These days we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the world of processors, thanks to the intense competition between smartphone and tablet companies. After that, we read about triple and quad-core processors, while laptops and personal computers were limited to single-core processors for a long time. And a quick glance at Available tablets We find that the fastest processor is found in the Fujitsu Lifebook® T730, followed by the Fujitsu LifeBook® TH700 from the same company, then followed by several devices from different companies such as HP and Asus, all with Windows systems and Intel processors. But none of them, despite the superior speeds and processors provided by the most prestigious companies specialized in this field, could not withstand Apple devices, and these advantages did not help them. So what is the secret behind the iPad 2's distinction specifically?

Leading chipmaker Intel decided to find out this secret and in Experiments For 9 months conducted by a team of Intel engineers led by Francois Piednoel on the iPad 2 which, if it were not special, would not have been chosen to reveal the secret of its success, Intel finally discovered the secret of this superiority.

The team found that Apple did not use a special processor that gives its device its current strength, but it was able to employ the processor in a distinctive way to get the best performance for a tablet in the market, and the secret was that it relied on increasing the number of screen shots, and this of course increases the efficiency of performance and improves the user experience; The iPad now displays 60 frames per second, meaning that the secret of its superiority was related to the so-called Frame Rate And we know that if the Frame Rate increases, the flow of display and work increases, and the use improves, giving the user a unique experience capable of raising iPad sales to fantastic numbers.

But reaching 60 frames per second is not easy, as it consumes a lot of processor and memory capabilities, and even Apple reduces this consumption and increases the display rate at the same time. pixel depth equal to 4 while Microsoft systems are based on pixel depth equal to 7 bytes, which means that each pixel is three times more represented than iOS. All this made the iPad only require 15 milliseconds to respond, while Windows systems need about 200 milliseconds! Therefore, Intel will keep this secret in mind as it prepares for its new processors, in addition to paying attention to the issues of aerodynamics and responsiveness, as opposed to focusing on mere performance numbers.

Blog administrator's word:

So the secret is not always in the strength of the hardware and the hardware, but rather in the smart operating system that exploits these components. I am sometimes surprised when someone tells that a device has 64 GB memory, a quad-core processor and 8 GB camera and says that it is definitely better than another device, the truth This is a mistake. The memory or the power of the processor is not a measure of the quality of the device, although it has a definite impact. But the quality in the operating system that manages these components is also the quality in the materials used and the technologies, for example, the iPhone camera is not the best in terms of gigabytes, but everyone testifies to the quality of its image and this is due to technology used in it and manage its operating system.

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