Since the iPhone 4S was officially announced, many have differed about it between a supporter who defends it and those who object to it, so we would love to convey the opinion of the largest global technology sites to you ...
The Verge
The iPhone 4S phone is a great phone in general .. But is that the case if we want to move from the current iPhone 4? The phone is very fast and has a high-quality camera, and if we want to have a personal assistant (Siri), we have no alternative but to buy an iPhone 4S. But are the aforementioned reasons sufficient to make current iPhone 4 users buy the 4S? The time difference between the release of the previous iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S is not big enough to make users buy the iPhone 4S. I have been using for a long time several phones and tested many other devices, but after returning to the iPhone and using it for a week only, that was enough to make me think
This phone is not the best at all and it could get better than that, but there is a secret behind the appeal of this phone, not the screen, not the new processor, and not the cloud features, there is something that attracts you to this phone
Is this phone the best phone ever? No…. This is something that we can discuss together and disagree, but what we cannot debate about is that this phone is really a phone that is more than wonderful.
Before the Apple conference, I was like others. I read the rumors about the new phone, the specifications, the completely new look, the big screen, and ... frankly, I was hoping that we were wrong (note: I have been sure for a long time that the rumors about the big screen are wrong information) frankly and from my point of view I think the design of the iPhone 4 is the most amazing ever, and I can't imagine how Apple could improve it to make it even better. But if she wanted to make it better, design it thinner? But if I did, the phone wouldn't be completely comfortable in my hand while I was photographing. I am very happy that Apple has not changed the external appearance of the phone regardless of the attack it is subjected to by a certain class of consumers, but Apple has focused on what it is really good at doing, which is developing the phone itself and has not bothered with the expected objections. Absolutely, but it seems that he is forced to give up the title in favor of the new iPhone 4S.
New York Times
IPhone 4 was my favorite out of all Apple products. IPhone 4S has all the advantages of the previous iPhone 4, with the same design, the same wonderful shape, the same screen quality, in addition to dozens of wonderful new and improved specifications. The only thing that frustrated me from the phone is that Apple did not stop updating the circuitry that appears when the phone is closed, nor did it make it look attractive (maybe Apple never wants us to turn off the phone)
The iPhone 4S was perhaps the least exciting Apple product, as there was a general disappointment when seeing it, but when the new phone is paired with a wonderful personal assistant like Siri and the new cloud features, here the phone offers smartphone users an unprecedented experience, some may ignore these new features and settle for With the previous phone and enjoying the new system and new cloud features, but those who will really decide to buy the phone will be happy with it.
The iPhone 4S is the last cluster in the iPhone series of phones from Apple, but it is very logical that those who bought an iPhone 4 phone hesitate to make the decision to buy a new iPhone 4S because they have the same system and the same look and have already bought The phone is newly and there will be no actual breakthrough for them, but for those who own iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS phones, there is no time to wait, you have to upgrade now, so the difference between the new phone and the current phone is terrible, as the phone really has great specifications of high speed and a very impressive camera and A unique and wonderful personal assistant too.
The Siri feature in the iPhone 4S is not in the final form, but it is a beta version. The experimental development has not ended yet, but despite this, it caused the new iPhone 4S phone to be a wonderful and very attractive phone. You really have great specifications. My World Networking - Backed by half a million in-store software - and awesome cloud features.
The iPhone 4S has the same design as the iPhone 4, yes this is true, but who cares about that at all? Apple may make a new look for the phone, a new name, or new colors, but is this really what matters to the user or the specifications inside? In the past, Steve Jobs said about the computer that it is the bike for our mind that speeds up our performance to reach what we want. If this is true, we must say that the iPhone 4S is a spaceship that takes us to dimensions and places that we have not reached before. Siri is the best personal assistant I have ever had, the new processor is more than amazing and it makes the programs work very quickly and smoothly, the camera got a wonderful development and great new specifications, the quality of the calls got a big improvement, the Siri personal assistant feature is great, but its flaw is that it is restricted Only what he can do. The question now is what about previous iPhone 4 buyers? This question is difficult for them, as they have bought the phone recently and may also be bound by a two-year contract from the companies and the new phone is the same shape, this makes the upgrade options for them very difficult.
Perhaps the motivation behind the demand to change the shape of the phone is the desire to change for the sake of change nothing but, Apple has done what it can really do, developed its most popular phone and added a lot of features to it and a wonderful camera that can take pictures beautifully and also the programs are working Much faster and smoother than before, and you can control your phone, whether you have the cable for the phone or without, Siri has proven that the company still has what it can offer to change the rules of the game, there will actually be more advanced phones than the iPhone and there will be phones You have a faster processor and a better internet connection and the phone is bigger than that, but all of this, despite it, we see that it is difficult for the new Apple phone that Apple re-introduces again, the real challenge facing companies is not only producing a phone with better specifications, but that. The wonderful combination of capabilities, services, programs, and… The iPhone 4S is exactly like its predecessor, but we must admit that it will contribute to a new shift in the mobile industry, just as the first iPhone did.
The new antenna design phone - you - will reduce the objections and complaints that are raised regardless of the fact that they are limited complaints with the permanent feature of the iPhone and its power center, which is a software store with 500 thousand programs or more, and the phone is no longer closed as it was before and is available On all networks like Spirit, this means that before it closed all the gaps behind competitors, and also iPhone 4S is the first phone in the world that you can ask any question in your mind to come to you with the answer and from scientific books and major encyclopedias.
This was a tour with the largest global sites and newspapers specialized in technology and their opinion of the iPhone 4S, but some of them may deal with their own interests ... As for us in the iPhone Islam "do not compliment anyone" and even if our interests are with Apple, our great interest is to use technology for what is good for us in The world, whether from Apple or others, does not unite us with Apple, except that we appreciate their creativity and learn from them, and if Apple is wrong, we will not stick to it, and we will lend our brothers to what is best for them.
Await review for iPhone Islam for iPhone 4S
Source: 9to5mac
Peace be upon you, guys. I have a problem with the rear camera on the iPhone 4s. When taking pictures from a distance of about a meter, it is very clear. However, when taking pictures up close, for example, when taking a picture of a phone number from a card or reading a barcode or any close-up picture, it is not completely clear or foggy. Are there camera settings or is there a malfunction? Please help me. Thank you.
Does the iPhone 4S support the Arabic language?
Is it possible to do an inscription and jailbreak for it?
Each cuts and sews on its own way ...
Each one has its uses in the device
Some of them attack the iPhone, not including Bluetooth
And I hate what I owe in this world bluetooth and its interruption
Scurvy comes to me with poetry when one says and another clip of bluetooth
((With all due respect to the bluetooth owners >>> triviality of mind, I do not have anything to settle life with))
I commend your words d. Tareq ; Really :
My iPhone usage exceeds messages, calls, and games ...
Why battered people know that the iPhone XNUMX is not enough for the sake of looks
I mean, a fashion like the dress, shoes, ghutra and other appearances ...
They forgot the practical and actual reality of the device ...
I was silent, but the words of the doctor, the heart of the woes
So far, the device has not been connected, and we know the specifications in a tangible way. Hatta we can judge it in the coming days, and when we buy the device, the real judgment is
I am one I am bored of all this technology. I want something new that fascinates me
Every call becomes a tradition in a tradition
Do not wait for a new Apple or others, wait for a new technology
Frankly, I am satisfied with what Apple has provided. I am always with Apple and its products without thinking at all.
God, I heard. The program is to be spoken in the Arabic language
It comes with the new update 5.0 Mo Hwa Zi the program
My brothers, IOS lovers
From my point of view, the Android will ruffle the iPhone XNUMX
I am talking about the Galaxy SXNUMX
I have no choice but to settle in it. A clever person says I have experienced the iOS
I go back to saying that I used it for years and unfortunately fiddled with it
A failed regime in the most extreme limit, restricting your liberation in the other
If you use iTunes, it makes you crazy
And if you come to delete songs from the device, it makes you crazy
And if you come, you want to turn on a flash that makes you crazy
And if you want to download a video from the internet, it makes you crazy
And if, if and then
This is not to mention that you cannot use Bluetooth
The problem above is that Apple deliberately shutting down devices with old systems
Imagine Sweet Restore using iTunes means locking my device and forcing me
I am changing to the new software to the jailbreak money of XNUMX
Hundreds of apps disappeared with it
I was a big fan of this system, but I discovered its failure
One comes and says, "What is the Galaxy?"
I say its technical specifications crash the iPhone and trample it
And it gives you complete freedom with your device, which means that it loses its memory like Matby
And bluetooth works on all devices
On the one hand, the operating system is smooth, new, and flexible. You can modify it like Matby
Like all the things you have to jailbreak in order to add them to your iPhone
Tjjaji from the origin of the Galaxy
And on top of that, as a whole, a free market for programs !!!!!!
The screen is much bigger, and the accuracy is comparable to the iPhone, with the same strength
Frankly, salvation for me, the system is not all junk
Finally, I move to the Android system ,,,
As for Bison, she has intelligence, and they say, "I used the iPhone."
By saying it is used more than you and I know the roots of this system, and I have written a detailed explanation for it
Bsss, have you installed Android system ?????
This is my opinion and it is impossible to change it if iPhone XNUMX was released
Apple will not change its mentality and will let you lose its slavery, this system is impossible
Gives you freedom ,,,
Honorable brothers, supervisors of the iPhone site Islam ... Peace be upon you, and may God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.
I am writing these words but I am angry, sorry for the first time since I bought the iPhone 3GS about a year ago and a month ago I joined it with an iPad and was interested in the technology offered by these devices ... I will not extend to you ... But after the recent update of the devices and following the iCloud system I noticed that the permissible space, which is approximately 5 gigabytes, was exhausted, and only four hundred megabytes remained of it. After contacting Apple, they told me that you must purchase a new space in order to be able to download the rest of your programs, knowing that I downloaded in the device my pictures and applications that were more than four in size Giga ... .. The painful thing in the matter is that it does not matter the size of your device, whether it is 32 or even 64 GB. What is important is the space in the iCloud…. After my question to them, can I make, for example, the applications on the device’s memory and I don’t want them to be on the iCloud and make the rest From pictures, emails and audio clips, the employee’s answer was by saying: “I cannot,” and he signed it like a thunderbolt because I felt that it was a way to emigrate money from people…. When I told the employee what is the benefit of buying 23 or 16 gigabytes as long as you cannot benefit from them, his answer was elusive, and his state says this is any cloud If you want to do so Buy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ask you to advise, should I acquiesce in them and buy, or is there another way to deal with the matter?
God bless you
May Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you
As I said before the end of the storm, be patient with Apple and you will heal iPhone XNUMX
Thank you for the article
Frankly, it is difficult to decide now, especially that in the Middle East, the device is still home
The specifications are better in terms of cam, siri and browsing
I think that the iPhone 4 is good, and God willing, with the use of the 4S, we will get to know each other.
P its advantages and disadvantages, if any
Why is the external form important for the content and internal development
All the best for all
iPhone 4s, believe me, if Apple changed its shape, you would say it is the best, but the company has a point of view and it knows better than we do.
Arabs agreed not to agree. Thank you Apple. Because you made me get to know kind and tasteful people through the responses and opinions. I am really proud of you, brothers. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. You are the most beautiful. A gift from Apple for me personally <<< Point of view
Thank you, Apple, thank you, brothers in Islam
iOS 5, the most beautiful in the world of Apple
And of course Icloud surpassed imaginations, despite rumors
In the world of Apple and jailbreak nothing is impossible
I thank those in charge of the site for the blessed work in transferring technology to the Arab and Islamic world.
Regarding the comparison between the 4 and the 4SV, it is not economical to upgrade to the new device, especially since the added technologies, in my opinion, do not deserve the price offered for them.
If we look at an economic point of view, the old cost of me from Britain was about XNUMX riyals, I did not refund the taxes for XNUMX gigabytes, and now its price after using a year is XNUMX riyals, which means half of its value and the price of used XNUMXGS is XNUMX riyals. And it has more than two and a half years, and through the economic comparison, I decided to buy an iPad XNUMX instead of the XNUMXS
Thank you
The iPhone since its inception in XNUMX has not changed at all
Features come on itself did not change only in the form
In fact, I own a Samsung Galaxy and iPhone XNUMX device
Honestly, we were deceived in the iPhone
Galaxy is a powerful device with all the features
Samsung is rich in expression
God bless me, I buy an iPhone XNUMX, how much its price is now enough
Mubarak's effort, Yvonne Islam.
But the question: Why did you respond harsh to Apple in your last comment? Ha-ha-ha
God I laughed at your response, but it is logical
I will update after what I saw with this video. By God, I cannot find better than you, iPhone. Thank you, iPhone. Islam. Indeed, you are a distinguished villager and always forward ...
Thanks for your wonderful work
Peace be upon you. If you would be gracious, I have an iPhone XNUMX, but I do not have a FaceTime on how to download the program
Why do the videos in the article not play?
I have a pencil box with flash written in it
Who has the solution
Peace be upon you. I downloaded the new software, but I wanted to know
How can I use I Message? Please advise.
I don’t have a different comment, without the difference of tastes for the merchandise bart.
Accept my regards and respect.
I see that whoever owns an iPhone 4 does not need to buy an iPhone 4s because there is no big difference as to whoever does not own an iPhone or he owns an iPhone 3
I advise him to buy an iPhone 4s
There are some things that they did not put in the XNUMXS, which is very important
3- 4G (broadcast) did not provide it, but sending the new one, and Huawei XNUMXG is much faster.
3- They did not change the screen to XNUMXD as in some other devices.
XNUMX- Hearing, she did not add a single violin.
The majority of responses say the company failed to issue the iPhone XNUMXS
We see if the device arrived with us and we see the traffic on it :)
Frankly, I see the detailed explanation above
Too much for the new version of the iPhone
I currently have 4s and 4g
There is a difference between them, but it is very simple and negligible
And in XNUMX% of the people, you do not need the sira program to talk to the iPhone
Generally speaking to everyone please do not buy XNUMXs
If you own a 4G device, it is better for you to change
All you need is in 4g
I am a 3GS owner, and frankly I used to buy the new device I mean Iphone 5, but after the device came out in the same shape as the 4 and because I was not convinced of the camera and the Siri system, I see that there is no need to buy it and we are waiting for the new product in October 2012
And what really bothered me, is the 4S purchase !!
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I think the iphone4s was produced for reasons
XNUMX- Experience the new processor with the new system
XNUMX- Siri service experience and know the opinion of the public
XNUMX- Experience of cloud services and the extent of demand for them
Based on the results of this product, Apple will build its fifth device.
Praise be to God alone, and blessings and peace be upon me after him
Dear brothers, we heard that Siri technology does not work except in the United States.
A comparison was made on the Palm Forum. One of the brothers mentioned the speed of Samyoung S2 on the iPhone 4S
As for the Siri, it has been installed by one of the developers, and the duck tray and suspension are attached to the processor duck on iPhone 4
As for the change, everyone has uses and knows what he wants, he will not be confused
I ask the blogger to make a technical comparison between the iPhone 2s and the Samsung SXNUMX
We hope that you are neutral
And you last
I expect the future of Apple will be through Siri and artificial intelligence. Here is Apple, just as it dispensed with buttons, it is dispensing with touch.
And I am an employee who used to sell iPhone XNUMX and I bought XNUMXS and believe me, Yvonne Islam, because of the high price of iPhone XNUMX in the Middle East, people have paid a lot for it, and if he sells it and buys new, he will lose and this fact that people do not want to admit is that he does not lose financially and whoever tells you I see a change means You want a mobile that flies, for example ?! XNUMX times faster, download and upload twice as fast, and change my mind to see the crazy and pick you up. There is no difference .. Medicine, for example, tell me: What would you like to have a bigger screen? !! What will appear on a larger inch screen and does it appear on the iPhone XNUMX, the problem is in the budget and the difficulty in obtaining it because so people are telling you, it makes no difference
O group of people who love to buy iPhone XNUMXs, you see, this is something that makes it to what Yaba does not buy, and everyone has an opinion
Thank you for your efforts
Only Siri service lets you leave the XNUMX and go to the XNUMXS
And I think Apple can put this app right now
And I dare her to do that because it will make the Fur S devices
To be honest, I am with the first to comment because I do not find anything special about it except the rich Siri GS, the best type I have seen because it is fast and looks beautiful, and everyone has their own opinion on this topic. I am not going to buy until the iPhone Five comes out, God willing.
And thank you Yvon Aslam for the beautiful and interesting topic
I have a 3GS and I will not change it except to an iPhone XNUMX, God willing, so that the differences will be clear to me. God bless the updates, they are very useful. Thank you.
Peace be upon you. I want to know whether the g4s supports the 4G network because Apple mentioned all the advantages. I do not know what is new in it because the camera, the speed of the internet, and the screen resolution are all already in place. ”The Galaxy and I think that Apple will file a case saying they stole my idea. As for those who will say that it is the first touch device that is in no hurry to have devices from Touch 2001, I remember Sony Ericsson.
I am an iPhone 5 user, and I do not think and will not think that I change my device immediately after S and tell me I intend to change his device for the purpose of bragging only I tell him a simple thing to leave your device immediately with you and the one who asks you to say to him no this immediately after the last thing and interviewed me that someone discovered the difference, especially if you are a system loader The new iOS XNUMX
Guys, I have an iPhone 3GS, would you advise me to buy the 4 or 4 s ???
I am still proud of the iPhone 4's values and there is not much difference between it
And between the 4s, even with Siri, is not considered an achievement as long as it has not yet touched the Arabic language.
Thank you iPhone Islam for the efforts exerted.
I think that the iPhone XNUMX is similar to the Samsung Galaxy JS, while the iPhone XNUMXS is similar to the Samsung JSXNUMX ,,, meaning Samsung is one step ahead of Apple
I want advice from you. I want to buy an iPhone 4s, but I am afraid that the difference in shape and specifications will be shameful when compared to the iPhone 5. I don’t know whether the iPhone 5 will have a processor speed higher than 2GB or it may be a four-core processor. I am now convinced in 4S Advice Buy it or not The problem I like to be one of the skeptics in keeping up with artificial intelligence technology I don’t buy a device to tell people look what’s in my hand Question Is the clarity of the iPhone XNUMXS VGA HD screen
I do not see any need to purchase it as long as its specifications are like this
The heating while charging reminds me of Nokia
And the days are enough to reveal the features and defects
Wish you all the best
By God, I see a slight difference, but I mean between the iPhone, and in German, its new price is 678 euros. I saw it as expensive, while the iPhone 4 was 400.
I swear we don't know you, iPhone Islam
There is a point you said that you are happy that the 4S is the same size as the iPhone 4
If it was thin, it would not be comfortable to use
And if the iPhone 4S is really thin, you said it is the best device, thin and light...etc.
By God, we do not know you, our helplessness, we understand you
We ask of the honorable brothers to pay attention to the negatives of the challenges to the new system, and to mention them so that we know the solutions
Great article, thank you Yvonne Islam….
Peace be upon you all ..
Honestly, I see that it is the same as the first iPhone, but the difference is that they are exaggerated in terms of its software.
Thanks to all …!
I do not recommend it, especially since Siri does not work in Arabic
Whoever has an iPhone 4 can not do without it, the difference is not big. And we are waiting for iPhone 5) (I don't have two months on the iPhone 4, but what is its money), and what I hope for
Thank you Yvonne Islam for what you do for us 😊
I am a 3GS user and I did not change to iPhone 4 because the changes were not significant for me at that time, but now I have to change because the difference has become large in terms of hardware, but iPhone 5 users do not advise them to change because the system features can be obtained by updating to IOSXNUMX
Please accept my regards
Unfortunately, I see Apple mimicking Android when the opposite was true
I use the iPhone 4 and then the Samsung S2 and now I say goodbye to the iPhone because there is no comparison.
The best Android system and the features of the iOS XNUMX system are imitation of it
Bluetooth is better on Android
Galaxy S2 is faster and has a better and clearer screen
Galaxy has an external memory card
You can change the Galaxy battery to another whenever you need to charge the battery without putting the phone on charge when you need it
On top of all that, Samsung launched the new Galaxy model with a faster processor
And waiting for the terrible Galaxy SXNUMX
Goodbye, Yvonne
After modification, XNUMX names do not appear only numbers !!
Is there a solution other than typing the number without the international dialing number ?!
Thank you,,
Excuse me; Would you advise me to switch to 4gs ??
There is also an important point that I hope you will answer, which is: There are those who describe the iPhone as a mobile phone for children !! And they say that the Samsung SXNUMX is much better than him, so how do I answer them with a response?
Thank you iPhone Islam ,, ..
But what about memory !! ?? Has it been upgraded to a wider range, or has an external memory been added to it ???
The other thing is that I have an iPhone 3GS, so would you advise me to spend too much on this
Some of the talk is very exaggerated. I don’t see that huge difference between them. Siri, we as Arabs will not benefit from it enough.
Wait a while and it is available in Cydia.
The camera is okay. We were looking for something more
The wizard also has what it does. Is it true that the memory size reaches XNUMX?
If true, one might think about buying it.
Peace be upon you, according to my opinion. If the material difference is slight between them, there is no harm if we take the best
I have iPhone 4 and there is nothing to encourage me to have XNUMXs except for weak connection to iPhone XNUMX and the transmission is cut off in some areas
But I am still confused
As for myself, I say that XNUMXS programs are among my expectations that they will be downloaded in iTunes and become in dollars
See the accuracy of the filming and directing you are, Yvonne, specialists in the iPhone, its problems and its aftermath. A video in Tariq's office.
If you are thinking of buying the Fur S, it is only the XNUMXGB gel ^ _ *
Siri Hua is better than the iPhone 4s
But most of the international sites and magazines, Yvonne Islam
Totally unconvincing and I think there are other sites that you did not take their opinion on which are more important than some nice iPhone fans.
Peace. on you
I liked to share their opinions with my brothers and say that the difference it made
IPhone 3 is much larger than 4GS than the XNUMX and XNUMXs
I was waiting for something bigger, Apple. Good luck.
Peace be upon you. The article was very nice, but in my opinion the next iPhone will be better than this generation in terms of entertainment, and I also prefer the iPhone 4 because I don’t see a big difference between it and the iPhone 4s.
Apple, God forbid, could you be on Earth without Steve Jobs, may God have mercy on him
If he had lived, he would not have been satisfied with this farce
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
My personal analysis of why Apple made the iPhone 4s
She has large quantities of iPhone 4 and has added a camera
And the dual processor and other add-ons in order to get rid of the amount in it and accept the compliment and thank you, Yvon Aslam
From my point of view, Apple is at the height of intelligence and when it did not change the shape of the iPhone and was satisfied with changing some specifications, which indicates the genius of the company to satisfy Apple customers with the new technology and to look at what other companies will offer from its competitors so that Apple can then match other companies with the iPhone XNUMX and thus It will always be the pioneer because we have thought a little to know that Apple would have wanted to change the shape to its jealousy, especially after the rumors, but the company is looking from another perspective
Siri is going to download on the iPhone 4, and I advise someone to buy an iPhone XNUMXS because it is the same as the iPhone XNUMX simple changes, all a month and two with a lot.
There is really no reason to change the iPhone 4 as long as Apple doesn't make that fundamental difference on the XNUMXS
Is changing the processor in the iPhone 4s is not essential
So, the fundamental differences in your opinion.
I think every new device is better than the previous one, and the experience is the best proof, since the iPhone of the first generation to the fourth.
The site iPhone Islam remains one of the most neutral and reliable sites for me, and I am not the case of the antenna in the iPhone XNUMX, as it was proven by iPhone Islam, while some sites fell from my eyes due to their stupidity and underestimation of our minds
I like you
Explain the difference between iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS
He mentioned the features of the iPhone XNUMXS in detail
Thank you
Will I buy an iPhone 4s?
I do not think so, the price difference is very large between 4 gig XNUMXg
And 4g
In addition, the new features are not encouraging.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I thank those in charge of the site, in particular Professor Tariq
On the effort they put into communicating the correct information
For the Arab user.
As for the iPhone 4s product, there is a difference between it and the iPhone 4
It is good from Apple that they did not change the look because it is still gorgeous and beautiful.
Is there a way through which I can control the scanning of images in Photo Stream?
My problem is still there
I hope you will help me
I downloaded the file from iPhone Islam to iPhone and converted the 740MB file to ipsw, but when I press shift+update, I get a message that the firmware is not compatible. I deleted it and downloaded it several times from several places, but to no avail. I changed the entire device and the same problem, and the automatic method does not complete because the Internet is disconnected.
Please help, I have tried everything to no avail for the fourth day
I hope that any participant who has a solution to my problem will help me with it. May God reward him with all good.
If 4s services are running on 4
Flesh losses because it is the difference in the camera
Thanks Apple
Thank you Yvon Aslam
Forgive me, Siri, it is difficult to put it on the iPhone 5 because it is a separate system from the software ... Secondly, even if we accept that someone was able to install it on the iPhone 5 and of course this is impossible, it will not work as required for a good reason, which is that the iPhone XNUMX requires very high speed and it is at the speed of the currently existing in the iPhone XNUMX As for the video and image processor, the difference is big. Why? Because Apple mentioned to us that there are now instead of the four lenses previously in the iPhone XNUMX, it added a fifth high-quality fiber-optic lens, and most importantly, the percentage of light entering those five pressurized lenses increased their percentage On the iPhone XNUMXS, by XNUMX%, this is an imaginary thing, and it will happen and make a big difference in photography. Add to that the high stability degree proven by the experience ... Go to the Apple website and look at a video about the camera and you will see the difference .. People do not know until now that the speed processor that lies in the Prosier The new AXNUMX has a very, very big impact in running programs, including, but not limited to, the Siri service and the speed of capturing images ... and whoever is not interested in the XNUMXS because he has the XNUMX defiant, nor Apple has forced anyone to buy it. A giant always looking at the distance and the adequacy of the quality of its products that a company has yet to reach and will not reach until today, as it has controlled XNUMX% of the world's companies and establishments and their individuals…. According to the latest surveys
I think that the motives for entertainment are limited but they are considered, I own 4 and yesterday I got unrestricted 4s i.e. without a contract, and after the experience I can from the first glance noticed the speed difference, especially when the device starts up and with some applications and games, as for Siri it is really Wonderful and when I experience it, I can say that he has a wonderful future in the world of phones and the world of computers. Video shooting is also wonderful. I shot some clips and watched them on 1080p TV, and the sound and image are more than wonderful.
But the upgrade depends on your usage habits and the apps you prefer
In my opinion, someone who owns 4 does not need to change to 4s
The difference will be for those who own 3 and 3GS devices, and there will be a very big difference
The new iPhone has fixed the fourth generation iPhone problems and added some visual developments to some device programs.
Its price is moderate and reasonable.
Technical support is more beautiful than wonderful.
Thank you, Abel.
In fact, my brothers on Islam's iPhone, I have been for more than two years, and I have been following your website, your comments, and your news
I was also following the various foreign websites specialized in the Apple world in general and the iPhone in particular
And I've been standing on your side a lot
Except for your comments about the iPhone 4S! I was very surprised by your reaction! I couldn't understand, did you really believe the rumors and force Apple to do the rumors ?!
Or do you know, by virtue of your experience, the policy of Apple in issuing its devices and its vision to easily change the rules of the game !?
Do you think Apple wants iPhone owners to change their devices annually? What do other cheap imitation companies do ?!
Who are competing for specifications !! The operating system may not need it in the first place !!
I used to say that Apple should not be led behind the trap of competitors !! .. We do not want a large 4.2 screen .. But when you look at it, you see a blue-white screen !! As if the ink is over !!
We want the power of a system ... especially since the very elegant shape of the iPhone 4 has not yet been satiated with its vision.
Thank you Apple .. and thank you Yvonne Islam .. But my advice to you is, do not spread rumors let alone believe them !!
Someone suggested a comparison between iOS 5 and Andrew Yade
Excuse me, have the iPhone XNUMXS Unlocked been downloaded in US stores, or yet?
The month of November, God willing
In caution safety in haste repentance
Greetings to everyone
And a grateful effort for the brothers on the site
I own an iPhone 3G and then 4, which is an excellent device, but I see very exaggerations in describing and praising the iPhone
Then a strange attempt to amplify the 4S and I really don't see what is tempting to buy it
Thank you
Peace be upon you
By God, you are right, my brother. Thank God that there is someone like you who agrees with me on this matter.
Indeed, this is a great exaggeration in his description, especially since many of those who own the iPhone XNUMX will not change their device, and what Apple has resolved is a big mistake
And this talk without courtesy
I completely agree with you, as the new iPhone, despite the media aura that greatly promoted it, did not succeed in marketing it as expected, and the reactions of users towards it were very normal, and I have seen with my own eyes how the Apple stores in Vancouver, Canada, despite their crowding with spectators, but it is rare to see anyone who has taken his place In front of the cashier to buy
Those who have tried the new iPhone say that it gets very hot when using browsing and the camera.
The new processor is powerful, but the overheating problem has a really annoying problem.
My dear brother, the iPhone gets hot when used while it is only charging. My regards to you, my dear brother.
No, I have an iPhone XNUMX
And it sometimes gets hot with use without the charger
<< Notice sometimes, but mostly it is normal
Is it true that Siri will be on the iPhone 4 and iPad 2?
Siri will be on the iPhone XNUMXS and iPad XNUMX
As for the iPad XNUMX, iPhone XNUMX and iPod XNUMX, it will not be present
Brother Abdul Ilah, I have an iPad 2 and I do not have this feature, so how can it be downloaded, may God reward you with good
I think, after the supply of the Apple Store runs out, the device is great, but unfortunately the Arabs are somewhat marginalized from the major companies
Do you know why?
The rest of the people (or most of them) will not acquire this device in abundance unless it is present in their country (in my country it will not take care of it)
As for the Arabs
They are themselves eager, without reason, to buy everything new under a beautiful mask called (love of technology)
Your words are wrong
Come to Australia and see people queue in front of the Camel Store. How many Arabs are there?
What you are talking about, I am anxious about everything new. What is wrong. Rather, it is not my problem, just stuck in the hearts of some people
I agree with you, brother, I am an Iraqi and a resident of Australia, and people are right, queuing up to get an iPhone
I expect, and God knows best, that the iPhone 5 will be better than its predecessor.
Of appliances. But iPhone 4s doesn't make any difference with iPhone 4
Only in the camera and speed only. The Promise 5 Yaabel
I am Jani for a gift today, iPhone 4s, and you don’t use Siri technology because you only speak English. I have an iPhone XNUMX, but I see that big difference between the two devices is a very small difference in terms of speed and performance, but the start up is very fast, and the internet browsing is a little faster than the XNUMX, but I think after my hobby, the Middle East comes down to the camera. It is a difference, but it is not my hobby, something very simple, and any question you have. I will answer it to you, your brother Samer al-Iraqi from Arzuna.
How are the constellations with the device
<<< This is a pleasant problem for me with the iPhone XNUMX
The towers are going and coming back while I am boat to him, big enough !!
By God, my brother, Mafdium, I have had the horoscopes from the day I bought the iPhone XNUMX and the iPhone XNUMX s hissed, and I had no problem with the horoscopes knowing that I did not commit a blasphemy, but you could have bought the first meal, right there was a problem in it, but I advise you to settle an update for your ready.
Frankly, this blog is one of the best I've read so far.
Thank you Yvonne Islam for this effort.
As for the brothers who use it, even if the device from the external side is no different from the iPhone XNUMX, but I find that the new features serve me greatly in practice, so I decided to buy the device.
I thank Apple for this mighty device, which has captivated many smartphone users around the world, and I also thank Yvonne Islam for this most wonderful blog.
Life is good without an iPhone, rich, immediate, five, and then mobile, salvation, but sweet, and an iPhone, if it has Bluetooth, it would have been better.
My brothers, there is something very important that opinions overlooked that the short period between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S was designed for IOS 5, which is a smooth and more than wonderful system, and it is different from previous systems, as we do not forget the efforts made to make spaces in servers for every subscriber in the world.
Thanks Apple
Thank you Yvonne Islam
By God, you are my dear brother, and I thank you for the remark
I felt from your response that the number of Apple employees was counting on the fingers. Their effort immersed themselves in the development of the OS Five. Although I did not find the vast difference between it and what preceded it, I do not know of any fluidity you talk about. Apple claims to be XNUMX teams and I only notice XNUMX spreads :).
So, my brother, sell the iPhone, rest from the lie of Apple, wind your head, and buy you Alcatel, or Siemens, or any mobile phone for free, features he is not convinced of.
Of course I said this because only 5 advantages are considered disappointing if your words are correct. As for the correct speech, the iosXNUMX is an effort for which Apple and advanced software are thankful and have differences for the better.
From foreign sources, I assure you, God willing, Siri service will be on all devices, not with the iPhone 4s, and this news confirms that a group of people interested in jailbreaking and penetrating it have found a loophole, but they want to put the jailbreak on the 4s and after the final work has been completed. The password will be withdrawn, and anyone can create a jailbreak by setting this system, and this is the reason for the delay in the release of the unrestricted jailbreak to prove the existence of :), and I offer you my highest respect and appreciation to you
God bless you the most wonderful article
Brother, respected blogger, I have a question outside the topic. Please help me answer it
I have an iPhone 5 that works with iosXNUMX, but I cannot see the hotspot feature, so please help, with many thanks and respect
Your brother Aasu from Denmark
I live in Sweden and I have an iPhone 5 that works on IOS XNUMX and I have the same problem
To activate the service, you must enter the network settings, then fill in the name of the network and the server, i.e. the communications network, then restart the device and you will find the feature present
The personal hotspot is activated by the call service provider
Thanks for the help
My brother from Sweden, the reason is to use a sim card recharge and not abonment
My dear brother, there are two ways: The first is to search the Internet, and they will benefit you, brothers. The second method. If you have the hotspot installed on your computer, you have the right to access their main website by receiving download hotspot mobil.
Thank you
My dear, you will think that you are far away. Men want the feature of sharing the Internet connection with other devices, as they use the iPhone as a modem device and they connect to the Internet through it, I mean a personal point of contact. You have a peace of mind on a jailbreak program
Have you tried to go in the Sitting to a general and then Network? You do it from there and then it will appear in its old site at the beginning of the siting page.
I own an iPhone XNUMX and a date changed to XNUMXS because I will not benefit from the new changes, but I am waiting for iPhone XNUMX, the next year at least, the phone will be disintegrating
Your opinion is correct and like my opinion
Exactly the same opinion
Thanks for the good transportation
I think this article is in response to me. I wrote it, but I did not show it.
Sorry if my response was offensive :)
The iPhone XNUMX has a beautiful design, an increased local size, and the new attractive features such as the cam. And the wizard and the Siri, they excelled in it through his propaganda. I salute them for the development of the XNUMXs and I wish success to Yvonne Islam on what you do in terms of covering the products and explanations.
I do not recommend it, especially since Siri does not work in Arabic.
Whoever has an iPhone 4 cannot do without it, as the difference is not big. We are waiting for the iPhone 5 (I have had the iPhone 4 for two months and I haven’t filled it yet 😁) and I may not fill it up.
Thank you Yvonne Islam for what you do for us 😊
In a few days, Siri will work on iPhone XNUMX with ease and activity 😃 ..
Indeed, clips spread on YouTube to make sure that Siri works on the iPhone XNUMX, but with a slow rate of the device ... but they promise to solve this problem very soon.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam.
I have an iPhone 3GS, is it worth replacing it with 4Gs?
Is there a big difference in price between the 4G and the 4GS?
It will be available, God willing, in the Arab markets before the end of the year
I think the difference between the 4s 4GB version and the XNUMX XNUMXGB version will be around XNUMX pounds or approximately XNUMX US dollars on average.
I went to the store to actually buy the iPhone XNUMXS in the United States, and I was ready to buy and renew the contract with AT&T, but the view changed, there is no demand at all and the devices are available, and I decided to wait until the unrestricted device is issued and not sign a contract with AT&T Is it equal to buying as a developer must and as a consumer I don't think unless you have XNUMXg or XNUMXgs because it is a mutation on these devices and this is my opinion
It is true for those who own an iPhone XNUMX, it is difficult to decide if they replace it with the iPhone XNUMXs .. I am unlike the majority. Apple made me happy when I introduced the same shape to the previous iPhone with slight differences because I have owned the iPhone XNUMX for about a year and have not enjoyed it yet. I want it to stay with me for a longer period so that I enjoy it more and more. .. :)
No, Andrew, Moore’s Hand is better than iOS and it’s impossible to get better ,,, Ask anyone who has an iPhone and the answer will be iOS for sure 😜😝😁👻📱
Nice article, we thank you for your efforts
There is no doubt that the iPhone, with all its features, is great, and in both cases, I cannot give up Apple and its products
Technology addiction
This real opinion, which we must listen to, is not the complainants who understand nothing but shape and color change
Greetings, Yvonne Islam, for this excellent transfer
I own an iPhone 4 and I will not replace it with the S4 because the differences
Simple and unattractive for me
just an opinion
And maybe we will find Siri on the iPhone XNUMX, no one knows
Believe me, the Android system is unparalleled and serves all the requirements of human use, and you know, whoever wrote this code, that Android is the best.
If you know that is a calamity
If you do not know, the calamity is greater
The tastes of others must be respected, and everyone who has needs and orientations must be respected, Mister Para
Do not see the evil of Fawzi's brother
How does iPhone Islam allow such comments ?! It should be deleted immediately
Brother MacBandi, forgive me, you see me joking :)
Hey Macbandi, if you use the iPhone first and then use the Android, you will know who is the best: p
I tried hard to respect your opinion, but I could not stand silent in front of an opinion that only indicates complete ignorance of what you are talking about. I am almost certain that you, my dear brother, have never seen an iOS product, let alone used it. What prompted me to say this is the wealth and true revolution of technologies and applications that the iOS system enjoys. No matter what humanity creates, these technologies and software will not meet with their quality, precision of design, and strength of their developers except in the Apple App Store, which is one of the most important features of this system. As a user, I do not care if the system is open source or closed, as I am able to browse through more than half a million applications that satisfy my needs, most of which are of fantastic quality. A simple example, my dear brother
If you want to travel to any country in the world, once you enter the software store and search for the name of the country you want to visit, you will find the following (a navigation program from more than one leading company in this field for the country you will visit, a translation program from your language into the language spoken by the population of the country you intend to visit) His visit, more than one program that is a tourist guide for the city that you will visit, a special program for halal restaurants in all cities of the world, an introductory program at the city’s airport to which you will go to flight times, gates and everything about the airport, do not be surprised if you find more than a hundred programs for only one city you intend to visit All this when planning to travel and this is a simple example of the richness of the iPhone system with useful programs
I did not talk about the medical programs and books that are available in the software store directly from the source and that serve a large segment of specialists in the quick access to information.
In short, my iPhone is my phone, my laptop, my navigation device, my notebook, my medical references, my electronic dictionary, my travel guide, my digital camera, my Quran, my audio player, and much more.
Tell me what Android is for you and why is it the best for sure !!!!!!!!
God bless you, Dr. Tariq. I liked your response. Indeed, I am facing a huge amount of fierce attack by my fellow Androids against the iOS system. And your comment helped me a lot in quoting some of it to respond to them.
But there is a point in it that I always find a thorn in my way while defending. Is the flash feature.
But if Apple addresses this point, it will force the intruders to reduce their system. And also it will satisfy the owners and lovers of Apple.
Peace be upon you
I have points to mention this on your words
XNUMX- Your words to the director of the blog, may God reward him - there is less respect, even though he is tired in this article, but you are talking about it as if he did not settle something, and I am surprised how they did not delete your comment, this one in which there is less politeness and respect
XNUMX- It is clear that you have not tried iOS, and so I agree with my brother Albahooth
XNUMX- If you read the brothers' comments, you would know that iOS is better in general than Android
I hope you understand these things, macbandi
The iPhone 4 is still doing what I am yearning for, and I will definitely be happy when I get the S.