One of the features that did not receive any media coverage in the new iPhone 4S is that it supports the Glonass GPS system.
To clarify what this system is we must talk a little bit about GPS systems
Positioning, which we all know as GPS, is not only one system, but there are several systems, the most famous of which are, the GPS system is the American positioning system and it is the strongest and most famous, and there is the European system Galileo and Russian system GLONASS.
The American system is the oldest and most famous because it is a complete system and the European system is the most recent. It started in XNUMX. As for the Russian - former Soviet system - it was launched in XNUMX in times of the Cold War to compete with the American system, but there was a lot of delay due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and economic crises - he studied Date :)
The surprise came that the iPhone now supports this system for determining the location, meaning that when we want to locate our location in the map, previously we used to rely on GPS only, and now we have to rely on both systems together.
Last week, Russia launched the 24th satellite of the series of satellites, which is the last satellite, so that the system becomes complete and ready to work, and it seems that Russia wants to compete with the American GPS system, and sure if there is competition will benefit us and we will be able to locate our sites with better quality than the previous one because the phone It does not depend on one compulsory system like the previous one. But at the moment the Russian GLONASS system needs a lot of work and is not reliable even in Russia itself.
Some sites mentioned that the reason for the support is not to help the Russian system or to strengthen the iPhone with another navigation system, but because the Russian government has issued laws imposing fees on devices that do not support this system and has threatened to prevent their sale, and that Apple is afraid to lose the Russian market - the Russian Federation completely and Not only Russia - it decided to support the system. In fact, we tend to say this, because the Russian GLONASS navigation system does not offer anything new and will not have an effect.
Do you use GPS in your device? Do you feel it is inaccurate? Do you use an assistive device in the car and do you feel a difference between it and the iPhone?
Some brothers have a lack of understanding of the global positioning system and the difference between it and the positioning software on smartphones !!
GPS is not a program in the first place, but rather an acronym for the Global Positioning System, meaning the Global Positioning System.
There are other global systems, like the GPS system specializing in positioning, such as GLONASS, Galileo, COMPASS ,,, etc. These systems often either have special satellites for each of them or some systems that depend on terrestrial networks are towers that communicate with each other. Between them to determine the location, and these systems do not need to communicate through the Internet because they have an independent and direct connection for the purpose of locating only or directing, and for example for military uses, and for this they are sold devices dedicated to receiving the signal and each system has its own devices, for example the Garmin devices that are used frequently In the Middle East for personal and civilian purposes.
As for those programs that are used to determine the location, which are usually available on modern smartphones such as the iPhone and others, these are programs connected to servers by the Internet, regardless of the difference and multiplicity of these programs, like Google Maps and many others, and the location is determined roughly and varies between them by taking The "phone" coordinate of the location by the nearest telephone tower or the Internet connected to the user's phone (with the exception of satellite phones with direct contact such as "Thuraya") and the program to determine the location on the device "phone" transmits this coordinate to the server of the company providing the program used on the same device, which in turn The server determines the location of this coordinate on the global map that is available on it and then re-transmits the location, direction and illustrations to the same program in the user's "phone" device, that is, it is a locator program that does not have a direct connection to the GPS satellites. These servers are equipped with pre-maps, and those in charge of them update them continuously with most details such as roads and dimensions between one location and another, or places such as hotels, airports, hospitals, etc., for example, Google's servers, and there are other companies producing these programs that are usually supplied with these maps and updates. In cooperation with a global company for global positioning by giving permission to contact its servers directly, meaning that the server of the company producing the program is a crossing point, no more in this case, and the way to communicate via the Internet with the user.
In recent years, satellite companies specializing in global positioning have tended to provide servers with a huge data package consisting of maps, images and simplified or three-dimensional graphics with all the details with the production of advanced devices to receive this data and display it to the user, while before that the location is transferred. The coordinate is an abstract and a moving digital point on the monochrome screen, nothing more.
For more details about the GPS system:
The best Garmin program on Nokia, especially on the 5800 mobile
It is available for iPhone
All the programs I tried on the iPhone will never work
Two-dimensional Qarmen in cities and the desert
Wonderful Villette program, one of the addresses Garmin company and says them download for the iPhone
We thank you for your successful efforts
I hope you will inform me of any program that allows synchronizing SMS text messages with Outlook / Window 7
Useful topic you need to read about it Thank you for submitting
I hope to notify me of any program that transfers SMS messages from iPhone to Outlook in Window 7
The Russians are proactive in most things and their subtleties, but God has not predestined them to dominate the world, and this is wisdom and mercy from God, because I am the communist regime more dangerous to humanity than the capitalist. But when will the Islamic system dominate?
For me, GPS is one of the most important features of a phone that I look for, and it is one of the reasons I bought the last three mobile devices I owned, the last of which was, of course, an iPhone.
As for the iPhone, it is very accurate and fast. I will not expect it so quickly in capturing the moon signal. Of course, I advise everyone who cares about GPS to buy an iPhone, and there is no need for the car devices!
There is a navigation program. OGBC. Complimentary. And for your information, I don't have. Jail Break
I expect it to be proportional and proportional to non-Arab countries
And the Arab countries. The sweet cow
I use tom
In Britain, the program is more than wonderful and can never be dispensed with
And Alkataiyer is dependent on him
Good and worthy information for discussion provided to us every day by iPhone Islam and we are grateful for this great effort you provide to us for the sake of knowledge. My greetings to the entire site family. As for the use of any navigation device, it depends on the amount of information available for each country. For example, I live in Japan. GPS, as soon as you enter the landline number of any place, gives you the address and all its details, and so on. Another advantage that is not found in our Arab countries is the lack of documented information.
The important thing, the good group, in this or that is that we or any user of the iPhone must know that he is completely monitored by American and European security agencies and intelligence, and this for sure has a goal for them, so beware, and God is the helper
Peace be upon you, Ayon Islam
I have a simple question about the new update of the iPhone
I was not able to update it, so is it possible to update it at Apple stores, or is it like the rest of the telecom stores, there will be manipulation as you mentioned
I am using a private email for the iPhone, not my personal email, so is there any fear of this manipulation?
I hope for a quick reply and thanks
I tried the days of the second generation mobiles
And Generation XNUMX all depend on GPSR (on the net). It remains saved on whatever it is until your bill is suspended or no balance
Until you update it either by network it via the computer or by updating it itself and talking places and streets for all its operation with the presence of the internet, wireless or mobile package
Back to iPhone
I went from Hijaz to Dammam, passing through Riyadh
And I only have iPhone
I stopped with my hooks and my iPhone was left open
I downloaded a terrible and complicated program
It is in the Arabic name (Mobile Mobis). This answers the checkpoints that exist in one point for more than XNUMX hours.
And inside the city (the names of the streets and neighborhoods in Arabic), but dual-operation (on the network and on GPS)
As for if you run it and your package is working, or you have a balance that is withdrawn and a little slow, but anything is answered precisely, updated to the last code and point, and if through the wire it is not, it comes quickly, but without a quick update or updating places, it becomes every four days or a week.
Help me to the extent of Dammam and for the first time I go to the East
Get me out by searching for the names of apartments, villas, and beaches, and you can plant a pin to your current location to return to the same place.
I went to the industrial area of Jubail, Al-Khudaria, I think, and I went back to my apartment in Fala for the family without asking anyone (and God is witness)
The fourth day I learned the value of maps
I bought for the Royal Council XNUMX introduction screens, Qarmen maps, or I don't know its name because they are types with yellow cartoons and their English name does not come to me.
Backdrops to display what is shown in the introduction.
This device to the front used to display according to your search for an apartment station, mosque, industrial or street (updating the device via GPS or memory setting on a laptop or other computer to update if desired.
But it has a characteristic
XNUMX- Flight registration.
XNUMX- Putting a point to go and return to the same place (marking).
XNUMX- Creating new ways to fill them, to increase memory and save them.
XNUMX- Voice indication, speed warning, and audio naming for each pass and the first Powell crosses.
XNUMX- He predicted the specified speed from road security or traffic inside and outside highways because the city has a special section for traffic and outside for road security.
XNUMX- Determining the destination of his travel to and from for fear of wasting time to ask through Makkah, Riyadh, or Tabuk to get out of Dammam or exit from any city (I tried it by determining my destination to Makkah by choosing the easiest and fastest way to Makkah in order to get out from the streets and neighborhoods of Dammam, and actually I went through Riyadh And the length of the road warns me that I have exceeded the illegal speed limit with a bell ringing every two minutes once).
It has an entrance with two memories, one for maps, and you cannot use it for anything else, and the other entrance for the memory if you carry CDs in this memory.
XNUMX- Turn on flash and turn on the mobile memory with it and a connection to the computer. etc
XNUMX- Bluetooth for wireless, for a network to update and connect via the device if you would like to connect via this device and leave the mobile.
XNUMX- Navigating from GPS and disconnecting it from the device itself without using GPSR and focusing on previously saved memory.
XNUMX- Seeing the maps of all the Arab Gulf states with their neighborhoods and streets.
XNUMX- The property of seeing buildings and villas at their high lengths means three-dimensional or flat without height or longer, and seeing the land and sea next to every neighborhood, street and city.
A lot, a lot, and this is the most important thing that I discovered and the rest is not important.
Indeed, the device does not need (valued at XNUMX riyals) alone.
Good luck to you.
Frankly, Tom Tom program is running in Saudi Arabia, but its problem is that it does not support the Arabic language, but the most accurate program and map updates keep pace with development
Brothers, what happens to me is so weird about GPS
First I am using TomTom
And he was doing a great job in Saudi Arabia
Before I travel to Canada, I bought the US and Canada version of the same program and it was expensive
The unfortunate thing is that he hardly identifies my location if he does
At the beginning of my arrival, I looked clumsy, turning right and left, according to the brother's instructions
I had to stand for about five minutes until I understood
And after several trials of the same kind, it became useless, and God compensated us with the amount
Now I am lost
Why don't Arabs ban the iPhone on the condition that they make Arabic the basic language, like other countries, and put the private secretary, I forgot his name. The important thing is that you put Arabic
Let us, a Russian soul, prevented the iPhone from entering, on the condition that they destroy the GPS >>> I understand
It is trustworthy that you write a topic for my brother Tariq and the supervisors to open the topic (Arabic language in Apple mainly)
And you remember my name Haha on my YouTube channel
You say the implementation of a request from our brother ... my YouTube channel
If you agree, you can write a topic and put the name of my channel down
Teach me
Please, not an order
I tried the Carmen navigation system in Europe, it was bad in every sense of the word. I have been using the Tomtom system for four years in Europe. I am very happy with it, and for about a year I have been using the Tomtom satellite navigation system on the iPhone, and I have dispensed with the traditional GPS for the car.
It has a program
Mobile maps
Accurate program and one of the best navigation programs
I use it a lot in Saudi Arabia
And the streets are all defined, the sound, and everything Arab
A fictional program that costs $ XNUMX for the Gulf
But I am loaded with Alanstulz
Possible question. If you allow, I want to know about the map of Iraq about the sygic program for the Gulf countries. Please clarify. Thank you.
At the outset, I would like to thank all those in charge of this wonderful blog for all the programs they develop and the information and offers they provide, so may God reward them with the Muslims on behalf of the Muslims.
Then, there is no doubt that this new system will be the focus of attention for software developers - especially Russians - to gain satisfaction and praise.
Thank you very much for the valuable information
I use the Navigon Middle East program, and I localized it to show the map of Jordan in Arabic, and I use it almost daily, and it is better than the Garmin device that I have in terms of accuracy and points of interest
And I advise everyone to own it
Since the IOS XNUMX was Beta, I have noticed that the strings are very tender and my notes are very rigid
The iPhone from the watch I bought and the place will be answered in boring detail and XNUMX% correct from the IOS XNUMX watch.
Are there free programs in a strong and useful way?
Please put a link for any free program
I don’t think placement software is sexy please
Frankly I use Navigon. Swipe beautifully
But if the maps happen faster
<<<<< First Post
I commend what the brothers mentioned earlier, in a program
The best thing I tried in this regard, and its advantage is that it does not need to be connected to the Internet because it relies on GPS
But his problem is that, according to my experience, it does not work in wild areas
The new iPhone is completely different from its predecessor. Even Bluetooth has been upgraded to XNUMX, but the strange thing is that the site was surprised by this update and described it as disappointing.
This article contradicts the site's position towards the new device. You are perplexed by the direction of this device.
Praise be to God, I do not need these things, but they are useful and necessary for every device
I wish you good luck
Hallelujah and praise, Hallelujah great
Frankly, the GPS is not normal. I am a visitor to London, and the map is available. The iPhone XNUMX is amazing. I can specify even by buses, which bus I can take and the time is to arrive or write the name of a store or café to tell you what it is.
The difference between gbs and A-gbs. Thank you
I think that the existence of location-finding programs violates people's privacy. Even most social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter put the option to locate within their programs that work on smart mobile devices, and I was finally surprised by the Viber program, where they added the option to specify the location in the last update ... so beware of dealing with these devices
My husband loves road trips. Are there maps on the iPhone or iPad in which to explore the waterfalls etc ... And it is for free Please respond quickly 🏃🏃
We thank iPhone Islam for its wonderful remarks, and we ask God for success.
I hope for guidance, how can the iPhone 5 be updated to the iOS 3 system, since I tried repeatedly via iTunes (after updating it of course), every time, after waiting for at least 3 hours and downloading the entire program, the system apologizes for a connection error, knowing that I have tried more than one laptop Top, iTunes and more than one network, and that my other XNUMXGS device was updated without problems, please advise me, how much God.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Thanks for bringing up the important topic to me ,,,
I, by nature, love to travel a lot, and therefore I must use the navigation device for most of my travels because I do not like to ride a plane, especially if I have a family with me ,,,
I used to use Tom Tom, which is what an electronic store owner advised me and said that it is almost the best for their coffee ,,,
But before my trip to Jordan, I went to another shop owner and found, thank God, what I was looking for, which is a navigation system that supports the Gulf countries in addition to Jordan, and the best thing is that it is Arabic. So I downloaded it from the shop for 50 dirhams in full. Of course, I bought it from the Apple Store, and its price in the store is 80 dollars. I expect, thank God, that the program is more than wonderful, and the best thing is that it picks up the signal quickly, and its update is 2011. I hope that iPhone Islam will talk about this program, called iGo, so that everyone can benefit from it.
I can't do without Navigon
This program is very, very wonderful
My brothers, who are asking about the best navigation program, I recommend the sygic program. Try much better than i go, and I expect it to be the best program specialized in navigation and Arabic. Thank you very much.
Please advise, what is the best map program that works on the GPS system and does not depend on the Internet at all.
I can download maps to my device.
One of the best programs in terms of price, map details, and street names in Arabic for Egypt and the Gulf is the NAAV program.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Thanks for bringing up the important topic to me ,,,
I, by nature, love to travel a lot, and therefore I must use the navigation device for most of my travels because I do not like to ride a plane, especially if I have a family with me ,,,
I used to use Tom Tom, which is what an electronic store owner advised me and said that it is almost the best for their coffee ,,,
But before my trip to Jordan, I went to another shop owner and found, thank God, what I was looking for, which is a navigation system that supports the Gulf countries in addition to Jordan, and the best thing is that it is Arabic. So I downloaded it from the shop for 50 dirhams in full. Of course, I bought it from the Apple Store, and its price in the store is 80 dollars. I expect, thank God, that the program is more than wonderful, and the best thing is that it picks up the signal quickly, and its update is 2011. I hope that iPhone Islam will talk about this program called iGo so that everyone can benefit.
Has anyone tried the "SEJIC" program on the iPhone? !!!
I was surprised that there was no one who traveled his biography and did not use it !!!
I have been using it for about XNUMX years on Nokia and now on EvoWon, the Rooooah program, and the last update of it is very bad, and Arabic from beginning to end .. Try it and call me by the way I use it in the UAE and it works like sweet :)
Thank you for the information, Yvonne Islam, but it's nice, the program doesn't misrepresent my iPhone
the question:
Have any of the navigation apps (TomTom, Navigon, iGo, etc.) started supporting the Russian system?
We hope that there are such competitions to always enrich the consumer
Thank you, Islam iPhone, for your awareness effort.
I also know from following its predecessor and knowing with God that the famous Navigator Garmin purchased the Navigon.
thank you very much
I have an iPhone XNUMX and have not used GPS service
Because it is necessary for Wi-Fi or a SIM card, and my mobile is switched off, there is no SIM card, can I use GPS without Wi-Fi or a SIM card ??
Nice thing is that on the same phone, I counted options for this map system, which is calculated by the Apple company ……
I used it, very excellent and accurate ,, after God saved me from being lost, how many times :)
Thank you Yvonne Islam
I see that he is weak once and needs to be connected to the Internet, and this is a problem frankly
I use GPC and it works well for me but determining my location varies from XNUMX-XNUMX meters
I hope it depends on direct satellites and not via GPS network
One of the main reasons I love the iPhone
Is the speed of locating the site compared to the rest of the devices!
Use Tom Tom Australia means not bad!
Especially the latest update and iPad support !!
Whenever you use the GPS ... I get disappointed sometimes and sometimes you get disappointed, but not with the desired accuracy. Add to that that you cannot know your walking speed, whether by vehicle or on foot ... I hope to know the cause of the problem and end for the better.
Garmin is in the store, look for it
Garmen> make sure that the spelling is correct
Thank you, Tariq, for the matter
Unfortunately, mapping software and positioning software
Good and effective
Only in foreign countries
But we are here in the Middle East, there is no correct information in it
Peace be upon you…
I have a question and I will answer the director of the site or understanding in the programs.
Are the iPhone 4s programs we will be able to download on the iPhone 4, such as downloading the Siri program, the Russian GPS program, or any of the iPhone 4s programs? Please reply or answer
Another question:-
When will the unrestricted jailbreak be released, and will it be awaited?
First: I thank this wonderful application, iPhone Islam, for the news and applications that you provide, and I tell you forward
Second: The positioning is a good thing and it will benefit us.
I use the InDrive program on the iPhone, and I do not think that there is something that will benefit me more (it is definitely an exaggeration), but what is meant is that it is more than wonderful and very useful program, especially since I am a lot of travel and mobility. In any case, I am waiting for the appearance of this SK to see if this Russian system will introduce anything new.
A good and nice addition, but how do we work on the Russian or American system on our machine?
Gps is more than enough for me ,, Thank you iPhone Islam for your efforts.
Thanks for the information for the value. The GPS system is still the best and widespread in Europe. I use a modern Tom Tom Navicatsion device and it has a Live service, Google search engine, and an alert on busy roads. It is great even as a flashlight for cameras. I have an iPhone XNUMX Navicatsion program for Europe after the jailbreak is very accurate and very accurate and I can count On it, as well as the locating programs, they are all excellent, really, not more wonderful than iPhone and Apple.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Creativity as usual
Can we expect one day to get a free GPS program for a limited time?
GPS programs are expensive and have no jailbreak
Majnani program is expected to be released
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Is a reasonable country threatening to prevent the sale of a product?
In the event that their products are not used?
Monopoly and faint Apple? Glory be to Allah
Thank you for the information
The Russian government has issued laws imposing fees on devices that do not support this system and has threatened to prevent them from being sold !!! This means that the Russian government wants to control, track, and locate any client it wants.
My dear brother, the Navigon program is a good and well-known program in Europe. I use this program.
Indeed, the Garmin program was very effective on my old Nokia device, but on the iPhone I expect it to be available only to Europe and America
Thank …..
Yvonne Islam for your effort
And any Imam, and I ask God for success ,,,,
Thank you, iPhone Islam, there are many programs and the concept is one, and whoever wants navigation in the full sense of the word, buy a separate device for navigation
Thank you for this wonderful article and I would like to thank you very much for your efforts on our behalf. God willing, as my brother Abu Muhammad mentioned, we are waiting for Apple and Garmin to cooperate to release a new program. Please accept my visit.
So it will be a companion navigation system and the main system will not be in Apple devices .. It can be likened to the optional languages that you want the Apple device to work on.
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I only use GPS positioning from the iPhone itself, and I have not tried others
I consider it beautiful .. but I do not care much about it
I mean, even if there is nothing, it will not affect me
Thank you iPhone Islam and keep posting beautiful topics about iPad;)
I use the igo program, and frankly, a little wonderful word. Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for the various news
I use Navigon
As for me, the best navigation software for iPhone
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
But is there a free and functional locator program ???
Good luck ,,.
The new Route 66 is coming strongly on iPhone
Frankly, once upon a time, I used to love the Soviet Union because it is against America, but the GPS is huge 😍
He used nfiktion and is distinguished and bought it, but it has new methods and ways to use it, meaning if it is in it, it will come with an explanation of it specifically if the development of the GPS transmission
As a Saudi girl, I do not care about my location
I often disable this feature
However, unfortunately, some programs do not work until after the location is determined
May God bless you.
I have a device encoded on an American company AT&T, and the problem is that I now live in Jordan and use JIFY
Is there a solution to this problem with decoding?
Thank you in advance for your help
We want camels to open large programs so we can use them for the future
I have an encrypted device on the AT&T company, the problem is that I now live in Jordan and use turbo sim
Is there a solution to this problem with decoding?
Thank you in advance for your help
Thank you for the news
Yes, the Garmin program is great, but I prefer the igo program because it is simple and uses nicer interfaces and backgrounds, but it lacks the tracking feature and is very slow to receive satellites and therefore it is necessary to have a 3g network in order to work better, meaning that the program needs an Internet connection
Sygic GPS system with its update is considered the best program currently and no other program can compete with it.
There was a program in it called Mobile Maps and they developed it, and it became sygic. I see that it is perfect. With Navigon as well as tom tom they are all good. Personally, I prefer Navigon because of the way the view and navigation is so sweet.
As for the accuracy of positioning the iPhone, I think it is good and satisfactory to a very large extent. Because, frankly, I rely on it at a rate of XNUMX% if I travel to any country and I do not know exactly where to go.
I myself used to use it in the old system and now I do not use it due to its inaccuracy and there are many programs that are more effective and accurate
Thanks 😜
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Useful report
And my voice joins Brother Abu Muhammad that Garmin is the best navigation program
I wish cooperation between Apple and Garmin will take place as soon as possible
Thanks iPhone Islam I also mention that Nokia is developing its own dedicated siting system
You reminded me of the history :)
Thanks for the useful information
I wish it had the Alqarmen program on the iPhone because it is the best GPS program ever
It really is a great program
And in another program after Google Maps, it is called Trapster
Known, of course
This map feature on the new iPhone can be found on the regular XNUMX or not
May Allah reward you well
I have iPhone XNUMX, I live in Jordan, the system is not accurate, does it deserve to replace it with iPhone XNUMXS for this program?
Thanx a world of useful information, I would have given up a free chat program for at least one day
The Garmin Brother iPhone program is available in the American Father Store
Thank you iPhone Islam for all the valuable information. Indeed, this feature is necessary for all of us. But I hope that this feature will support the iPhone 4./(Question: When will Cydia release the new update 4.3.5)? Please answer.
The Russian regime has a bright and prosperous future
It is good if there is more than one system
Does Glonass work on all iPhones?
The Garmin program is available in Ivan, and the Mobile Maps program is better than it
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I am using igo in kuwait and gulf countries
And sweet tricks and trick me
And I tried google maps in london
And it was so accurate that you can locate the place to go
And he tells you the bus number and when it will arrive
The experiment is underway
Thank you Yvonne Islam for this program
It's a little difficult
شكرا لكم
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for your effort
Yes, I am one of those who support the issuance of the Garmin system on the iPhone
Thank you, iPhone, Islam, for the continuous information, and may God reward you
Is there a program that supports the Middle East that does not need the Internet and supports the Arabic language in writing, voice and research, and thank you very much?
As far as I know there is the Garmin, but America and Canada term it is the best program I have worked on in Nokia. Thank you
Thanks. Honestly it is not easy to use complicated
شكرا لكم
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for your distinguished topics
I use the igo program
Praise be to God, he satisfied a lot
And as my brother Bou Mohamed said
We wish cooperation between Garmin and Apple
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for your distinguished topics
I use the igo program
Praise be to God, he satisfied a lot
As my brother Bouhammed said, we hope for cooperation between Garmin and Babel
I expect he will not have that interest
And for your information, I got XNUMXSB XNUMX riyals
Thanks to Ivan and we want the Qarmen especially for the people of righteousness
an important question..
Is it necessary for positioning programs (Al Garmin or Majlan) and their internet counterparts?
Because by this it becomes useless?
What is the best program?
Is there a program associated with satellites without the Internet?
By God, nothing but the mapping program is very bad, but it does the trick
I noticed an error rate of (+ - XNUMX m) locating my site.
But it is excellent and it replaces the Noviger.
Yvonne Islam, an article yesterday and this day is not counted .. We want to hear the alert tone of your program more:
Thanks for this lesson
I benefited a lot from him
The error rate is written at the bottom, and usually it is very large, at least XNUMX meters :)
Good luck
Let's see reviews about who tried it
شكرا لكم
This means an increase in the battery drainage is possible, because before one system drains a battery if it works outside the wireless coverage .. Now, two systems are working, i.e. the part responsible for communicating with satellites connects to two types of satellites ..
It would have been better to allow the user to disable one of them, because currently the two are working according to your words
Can you explain more because I did not understand what you mean
Does this system support the GPS marine navigation system?
Means preserving the site on the sea and land by saving the path of the road ??
But this program is expensive, O Abu Muhammad
I wish you delivered a good and free program
Thanks iPhone Islam, I use very good iGo software
I swear by God, it is terrible and effective
I use it on iPad and iPhone 📱
The best satellite navigation system is Tomtom in Europe.
I thank Yvon Aslam
On the beautiful offering
And distinguished news and credibility
As well as your achievements, especially converting an iPad into a phone
IPhone XNUMXS is an advanced device
And he started to prove his strength
Finally, thank you for the news, because I was not aware of this feature
Very exclusive information the first time I hear about it
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
GPS is effective but the reference signals are the reason because some countries have a weak signal including Russia and America did not pay attention except in specific countries so the Russian government banned phones not equipped with this service.. We notice that the Russian government is interested in this field so it is expected that this service will be strong and smarter than GPS.. Also Apple expects this system to be strong so it did it in the 4s device to increase its sales.
And thanks for the new info for me on the iPhone
First of all, thank you, iPhone Islam, and you are the pride of the Arabs, always forward
Secondly, please explain in detail how the idea of any Claude and how it can be used correctly
Peace be upon you. I am using tomtom program here in France. It is really a wonderful program. I can even answer calls, no harm. I also listen to the music.
By God, frankly, we loved the iPhone, Islam, to find for us an alternative to Qarmen. In fact, we did not find what is better than Qarmen, but there is no for the iPhone.
Thank you Yvonne Islam for what you offer.
And I am with you, Abu Muhammad .. Oh Lord, there will be cooperation between Qarmen and Apple. By God, I need him.
By God, I do not use it, but what I know is that the map works via the Internet connection, and for this reason I use it. Is this correct or the map only works via the GPS?
I mean (the mapping program that came with the iPhone) Thank you, Yvonne Islam
I am using GPS on the iPhone and Apple will provide us with information on not adding the Garmin
The iPhone XNUMX has a year with me, and so far I have not used the GPS system .. it is more like for me; Smoke extinguisher
(Zaghayer) In the car, I do not smoke ^ _ ^
I support the words of my brother Abu Muhammad. We hope Garmin will cooperate with Apple.
Thank you..
Ok, what is the best map program ..
I use becker but it is not found on iphone
Peace be upon you, and may God reward you for the information
I don’t know what is the benefit of this system
I am using the map program
What is in the iPhone and iPad
Not excellent, but it goes well
I hope in good programs and tried
And it is worth paying for it to hedge it on a separate topic
And put the differences between them
Note that I have
I use the Navigon program, and to be frank, it is a very accurate program, but not all countries other than the Gulf countries and very few Arab countries such as Lebanon are added to it.
I wished that the explanation was complete and complete for the GPS system
In order for us to benefit more
thank you
I completely depend on the Navigon program for the iPhone,
Its accuracy in positioning is stronger than assistive devices, and that is based on personal experience.
Thank you iPhone Islam
Thank you, brother, for raising interesting topics
Is there a GPS program that serves the Arabic language other than igo, because even after downloading the program does not work
Greetings to all
Sygic supports Arabic, but you must make sure of their website according to the version you want to download.
We would like Yvonne Islam to issue a complete report that includes most or all of the XNUMX features that were added to the new system with some detail.
This is the first time I hear that there is a GLONASS system, but how does it display the map like the GPS system???
Garmin is on the iPhone Jailbreak without a map ???
You must buy it with money
شكرا لكم
Navigon system
Nice program, but expensive
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I have a question, blog director
Is there a program we can use without connecting to the network? Thank you
GPS is a great and useful technology
But I hope it will be used or supported more in Arab countries.
Thank you ✌
Thank you iPhone Islam for your efforts
Thank ..
Navigation programs are good and more important abroad and even at home in cities that do not know their methods
Hallelujah great Hallelujah and praise
Frankly, I do not use the iPhone to locate and rely completely (after God) on the wonderful carriage device in the car.
The problem is that the iPhone flashing program is in addition to its reliance on GPS
It depends on the net
Personally, I prefer the IGO program because it depends entirely on GPS
We thank you for the important topics
And I agree, my brother Abu Muhammad, that there must be a strong program for the Qarmen in it
I stipulate that the program uses street names and places in Arabic, and currently I do not know who does that except for iGo and Wisepiolt, but the problem with iGo is that it is complicated and its screens are too much, and the problem with Wisepiolt is that the database of places that depends on it is weak and I do not find in it many of the famous places that I find in iGo Although it is connected to the internet it should be always up to date.
If someone knows others, I wish it would benefit us
IPhone Islam: I hope that you activate the cookie on the site because every time I have to write my name and emily when I want to participate, so I would like if the site saves this data.
Abu Saif oh dear The programs that you mentioned are very normal programs regarding positioning
There is a very wonderful program, and I personally cannot in any way dispense with it (Navigon)
and this is The link is for download
Price: $ XNUMX and it is rightly worth
I know this program, brother Fahd, but his problem is that street names are in English, and I also think that the names of places and commercial centers are also in English, and here we fall into the problem of (splashing) anyway. This is my knowledge of the program years ago. If something changes, please advise me. Thank you.
Yes, I approved the best GPS program
From personal experience
Brother Abu Yusuf, I want to draw your attention to the fact that wisepiolt is a program that depends on a database that the user adds, meaning that its maps support the main roads only, and the user increases the secondary roads by pressing the tractor icon, and I personally find it useful where I live in Europe and it is useful for me in locating police checkpoints if someone passes The users here are many, put a warning and thanks
Abu Saif, I advise you to use the mobile map for the Gulf. It is really great and works without the Internet. Just specify the location from the Internet and save it. When you need it, it works without the Internet. I tried it in the Emirates. It is not normal, flexible and easy to use. I hope you like it and the brothers in the Gulf and the Middle East and more than other countries (jailbreak) or buy it.
The specificity, I think, looked better than before, although it was inaccurate at times. Thank you
I have a question that always baffles me
Does GPS work even when there is no internet?
Does it also work without a normal mobile network?
Is the service free if the answer is yes
GPS does not require a network or internet. I mean, if you have a navigation program and your balance is loyal, you can run the program and use it as normal, be not online. Try it for yourself
Yes to all your questions!
Yes, the GPS works without a connection to the internet, and you would not notice the people who buy the GPS device and put it in the car without using the internet of course, and the same is the case with mobile phones. It works without an internet connection because all the maps are simply loaded on the device, so you only need GPS to know where you are. And for information, the size of the program is 2 gigabytes, because I carry all the maps of Europe in the device
Good people ... Any without the net !!!?
The day I went to America, I got lost in there. My phone wouldn't work unless I entered the hotel lobby and connected to the Wi-Fi .. I could not buy a line in a data package unless I had an American card ...
I mean, the maps system does not work except with the internet .. so I am wrong.
My dear Faisal, you are talking about the Maps program that is available on the iPhone. You are correct. This program that comes with this device needs an internet connection and the reason is to download maps from the internet. However, what we are talking about here is a program that you buy from the App Store that downloads maps for a specific country on your device and you can use the program in this case without the internet. However, the price of the program ranges between 30 and 100 dollars depending on the price of the program and the country in which you want to use the program. For example, the European Maps program that I downloaded costs about 70 dollars, and the price of American maps differs and the price of the Arab world differs and so on, divided. There are several programs in the App Store, including, for example:
And other programs, I myself in Europe use sygic because it is useful to me if I am a car passenger or walking on my leg. It gives me very accurate coordinates to the door of the house. You have a choice
When will the iPhone 4s be released in Saudi Arabia? Because I am waiting impatiently
As per my usage, I need the internet.
I am using the basic mapping program on the iPhone ..
But when I wanted to search for a specific place in the past, I meant the '' around me '' program, then through it, I would be converted to Google Maps ..
You, about a month ago, did not notice a difference in the basic mapping program on the iPhone, which is an update of street names and adding new places to the map that previously did not exist .. and adding names in Arabic also .. So I stopped using any other program .. to locate and search places and I settled with it ..
And wherever we want to go, show them on the iPhone without much effort except for the consumption of the package, of course ..
And it became an allowance for the car gamers.
GPS service is a location-determination service via satellite connection if you are using one of the devices prepared for this, such as Tom Tom. However, in the case of the phone, of course, your location is determined via the Internet. If you turn off the 3G service or data roaming, you will not be able to benefit from the location-determination service except by using one of the specialized programs (such as Tom Tom or Navigator or any other program) or even the maps service installed primarily on the iPhone.
My brother Majed, the navigation programs do not need an internet connection, only a connection to the satellite, and this connection is free and has a condition that the network must be effective. If you try once and turn off the iPhone in flight mode and open a GPS program, it will not work. We would like to know the reason for that.
Map programs are important, but until now there is no program
Reliable reliable iPhone
I advise you the sygic program, frankly, my fables, and you are troubled to benefit from it in the car or when walking, as it supports the two cases and it is also possible to change between the two cases whenever you want, really great. I use it in Europe and it has a version for the Arab world (exclusively the Gulf) and the cost is cheap compared to the rest of the programs
Peace be upon you!
I use tom tom a nice and useful program, but in Europe I do not know if it is of the same quality in our Arab countries.
Greetings to Yvonne Islam
What I advise you to use in Europe is because it has the same quality in the Arab countries
I advise you to correct the map program in the iPhone that needs the net
But the place appears to you from under the ground
I used more than one iPhone app like golf
Yes, they are all good, but I use a special device, which is the right of the car
If the navigation programs become XNUMX and XNUMX dollars, what can we benefit from?
When will ios5 jailbreak download?
Existing, but restricted
God bless you to add this information
But the 4s remains as frustrating as it is
If in the Garmin program on the iPhone, it was better for everyone, and it is much better than the tunnel. I have been using it for many years, and it is a smart program to search and locate places. Thank you
Use the Navigon Middle East software
It is wonderful, smooth and accurate, with Arabic commands, but it lacks an update of the maps
This is my point
I do not know the existence of the GPS system although I see the sign indicating it
I have IOS XNUMX so is there a GPS icon?
Or do you mean to download it from the App Store?
So heck, show us an excellent one
Qarmen is more important to me, and it does not allow you more than one site, whether on the sea, on the land, or on the roads
The truth is GPS is a strong and effective system that has many benefits, and we know that the competition will not end between East and West, but Apple is always seeking to win its customers. I would like if there is an Arab system that determines the positioning and is a purely Arabic innovation ,,, Thank you iPhone Islam for informing us about all New ,, and you are fine ,,.
Generally competition is in the interest of the user
I tried XNUMX Android devices, all of them are very slow in locating them
Unlike the iPhone and iPad, which frankly you can rely on
I love it on the seashore :)
Tom tom program
The best program I've tried
I am currently in America and the program is working perfectly
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I use igo my way and it is a great program. And I always use it when I travel in Dubai.
My iPhone XNUMX and I want an excellent map program
I travel a lot, especially in the wild
I want a program to help me with that, and I'd rather be free
And to you my sincere thanks Yvonne Islam.
Islam gives you wellness, Yvonne, always, even in the depths of the event
I use root 66 on Nokia and it is the best so far. Better than iGO, Invigator and others. I hope it works on the iPhone.
Route 66
It is the best program in my opinion
I tried it previously on Samsung Omnia
It was great for what the word meant, the accuracy was high and the errors were few and negligible
First, thanks for the information that we did not know before
As the brother said, we want an official Qarmen from Apple
To serve all iPhone devices
Always following you ♥
Thanks for the article, my brother .. But about myself: I rarely use GPS ..
So, I think, if I buy the iPhone XNUMXS, I will not care about the system ... I care a lot about the second features.
It gives you wellness .. Long as you wish .. Brother!
GPS used a lot
Almost a minute, but in a slight difference and does not stop, the change is detected by the movement
The car's hardware is used to attack the garmin and much better
The Garmin is supposed to exist for the iPhone, but I took advantage of it, so I did not actually try to compare it
But by and large the software is that the car is better
But I tried Garmin iPhone
Thank you iPhone Islam
I use Navigon.
Excellent program, but there is a Garmin program, but it is not available on the iPhone
For iPhone Will the Garmin program be released for iPhone because it is the best navigation program ever?
We are waiting for Apple and Garmin to cooperate and release the program
Baby, Garmin software is available on the App Store
However, the different names do not mean (Garmin, Tom Tom, Navi ...)
It differs from what was mentioned on the iPhone Islam site
They all rely on a global positioning program called GPS
Peace be upon you, may God bless you, my dear brother
You don't seem to know Garmin. This is the world's most powerful global positioning company
It has Garmin devices known all over the world
It is famous for its accuracy and comprehensiveness on land, sea and cities
Personally, I have tried it in everything very, very accurate. Without exaggeration, all the programs included in the AppStore
City map programs only large cities are good at small towns deficient
But whether small or large, the comparison is in very precise details, and the desert is also precise.
The GPS is more useful in the desert than in the cities
Garmin does not have a competitor in Saudi Arabia, the device that the people of the Sahara do not abandon
Desert Marvel Garmin
And who says it is in Father Store, this is not true, there is no
I really hope that this program is in the iPhone
Nokia has it, so why doesn't it have Apple devices ???
I actually found a big difference in the positioning
After the latest update to iOS 5
Apple has updated its mapper program
And it became much finer than the previous one
As for the 4s device
I only know about it, the name ☺