words
While the RAM was XNUMX GB, Apple used to download a GB RAM or less, but it is faster and better, and all this thanks to the system that manages and employs the hardware in a highly professional manner.
Therefore, I think that this is an advantage for Apple and not a secret for any of its products
I was a fan of Apple, and some may recognize me, but I recently descended to the level of Android
And I found that he is no less than his camel counterpart in something, but rather surpasses him.
What is superior to Apple is that the price of a Chinese-made tablet computer is “not actually” at a price of $60 that can do the same thing.
The work done by Apple devices is about 80%
And her father with this production that he owns a processor produced by a Taiwanese company and memory from Samsung and is marketed as Chinese!
In short, China will swallow up the world if it continues to support Android.
Who wants to try this device! A $60 will kill himself just to pay 700 for Apple!
Thank you Yvonne Islam for your wonderful efforts, and good luck, God willing, to raise the banner of Islam and Muslims
Ramadan Kareem
I just want to stress that Apple must release free software with each new service and for a specific period for all its customers
By God, you are a beautiful thing, iPhone Islam, and thank you for your tolerance
Good use of the capabilities with what is available will lead to effective performance
The example is not limited to devices only, but to life in a more general and comprehensive way
Thanks for the great article, I benefited a lot from it
Happy new year
May God bless you for the wonderful topic, but I ask you, who knows how much an iPad costs in Qassim? The question is a simplistic one, haha.
Start off
We hope so much for this achievement
XNUMX months experiences!!!
The iPad XNUMX is XNUMX months old since its release
A lover's word to the admin of the blog
I am a huge fan of your performance and a constant follower
Try not to transfer everything
Or at least put the source of the news
To be the honest person we know
I hope, by God, with all my heart that you, Yvonne Islam engineers, will settle a company for you and invent imaginary processors, and we will return to the era of Al-Razi and Al-Khwarizmi, and I am the first to buy!!
How I wish my wish would be fulfilled to see a company that manufactures electronics that is an Islamic company...
Lord come true
Thank you very much, Sister Haifa.. The choice of the topic is very successful.. and clarification of an issue that has often puzzled me as an Android user.. I knew that there was a secret. Apple devices in general are so smooth that they captivate their users. I think that this is the secret that Apple learned from the era of the Omega 500, as he tells With that article.. Thanks to the editor and to the blog for this good news…
To all lovers of iPhone Islam
Yvonne Islam captured the heart in its presentation of topics. Thank you Yvonne Islam
Apple has become like a Japanese manufacturer and all other products are Chinese. Thank you iPhone Islam
What is distinctive is that Apple produces both hardware and software, and engineers in both sectors work side by side for one goal. I also think that one of the secrets of Apple’s success is their work culture, which led to greater loyalty to work.
Thank you, iPhone Islam. This is an Apple that always dazzles the world with its products
Do you expect that this secret will reflect negatively?
On Apple?
Thank you for the nice information
Peace be upon you. First of all, I would like to congratulate my Muslim brothers around the world on the holy month of Ramadan. Happy Ramadan to you. Secondly, no matter what all the competing companies do, I tell Apple to close the door that the wind comes from and you will rest easy. Apple has no competitor.
Thanks for the helpful information
May Allah reward you all the best
Alhamdulillah for more, thanks Asla M iPhone
That's why I bought a Mac mini today to know its power compared to the Windows system that I'm tired of formatting.
How did he study it for XNUMX months and the device has only about XNUMX months, strange, there is no answer from the director of the blog and the supervisors on the site .. Or any news written on the site without verifying the credibility,,
The iPhone of Islam, we are accustomed to you with credibility in conveying the news.
The study was conducted by the team to find out the secret and at the same time to improve the performance of Intel processors. The source is in the article.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, to be honest, ever
Thank you iPhone Islam and forward and Ramadan Kareem
The most important thing is that after this competition, the customer is the beneficiary
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Finally, the secret was also discovered in the desktop computer and laptop as well
Thank you to God Almighty, thank you iPhone Islam and thank you Apple
Thank you iPhone Islam for this information and we are waiting for your new one
Peace, the writer who said that the iPad came out for three months. I tell him, check your information, my brother, because the iPad was announced at the iPad conference in the month of XNUMX and was launched in the month of XNUMX
Thank you Yvonne Islam and always forward. Happy new year
Question: In the word of the admin of the blog… How do you get an XNUMX GB camera?!!!
I think the best mobile phone camera does not exceed XNUMX mega pixel
A thousand thousand thanks iPhone Islam for the valuable information
I would like to warn the writer because the credit belongs to God first and last, and we wish that we do not lose sight of these simple things in paying attention to him, but they are great to God
If I knew a way to alert you to other than the public, I would have done it, but I do not know other than these comments
She thanked
This secret is what was overlooked by all previous computer operating systems except for the wonderful Mac OS X.
Here, Microsoft discloses that its upcoming system, Windows 8, will be the fastest operating system ever, and you will not need to buy a new computer to run that system, and also the upcoming Linux Ubuntu system will be faster than before and will need only 12 seconds to boot, so the harmony of performance between the hardware and the operating system is the secret Better performance and high speed as it is iOS now.
I was never surprised by this because Apple is known for the efficiency of its operating systems
In the past, if you compare the performance of an Apple laptop with an Apple operating system with any other device with a Windows system, you notice a clear difference in speed, although the specifications of the Apple laptop are much less
This is because Apple makes good use of the hardware through an operating system that is highly compatible with it
This is well known to programmers, as there are many who can write programs, but few of them are able to write programs so that their consumption of device resources is as low as possible.
Thank you for the beautiful topic and the great efforts and forward, and we ask God for you success
Happy new year on the occasion of the holy month الشهر
Wonderful, may God bless you with goodness, Lord
I advise you to buy an iPad XNUMX, well, everything is good
I really started calling Apple
Do you good
Creative as usual
Ramadan Kareem
May Allah reward you for this useful information
And frankly, Apple has proven that it is giant in its intelligence
And it is true that next time we will not judge the device by its specifications only
Always creative and follower of everything new,
thank you
In my opinion, the real secret
This is the quality in every piece of the machine
The device is of high quality in every detail
Not like other devices, only decorations and shapes, but without quality
The truth is that Apple's processors are still weak and only suitable for the average user
As for those who use programs that consume a lot of processor and RAM power, such as emulators, they have no need for Intel
When Microsoft entered a war in its case related to its monopoly right, one of my friends wished it had lost because he saw that monopoly slaughters creativity, while we saw that it was slaughtering itself and delaying the development of its product until an urgent need arose... Apple was able to fill it and excel at it, which is performance with fluidity and technology that allows for development and creativity.
What distinguishes Apple from other companies is that it works in complete secrecy and on what is new and what the user actually needs.
God willing, I will buy it and the first Islamic iPhone program
"My greetings"
Useful information that I personally benefited from
Thank you, and Ramadan Kareem, and may God make us from his fasting and prayers
I will not recognize the iPad as long as I cannot write my blogs and articles, then save them and send whatever I want by email. Unfortunately, my joy with this device was not complete!
Even if they find out the secret, that's not all
Do not forget that they know the secret now, but how do I get to it, I know the location of the treasure, but I do not know how to get to it, this is the difference
Something sweet, God willing, and your information is very useful and sweet and sweet
Really, Apple made a difference
But it still restricted the features of its products,,, why not take advantage of the features offered by the jailbreak
I - iPhone Islam
Always creative, God willing.. Good luck
In fact, there is competition among companies to prove the quality of mobile phones in dealing with modern technology and browsing. As our brother Hamdi said, loyalty remains with the one who has the merit. Indeed, if you are looking for smart phones, try the iPad and tell me what you think.
Very nice discovery and innovation Thank you Yvonne Islam
So we are waiting for a surprise on the way (a new tablet)
Be a little frank
Ipad XNUMX is XNUMX months old. It came down
How did these studies settle him while he was post-released!!!!
thank you. For this great article
And the iPad. One of my next strong ideas
May God inform you of Ramadan and make us among those who fast and perform it with faith and anticipation
I think that it will not affect anything on Apple, as from what I understood from reading on the web that Apple benefits from anything new, as happened with Cydia and released the Apple Store....for myself, I like the best in the sense that I buy the product that has high potential and the price is within my reach... “Apple” is not an Arab company to give it loyalty. The best product is the one I will buy. All the contradictions and competitions are in my interest and the interest of the Arab buyer.
May God give you wellness
You didn't tell us what happened to you in the Mobily competition for applications
God willing, you will win ^__^
Otherwise, you will leave your programs for free ^_________^__
>> see joking
What will camels offer us in the future, and will competitors catch up with them and outperform them, or is Apple still hiding innovations for us?
Thank you iPhone Islam
Hanna was dependent on the hard disk, the size of the memory, and the RAM
May God give you wellness
Featured topic
And a new piece of information.. Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for the always distinguished presentation.
Your words are correct, Hamad Al Hammadi.
But do not forget the spirit of competition, and this is the reason for development
We hope to find real competition that raises the level of performance and price balance
The primary beneficiary is the consumer
Go ahead iPhone Islam and Happy New Year
In my opinion, the iPhone ball is not good
Can Apple's mobile devices be over?
Your old friend and Lugar the cat is with you
Apple gives you confidence even if others discover and innovate
The leadership is left to Apple
Oh God they make and we use
God is ours, we are just watching
I hope Intel takes advantage of this, and frankly Apple is always excellent in what it does
Happy new year iPhone Islam, pray for me to throw the iPad XNUMX. I walked around. He has a great demand and I am not able to get my piece, but God makes it easy
Keep Apple in the lead
It is a symbol of luxury
Thank you iPhone Islam
It is strange that he did not mention the Sony and Toshiba devices, are they less performance than Siemens
Finally, the iPad is at the fore
Wonderful information that deserves to be published and studied in depth, and we hope that other companies compete with Apple, to make it reduce the credit to be accessible to everyone. Thank you Avon Islam
We always find Apple in the forefront and others are trying to be better than it, but it is impossible to find someone who surpasses it
I am a fan of Islam
something very beautiful
It is certain that the system used in the device affects the performance of the device in terms of its consumption of the processor
And thank you, Avon Islam, for the useful news
The secret is no longer a secret, but they will care about more important things than this
Does this mean that Intel will pull the rug out of Apple??
I don't think so, so Apple is always at the top of the pyramid
Something beautiful and wonderful, and we hope that we will benefit from these innovations and we are waiting for the new Apple
beautiful thing..
Now I will be optimistic about competition for Apple products, from an economic point of view it is a necessary requirement, in the event of the development of competing devices and the convergence of quality, this leads to a decrease in price and the breaking of the monopoly and rather the exclusivity of achievement..
Playbook, Zoom, Acer and Toshiba..we want them to appear so that the technology is sweet and easy to acquire..
Sorry for the length..
As long as the secret has been revealed, the competing companies should not make it a monopoly on Apple in an attempt to upgrade their devices and try to compete with Apple.
This also justifies Apple not dispensing with some features for better performance and better exploitation of the processor, i.e. dispensing with the general Bluetooth and some features in the system and limiting them to a specific type and dispensing with the memory card and many of the features that exist in the rest of the devices although they are not necessary did not come from tampering but rather It came as a matter of providing better performance for the processor and for the safety of the device, and there are other reasons that enter into the marketing of the company and distinguish the company from the rest of the companies
Thank you for this information
But in the end the user is the one who benefits from this competition.
Certainly, even if Intel and others reveal the secret of Apple, Apple will take the initiative to develop high-level technologies.
Accept my traffic
Why does Intel disclose this information? It will not benefit anything, but the companies competing with Apple will benefit, and perhaps this information will harm Apple.
I have a question here, does the intelligence of the operating system also apply to the Mac and the extent to which the capabilities of the hardware are exploited or not, and thank you
Good luck, thanks iPhone Islam
I thank you. He who does not thank people does not thank God
I think that the important feature that makes there is a very, very, very clear difference
It is hacks and viruses do not enter the system
I wish you good luck for the benefit of Muslims
Thanks to whoever discovered the secret...
Frankly, I wanted to comment today, not on the article in question, but on the author of the article... Thank you, sister / Haifa (Editor).
Very wonderful topics presented in educating the Arab user.
I just bought an iPad XNUMX.
Happy with the news and the device
thank you
Frankly, there is nothing that surpasses the features and creativity of the iPad.
The iPad XNUMX is only XNUMX months old in the market and it is impossible for Apple to give it to anyone before the date of its sale
How do they have XNUMX months while they are doing experiments on it?
Surely they were doing experiments on the first generation of the iPad
Beautiful words, and this means that these companies did not take into account the hardware and the operating system as Apple did, and excellence is the secret of success
Apple is always the owner of discoveries.
From the Windows system to the invention of the iPad mouse, etc
The rest are looking for the secret of discoveries
This equation will remain
Because Apple knew the secret of the superiority of those around it and turned it into success
worth studying
May God give you wellness and do not delay and do not deprive us of new
I think that this fierce competition will benefit the user in the end, and it saddens me a lot about our great distance from taking the competition, despite the presence of many smart minds in the Arab world... Thank you for Yvonne Islam is one of these minds, may God bless you
I mean, do you advise him to try the iPad 2 after the iPhone, and you can see that he can replace the laptop
Minor things that many don't notice
Achieved success that astounded competitors
Thank you, Avon Islam, and you are in the forefront and renewal always and forever
I think the future holds a lot and the competition we are witnessing between
Different major companies have a meaning, which is that people
There is constant work to achieve quality and monopoly, wah wah
Where are we, Arabs, from all this? (Saturate and sleep)
This is a very clear thing for everyone who uses different operating systems. He will notice that Microsoft has recently become operating systems that are stronger than processors, and after how many months it will become, for example, if we use Windows XP on a processor
I7 We note that it works well and well, but when Windows XP was released, everyone was complaining about the weight of the system. I expect that Microsoft first cares about the strength of the operating system and then cares about the power of the processor and this is what Intel does as well, as is the case now with all Atom processors, which is the worst processor ever
This is a very clear thing for everyone who uses different operating systems. He will notice that Microsoft has recently become operating systems that are stronger than processors, and after how many months it will become, for example, if we use Windows XP on a processor
I7 We notice that it works well and well, but when the release of Windows XP, everyone was complaining about the weight of the system. I expect that Microsoft first cares about the strength of the operating system and then cares about the power of the processor and this is what Intel does as well
great news
I am with the word of the admin of the blog
The basis is to employ things with precision and mastery
I expect the processor and RAM to increase
It was not properly employed
The device cannot work properly
and for example
in other systems
Like the Android system
There is a lot of competition for it
However, HTC devices outperform all devices
In all aspects of employing the processor and RAM
properly and appropriately
Thank you
Brothers, are there any articles dedicated to the iPad 2? I really need your responses...
Ok, the question arises, what is Apple's reaction to this discovery? Are you going to try to stay ahead or make other companies move forward???? And if she continues to advance, will she close the door in the face of those who try again to advance on her??
Thank you for the information, but we do not use the quarter of the technology, but we ask for the device’s memory capacity and the system version number.
Forward iPhone Islam
Lots of tablets
They always say that these devices are better than the iPad
It might be better in terms of hardware
But the iPad beats the harmony between the system and the hardware
My admiration for the iPad XNUMX increased after playing an excellent FIFA graphics as if you were in front of a real PlayStation بلاي
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
It is nice to know the secret and the most beautiful to benefit from it, thank you
Thank you Yvonne Islam for the most wonderful article
But I think that Apple had an account for such news and that it is definitely not new to it
But if most companies tried to imitate Apple, I don't think it would reach the level that Apple has reached
And sure, the company is developing a new processor and it will come down, God willing, with the iPhone XNUMX or XNUMXGS
And say, oh my Lord increase my knowledge
Thank you very much for keeping up with the latest news and enlightening us with you
God has increased you from his bounty
I think the iPad will be a strong competitor to all the devices that compete with it,,,,
iPhone Islam entices us with everything new
Thank you for your efforts
iPhone Islam entices us with everything new
شكرا لكم
Nice article that introduced me more to the features of my device. It is XNUMX GB with XNUMXG, but the question that arises is how can Apple or the iPad processor send XNUMX pictures per second, a number close to the processors of Samsung in its new TVs, and with this the device or the battery does not heat up?
If you would like to know the difference more in what I am saying, try to take a video of TV, computer and iPad screens and see the rising lines that the naked eye does not notice. We see the lines are absent in LED TVs and iPads, while they are clear in old TVs and old computer screens as well.
Does Microsoft have a device similar to the iPad XNUMX so you can compare the speed of the frame every second?
In conclusion, thank you for this beautiful website.... We wish you and all readers a Ramadan in which obedience will be accepted
A nice thing, and for sure, this is all in the interest of the iPad user on the road to permanent advantage.
Something superstitious and a world of creativity and imagination about frankly experiencing the top . device
Honesty is a beautiful and wonderful thing, and my experience with the iPad XNUMX and XNUMX found that they are a monument of innovation in the world of smart devices…
And if he discovers the secret of Apple, then the eye does not rise above the eyebrows, and Apple remains in the foreground and forward Yvonne Islam...
Greetings to everyone
This increases the efficiency of the devices and increases competition in the future, which will benefit us and break the monopoly
The experiments have been XNUMX months on the iPad XNUMX, and it is still XNUMX months since it was downloaded.
May Allah reward you for the useful and important information
This is what I have been talking about for a while, is that there has become a war for operating systems and not for the power of a camera or an increase in the size of memory, I also discovered the secret of Apple's success and superiority when I moved to this system in 2009 with my first MacBook, then I learned that it The perfect system from my point of view, and I searched for everything produced by this amazing system, to find it every time, it fascinates me with great outputs and is worth a try, thanks.
In fact, this is a mistake. It is not the memory or the power of the processor that is a measure of the quality of the device, and if it has a definite impact, but the quality in the operating system that manages these components as well
Klaaaaaam Kbeeyeer. This article is not blasphemy
Thanks for the enriching information
What makes Apple always at the forefront is (its predecessor) everything in the field of technology as well as its innovation
Maximum utilization of hardware and equipment features
Thank you iPhone Islam.. and thank you my brother Tariq
something beutiful
What do you mean?
You will not beat Apple
Thank you
Thank you for the clarification
As usual, Apple is distinguished by its thought and quality
Find out the secret, and Apple must look for excellence again, or else you will lose, as happened years ago
Very useful article
Thank you iPhone Islam
Since the secret has been revealed, Apple may resort to other methods, so we must wait because the coming days or years may reveal that companies will resort to this method!!!!!!!!
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I hope everyone will focus on the blogger’s last word… because in short, with my choice of most users, they rely on certain readings without taking into account the smooth running of the operating system with the hardware components.
The brilliance lies in employing computer physics and using algorithms in the correct way and employing the capabilities of the system and device in the correct way without consuming processors and device energy in the wrong way. In Arabic, the iOS system is light compared to other systems. Processors manufactured specifically for Apple. Devices manufactured specifically for it = a strong system.
Frankly, I bought the iPad XNUMX and use some other tab devices,,, and as the blog manager mentioned, the power of the device does not depend on the memory or the processor,,,, but on the operating system and the ability to harness these pieces to reach the maximum degree of possibilities in use and performance,,,,
Thank you iPhone Islam and thank you to the admin of the blog for this information
Actually, this is what I was trying to explain to my colleagues, “the complete integration and compatibility between hardware and software.”
Thank you iPhone Islam for the news
Second, we will now see a leap in the world of processors
As soon as Intel finds out the secret, it will do the same
After that, Apple files a lawsuit against it for patent theft
Gives you a wellness
I expect competition will intensify and only the best will survive, regardless of the innovator
Everyone starts to leave Microsoft despite its invention of Windows systems and its failure, I believe, in Windows Mobile systems
I hope the next one will serve the user more and more
and lowers the price.
It is reasonable, brothers, that I will not be able to read the article because the page has turned into another page for advertisements. It is frankly annoying. I hope to address this problem because I enjoy your writing more than these advertisements.
And you last
We apologize. The site has been hacked and we are working on a fix.
Thanks for alerting me
So my guess was right, and what I told you weren't pure illusions
Right eye words
We are blessed with a blessing that everyone should be grateful for.
(As it was said, the reward is for the beginner, and the best is the follower)
One of the best comments I have read, may Allah reward you, my brother Hamad
Gives you a wellness
Waiting for the iPad XNUMX dialer to be activated
Because I'm tired of Galaxy Tab
Apple will remain at the forefront and the technology they have achieved will develop over time and it will become difficult to catch up with them as competitors will always come in the back.
Peace be upon you. Thank you for what you always give us
my question is :-
Is approval taken from the parent company to conduct experiments on its devices by any other company?
Thank you, Intel. We are waiting to employ this discovery in computer systems
Nice to know about technology
Good luck and thank you to everyone who made an effort to excel iPhone Islam and I am honored to be among you
Wisdom in using available capabilities is more important than discovering new features and capabilities.
The pinnacle of excellence for Apple.
Nice article....thank you
I always discuss with my colleagues in comparing other tablets with the iPad. I used to tell them the lesson in the harmony of the system with the components of the device.
Thank you very much
You responded to us with this news
The experience is in Egypt.
written in the search key
Useful topic, but I wish you would correct the mistake
“The iPhone camera is not the best in terms of (mega).”
not giga
iPhone Islam is always at the top, enriching us with information and everything new. So, go ahead, alley by alley, and may God grant you wellness.
Thank you very much
You responded to us with this news
And blessings of the month
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
And, God willing, we will benefit from their technologies in the service of our religion and our country
And blessings of the month
There is always a reduction in the capabilities of other companies and I do not know why???
Thank you Yvonne Islam for the valuable information
Frankly, it is nice that there is strong competition between companies, and this is certainly in the interest of the user
I expect that there will be a wealth of technology coming in XNUMX
Thanks Yvonne Islam for this information.
O Lord, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, good sustenance, and acceptable deeds
One of the best topics I've read so far
I really liked the article
شكرا لكم
Thank you for this article, a valuable topic that interests those interested in acquiring the best devices from a practical point of view
Yes, the ease and smoothness of the system is something that attracts the consumer and makes him deal with the device with the simulation system
Thank you iPhone Islam
Thank you iPhone Islam good information معلومة
Beautiful words and the most beautiful roses for the owner of the blog
thank you
More progress, Apple
Always distinguished, Apple, followed by iPhone Islam
Thank you, iPhone Islam
This is intelligence, not like Nokia. If you put a device in the market, you put it XNUMX mega pixels and a memory of XNUMX gigabytes, and you think about the device.
This is my first participation with you, but I am a long-time follower of your site, even before I had an iPhone. I would like to greet you and congratulate you and the site’s visitors on the blessed month of Ramadan. May you be in good health and safety every year, and may God grant you success and forward iPhone Islam
Indeed, as they say, the lesson is in quality, not in quantity
Thanks for the great article, and this is not surprising to you....
And I hope that we will witness more competition in the field of technology, which allows the user to enjoy more professionalism and work on devices of all kinds….
In response to Brother Hamad’s words (if it is found that there is a company that has benefited from the technology and developed it more than Apple, then why not be among the owners of their devices because in this case we did not allow ourselves to enjoy the new)
Happy New Year
iPad 2 deserves superiority
Awesome, thank you iPhone for the news, I hope we can see any Arabic creativity
They catch the bones of the giant Apple of the world from the old, see the new Apple devices, speed and quality, and a processor that does not accept viruses. Other companies are the ones who spread viruses, companies that want to eat, even if by stealing. As for Apple, it is a company that preserves its customers. See EbonXNUMX. It is not much different from XNUMX, but the change is just marketing with Maintaining the previous customer with updates and programs. Greetings
Thank you very much, the device is very cool
The device is very successful, and the evidence is now prohibited in all government institutions because it is wonderful
Beautiful and valuable information that interests me and engineers like me
Long for us
Apple made the difference
And accelerated generations in a short time
Thanks for the valuable information
“May God bless you in Sha’ban and inform you of Ramadan, while you are in the best of health”
Really a great development for tablets, but nevertheless, it does not replace the laptop
Day by day, my admiration for Apple increases because it does not stop at any end
And it always amazes us with its capabilities
Thank you, God willing, an iPad XNUMX will come soon
Peace be upon you my brothers and sisters
I am looking for the blue program and I did not find anyone who knows the way to tell me, thank you very much 4shared
Thank you iPhone Islam. By God, you have really excelled in delivering valuable and rich information (that only engineers can understand) and explaining it so that the simple, ordinary user, like us, can understand and comprehend it.
Finally revealed the secret of Apple
I mean, will we notice an evolution in future failed Intel processors?
One of the best devices I have ever had is the iPhone
And, God willing, my second project is the iPad, God willing
God bless your efforts
I got an iPad 2 three weeks ago and I want to buy a phonelt for the device to become a mobile phone. What is the way to pay you the price as I am in Senegal in the west of Africa and does the application work with the iPad 2 because the device code consists of 12 instead of the 11 that you are required to enter? Thank you in advance. I am waiting for your answer…
Is there a site that lists all handheld devices and their specifications?
Thank you
Something wonderful, and this is not something strange about 'Apple',,
thank you
It's great that you always give us more knowledge and knowledge of modern hardware technologies and software
thank you very much
The increase in competition in this field is pulling us strongly to rapid development without limits and makes the competition fiercer to gain customer satisfaction
Months ago, we did not hear that Samsung has a great ability in the world of mobile devices, and now it is one of the closest competitors to Apple, which occupies the leadership in this field, and compare to that of other companies.
How old are you, Apple
A company that truly respects its genius and performance
Thank you iPhone Islam is a beautiful and wonderful thing شئ
If I were to put letters here..
I will not say anything else. May God reward you for all those in charge of Yvonne Islam, and your entire staff deserves thanks.. Without you, we do not know what to do.. God bless you and forward.
The help of people with ideas is a result that may be better than the help of people with experience
So we will wait for the coming days to develop and compete to benefit from this secret
And, God willing, it will be in the interest of the users
Thank you very much. I like the program and I hope you will develop it. Thank you
The era of Windows and its accessories is over
And the glories usually... for the eighties
Is there a program to download the desired songs, thank you
Yes, downloads - downloader & download manager
An important place for public culture, and thank you iPhone Islam
Thank you very much, best regards, Fathi Mansi من
Haha, I have the iPad XNUMX, which is XNUMX months old
How did he get XNUMX months of experience?
This is the most important thing they are talking about about the iPad XNUMX. I have an iPad XNUMX, and it is normal and its speed is above excellent. I mean, the iPad XNUMX is what will happen. I am waiting for the iPad XNUMX with too much heat.
May Allah reward you for this information and go forward, Apple
The truth is a detailed article. I liked what you said when you mentioned that the power between devices is not always, and I repeat, it is not always in the hardware, but in the system that manages it, words written in gold.
The truth is that the iPhone and iPad without (IPhone Islam) is nothing but junk سوى
I hope you run another site and call it androidislam
You are worthy and sufficient for that
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for this beautiful proposal
And accept the greetings of your brother Saleh Friday
And I strongly support your request
I also hope that you will support the Android system with your wonderful knowledge
Hold your tongue, admin of the blog
Thank you for the nice information
The effort of honesty is not enough just thanks, and may Allah reward you a thousand good
Actually, I knew this before Intel
It was clear Apple's superiority in software
I say to Intel, Alhamdulillah for the peace
Thank you, Avon Islam, for educating us with the latest and most accurate technology news... God willing, we will become the ones who develop and innovate... A valuable article that contains accurate information. Thank you...
God willing, buy it and you are the first program
This is what I want to convey to the owners of Windows, the Mac is better and faster because of its system and not its specifications
If I was able to download the Mac system on Dell, Toshba and other devices, I would not have seen wasting my money on Mac devices.
Search the Internet and you will find many topics for installing the Mac system (hack) on other computers from other companies
I already tried it fast
But not as fast as the system installed on the original Mac devices, the difference is large and vast, and this is the secret of the success of the Mac OS system.
For me, Windows is better in terms of laptops
I will not dispense with Asus Windows XNUMX no matter what, if it is damaged, I will buy a uniform
The rest of the Apple devices are excellent
This is for me, of course
In my opinion, the experience of Apple mobile devices is distinctive, but it is difficult to deal with them due to the poverty of their programs on the one hand and the lack of familiarity with using them on the other.
I am amazed by Apple, something wonderful, thank you for iPhone Islam
I do not think that this is true, for the iPad XNUMX was not released more than XNUMX months ago, and the study says XNUMX months, how is this reasonable??
Moreover, the frames depend on the power of the graphics card and not on the processor, and the more frames there are, the better and smoother the image quality, and this is contrary to the alleged study.
Please do not drum for Apple products with fake studies. You do not need such studies. Quality is the secret and integration with the operating system is also another secret.
Apple will file a lawsuit against Intel to study the components of the device and the processor without permission, a fall to Intel
Apple won't overdo it
Peace and mercy of God
The operating system is the brain of the computer
The processor is the heart that pumps data into its arteries
And strength is in the heart of an athlete :) and a wise mind
The truth is, using Apple devices gives you a sense of their intelligence, as if they were an “electronic” extension of your mind, imagination and fingers.
Accordingly, this “electronic mighty” mind, which extends over the horizon with our minds, has no value. I squandered it without piety of hearts.
It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts that are in the chests that are blind
And Ramadan Kareem
Great article as usual, thank you
The question that comes now after revealing the secret of the iPad's superiority in tablets
Will we see a device that outperforms the iPad in terms of performance speed?
And if all Apple secrets are revealed, they will remain in the foreground, God willing
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Competition.. Competition.. is the main motive for creativity, excellence and hard work to reach the top of success
Apple's reach for excellence is a wonderful thing, but how long can it hold the lead
No brother, there is nothing in the world of electronics called loyalty. If that was the case, we would not have left the Windows devices that a person would have wished to have.
I am the best together معا
I wish they knew.. Strong words and deep information that helped me a lot..
Especially the word of the blog manager.. I benefit from it that when I want to buy any device, I must try it in order to judge it and not just read its specifications..
Thank you iPhone Asalaam and thank you for conveying the news to us.
thank you
I think that Apple knows what the next step is, and that it has what it is hiding, and we will see that in the coming days.
How 9 months experiences. .! And the iPad is not completed for 5 months. .so far. .! from a shot. .
It is possible to have a house from America and Britain before they bought it from there, but I am overwhelmed by anyone who allowed them to search for the device
Nice thing, thank you Yvonne Islam for what you offer.
<<Simple suggestion
But if you leave the new ramps above, it is better, because the older ones are supposed to go back under << just a suggestion.
Peace be upon the iPhone of Islam
Waiting for your new exciting.
Apple has occupied the world... and even technology experts are searching for the secret of its success... It deserves to be the revolution of the modern era
Since the secret has now spread :) Will the new versions of tablets take these features into account?
Frankly, even if other companies were able to reach the same quality, loyalty remains to those who had the advantage of innovation, and as it was said, the reward is for the novice and the best example.
Nice thing. Thank you iPhone Islam. I was honored to be one of the first to respond.. God willing, an iPad 2 is on the way!