No two people disagree that the iPhone battery is not the best among smart phones.If you can read this phrase, then the iPhone is stolen”:)
No kidding, there are really iPhone addicts, I ask God to heal us, and do not ask us about them, because we meet them daily and I think that in the coming years treatment sessions for smartphone addiction will begin and we may include the iPhone ward together :). Because of the addiction to the use of the iPhone all the time and place of some of us, the battery does not last for more than four hours or six hours ... Of course, the reputation of the iPhone battery has become bad, but the truth is that the iPhone is like most smart phones when it consumes the battery is not bad, but rather our consumption of the device and our work habits He must make his battery deplete quickly, and to prove that the site's friend (Saadaf) proves that the iPhone battery is not bad, he decided to get the record for the longest time for the iPhone to remain without charging with normal daily use in calls ... But of course until he achieves that, he decided to dispense with some Features and so he took several steps ...
- Turn off Wi-Fi
- Turn off notifications
- Turn off positioning
- Turn off the vibrator
- Turn off bluetooth
- Reduce brightness
- Not running applications, especially games
The result was wonderful :)
Seven days of continuous work with over ten and a half hours of use, isn't that very good?
Share with us, how addictive are you to an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, and do you think that is healthy? How long did your device battery last without charging?
If I want to use calls only
Why buy Egon?
I myself was disappointed and wished I stayed on the iPhone 6 because I noticed that the 6s was consuming the battery a lot.
The previous device could last up to 6 hours of use with more than XNUMX hours of standby, but now my XNUMXS device does not last for more than XNUMX hours of use except with the hard-earned:
By God, the battery is not the most wonderful of it. Also, the iPhone is not for multiple use. The iPad is designed for it if the purpose is. I have my iPad from morning to night I play games and what goes on means XNUMX% good. The iPhone is also fine, but it cannot run apps more than XNUMX-XNUMX per day
Peace be upon you. How do you want the battery to last longer while you are using the Internet and some people play games on it? Frankly, in my opinion, the battery is very excellent.
Praise be to God, the battery lasts with me, knowing the Wi-Fi is on, the XNUMXG is on, and the screen brightness is the highest
I say that the iPod Touch battery is a failure because it drains in XNUMX hour alone, but something is unbelievable. Even regular phones like Nokia are not like Apple products.
I am short on the battery without what I use the device and the Wi-Fi is closed honestly, the battery is very bad in the iPhone as for the iPad, its battery is excellent and lasts a lot
I really liked the participants' reactions and interactions regarding the iPhone battery. Since I am one of those who have owned an iPhone from 2G and 3GS, I wanted to participate by saying that iPhones are considered to be of good quality compared to their competitors. But something happened recently that affected that quality, especially the battery. We all know that battery consumption is a result of increased use of applications, which negatively affects the battery. I am not saying that this is something new, but what is striking is that after the updates to firmware XNUMX and beyond, something strange happened to it, which is that the device does not accept charging from the original charger, and it does not recognize the charger at all. Also, despite following the instructions recommended on the Apple website to reduce battery consumption, it did not help. I followed up on the latest updates, but it did not help. I worked to delete most of the programs, applications and games, and only the main things remained, but it did not help. The last way I have left is to restore the device... and it did not help. What is left then?
My currently deceased device is a 3GS.
The battery is very bad
I mean, why don't you buy the iPhone, just to talk!
I mean, come back on Nokia
The importance of the iPhone lies in its applications
It is known that the battery depends on usage. It was like this at first, but after a period of time after I bought the device, maybe four months or less, the battery started to drain like crazy if I turned off everything and didn’t use it. Sometimes I’m asleep and wake up, no calls or anything, and it drains about twenty percent. I get frustrated, meaning from 7 o’clock to 12 o’clock, 20 percent. I swear it’s frustrating. I don’t know what the solution is.
In short, if we reduce the use of the iPhone
And you are talking to us about most of the programs and applications
We have reduced the light and sound and turned off notifications
And we turned off the Wi-Fi and the network and ... and ...
In order to save the battery.
What is the point of having an iPhone !!?
Get back to Nokia better
And praise be to God, the grace of God. I charge it at night and take the cell phone at dawn. I only charge it at the end of the night between XNUMX or XNUMX at night. I use games, calls and messages in some programs. Thank you.
Comparing the iPhone battery with other devices does not have any problem
I mean, if he uses the iPhone like other phones, it achieves a record in the battery life
And I say this about his experience
Rakhkhkh, which is not enough for you, it charges in a quarter of an hour and ends in two hours, because I am very strongly hooked, but by trying the method and I see
I am Mohamed from Algeria
Frankly, I am addicted to iPhone a lot
Even I cannot do without it
Now I am confused about the iPhone XNUMX battery, as it is good
To make it better, you have to charge it to the XNUMX level
And you'll know the difference
Brothers, this remains an important topic
Now I am not dispensing with the iPhone for an hour
And what I noticed about this was that my memory became incredibly weak
Focus. iPhone addiction makes you lose your focus.
Then you do not feel the time, or rather you will feel that the days are running
In this also, you will feel almost bored, as you will feel that your life has no value and that you are living for nothing. This is my experience, so I recommend staying away from the iPhone.
And what I mean is to reduce its use so that you do not become a person who feels that he lives for nothing like us, and you do not think that addiction to something is good
I charge my iPod more than 10 times a day.
Is it possible that they will improve the battery in iPhone XNUMX? !!
And the problem remains in the iPhone XNUMX ???? !!!
If it was this way, by God, we would have had the money we paid to buy the iPhone !!
Naturally, we will aspire to own the best, or just settle for our share of the bad battery
I suffer from the battery very much and my use of the iPhone is very rare, it does not exceed an hour and it is in my hands !!!
I charge it and don't use it, and after less than half an hour the battery level reaches 98 percent!!!!! Without using it!!!
Please pay attention to the weak battery and adjust it
Honestly. When I sit in the morning, I see the battery of the iPhone Choi, so that yesterday, a hand and a reel will be grilling
I like the writer's words
There are people who use the iPhone more than its capacity
The iPhone is nothing with me, like the good
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
The most beautiful in the universe iPhone
And we must bear its battery as long as the most beautiful in the universe
There is no big problem, in the event that your device is near to its battery draining, reducing the brightness will give you a longer time. Reducing the brightness is the best way to prolong the battery life. And stay away from games.
There is fast charging and a full charge
Many of us
The yen ships a hundred in illiteracy, and then separates it
No, this is wrong
Also leave it for half an hour in the charger, then unplug it and the battery starts to get stronger
Changing the iPhone battery is easy
Any beginner can settle it
But you need to make a battery that is more powerful than the original battery of the company
Then learn how to install it from YouTube
I say, and with God the success, that the Apple company is working hard and developing the iPhone battery in order to destroy its market
Peace be upon you my brothers, iPhone Islam, the words of the youth are all true, but the company manufactures the battery according to the technology of the device, and this is reasonable. Greetings
Unanimously, without using or applying, what is the benefit that I have an iPhone ???
I have a question: God willing, I will soon have an iPhone 3 and a mobile phone for the first time in my life !! What is important is 4g and XNUMXg ?? What is the difference between them and who is the best and does it consume the battery ???
Sometimes when the battery increases quickly, the reason is due to the large charge! Myself ! This is not just in Apple devices in any device in the world, if they charge more than the period they are supposed to charge, for example, it runs completely. The first thing that runs completely, I detail it, especially if you have a camera for those who charge it all the grills have seen! And if this happened more than once, it would be destroyed
Good evening
Frankly, the iPhone battery is on the use. For me, in some cases, I finish ten hours when I charge. Sometimes I complete four hours without charging
Means the battery to use the device
Thank you …….
iPhone battery. Oh my god.
Too bad.
<~~ Especially for me, they basically do not work.
I mean, the iPhone does not separate from the children all day long
For me
The brightness I have is text
Wi-Fi turns on whenever you turn off XNUMXG and cellular data
Vice versa
And a synaps battery pocket
And you sit with me
Exactly a day
He worked on the net a lot
And this message I write from the iPhone
But in my opinion, smart phones are still ahead of their era
And it takes a longer period to develop and reach the golden age
Depending on your mobile usage
My iPhone, the first thing I bought, was addicted to games, software, and photography
But Al-Lahin is only calls, WhatsApp and i-book, and the battery is limited to XNUMX hours with me. And sometimes none of those who had this one used the same thing, hahaha, as if she was all over the seven.
I consider this problem to be one of the defects of the iPhone that should not be really justified. The battery is not suitable for the device and its services.
Apple was supposed to provide a battery that would be comfortable for the user and compatible with iPhone programs. What do I say, turn off the Wi-Fi, turn it off, and turn it off? What’s the benefit?
I have a question that baffles me, brothers and sisters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does weather temperature have a role in battery consumption. ??? And you last
Frankly, the longevity of the battery, with the quality granted by Apple devices, makes us think that it is a problem of the times in all mobile devices. All companies face this dilemma, which is the battery. Given the thinness of the iPhone and the iPod, and the ingenuity of designing programs and technology, I think it is fair to say that it is a wonderful device free of defects that call us flaws Even though it's all finished charging my battery, you find that I wish I would throw my iPhone, but it has a feathered cheek on it so that it will not be damaged Hahahahahahahahahahahaa
I think the iPhone A4 processor is the reason why the battery is running out
I sit with me a whole day with all the apps and the net is running, of course
And the lighting around the text.
Leave the lighting for the least thing and see the results
We hope that you will address the problem of running out of battery because it now covers all aspects of our watch
I don't think Apple can't find a solution. But you cannot market the iPhone 5, 6, and 7…. If the battery solution is present in 3 and 4
July 27, 2011 - 4:14 am Reply
Press the home button twice quickly. You will see the collection of open applications at the bottom. Press one of them and continue to press until the closing sign appears, then close them one by one until you suspend them all. This saves a lot of battery power. Thank you.
Information I got from Apple that the device must be stored between 0 to 35 degrees and it is not advisable to put any dispute on the device and that leads to saving the battery
By God, it is a farce, I mean, if I use the features of the iPhone to save the battery, why not carry it from the original ... Let me carry the basic device
Peace, mercy and blessings of God :
The language of the trust must be between us as Muslims, and I want to clarify some things for some of the people who are reading this article:
XNUMX- This is propaganda from the Yvonne Islam website, and we hope that I am wrong
XNUMX- I can show you that I have used the iPhone for XNUMX days, all of it is that if you put the iPhone on the charger, do not let the battery get full and so on until it appears to you that you have used it for XNUMX days.
XNUMX- I hope that you will be more keen on communicating the correct information so that the trust between us will last. Thank you.
Question :
Sometimes I disconnect the device from charging and it remains for a long period of XNUMX%, and at other times it is less than XNUMX or XNUMX% during the same period completely or less !!
Note that all settings are fixed (all services are disabled)
Thank you
The question is directed to those who have an answer !!
For brothers addicted to iPhone
Available on the market a portable charger equivalent to almost the life of the iPhone battery (depending on the manufacturer), and is available in various forms and streamlined (Cover), with a value ranging from 200 - 250 dirhams .. Advice on experience; Awesome
God is sweet, the iPhone battery is very poor
Turn off Wi-Fi
Turn off notifications
Turn off positioning
Turn off the vibrator
Turn off bluetooth
Reduce brightness
Not running applications, especially games, and what is left
Turning off the device completely guarantee you XNUMX months preparation
The iPhone XNUMX battery is the best battery in all smart phones, which is an experience.
If you want your device to live after charging it for seven consecutive days !!! Simply; Turn off all services, throw it in the drawer, and come after seven days to charge it hahaha
Question for the subject writer:
What is the relationship of the hand image and that his iPhone was stolen with the battery issue ?? !! : @
I am the right device for iPod touch XNUMX
And he passed it, extended his blood twenty-four hours on him
But I have to do what is written like
Stop applications and screen brightness!
And he really sits with me longer
Thank you for the beautiful and useful topic
Personally, I am satisfied with my device’s battery, but if you are not satisfied with the battery life, you can buy a case with a spare battery that will keep your phone with you for 4 days without giving up the device’s basic features. Its price is approximately 170 riyals.
What you notice is charging it takes a long time
I am without jailbreak and the battery lasts for 6 hours
And the charger was along with me and overland all I had the opportunity to charge even if the phone was charged
Actually the phone does not go down from the hands
The defect is the battery, the defect is in us, we never leave it, but the notifications and the network are those who use them
I am not confused by the name [Saadaf]
I have been with me for XNUMX times in water, after XNUMX hours, more than XNUMX times remain in water
The first thing is to turn off the WhatsApp sound, turn off the sound of the trowels, what is no longer a number like the bank, my mother, my husband
The important
I wear a degree many times, I forget to see the battery from the rest of me
Honestly, the iPhone is its biggest weakness in the battery
I have an iPad and I can only play with it
And as long as it is only XNUMX-XNUMX hours
My cell phone does not have a charge every day because, by God, it comes out of its condition, I mean, it is locked, and I sleep and I am healthy.
XNUMX hours battery life on my cell phone using normal use
Thank you
I agree with you, your opinion is long, and according to my personal experience of the iPhone, its battery cannot withstand more than XNUMX days with stopping all alerts and games and the lighting remains very low This and God knows
Greetings to those in charge of the iPhone Islam site
Honestly, I went for an umrah and left the iPhone in the drawer, and after a week I responded with the battery in the forties, knowing that I did not charge it before I went.
As for normal use, a little net and games for a long time, the battery lasts for more than a day.
As for 3G, all phones drain their batteries significantly when switched on
What I fear most is that iPhone customers will start to leak, and I stress the iPhone, because of its weak battery. Good bye.
To be honest, I have an iPod, and I have reduced the brightness, and the device sat with me for a whole day, so I mean, you are wrong
By God, if he had bought me the iPhone as a gift, and it was not what I bought
All young people complain about him
In Al-Diwaniyah, tapping an insole on the shipper, it says subscription
The battery fades with me for almost half a day !!!
And as I mentioned, my brother, the iPhone is like most smartphones !!!
By God, if my father dispensed with all of these services, the Nokia mobile would have taken me the right of services for XNUMX riyals.
But the question: Why is the iPod with running all these services and making calls via Viber, gives us much more service than the iPhone and its size is smaller.
They are supposed to put a solar cell to capture any source of light and convert it into electricity in order to charge the battery and thus remain the longest period of all phones
I think the article is exaggerated
IPhone and its battery lasts for XNUMX days, and is he talking XNUMX hours ??
With all due respect to the author of the article and the brother who wrote the test
Woody believe, but strong strong: p
During my reading of the article and comments
From the very first I opened the topic to read it on my iPhone
The battery was XNUMX%
And after I finished the article and comments
Now the battery is XNUMX!
Respecting the subject and all opinions, but from my point of view that the iPhone battery, compared to the splendor of its features, is nothing but it was supposed to Apple as long as it put all these features as a smart phone to develop from the battery level is not reasonable in order to use the battery because it stays with me for a longer period of time as I use the device's features Of programs, games, etc., if this is so, then I will force myself to use it like any normal mobile phone without any advantage .. Failure to develop battery efficiency limits us when we are outside and in places that have no charge that I do not use the device with its wonderful features and I pass by now with me Nokia
I apologize for prolonging and thank you for your presentation
Ok, the problem is here. .
If you ruined the battery how to fix it . ?
If you ruin salvation, you go to
Okay, this is not evidence of the strength of the battery because it says it lasts for hours while the battery is low. It is ok for hours, but when you leave it on a standby, what is the benefit? Most of the iPhone programs need to be online, and the 3G drains the battery quickly. This is a very, very big defect on the part of the company in the device. This means that if the charger is plugged in and it goes out For a car trip and I opened the mapping program, which needs the Internet, it can only sit for four hours. However, if you want to talk, listen to songs, film, or run another program during the trip, it can sit (... that's it, it doesn't need to continue)
You have to stay at home all the time next to the charger and open the wire. Not only then can you run the various device programs, but despite that, I don’t think Apple is unaware of this issue, and I think they are trying to solve it.
Really, what increases addiction to the iPhone is its daily use
If its battery had a short lifespan, I would have gotten tired of charging it several times a day and thus
Continuing to use it will decrease, my addiction to it will decrease, and I will be devoted to other workers
I heard there is a program that helps extend battery life
Is this correct?
Having a charger in the car greatly relieves the problem of weak iPhone battery.
First, I blame you for not publishing any criticism of the iPhone or any product from Apple, and this may lose you credibility
As to be published
Second, in short, the iPhone battery is one of the worst phone batteries, and instead of asking Apple to raise the quality of the battery
Unfortunately, we demand that iPhone users stop some features, and this is a mistake
Greetings to all
I see that it is fine
And it depends on the use, of course, as any second phone
Accept my traffic
If I turn off all the things on the iPhone, the iPhone will still be unnecessary, and it is better to go buy a cheap phone or what
I sit with my iPod while I am flat and nothing of the advantages I connect to the Internet and the brightness is high and games and I sit with me for five hours
Frankly, I am addicted to the iPhone and always charge it more than once every day
I opened the topic and the shipping is XNUMX%, and now I am writing my response and the charge is XNUMX%, and with this I am completely satisfied, because the device is more than the laptops, the iPod and the mobile phone!
Peace be upon you. Honestly, what is the benefit of the iPhone? If I want to turn off all of this, the best thing is I would like to buy a cheap mobile phone, a battery, and the internet is all functional and peace.
As for the battery of XNUMX/XNUMX hours, this is a lot for me, for whom you can make a call, it is possible to make a call, because it is a minute or ten hours.
Who would you like me to cancel all the important features ??
What is the benefit for .. ??
I change it to Nokia Abu Lambh better
They must give us a solution other than talking above
And thank you for the information that does not match my wishes
This question I hear many in the Kingdom
Of course, the reason is known
Because the Saudi people revolve around the common thing, I mean, before the Nokia rides were around, no one would ask about shipping, because in every house, car, and anywhere he received Nokia recharge
The same thing is the BlackBerry
However, the iPhone did not spread among the general public almost until after the introduction of communications and Mobily
On the one hand, I see that the iPhone battery is very satisfactory
Those who want more time for the iPhone can use the BatteryDoctor program.
I tried the program personally and I found the difference, but not a huge difference
And thank you iPhone Islam
* Note: Follow the instructions to benefit.
I can not sleep and the iPhone is not by my side!
Can I update via iPhone now?
Apple also mentioned in advance
I have been working on the iPod touch for more than an hour
And the battery drains quickly. Dad, I know why you should, and I am his truck
After the Wi-Fi is open, the notifications are open, and I want a solution
Please reply
Thank you
I have an iPad 2
They are annoying. The battery lasts for ten hours. I expect it to be ten hours or less.
And bbs khkkhkkhkh
Greetings // I know who I am
The problem is that if my usage was limited to calls and messages, I would buy a Nokia C1, which is better than buying an iPhone, and the battery life is longer than 7 days.
But the problem is a smartphone, which means the Internet, which means email, which means maps, which means applications
I tried what I used the net, and I did not save the Batri money for the iPhone, do not use the YouTube, and I do not save the charging bytes
The battery is very bad. We don't laugh at some. If you switch everything off, why did you buy the device then ..
As for me, the iPhone battery is very reasonable. Outside the house, I would be careful when using games.
I have a terrible period, usually in a very sinful way .. I charge the iPhone with the iPad charger .. it is a few minutes and it is so .. I know this movement returned to ruin the iPhone battery or not
Thank you for the topic ..
But I have a question, how can I write my name above the STC name??
Tamer Abdel-Baqi
July 26, 2011 - 10:25 am Reply
Ok, if we lock all these needs, the iPhone is still needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Professor / Tamer, your words are indeed reality ,,,
When we turn off what is the benefit (pull the Yaqum; take down Yaqum)
I would love to convey my experience to you in a nutshell
I almost charge my cell phone every day before I go to bed
But there were days for me when I was busy and I did not leave the mobile phones except for calls and watch updates without opening them
Knowing that everything was on the phone from the Wi-Fi and everything but the bluetooth
The important thing is that the mobile phone is packed for two and a half days. I was surprised
The same story is with my BlackBerry devices, and when you use them rationally, I expect that they will continue with you for the whole day, normal and without problems.
On the day you can use your device for everything. You can browse from the game, but rationally you do not play a full hour and the battery goes on
Honestly, your words for those who are addicted to smart devices last for up to two hours, but on the contrary, it is reasonable to say that they are longer or better than they are. May God cure them from addiction to smart devices
I say its battery is reasonable, I am the operator of all the features without exception, I play games and run applications, and with this I sit with me for XNUMX days and XNUMX hours work, meaning it is reasonable, but the thing that needs to be done in order for the battery to last when you get rid of the Sakroh Mobis app
I love the iPhone very much and I am proud to have it because it has so many features, so with the iPhone I dispense with the laptop
IPhone became my first device
As for the battery, I put the iPhone to charge whenever I put my head on the pillow
The iPhone is multi-use, and I do not know how the device is smart and its battery is stupid, so it must be developed to make it really smart
Do I want to sensitize the iPhone to save its battery ?! Free words, this is what we laugh at each other. The battery should be better than the heck of a lot, and the Galaxy A battery, according to the earliest, is very excellent.
God knows what you say, I have no problem
Peace be upon you .. I agree with the writer. At the same time, I liked to tell the writer to him, “May God make you laugh,” according to the sentence that came in the article when he said (and perhaps includes the iPhone wardrobe together)
Why should I buy an iPhone then if I'm going to shut all of this down
I bought an iPhone from Saudi Telecom
And the carton right is wrapped in plastic
And after I got out, I found the device working
I mean, he who left the factory until he reached me while he was working.
An unconvincing battery every day has to be charged.
The wireless notifications are not important in how to turn it off for the battery
Please consider Apple iPhone batteries اريات
I am my 4G device for me, if I use it a lot, he will have to sit with me for a whole day with frequent use and this is excellent,
The iPhone is very powerful
I think I'll book a room in the iPhone addicts suite from now
I always turn off these options before bed → in case my eyes didn't fall asleep before while I was using my phone
In general .. I advise my brothers and sisters to use the aTimeTool program found in the Cydia store, and I think that many of us know it well as it is a program that has no definition .. as it enables the user to start or close any application or service at a time specified by the user as it sends text messages at any time. User set time also, do Reboot, Resepring ... etc
The benefits of the program are very many and multiple, and I recommend using it for iPhone addicts or owners .. it is really wonderful and useful for saving the battery I hope that my intervention has benefited the readers ..
All thanks and appreciation to those in charge of this wonderful site .. May God reward them with all the best
Praise be to God who rewarded me in my misfortune and left me with better than it
If I had an iPod Touch and I was careful, the brightness would be set to zero, and the Wi-Fi, notifications, and everything, and I would just read on it and play games, it wouldn’t last more than two hours at a time, and after that I hated the apps.. But I was convinced that these were its capabilities because it charges quickly, so of course it would run out quickly…
Now I bought an iPad and I found the difference and comfort. Sometimes I use it without worrying about the battery. It is true that it takes a long time to charge and it lasts for five hours, but it is up to him to do.
God is aware of you, dear iPad
My mind, I feel
I am an Evoan relieves quickly
Mo about usage
The owners of the jailbreak are suffering more and I am one of them, but if we look at the features of the device and its applications, I think that the duration of the battery usage determines your use of the device. This will save the battery
Mmm, I like to say something to me complaining about the battery
It has a program called Systemlite. This program is free
On Father Store, when you download it, run it and wow, it gets under it
A battery tab, click it if you press it. It shows the shape of your battery.
Install the charger, the charging will take up to six hours
Of course (be careful, look at the program, turn off the iPhone while you open the program), and trust me, if the charging is defective, you will notice a difference in the battery
Warning: Do not run the program unless your battery is 20% or less
Wooooooooo thanks for the good reading
I started looking for the device before I open my eyes in the morning and sleep while browsing. It has become an incomplete part of my life when exercising. I need it when counting calories. Reading newspapers, tracking Twitter and mail games, reading the Qur’an, daily roses, taking personal notes. I did not touch to watch my favorite films on it.
Do you think that you need treatment for iPhone addiction
By God, what lasts more than three hours, no addict, nothing, the iPhone battery is a problem ...
Can someone respond to me
I wanted to ask a question
It is the iPhone battery that charges when it reaches a maximum of 20%. I work like a laptop with a charge when it reaches XNUMX%, and I do not have to blame it until it is disconnected.
Really the battery is infinitely bad
The battery raises the pressure..Certainly, using the iPhone, communicate with parents and ... .. for their services, so it will be daily use
Brother Al-Dulijan's words are correct, money is for money, and we paid sums and in the end a battery that serves regular mobile service. I did not buy the iPhone because I turned off all the services. I did not buy the iPhone because of it.
Originally who said iPhone battery is bad
Originally the iPhone battery is sweet
Peace be upon you
. I tried my iPhone XNUMX device while I was completely free at first it was in ten hours that the battery ran out so I was constantly on the device
But after some time, I started using other programs after the time, so the battery lasts more than XNUMX hours
The battery is excellent for perfect use
The battery is a girl
I am alone, but I am sitting and using the iPhone with an imaginative intensity to the point where I am too sleepy to sleep. It does not separate me
And I call myself an iPhone addict with unfortunately
As for the battery, I charge it every 3 hours and reduce the brightness so that I do not charge it every once in a while and the charger does not make any difference to me.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Imagine buying an iPhone for XNUMX ..
And use it for calling only .. !!
No apps or games, all because of the battery risk .. !!
We are sitting on a better Abu Sharif and not stolen yet ..
Whoever tried the Galaxy and tried the iPhone will see the difference in the battery..
Indeed, the Galaxy is a mighty device by all standards.
Peace be upon you, God bless them
To the blog administrator: may God protect him
Is there a program to extend the battery life, as the topic owner is not telling the whole truth in the picture he presented?
I charge the iPhone 4 until it reached 98% and it says you can use it for about 10 hours
As for him, as shown in the picture that the topic owner posted, may God guide him, his battery percentage is 2% and he has the ability to hold out for up to 11 hours.
With the knowledge that I have closed all notices and every article about him, where is the credibility, may God preserve you
I wish you success and thank you for all your efforts
Frankly, the battery drains fast.
Also, using maps is boring and will cost you your SIM card.
Everything with money.
Right, I was pessimistic every day, I charge the battery, I was surprised that there might be some malfunction with the battery.
My brother, if all of these specifications are closed on the iPhone, why should I buy it in the first place? Buy a Nokia phone for $ XNUMX. It is possible to test a brother, please, without laughing on people's minds. Seven days of calling my brother. I owned an iPhone three years ago, and at this time I did not have three days, knowing that I am not a fan of games or other programs.
Brothers, I noticed a lot of the brothers in their problems above. He did not understand the significance of the article.
In the beginning, it is natural that the iPhone without applications is like a land without a plant !! And lock notifications like burning forests!
I wished to see in the article the phrase ((comparing the iPhone battery - when not using apps and notifications - with a normal device battery)) (such as Abu Kashaf's mobile), and in other words imagine that someone tells you that my mobile, Abu Kashaf, has a better battery than your iPhone !!! Better natural because he does not have anything to consume the battery!
I hope the idea is understandable.
Honestly, if everything gets drunk, I take an iPhone, go back to Nokia, it's better
From the day I bought the iPhone XNUMX months ago, thank God, I have fallen below XNUMX%
Ok, turn off all the services in the device and drive XNUMX on a device that communicates and sends, but I help me
We thank Yvonne Islam for this article
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, but by God, the battery is bad. My brother has a galaxy and charges the phone once a day.
Dear brother
We don't need iPhone if we don't use it
Wi-Fi. Wi-fi
the games
As for me, I use the iPhone, I do not say greedily, but continuously, even though I am the home of the jailbreak and tools from Cydia that are taken from the battery, but the device remains with me for two consecutive days and I charge it at the end of the second day ..
Thank you Yvonne Islam and thank you for everything new.
I see that the battery is bad
Yes, I tried the same as the brother did, but the difference is that I used applications and also used some of the Internet and the iPhone XNUMX lasted approximately XNUMX hours, and also do not forget to turn off the push right for the emails, as it consumes battery life
Honestly, I can't praise the iPhone battery because I get tired with it. I charge it at least 3 times a day. Thank you, application news.
I mean, then you want to convince me that the phone worked XNUMX days and XNUMX hours of continuous work ... please let him know, but we are not so stupid.
What is level in the picture is that it almost charges it, but disconnects it before it does not deliver XNUMX% charge ... in this way the counter completes
IPhone Islam is a great site, and I ask you not to circulate false images, as if you are trivializing people's minds
Advice: Avoid charging from the car if you do not have to
Avoid putting the iPhone on charge while it is fully charged. Do not put the iPhone on electricity while you are sleeping until morning. This causes the battery to swell and thus the acidic material in it leaks out.
Once you see the battery, complete charging the phone from electricity. May God bless you. An Iraqi advises from experience.
It is okay, but for seven days, this is the biggest joke I have heard in my life
I am an iPhone user from the XNUMXgeneration days
I know the guidance of the movement from a long time ago and leveled it in my device from the days of XNUMXG
The device does not live for more than two days without ever being used with the application I mentioned, and with one day use
And I see in your words that you are not realistic at all, and there is no evidence of your words, based on my previous experience in all generations of the iPhone, even the iPad, which reached seven days without using
I wish to return to the one you wrote and verify its authenticity, I am afraid that one of your brothers will ship it to you and you don’t know ري
I say the best battery in the world according to the usage
I own a XNUMXGS iPhone, I use it regularly and the battery is excellent and I am satisfied with it.
Unfortunately, my opinion is different from the author of the topic
For me the iPhone battery is the worst battery I have used
I have not compared it to any other device but it did not meet my need
I mean, the smart phone depends entirely on the Internet ... and the person sits most of his time in places that have Wi-Fi ... and if I use the internet through the mobile network, the device barely completes with me six hours, imagine that one charges his mobile twice a day at least ... and the third before he sleeps ... almost this What happens to me on a daily basis, I remove the iPhone from the charger at XNUMX in the morning, in the shelters at XNUMX o'clock, but there is XNUMX% left for my computer network, so that I can not see it from time ... In the afternoon, I will return to the house, I connect it to Morocco, the battery sits with me until XNUMX o'clock at night, and less than XNUMX percent remain in it, and sometimes it reaches XNUMX percent, and I connect it to the charger until the morning and this cycle continues on a daily basis.
Is it possible that the battery is sufficient for a real iPhone user of more than XNUMX ???
The battery is one of the main faults of the iPhone ... regardless of the second devices
iPhone without internet, GPS and games = long lasting battery
IPhone without internet, GPS and games> Nokia Abu Kashaf
To get a long-lasting battery, Nokia Abu Scout is the best solution
Peace be upon you
I am a Canadian cell phone, by God, the battery is useless
God willing, it is a good thing that he sits for XNUMX days
As for the longest time from two to three days:)
I think that all mobile phone batteries are similar in consumption according to usage. I had a Nokia XNUMX mobile that I used to charge daily for normal use, and then the AXNUMX with the use of chat and Skype I used to charge it twice a day.
The iPhone battery is very good, but it will not sit with you depending on the usage
For your information, the XNUMXG mode initiates twice the consumption of the normal mode
I am about myself if I was a XNUMXG pioneer and browse what my battery lasts for more than XNUMX hours and a half
If you surf without a XNUMXG, it will sit for approximately XNUMX hours
And if most of the day games are possible XNUMX hours
But often I charge the iPhone, I pass it by the day and save me between browsing and applications without a XNUMXG
Hello. Frankly, those who want the iPhone battery to be long should reduce excessive play on the device and reduce the operation of the Wi-Fi feature, and there is another thing that drains the battery charge, which is push you must stop it from the settings, then mail, then fetch push data, just stop fetching data and peace be upon you.
I keep the battery with me with daily use and with apps from Cydia, with XNUMX% to XNUMX% of the lighting going for two and a half days. But we wish the iPhone XNUMX to be better
The battery issue is very important because the one I see the cellphone brings me in difficult situations
If you forgot to go and the battery has something simple, I know that the phone turns off and gets tired
If you see righteousness and sank your car and your cell phone, you will go to someone who helps you and you describe your place and he came to you, he wanted to inform you that he arrived, he met your mobile phone locked, I mean serve yourself and sleep on the land
In two dimensions, a device that has many capabilities, programs, and features, its battery lasts four hours, and God is strong. It pays an amount for four hours, and the regular device sits with you the battery for a long time.
Peace be upon you all
Through my dealings with all iPhones from the first model to the last one, whether they are new or used, I found that the iPhone battery is the worst battery in the field of phones compared to other types. No matter how much you try to maintain or extend the charging time, the result will not be more than six hours on average, whether the phone is exactly the manufacturer or a jailbreak is made for it.
I asked about the price of a new battery for iPhone 4 from the authorized distributor in Jordan, and found it exceeding $ XNUMX, and after installation and experience…. Same result.
And the rest with you, all the advice has been tried and the device has been tried without software, meaning updating the software, not running any basic programs such as Safari, iPod or e-mail in the background, and not running 3G or even making or receiving a call. The result was from XNUMX to XNUMX hours at best.
Personally, I agree with the brothers who say that the battery is very bad, and the iPhone was made to take advantage of the advantages of applications, not the right to calls, so it is a problem while traveling with the presence of travel applications
The solution // Design a battery that lasts a long time, not only for new phones, but also for old ones used now. The battery of the used iPhone is also replaced at Apple’s expense.
Peace be upon you all
Do you imagine that I have an iPhone, and I will not work on it within seven days or ten hours
Let me get to Nokia Azin
But by God, despite my frequent use of the device and the battery running out quickly, I am satisfied with the device, but I adore it with all my heart.
Peace be upon you. I think the battery consumption on the iPhone is very reasonable, and you can compare it with modern devices that work on Android and not with regular devices, and you will know the difference after that.
Yes, I did not benefit, and nothing, if all of that is put off
It means as if you were saying to turn off the iPhone in order to save the battery
Thank you :)
Depending on the usage, I mean if I used the device a lot and installed many tools from Cydia, undoubtedly, the battery would be discarded, even if the mobile was used only a little or what I used, and according to our brother, friend of the site, you can install Jail Brave.
The battery is not completely bad ..
But it spurs resentment
It must be charged every five or six hours
And the portable battery is with me wherever I go
Although I am not addicted to iPhone
By God, my battery is excellent
What do you think we can make the device better and better?
Thanks for the article
By God, even I mean, with a little length
Really, the iPhone has a very bad battery
Galaxy Tab has more than 18 hours of battery life
With use
And the screen works without stopping
Thanks for the article
Hope Steve Gibbs takes care of the battery
We spoke a lot, but will our voice reach us?
The battery was performing poorly and the device was stuck, especially when trying to swiftly pass through the name list
My friend told me how to make the device as if you bought it now
I tried it myself and indeed the iPhone came back as it was
First, put the iPhone in the charger while it is charging
Then work Shutter Down, which means turning off the device completely
After six hours, turn on the device and see its performance
Thank you
Peace be upon you. I use the iPhone, surfing, games, and the battery is excellent in my opinion
An excellent battery that needs to be upgraded a bit to increase its life a little
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Difficult to turn off notifications
Don't dear brother even if you test the battery for the iPhone and you reach this limit of time !! Not convinced that it is a smart device and it is difficult for me to give up any feature or application in order to save energy and it was better for the giant Apple company to develop from the iPhone battery in order for the user to benefit better than without complaining about the speed of battery depletion, because in short, a computer is sufficient ..
I hope Apple catches up and improves battery performance in the iPhone G5
I do not have any objections to the battery, in most cases I charge the iPhone every XNUMX days, although I use it all the time for everything
I bought a Samsung Galaxy Mini and the battery does not last more than 3 hours. By God, it is a big problem, even though the device is new. While I have an iPhone 4, its battery lasts a day and a half with normal use.
Letting go of all these features makes the device like a home phone !! The iPhone is a device for completing tasks, and I think for entertainment, not just calls. In any case, the device really needs to solve the battery problem, and we do not want to compare it with other devices. We always want the best, as Apple has come back to us.
In fact, I was suffering from the battery running out quickly, because my brother alerted me to the fact that the large number of open programs and Bluetooth caused the battery to run out. Now every two days, I charge once Thank you for the information
I am addicted to iPhone and daily it charges and does not sign its health
Everyone has a mask that the battery can be used according to the usage
From my side, the battery sits with me for a period of two or three days with the use of applications and other uses, but you are talking about addicts, I mean people who hold the iPhone unreasonably
The topic is good and the benefit from it is excellent. Thank you, iPhone Islam, for the useful topics.
Thank you for the valuable information
Under test
I am reasonably addicted, neither to excessive nor excess
Unfortunately, my vision became weak, and my eyesight scale was excellent, and maybe in two dimensions, I will need glasses for my eyes ..
Thank you Yvonne Islam.
I am facing a problem which is that the iPhone battery drains terribly quickly and does not last more than an hour and a half in continuous use
Most of the time the battery charge decreases by XNUMX% in a minute
It charges to half the battery in just XNUMX minutes
Example: If the battery charge is XNUMX% and you start charging after XNUMX minutes, the charge becomes XNUMX%
Please advise me. I hate the iPhone because of this problem
Close the bush means fetching data from the e-mail settings, and make the fetch, for example, every XNUMX minutes
I do not question the reliability of Yvonne Islam, but ... my comment on the image is that everyone is able to make such an image and achieve a higher record, as it depends on the last shipment as a whole ..
I can charge the iPhone every time to any percentage before the XNUMX%
For more than a month and the screenshots are ok, wow. The iPhone battery is so good, but no one knows how to use it !!
A wonderful article, and Apple simply keeps the best, and all those who came after it depend on it
By God, then we cancel all these services by selling the iPhone and by taking Abu Kashaf Aberkli
What is the benefit?
O people, oh world, open your minds
We turned off the Wi-Fi and the XNUMXG and did not play games, just to test and show the strength of the iPhone's battery
IPhone battery is one of the best and most powerful batteries
I play a lot on the iPhone, and with that, the battery sits with me for two days, sometimes for two and a half
I was really impressed by the power of the iPhone battery when I bought it, knowing that I have an iPhone 4
Frankly, I am an iPhone addict and a drug addict and so strongly that those around me get bored when he sits with me, Webby, and I am on the iPhone for the longest time. It does not meet the purpose of comparing the development of the iPhone device, so it is assumed that the battery will be better than that and be in the measure of the development of the device itself
I am ready to keep him twice as long as XNUMX days
My darling iPhone only counts since the last full charge only
I mean, if the battery has reached XNUMX% and its charge reaches XNUMX%, it continues and is calculated for you on your first full charge of XNUMX%. Now, my battery is XNUMX%, and my device has XNUMX days, according to what the iPhone says, and I charge it today the morning before I sleep
The capabilities must be consistent with the specifications, and the battery capabilities do not match the device's specifications.
Whoever says the battery is bad, my brother, the 3G can run or apps, and you can prolong it, etc. ...
It is known that the battery life depends on use, and I honestly did not separate me with anything because the charger is 24 hours with me even while I sleep, his brother sleeps my day
Dime tells you: "Be careful and do not betray."
And I am walking with him to the end
Frankly, I thank you very much and love
Patriarchal frankness with me, you walk with XNUMX hours of use, connected with me, despite my addiction, I feel that I have done XNUMX, but I calculated that if I disconnected the charger until now, the reason I don't need to tell it. Addiction is a problem that needs to be addressed
The iPhone is good, I used it for twenty hours without charging
By God, frankly, the iPhone battery is very beautiful. I am addicted to the iPhone XNUMX
My brothers in the comparison, we must compare it to someone who uses the full specifications of the device, in this article it is as if someone says turn off all the advantages of the device and enjoy the iPhone with a long-lasting battery ...
As an iPhone user, my device is connected to the Internet XNUMX hours via XNUMXG, and I use chat programs, Twitter and Facebook permanently, from the morning at XNUMX o'clock the device’s battery was XNUMX% and now the battery is XNUMX% even though I charged it twice during this period: (
I don't think the iPhone battery is very suitable for a device with this specification
I am staying XNUMX hours and I did not turn off notifications, etc.
I ask God to give you all the best
We already have this issue
It transforms your way, which I expect will reap the benefits
Brother cases iPhone games
And if you come to reality, as an iPhone user, you use the iPhone with a browser, games, and everything, but if you have a Nokia, contact BAS
Ok, the question here is for Steve Jobs / As long as you know that the iPhone is right for everything, why does it increase the battery life ???
What is the benefit from the iPhone? What if you turned off the Wi-Fi and did not play and locked everything in .. !! Zyo walked like any other device. !! We go back to Nokia for the best .. !! I am one of the people who defied me about the battery issue .. !!
Please accept my visit and respect for you..!!
By God, I have an iPod touch. It is impossible to get rid of it. I became addicted Haha
Oh world, I changed the battery
This is the solution
By God, I honestly became addicted to the iPhone, and I cannot imagine now that I am sitting without anything I am having fun with. I can charge it more than once a day and the battery is less than XNUMX%.
But what does one do, it has become an addiction
I wanted to ask a question
It is the iPhone battery that charges when it reaches a maximum of 20%. I work like a laptop with a charge when it reaches XNUMX%, and I do not have to blame it until it is disconnected.
I compare it to a laptop battery and consider it good, and I do not compare it to mobile phones because regular phones are tasked with communicating and sending messages, while the iPhone takes the place of the laptop from browsing and games, so I consider it injustice that it compares to ordinary phones that do not have its advantages.
As for the addictive many I browse and use chat programs throughout the day and the battery lasts for about one day
On my own behalf, by God, I charge the device from twice a day to three times, and maybe up to four times because it never comes out of my hand.
And then, circumstances came, so I left it after it had not been shipped
By God, after six hours, I will not have the half in charging
But you don't see closed apps and games
It is true that there was no charger in the house, but you did not move from its place and someone touched it, even though his battery had decreased the power in it
I think that Apple had to design a battery to fit the iPhone because I think that the iPhone is not just a mobile phone device, and Apple is fully aware of that, so it had to design a battery that fits the average use of the device with all its features and it is noticeable that everyone suffers from this problem if there is a defect that Apple must Process it
God bless you iPhone Islam. The battery is 100% reliable. It depends on the usage.
Is this not possible? Nokia can sit for two days without charging with use. As for the iPhone for more than XNUMX hours, and I am locked, everything, but God bless the Nokia
I do not think this is true!
And this picture does not prove your words !!
I can make twenty days instead of seven days!
That is, you charge your cell phone for twenty days, but do not fill it up!
The iPhone is an excellent device and more, and the battery is OK, but sometimes charging the battery takes time, but those who try to charge it from the mobile will find the difference ^^ •••
By God, I am about my use of the iPhone 4
I click on it in the middle of the night, of course, reducing the brightness until the end, because the world is morning, and at night I charge it while I am sleeping and find it 100% in the morning. And like this every day
In fact, the iPhone's battery has reasonable power, but I think you forgot to use the XNUMXG, because it eats the battery.
When you say, dear brother: -
Turn off WiFi
Turn off 3G
Turn off location services
Are you using these features my dear XNUMX hours ?!
Absolutely not!
We say that you used your device now, are you using it for XNUMX continuous hours?
Do you use it until the battery reaches XNUMX%?
of course no !
Otherwise, it is an addiction and a psychological disease!
When you use it as a watch, for example, then it goes to do your work
Why don't you turn off these features, it will save you battery!
And when you go back to using the iPhone again,
Turn on features, it's not difficult !!!
And delete the programs that you do not need in the multitask
This way the battery will last with you at least two days!
Also, the processor does not consume much energy?
Unlike Samsung, the technology of Super AMO LED Plus
It takes a lot of energy!
So they made the battery capacity a little bigger
The battery of the iPhone in my opinion is excellent, and its processing does not drain much energy compared to other smart devices!
Peace be upon you
I spent four months with the battery iPhone with use, but the company has to settle the finest ones for sure
I support the Brotherhood in that the battery is the only defect of the iPhone ... and without using its distinguished services and being satisfied with its services as a phone, it is useless to own it in the first place.
He sits with me a day and charges it at night, unless I use the GPS. I need to charge it twice a day.
iPhone, if I turn off the Wi-Fi, turn off the 3G, and dim the lights, my eyes hurt. What is its importance? Apple is supposed to have put this huge amount of programs and games on it one day. It is supposed to know that we will use it a lot and take it into consideration. I mean, I take a picture next to it. Thank you iPhone Islam, and go ahead. We are waiting for your new stuff.
Best of the device
You charge it within an hour, except for a quarter or less, and it is fully charged
The best feature is the many features
And battery life after charging a full day is reasonable with use
Good words, I am with XNUMX GS
I started using it just net and the battery was sitting with me for three days
At the present time I use the applications and the net and everything is working for me and God willing you walk me for a day and sometimes if I use more I charge it twice a day
What is useful for this talk? Without this, it would not be an iPhone, but a Catel phone. There is no difference.
In mind, what are the iPhone ads, how and what
Thanks for the article. Who came to be
Peace be upon you
Every year and everyone is fine
I tried all the methods, whether connection or using Wi-Fi, calling 2g, or calling 3g, all of them according to what I wrote, withdraw their energy in order from lowest to highest and the abundance of games
Generally, I land a lot on the battery
I Ashley if the mobile sits seven days without use
I want a mobile phone who used all its features and applications and sits with me at least a day
With all due respect to you, Avon Islam Hadi is a comparison and it is not an advantage
The iPhone battery is weak
Take the rest of the phones and straighten the same movement, see how much the device sits with you, if not more
IPhone required. The battery is improved so that it is commensurate with the features and applications of the device
I am not depriving myself of using them because I can sit more time
The strongest battery for the iPhone, for sure. What indicates this is that the battery can never be replaced except at the agent, unlike the Nokia for 20 riyals, and it says it is original. Can you believe that?
In order to read this article and write this response, my battery drained 3% in a few minutes. What do you think of this experience? :)
I ask the Brotherhood to inform me
I bought an iPhone and used it voraciously for a while, and it would not last more than five continuous hours. After that, I bought a BlackBerry and the iPhone, and I left it as a backup and for emails, to the point that my average usage of it does not exceed 15 minutes a day. However, I discovered that the battery is consumed in half a day, and the usage shows me that it has been used for more than 7 hours sometimes, knowing that I only use it for the Internet only, and it has a jailbreak, and I always close the programs when I am finished with them!
Kindly inform me, what is the problem!
Do you have the latest firmware for the device? That is, did you update it to the latest firmware, or at least 4.3.3
Frankly, I am one of the people who is very convinced of the device's battery capacity and I always say that the battery life depends on the usage
But the very important question is, how was Brother Saadaf able to stay for XNUMX days without using any application or playing any game ?????????
By God, it is really strong
I swear by God that its battery is used, so we suggest a program that reduces consumption
Who among us can leave these devices in front of his sight without using and enjoying them? !!!!!!!
From my opinion, it is the battery, if what we Masween, it will last a lot, even though the iPhone is a more wonderful device, but the problem I have is in the battery
Unfortunately, we believe such words
If I closed all these applications, why would I buy an iPhone?
Take the Nokia mobile Abu Schaf better
The challenge is for Apple to operate a battery that works with the full specifications of the device for two or three days
Thank you for the way to save the battery, and we must use the iPhone for several purposes, not just for calls, but from my experience I showed that the battery runs out quickly ...
I hope the battery development company gets longer with use
Honestly, you always compliment Apple products
It is really Apple. It entered the world with its technology strongly, but let us be realistic. I am a user of the iPhone from the days of Rich G, and frankly, the iPhone battery is very, very bad.
Frankly, the Nokia battery Abu Scouts is much better than the iPhone battery
Originally the iPhone battery is very excellent and the battery drains according to use
I have an iPhone 4, and if I don't use applications, what is the need for an expensive phone? Any phone will do the job, so Apple must find a solution to the problem.
I was suffering from a battery life of only six hours without using anything. I restarted and changed the version to 4.3.3. Now I feel a big difference. It lasts a full day with use and more than a day without applications, just simple calls.
Battery Ah oh battery, tired of iPhone addicts
IPhone defect battery eternal. Besides, the device overheats at times. Try to charge the iPhone XNUMX% and use all its services normally, it will not last more than XNUMX-XNUMX hours, and this forgiveness is not for you with the XNUMXG, and yet it remains distinguished among its peers from mobile phones and perhaps for a need in the soul of Jacob.
I consider the battery service with the specifications of the device is considered wonderful. I use the jazz for the Internet and games always from 8 am - 2 pm and connect it to the charger before bed, and the most important thing is that you have an original charger in the car.
Who said that the iPhone battery is bad?
With all due respect to the experience but the issue is intuitive at this time and it does not prove the long life of the battery!
It is known that the aforementioned things significantly drain the battery, and the solution is not to disable it!
The battery gives you the amount of your use, even if you disable all these features and features, but at the same time you play a video for XNUMX hours, so if the battery completes one day! This is an obvious thing with every device, iPhone, Islam, and does not need these cheap ads!
For me, I use a bag + battery in case I need it, praise be to God, the device is working at full capacity, the XNUMXG, Wi-Fi, notifications, the location and all the features because this is what distinguishes the iPhone and makes you feel the well-being of the device, and the solution, in my opinion, is not to disable it!
What is the use if all of this is closed, buy a normal better?
By God, he subdued his patience, even if his secretness and his sleep did not remain, and his effect went to three quarters of him, and I used it !!
What I mentioned is correct, but we have been involved with the treatment of the device, and God helps with sickness and relief. Thank you for the advice.
Frankly, I charge my right phone every day, and sometimes I recharge it twice a day, and I never went out of the house, I took the charger with me as a precaution ..
Frankly, I ship from three to three times a day
Nice to the degree
Look, you want to be frank, and by God, there is nothing better than a battery (Galaxy XNUMX) without an iPhone without a headache, and a special battery on the face of smartphones ((iPhone right)).
And a thousand thanks ..
Your friend is not deficient, but he says turn off the iPhone
To save battery
Do not laugh at yourselves
Its iPhone battery failed compared to Nokia
This is a fact that you do not want to admit
Peace be upon you, my brother supervisor, and all your visitors to the site. Regarding this topic, I do not see room for discussion because it is a finished topic, and Apple is generally one of the best companies that manufactured electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones, Macintosh, etc. The important thing is that everyone knows that the best batteries are in this company only. In general, each person has the right to choose the best device for him, but the company also has the right, and its scientists also have the right to develop the device as they see fit, and I am also sure that it seeks to do so.
My dear brother, I would like to tell some that this discontent is out of place, but rather in the street, the Arab revolutions, and elsewhere. May you live long.
How do you get Mr. Saleh to the top left on the iPhone!!! Can someone help us?
Peace be upon you. I have a question. I don’t have ever been addicted to the iPhone, and they didn’t use a lot. I used to charge it every two days once, and suddenly I went to the one who disconnected the charger an hour later. I left the battery almost XNUMX%. This is a problem with me. I wish typhedone
My brother, buy the additional battery and wind your head, and you do not need to stop the notifications and the website
Sure, if one did not use all those mentioned by Brother Bedum
But with all that, I think the battery should be better than the battery
Correct what you told us, and ask a fitter?
If it is just for testing, then thanks to our brother, especially for his patience with carrying an iPhone and using it as the Abu Lamia mobile
If not, I do not know why as if you were defending Apple
One uses the iPhone because of the internet and apps that the battery does not support at all, otherwise he would save his money and take a cheaper device.
In general, the work is commercial, purely, it has a barrage, and it has a solution, and it will be downloaded to the next devices, because this is its lavish policy. You have to keep something for two dimensions.
Sure, if the one did not use all the brother reminded them of the battery life
But with all that, I think the battery should be better than the battery
I would not advise anyone to buy the Galaxy S. By God Almighty, he is a Chinese, Mo Korean, for the iPhone and iPod Galaxy. A stupid mobile, frankly, the iPod Touch is better than it.
I used to use the device and the battery the longest, and when I went up to the numbering XNUMX, I feel that the battery is too long. I mean, I use all the calls and games. The reason is the numbering. Thank you.
First, if I close everything I mentioned, I will sell the iPhone and buy a Nokia flashlight, which is better.
Secondly, technology is in progress, and frankly, the iPhone is a wonderful device, but it lacks some services, which are supposed to be essential in the device, such as bluetooth and zoom in the camera, as well as copying the names to the card ... etc.
As long as you are safe
Turn off Wi-Fi
Turn off notifications
Turn off positioning
Turn off the vibrator
Turn off bluetooth
Reduce brightness
Not running applications, especially games
All that's left is to say turn off the iPhone. We want a battery power that matches the power and reputation of the iPhone. There is fierce competition between companies.
Frankly, for more than a month I have been suffering from battery drain in standby mode, knowing that after a 2% charge, after about an hour it decreases by XNUMX% or XNUMX%, and of course without any program running and the network is on XNUMXG and the WI-Fi is off and nothing is causing it and most services, notifications and services specifically locations are off
G3 battery consumes an excessive amount compared to Wi-Fi
And the battery in general is not good
Thank you iPhone Islam
I am addicted :)
I use iPod touch, use my little games
Use battery conversation software to prolong its use
And in games it is implemented quickly
And if I want to recharge my cell phone, turn down the screen brightness to the last thing, and the result will be shipped quickly
Long use is not only the iPhone batteries, but all phones, if they are smart or ordinary, but due to the use of technology and the person's addiction to it is one of the reasons
Thank you, Ivo n Islam, questions come to our minds, and we can only find an answer for them…. Of course, may God reward you well and benefit the nation and reward you, and make that in the balance of your good deeds and sincerely our intentions and your intentions
With all these complaints, the iPhone remains the best advanced operating system rich in everything that is useful to the extent that I got addicted to using it. So I went to program my own applications on it. Effective programs that attract Arab and foreign users
I ask young people and the site’s management to support me with distinguished ideas. May God reward you for this excellent site
Something normal and known is a computer in your hand, not a cell phone, so depending on your performance with the device, the battery ends
A wonderful article that sheds light on something we deal with daily ... Indeed, the iPhone battery is not as bad as some complain about it, but it is the bad use of some of it that makes it bad
I, thank God, automatically reduce the brightness of the screen and dispense with all the time the services of the site except for necessity, and my use is limited in calls, so more than 10% of the date of a full charge passes on the battery 03 days ago
As for the geeks with the use of the iPhone, someone tells me, we don't want a phone with two SIM cards from Apple, but we want a phone with two batteries ... He thinks it is an SUV with two gasoline stores :)
I hope that the officials at the site will answer it
My question is: Is there a relationship between battery use and jailbreak ?!
The iPhone without using the applications is nothing but what is reasonable is that I own an iPhone and my use of it is for calls only
XNUMX- We want one of the brothers to run the full features of the iPhone, use all services without charging, and help us for the period
XNUMX- We want solutions from professionals, especially from Yvonne Islam
Hello. I am with the brother… Should I upgrade the battery? Glory be to God and with Hamdah
You must settle such an Apple, otherwise you will not take advantage of something that consumes the battery and buy a new unit for approximately $ 120. And if you close all the apps, and the iPhone becomes a very normal device, buy a better Abu Scout
And long ago you buddy phone Islam
Hey guys sooo, this is the experience and, God willing, your affairs are good
Use the iPhone to discard the battery in two dimensions. Charge the battery, without unplugging it and feeling empty
If we do not use the applications, we return to Torch XNUMX without charging with continuous calls
As for the iPhone battery, it is very rugged, and whoever said the opposite, he does not know anything about the iPhone, he can use Nokia and he will notice the difference
By God, I do not suffer from the battery except for games
May God protect you. Good for this clarification
Thank you very useful information
26 July 2011 - 12:39 PM Reply
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings. I have an iPhone and there is a nice and easy way. If you are done with the programs and want to close the iPhone before that, do something easy. Press the circle button twice and the programs you entered will appear. Comment on them and then a red - sign will appear on the top left. Press it and the programs you entered will be deleted. This is the way I do it and it extends the battery life. Try it and God willing it will work for you. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings. Try it, may God bless you.
Hello everyone. As for the battery, I see it is very weak and does not match the reputation of the device. Please develop it
I ask Apple to improve the battery condition, because I don't go home without charging
Frankly, the longest battery life was two days
But people, if I cut down on the use of the iPhone, I throw it away
I prefer an iPhone buyer, which means all-day use
Honestly, I find something on the iPhone, Wi-Fi, games, applications, and notifications. This is unique in the iPhone. How do we turn it off. As for the brightness and Bluetooth returned normal, we turn it off
It is ten hours, when you take it, the battery will go.
With all due respect to the writer .. If I am going to do what I wrote, why buy an iPhone?
If I was going to turn off the wifi, notifications, and locate it, and I did not run the applications and games, I do not need it on the iPhone .. The Nokia mobile (Abu Kashaf) is for XNUMX riyals and does the same tasks as the iPhone if we disable these features !!!!
Sorry, this is not the level of iPhone Islam!
By God, the battery is excellent, but our use of the device is not normal. I sit with me for two days, after which I charge it of course if I use it for a while
I did not see any defects in the battery for almost a full day in use
Thank you for what you are doing with regard to the iPhone battery. I use moderate use of applications, games, calls and the Internet with the Wi-Fi on and the notifications working. Sitting with me for a whole day without charging means the use consumes the battery
Ok, try the Galaxy XNUMX
Better even with frequent use
The battery life is longer
Compared to the Galaxy S in terms of battery only
The iPhone is considered very shameful, as the Galaxy sits for XNUMX hours of continuous, continuous, continuous use of the internet and applications
As for the iPhone, I will see it to talk to it or use it to use Shaban
I am confused by the applications that are running behind the device or under preparation, and I don’t know what their name is
The important thing is that the battery is consumed, or not
Thank you
My brother Abdul Rahman, I spoke and said words that explain to you what you want
Peace be upon you, my dear brothers, the iPhone battery is excellent, and if you want to conserve the battery only, do not use it around the clock, thank you.
I am a person addicted to the iPhone and the battery does not stay with me for more than XNUMX hours, and as Brother Khaled said, Where did you go with my iPhone charger?
It is the experience. I set a record frankly, but I don’t sit without wi-fi. Why should I bring an iPhone to imagine a jumbo, for example ??!
The battery is bad by all standards, like someone who has an air-conditioned car and the windows are open. If I deprive myself of the advantages of the iPhone, I will do without it and let Abu Kashaf sit for ten days without charging it. May God keep us safe.
Oh man, a lie
In fact, all mobile phones have a bad battery, but each one and using the mobile phone. If the person who uses the mobile has the right to Qamiz and the application, this of course will reduce the life of the battery
By the way, I have an iPhone 4G and a Samsung S2, and for me I prefer the iPhone. May God grant you success.
The battery is bad by all standards, like someone who has an air-conditioned car and the windows are open. If I deprive myself of the advantages of the iPhone, I will do without it and let’s stick to Abu Kashaf or any 52. I will not charge it for ten days. May God keep us safe.
Often times the iPhone battery fails us, even even with normal use, meaning: some calls, one game for an hour, surfing some websites ... so much so that I had to buy a battery cover at $ XNUMX, unfortunately !!
You sit with me, I mean twenty-four hours, and if you use it a lot a day and a half
With the operation of all those who drunk them, the brother who is above, of course, the watts, and the elderly
I don't have a spare battery
How do I know that it got with the device ??????
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings. I have an iPhone and there is a nice and easy way. If you are done with the programs and want to close the iPhone before that, do something easy. Press the circle button twice and the programs you entered will appear. Comment on them and then a red - sign will appear on the top left. Press it and the programs you entered will be deleted. This is the way I do it and it extends the battery life. Try it and God willing, it will work for you. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
It gives you wellness for all your efforts, but my brothers. If I do not use these features, then it is better for me to use a regular phone, not an iPhone, in addition to that I am a technician repairing iPhones and other phones, and according to my experience since XNUMX, I find that the iPhone's battery is not good and it is not bad. A little less than good, and may God bless you ...
Peace be upon you..
Frankly, I am always watching everything new in iPhone Islam, and this is the first time I participate ..
I would like to ask you to show me a sign beside the battery mark like a circle with a lock inside, and I don’t know what it means !!! ??
Playies who know and have experience with the iPhone say what it means and how can I create it and be thankful to you
Hello brother, press the home button twice and swipe to the right. The lock sign appears, press it, and you go to lock the rotation of the iPhone
Quickly press the home button twice,!
The list of open programs prompts you to go to the left to meet the sign you are talking about ,,!
This sign is to cancel the rotation of the device!
With very great respect, the iPhone battery is very small and a device with its value is prohibited, and all these features are its battery life with the actual use of XNUMX hours !!
Peace be upon you/
As for the battery life of the iPhone is reasonable, but wonderful ,,
This phrase will say it and you are sure of it if you know how to use the device.
The iPhone battery is reasonable, and if the use is continuous, charge it frequently, at home or in the car, and rest your mind
With all due respect to every device with all these features and applications that are imposed on its 24-hour battery, they do not download all these features and what we use for the battery
Beautiful and reasonable words from Saad F.
But why deprive myself of the iPhone? There is no more electricity than a charger at home, work and the car, and a spare charger in the car, and enjoy the services of the iPhone
Thank you all
The analysis and the experience are ridiculous, with all due respect the iPhone battery is far worse than bad
Actually, what is widespread about the iPhone battery is that it is bad, although it depends on the duration of use. As for me, sometimes the iPhone battery runs out after 5 hours, and sometimes it lasts for 4 or 5 days, depending on how I use it.
By God, frankly, I believe that he will sit throughout this period, I mean, he will not benefit from its advantages, buy a better lamp
I myself use the iPhone except for calls only, and with this charging, I quickly get rid of those who are too tired of this. And by the way, long calls never mean the longest call takes only two minutes.
Honestly, the iPhone is only at bedtime, or if something is necessary, and the battery takes from three to four hours, and frankly he is convinced that the battery is excellent as it takes this time in general. Thank you to the author of the topic
In every case, the iPhone is a great device
My opinion is regarding the battery
It works according to the person's use
There is no argument about the bad battery of the iPhone ...
But the powerful applications are making the battery pay for the continuous work and addiction.
My style of using the mobile has changed and thus the battery life has increased (everything has a price)
The device features are rested if we cancel or stop using these features
Due to the large number of applications, the battery consumption is high
Frankly, I thank the brothers for the interaction. I have been applying this method for a while and the battery lasts a long time. On the contrary, the iPhone battery is excellent and there is no problem with it. The problem is in the use.
Honestly, I am an iPhone addict
And shipping from 3 hours to XNUMX hours. Knowing that I did not use the gXNUMX
Net and saliva
But see is the reputation of the device and the company
So, we need to install the iPhone, just because we have an old cell phone connection
Whatever it is, it is necessary to adapt to the situation
XNUMX- I am addicted to using iPhone and its applications and surfing the net continuously
XNUMX- The battery does not support more than five hours during continuous work
XNUMX- I am suffering from the end of the battery life and the device is delayed at its peak of need
Solutions or say the only solution that works for me
XNUMX- XNUMX home chargers, a car charger and a charging cable were purchased from the laptop
And it was divided as follows
A- Charger in the bedroom
B - charger in the lounge
C- Charger in the office at work
D - a car charger
E- Charger with a laptop bag for charging outside the home, work and car
And with that, I don't have a battery problem at all
Otherwise, it does not work
Why not try the extra batteries that come in a case and battery at the same time
Expensive brother
Brother, all these chargers that I bought are also costing a lot. And I warn you that the chargers are not original. More than one person, and I personally sabotage my phone because of a non-original charger. Also, poor quality, unbranded Chinese batteries are dangerous for iPhones. There are batteries like the Energizer battery that we talked about before that are reasonably priced on Amazon
I sit with me XNUMX hours
Normal use ,, calls, messages, old Facebook and YouTube
I repeat normal use, I mean, it is not open XNUMX hours
Let me share these points with you
First, I noticed that the charging speed from the laptop is faster than from the socket directly, unless in the case of using the base of the floor charger, and charging from the car raises the temperature of the device even if you give it its love with Panadol due to the lack of stability of the alternating current and thus reduce the life of the battery may God prolong its life and extend it, say Amen
Secondly, I noticed that safari is a reason for consuming the battery, and I learned that after comparing it with opera, where the latter is considered a decrease in battery consumption, and I think that the reason is that Opera gives you control over the quality of the images
Third, I have a full charging process that gives me at least XNUMX hours for reasons
XNUMX iPod, I only see it once a month
XNUMX Wi-Fi, notifications, websites, bluetooth and camera. Meet them only on holidays and events
XNUMX What I use with high rates Opera / Good Reader / Cut the Rope / Cardc / and some medical textbooks and your safety
Can you explain the card reader and the card
Praise God and goodness
Indeed, when we do not use the iPhone applications or browse the Internet, what is the benefit of the device if
I think that a device with the capabilities of the iPhone and its various applications was supposed to be supported by a battery equivalent to this huge volume of multiple uses.
Many did not buy the iPhone just to receive and send voice calls.
We should not be complacent, and the claim is assumed to have higher capacities for iPhone batteries.
Yes, it is very bad compared to what the device carries in terms of programs and applications that require the presence of a battery that allows dealing with these applications easily.
According to the usage
Yvonne and I don’t know what you say, and God knows best
Constantly struggling with battery thank you
Peace be upon you..May Allah give you a thousand well-being, oh owner of the subject
You wasted your effort ...
But I have a simple comment ...
If you used the iPhone and took the steps that you said and stopped all services or applications ..,
What is its use without these applications .. ?? !!
XNUMX% correct words
Because people are frank and ignorant about smartphones
He thinks iPhone battery is bad
What we know is that our misuse of it is really the worst
And the most important thing is that the iPhone has a powerful processor that consumes charging with it if the processor is forced to work all the time using its powerful games and great programs.
Good luck
The iPhone battery sits with me for XNUMX days, but I use the Wi-Fi when I need it, turn it off, and do the same thing..If you leave the Wi-Fi on always, and the switchers and apps close it intuitively, it will get rid of quickly..the thing that baffles me that drains its battery in an hour or XNUMX hours..I think it's a mistake Manufacturer or problem with the device itself, because many iPhone XNUMX are consumed on calls and Wi-Fi and are not discarded quickly.
I am an iPhone user, and the battery is very good with me. Why do I play while it is on the charger? Because if I go out, God bleeds the charge, but with use, praise be to God
I don't use the iPhone hard and with that the battery is the worst
The battery is very good. If the previous options are used in times of need.
Peace be upon you..May Allah give you a thousand well-being, oh owner of the subject
You wasted your effort ...
But I have a simple comment ...
If you used the iPhone and took the steps that you said and stopped all services or applications ..,
What is its use without these applications .. ?? !!
Everything is sweet once
Sure, you have another iPhone, and of course it was using two devices, otherwise it would not survive without anything opening
I am in a humble opinion the battery life according to usage and I am satisfied with the battery of my phone
Depending on the use of the device, the battery remains working. This is correct, but there are some devices that are repeatedly misused and this weakens the battery. I support this article. Thank you, iPhone Islam
Indeed, the way we use the iPhone is the reason for battery consumption. Thank you very much.
I forgot all that I said and left my cell phone on the side
I came to take the device and found the battery instead of the XNUMX
She turned sixty
I fell without touching it
This indicates that his battery is missing
Why don't you charge an iPad battery every XNUMX days with use
IPhone 4 battery is the best among all smart phones
I am one of the people who used to say that the iPhone battery is bad, but with the application of the things that young people mentioned above, I realized that the battery is excellent, thank God
Anything you want to use for the long term ,,, use in moderation ,,, up to your body and your eyesight ,,,
I believed my brother, the iPhone
Peace and mercy of God
First, Apple made the mobile phone for use and control, but the battery did not succeed in it, and it is not a solution to disable all the features, Wi-Fi alerts ... etc.
If I want to disable all the features, I take a regular screen phone that is more and better without an iPhone
I think that when I turn off these features, I will not need an iPhone and use a device worth $ 30
Greetings to all ,,,,
Unfortunately, I know people who sold iPhones because of the battery
I have an iPod touch of course XNUMX and the battery is a good time
But depending on the use, once you sit for XNUMX hours
And once more than four days because I was a Wi-Fi operator
Fay etc... If you turn off the Wi-Fi and stuff
The second you mentioned, I sat more and more
From four days
Is the iPhone measured this way?
Ok, we concluded that the battery is good if we take it off and put it in place for Nokia
But it is bad for the iPhone and par excellence
peace for all
I've been using an iPhone XNUMXGS for about a year, two or three months, the question is how long the battery life is after that should be changed.
Ammmmm, maximum the battery sits with me from two to three days
Just calls and chic on Facebook and the two Smurfs game;)
There is no power but from God
May God reward you, iPhone battery
Prepare, prepare
Do you believe I wrote the phrase on my hand
I am addicted to iPod touch XNUMX
Frankly, I charge the device every 4 hours, by God, if the brightness is high, but if the brightness is very low, it can last for XNUMX hours .. I am an addicted person.
True words
Thank you Yvonne Islam
It should be taller than this one
The battery needs to be strengthened and the comparison is dry
I am sitting with me today, fully charging the battery at night, and it still has more than XNUMX%, although I cannot dispense with any of the device’s features.
My device is an iPhone 4 and I charge the battery every 8 hours. I got used to carrying the charger in my bag when I leave the house.
Peace be upon you..May Allah give you a thousand well-being, oh owner of the subject
You wasted your effort ...
But I have a simple comment ...
If you used the iPhone and took the steps that I said, which are:
Turn off Wi-Fi
Turn off notifications
Turn off positioning
Turn off the vibrator
Turn off bluetooth
Reduce brightness
Not running applications, especially games
What is its use without these applications .. ?? !!
Thank you for your attention
It is important to close all applications to maintain the longest battery life
I would not have locked all of this stuff, I wanted the device, or why would I use it without Wi-Fi, no notifications, no locating sites, just calls and messages
We lay on the Nokia Agdina
I don’t fook, brother Ahmed al-Dulijang
It is my pleasure for me to congratulate everyone on the coming of the holy month, and may God help us and you on its fasting and resurrection, and to free us and you from the fire ..
As for my use of the average iPhone, the charging is long with me, because I am a XNUMX-hour operator, and I see that the battery on the iPhone is much better than other smart devices ... such as the Galaxy S even though it is much less than the Galaxy S, and this is due to the iPhone software is better than the Galaxy S. Bigger until we forget the other devices .. All thanks to the people in charge of Islam's iPhone, and accept my regards
By God, I think the battery is one of the best batteries, but it depends on the use. I mean, I can’t sit on the device for a whole day. I don’t meet anyone, go to work, or exercise. Divide all of this over a whole day, and you will see the charge increase. I charge it for two days, and the charger works 24 hours. Thank you, iPhone Islam, for the effort.
The battery is an obvious flaw in the iPhone
This problem must be avoided in the future
I agree with you, Saadaf, it is according to use
That said, I never liked the iPhone battery so low, while I had Sony Ericsson Xperia arc and iPhone4
I want the iPhone to complete the five hours, while the Arc reaches 7 hours!
And one more thing ..
The following things:
Turn off Wi-Fi
Turn off notifications
Turn off positioning
Turn off the vibrator
Turn off bluetooth
Reduce brightness
Not running applications, especially games
Why would I have brought the device ??? To see it ??? !!!
Sure, no one needs an iPhone or any powerful device, just to talk about it and send messages ... Right!
The devices are strong because of games, the net and programs .. and the iPhone has very modest batteries ..
Apple hopes to increase the battery capacity of the next generation to at least 1930mAh
Sweet, this is a family, why are you losing, and the buyer of an iPhone, if you stop everything in it, the battery.
He and others remain bad
If you find the battery, it never goes on with me. I charge it XNUMX times in a day. It is supposed from the beginning that the company iPhone will be working on the account that the user enters many games and programs more:
The iPhone battery, in my opinion, is one of the best batteries in the event of its proper use
I think it is a matter of user concern.
The referendum is illogical because in the end, nothing will convince us.
We are in the era of the iPhone Janas. Take advantage of it and program yourselves on its battery in order to charge it to a house, car, or business. This iPhone, which means like a laptop. Not Nokia, with all due respect to Nokia.
Let us be realistic and give me your opinion
These are the advantages of the Galaxy SXNUMX
Everyone interacts. Abe responses, not idols, you read only
The speed of the device is Dual Core 1.2GHz
Screen: 4.3 inches - Super Amo LED Plus
Currently the thinnest device is 8.5mm thick
Weight: 116 grams
It is capable of running more than one program at the same time at high speed
An additional memory can be added up to 32 GB, thus its total memory can be 48 GB and above (unlike the iPhone)
Many programs can be installed without the need to jailbreak the protection, such as the iPhone (daily software update via Market application)
It can work as a router (without you having a Nawras modem or Omantel) to distribute the Internet wirelessly to neighboring computers.
Download speed through 3G technology is a maximum of 21 Mbps and an upload speed of 5.76 Mbps
A hard disk, a flash disk, or a mouse can be connected
Can be connected to the printer wirelessly
It has animated, attractive and interactive wallpapers
It has an integrated system to save energy (you can customize it to turn off bluetooth, wireless, GPS, customize screen brightness, etc.)
Read maps, e-books and magazines
Blocking unwanted phone numbers
Track your phone if it has been stolen and control it remotely
Bluetooth can be received and transmitted with any device unlike iPhone
Camera: 8 megapixels with LED flash - video at 30 frames per second - 1080 Full HD
Front camera: 2 MP
The presence of a feature to protect the device through facial image recognition
The presence of a gyroscope sensor, and supports NFC technology
The battery is 1650mAh (unlike the iPhone 1400)
It is known that the Galaxy has more wonderful features than the iPhone
Unfortunately, it came out after we bought the iPhone
And Guiz, as well as feeling the iPhone has a taste other than even if it has flaws in it wonderful programs that compensate you
In reality, nothing is perfect
Originally, if you compare the Galaxy SXNUMX with the iPhone XNUMX, it will darken the Galaxy, because the iPhone is not as clash
If the iPhone XNUMX has been downloaded, it will be compared to the Galaxy SXNUMX
The Galaxy SXNUMX = the fantastic and wonderful Android system + the integrated, creative and powerful Galaxy SXNUMX specifications
= The most powerful smartphone in the world for XNUMX
Good success
Praise be to God, I keep my iPhone running for five five days. Note that I just turn off the Wi-Fi and the XNUMXG. Of course, with little use in calls
But when I use the internet, the battery drains quickly, but also according to usage
With all due respect to the author and the author of the experience, I do not agree at all
With this result at all, except in the event that I carry the iPhone to occupy space in my pocket, perhaps here I agree with this experience, but in this way I have not fully benefited from this wonderful technology for seven days, so the battery
I would like to comment a simple comment
On the brother who wrote these are strong
The battery percentage is 2% and the rest will give you ten hours
Lahji, I understand .. I used the device for ten hours, and within the ten hours that elapsed, the rest of them were
2% understood Al-Hajji
I say you want to buy you a stubborn Nokia device and spend it for you
As for the iPhone battery
I am running all the features and the battery was 100% charged at about 12 o'clock at night
Today, Tuesday, it is 12:35 pm, and 69% remain there.
I see it with a bad battery, and then I am not one of those who are exposed to the device’s programs and every bit of it bounces
Or everything on chat, messenger, or games
Shui Shui, on your soul, you see a donkey's body
And do not want a device to charge it so you sit on it for 24 hours and nothing is missing from it
I am going to tell Apple that it makes you an iPhone whose battery works on the Abu Basa battery
To stay with you for a month, the battery will not weaken
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
The iPhone battery weakens significantly. It is not a condition that you are addicted to games or the elderly, I am not addicted to it. I mean, I use it. It is reasonable to sit the battery with me, but when !? If you plant it for calls, programs, the net, or nothing ... you can be patient for XNUMX hours, and the truth is I discovered that I am the reason for the low battery
Because I used to charge it for more periods than needed, and this is normal, weakening the battery
May God protect you from addiction
Frankly, the iPhone battery is discharged according to the usage
Nice and correct words, but the iPhone battery should not be compared to other batteries because the company that manufactures the device must take into account the great potential of the device and the manufacture of a battery with great potential in line with all these uses and accordingly, from my humble point of view, this article condemns the battery more than it praises it !!
Finally I found the solution, may God reward you well
Frankly, the device's battery depends on the software
Some of them have a battery that goes on for good and bad
As for the things that I mentioned being turned off, this is one of the necessities of the device and without it it becomes a very normal device
By God, I need to charge it daily :)
By God, I operate all the things, so let me first, and I will sit with me on the iPhone without charging for two continuous days, and I see this very well.
Glory be to God for studying. What is the use of a Ferrari without an engine? The iPhone as a mobile phone is less useful and has fewer features than others. What distinguishes it is its integrated service package. I have another opinion for you that is better than that. Charge your mobile phone and never use it again, and you will see a long and extended life for the iPhone.
I do not want to intervene outside the topic, but the matter is really important.
I ask all the brothers to participate in filing lawsuits and complaints to the Apple company in order to remove some Arab sexual programs, which we have come to see these days at the top of the list of programs in a strange way.
We all have brothers, sisters and children who use curtains and we do not want them to see such indecent young men.
I ask the admin of the blog not to delete this post and share the reward to keep it Thank you
If you close the Wi-Fi, notifications, applications and games, what will be left on the iPhone ????
Buy me a Nokia mobile and give my life away
Sorry, the battery life is still very short, and I hope it will be developed to suit the basic uses of the iPhone.
Perhaps my words will be hurtful, but I look realistically, my dear brother, the author of the topic, my dear brother, the laboratory. Frankly, I think that it is not an achievement of keeping your device without charging. There are other smart devices that do the same for our children. All wireless technologies have made it a landline phone that will work and will be used for a long time, but the last result is that I threw 700 euros. In order to get a smart device to work with me and serve me in my work and life, because if I only wanted a phone, it would have been the Nokia 1100 that comes with light that will work for a few days. The problem here is the battery, so I am ready to dispense with the glass surrounding my device in order to get an extra battery.
I swear by God to recharge my cell phone every two or three days
I feel that you are sitting trying to convince yourself that the battery is fine
If a person wants to run a battery test, he should run as many programs and applications as possible
There is a person who did a test for one of the Samsung devices and ran a number of programs on it and downloaded a large number of YouTube clips and with continuous work without shutting down the device
The battery lasted XNUMX hours
Do you think that the iPhone battery will hold up like this ??
The iPhone battery will last for about XNUMX hours only
In general, the iPhone battery is good, and it is okay, if it is like the iPad, and the duration of its work is two weeks or more, and Apple is not unable to do this !! ... Viewpoint
All those who said that the iPhone battery is weak are jailbreakers .. !!
Because they are convinced that the jailbreak has many faults, and this is the only one of them .. !!
I sit with me a day and a half, praise be to God, and I use calls, net, and games.
Actually I am the same as you
Use apps and the Wi-Fi is always on and the battery is almost every day and a half
Despite the experience that I did, it was excellent, but it lacks something important, and this is what I personally did, as I worked a small experiment, which was making the number of calls and the same period of time and in an exact manner between the iPhone and the Nokia n8 and the result was great in favor of the Nokia battery
The iPhone battery is excellent, and as the writer mentioned, its life depends first and foremost on the type of use.
Wish you all the best.
See you and the battery that sits with me, not an hour or an hour and a half, knowing the brightness is at less than a quarter
My brother frustration, every time I have a neighbor, the charger is alive. I think I will pay something from the house
My brother Khaled
By God, like me, every time I ran the charger, I have mercy on you, at least I have a bag in which I put my bags
My brother Khaled and my sister Tula, crediting you with your words .. Previously you were keen to carry the mobile with you when you go out, but now and before I go out I am looking for a home charger and I carry it with me in my hand, then later I think about the iPhone. I have a bag for rabbits
Then secondly, I bought the iPhone because of its features and if I wanted it to be a regular phone, I would have bought it, as if I were buying a plane and asking me to drive it on the ground in the middle of the streets, crowds and signals, and give up its most important feature… Aviation .
And thank you, iPhone Islam for sharing our experiences with us.
Honestly, I go online and access programs, e-mail, and everything, but it only takes me two hours, and the battery ends?
For me, if the wi-fi is available, it consumes more power, I have to charge twice, but without Wi-Fi and without the crackles, it sits for XNUMX days, because I am addicted to the games and I am not inclined to games.
Even the battery lasts for an hour with the brightness set to the lowest setting... So what if I turn off the Wi-Fi, what will I do with the iPod?!
Is the information correct that the charging in the car weakens and thus kills the iPhone battery ?????
If this is true, why is Apple providing the griffin-manufactured car charger in its stores? All these words are from mobile launches between people!
Ok, if we lock all these needs, the iPhone is still needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is true for the past two months, I had a jailbreak and my use of the device was normal
The days that he became addicted to the device quickly get rid of the games and there are days when he is distracted from him, what many use him to sit with me
But after I jailbroken, I became more addicted to it and my battery consumption increased.
However, in days when the device is turned off, the jailbreak is correct, affecting the battery, but not much
When I bought the iPhone for its different uses and not to use it as a phone, he must show that its battery is not compatible with its reputation and value, and I suggest working on addressing this issue.
Peace be upon you. I have four phones, two Nokias, one Samsung and an iPhone. As for the best battery, it is the Samsung because it lasts for more than five days with calls, followed directly by the Nokia. As for the iPhone, I cannot say third, but rather it is minus three below zero. The battery is really very bad.
I. Full day and night I charge it
And like you, I will charge it at night, and I will take it in the morning.
iPhone Islam website is considered one of the laziest websites, as they publish one single article every 24 hours. My brothers, what is this laziness? If you allow members to write articles and explain many applications, it is better than the slumber you are living in. Move, what is this laziness?
Welcome, dear friend, and your articles at any time. We always welcome all that is new from the site's friends
Please send a mail to discuss a very important topic for iPhone
Send us, my dear brother, on the site's email
How do we send it to you ???
How to take a screen shot on iPhone 4? Does it work in apps and games?
Can you give us the address to send the articles and the new >>>>
Thank you my brothers in Islam iPhone
My dear brother, through the site's email, we will be happy to share with you
Website email means: [email protected]
I knew that the home button with the power button works as a screen snapshot on the iPhone 3, 3G, and 3GS, but I haven't had an iPhone 4 for a week, and believe me, I haven't tried the same method. I thought maybe it has changed, hahahaha. But it's true, after I commented on how it works, I immediately said why not try the old method ^__^ and it worked, and let me tell you more, it also works within applications. I tried one of the games and it worked.
From here, I announce that I join you and support you with articles and applications that I will choose for you
I have been a follower and fan of Islam iPhone since its time ago, and I am happy to join you
My name will be from now on
Note: Brother Ashraf Siri, I will send articles via the website’s email. I hope to publish them after your approval.
Thank you
By pressing the Home and Power button at the same time
My brother Khaled
Your method worked for me
Because I slept with the battery XNUMX percent left in it
With the many incoming calls, the device was turned off
I put the charger on the charger and pressed the power button and it didn't work
And by pressing the home button with the power the device started
But we took the iPhone to use the internet
Can you believe that I did not make any call from the iPhone?
Just use it for lent
And sometimes at home to entertain the children
There is a charger for the car. Thank God, my car has a dedicated port for charging the iPhone Direct with the connection
And work, there is a charger as well
And do not forget the extra battery in my pocket always for emergency
Trouble with the battery
But I do not complain because I know that the dad also has a battery life of XNUMX hours, a lot, let alone the iPhone
شكرا لكم
I think that Apple should consider the duration of the battery usage because it is not possible that the default battery life is only XNUMX hours so I will not go further from the charger
Thank you
I sit with me a whole day and at night I charge it
God bless you Yvonne Islam
New statistic
But as a user, I bought the device with the features and I want a battery that will stand up to me with the applications and features
I was satisfied with the iPhone battery, unless I knew from someone that the Samsung battery lasts XNUMX hours of normal use ;; I am not sure this information is correct
My love, I would like to assure you that the battery of the samsung galaxy s II holds up to more than 12 hours, heavy use of WiFi 10G downloads and XNUMX e-mail accounts registered with me all along this other than HD
In terms of my usage, I often turn off additional services, because the battery is using for a much longer period than I expected
greetings to you all
With all due respect to the content of the message, but I do not agree with you on the issue of the iPhone battery, because the battery is very bad because these things that we must stop are one of the basics and features that distinguish the iPhone from other mobile phones ..
The notification service is one of the services that distinguish the iPhone. Without it, the iPhone is like any simple mobile phone that calls and sends messages only !! The same applies to GPS, XNUMXG and Wi-Fi.
Apple should know that these features consume a lot of the iPhone's battery, and it should have known that users will be dissatisfied with the terrible battery consumption !! It is assumed that they design a battery that suits the needs of the user, to provide him with at least the use of the battery using these features to give him a full day without charging .. And whoever does not want to use these features give him at least three days, not just three or four hours, as it currently exists ..
I believed what I said
What distinguishes the iPhone is its specifications and capabilities, and on this basis we judge the battery
Or we can buy Abu Kashaf's cell phone (lamp) that will fulfill the purpose, with a connection and a battery that lasts for an entire week
The scout has been sitting for more than a week, ask me about it (), and use it for calls and messages
I have an iPad, a blackberry and a flashlight
If I go to sleep, charge them all. The flashlight will spend more than a week, what I calculated exactly, but more than a week
The iPad stays on until 10 pm if I use it normally. If I use it a lot, it stays on until 6-8 pm. If I use it lightly, it stays on until 12-1 am.
As for the BlackBerry, it sits at the end of the afternoon and turns off on me
And I use them from noon at XNUMX o'clock
One of the reasons why I bought an iPad for an iPhone is the battery ()
If you want, the battery of the device will be longer
Reduce the brightness to last thing, you see, it gives you twice the time
I mean, for example, XNUMX hours, and reduce the brightness to the last thing, and it sits XNUMX or more
The most important thing is to reduce the brightness
We reduced the lighting and it happened, Maha <> <> for the appropriate comment
Any sweet honesty on the iPhone. But for the problem, it takes a lot of time to charge.
Thank you for the nice article
I think this is true.. I had a similar experience, but with keeping the wifi open.. and my iPhone lasted for about 3 days
No, this is strong
True talk and tried, but the strange thing about the subject, how the picture the battery XNUMX% and I gave you this result! I do not understand
I think this is true, but the iPhone is designed for long use, surfing the Internet and games, and if it is only used for calling, the first is to buy a regular phone. And so cheaper for Apple to upgrade the battery to suit the use
I think Brother Khamis’s words are correct and worthy of discussion. What is the point of the iPhone if I only use it for calls?
Of course, I support you, as the comparison should not
Be with other phones but you should be with
Mac devices that are produced by Apple itself
Thank you and thank you to Saadaf for taking the test ,,
I would also bet that the iPhone battery is good for normal use.
I used to compare the iPhone, the simple device, with laptops, despite the small battery in the iPhone compared to the laptop, and you find that its battery lasts more.
Thank you, great article :)
By God, I once addicted to the iPod, what should I do?
Yeah. The battery, brothers, p, according to the users of the device and entering the programs
So we get a phone that stutters sometimes :)
I am my iPhone XNUMXGS, but the battery lasts for more than XNUMX hours. If I use the apps, I am tired of it
On the contrary, even I have a XNUMXGS iPhone, but it lasts for XNUMX hours ... but it is possible that you are addicted to it.
You play and you don't feel the time. I have an iPod Touch and thank God it lasts a long time with me.
This is a strong one
XNUMX% battery left, XNUMX hours in use for you
You can't believe this
These are the device usage times, not (how much time you have left). This means that this person used the device for 10 hours until the battery reached 2%. This is with his use of the mobile and communications, you can see how long it takes.
Obviously, you got it wrong, my dear brother
The rest is XNUMX% in battery, and the phone was actually used for XNUMX hours of calls and XNUMX days on standby
My brother, who told you to use ten hours left
This is the duration of use during the week
From the haste I wrote the response
This usage means XNUMX% battery charge
Sweet Aaaaaam
Thanks for the information that many are ignorant of
Yes, I am sure that the iPhone battery is one of the best batteries in other devices
Honestly, this spread about the iPhone, although it is wrong, more than one is asking me this question. How does the iPhone battery last or not!?!?
It depends on usage
Frankly, I am one of the people who is very convinced of the device's battery capacity and I always say that the battery life depends on the usage
But the very important question is, how was Brother Saadaf able to stay for XNUMX days without using any application or playing any game ?????????
By God, it is really strong
One time I forgot the iPhone in the drawer and it stayed about ten days and the battery did not run out, knowing that the battery was not fully charged
Really good battery for you and for me who uses the mobile
But what is the use of quality
The rich g
And notifications
And positioning
Its lighting is bright
I expect the battery will be very good
When you do not use the mobile phone
For the sake of not running apps or games
I don’t know how patience
Possible without 3g
It is possible without games
And possible without bright lighting
But without wi fi
I think the iPhone itself becomes its money
O brother, keep him in the Doge, better for you
And Abu Kashaf’s mobile phone gave you
Sure, he won't drain his battery
Because you did not use it
Just talking about who they use
Press the home button twice quickly. All open applications will appear at the bottom. Press one of them and continue pressing until the close sign appears. Then close them one by one until you close them all. This will save a lot of battery power. Thank you.
About myself, you can say that I use the iPod Touch a lot, but I have not noticed the shortage of the battery greatly and for sure and everyone knows that there is no percentage of it for the iPod Touch except on YouTube, here you meet the iPod or any other device that is rapidly decreasing
The iPod Touch has a percentage. It can be activated from the settings. You press one year after you click the use and turn on the percentage.
This process is not done on the iPhone because the iPhone without it is not worth a penny, so its battery remains the worst ever.
Let us leave a little fanaticism. Who of us owns an iPhone and deactivates all the services you mentioned ??
The sane happened with what is reasonable