We talked a lot about the Siri technology, the smart assistant in the iPhone 4S, and we talked about the ability of this technology and what it can offer ... It is worth noting that Apple sold XNUMX million phones in two days, and we think that the biggest credit for Siri is that, but for us in the Arab world, many have asked when Siri will support the Arabic language and will Siri be useful for us in the Arab world ...
Well let's not be too optimistic
This picture is for a buyer who bought a new iPhone 4S phone and asked where he was and did not know Siri, and also the question of what time the time is and he did not know and a question about the places and he did not know, do you see where the questioner is? It is in Canada, one of the first 7 countries in which the iPhone 4S was officially released
When Apple asked about not supporting Siri for Canada despite the iPhone 4S being officially sold there, I told that the Siri technology is still a beta version so far, as announced on the site, and global maps and other languages will be supported in 2012, God willing. The additional languages that Siri is expected to support in its final version are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian and Spanish. Arabic is not known whether it will be supported or not.
We return to our question, when will the Arab world at least be able to support the Arab world, even if it is in English ... Mmm, we think that this is not soon due to the simple reason that Siri does not support the Big Seven for Apple today. As we know that Apple classifies the world into 3 divisions, in which it sells the phone in successive stages ...
A first stage and includes 7 countries: America, Canada, Japan, England, France, Australia and Germany.
A second stage consists of 22 additional countries.
And the third stage, the rest of the world, and the Arab world in the third stage.
We believe that Apple's support for Siri technology will be in the same order.
So let us suppose that Siri supports Arab regions, or even we ignored the orders that depend on the location and decided to use Siri technology in other things such as knowing the weather, arranging appointments and other general questions, so will the dialect be a hindrance? Should we speak an American accent?
Our brother Ihab Abdo, a developer in America, answered this question. We asked him to test Siri with an Egyptian accent, then an accent that is close to American ... and he sent us this video ...
Of course, as expected, Siri will be disappointing if your pronunciation is not correct, and in order not to say that the Arabic dialect is the problem. This is a video that shows you that even with some American dialects, Siri could not understand correctly ...
In the end, we cannot tell that Siri technology is bad, on the contrary it is terrible and wonderful and will have a great future, but it needs a lot and a lot of development and we are sure that Apple will remain behind this technology until it becomes perfect, because it is already the largest team of developers in Apple It works in Siri technology.
the source engadget
The Arabs today are not very good at eloquence. How do we want a device that is fluent in our language? Question: If Siri is programmed on the Egyptian dialect in Egypt, there will not be many buyers. If the Gulf dialect is supported in the Emirates, there are dialects more like Hindi. If you put the Levantine dialect, there is a difference between the dialect of Aleppo and Damascus. Lebanon, and in particular the dialect of Jordan, is an example (Haaz). If the Jordanian says, "What are you doing?"
If you allow me, I have a question about the restricted jailbreak now. If you download the restricted jailbreak, download the app cake and download games, and then switch off the device the question when you turn it on, will the games remain and delete the jailbreak or delete everything except the one that you downloaded from the Apple Store, please answer quickly and thank you
In my opinion, Siri technology is the strongest feature in the new iPhone 4s and without it, like the current generation
Siri needs the internet 100%. I bought a 4s and transferred from Att to Sprint. Unfortunately, today I am going back to Att and back to the 4s because the battery dies faster than the 4, even though I talk to Siri and she understands right away. Even when I told her I love you in eng, she said, “You must say this word a lot.”
Mansur, allow me to refute your words, how do you say the Arabic language is difficult for them and give an example in the Syrian and Egyptian dialect. Do you not know that the Egyptian, Syrian and Moroccan, and the language of the Qur’an unite them, the mother language ??
Yes, I am proud of my Arabic language ..
Then what is the problem with supporting the Arabic language ?!
Isn't Arabic one fluent ?! And who says that Arabic is one of the most difficult languages?
Then all Arabs know the classical Arabic language and communicate in it!
Why ?
This is intolerance against Arabia,
The Arabic language will be added. There is no discussion, whether after a month or a year ...
But it is possible for iPhone Islam to take the Arabic language from the program I speak (Speak) and add it on my screen.
Our brothers Yvonne Islam Essuoha is not excluded because they have proven their ability with their powerful programs
Yours sincerely
Dear iPhone Islam family, I believe, as I saw before, that you have a good ability in developing programs, and you may be much better than others. I really do not know the extent of your skill in developing applications, but what if you tried and created a program similar to Siri that supports the Arabic language and Arabic regions? Why do we wait for the mercy of Apple developers to have mercy on us with some support for Siri technology, and if it appears, it will not be satisfactory as we imagine?
I think this is your chance to create a similar program that will be unique on the Arab level. We have advanced capabilities like the West. We lack nothing in terms of electronics, such as maps, weather, restaurant reservations, tickets, cinemas, and other services in an electronic way that is not much different from the West. So why don’t we create our own Siri? We are a language that needs Apple.
I hope Apple supports the Arabic language in Siri, and don't forget the number of Arabs in the world as a whole
Peace be upon you
I am from Kuwait
I bought an iPhone 4s
I tried Siri service
Unfortunately, the program is not able to call the numbers that you ask for, even after adding the international key
She changed the regen
And the slot changed
And I changed the device's language to English
I searched the sites for a solution to the problem, but I did not find a solution
The calling feature via Siri may be a monopoly
America is the same as maps
One of you may have a solution, please advise and generalize
Thank you
Is there Arabic language in the iPhone 4s?
I expect that the programming of Siri will be made in the tone of the caller so that the service is present and he does it with the tone of his voice, as in the technique of recognizing the features of the face and becomes no problem in changing the dialects
Some people keep saying “what have you done” and it is better for them to look through the small hole through which the Arabs see themselves and rephrase it: “what have you as an Arab offered to the Arabs?” My brother, he who does not thank people does not thank God, and if you do not have a technical mind like me, contribute even with a word of thanks to motivate our creative brothers like Engineer Tariq Mansour and the bloggers of this useful site.
Thank you very much for what you have provided, and you are truly a source of pride for us Arabs
Despite my fascination with Apple and Siri, we must not forget that Microsoft was the first to launch the speech recognition feature in Windows Vista, and because of its modest capabilities, it did not do strong propaganda on it, even after improving it in Windows XNUMX.
Therefore, Microsoft should not underestimate its right to be proactive
As for Siri, it is definitely more powerful and complex and can do many things, and they have made powerful propaganda on it, but they have made for themselves a permanent way out to make it easier for them to control users' expectations and this director is the magic word in the world of software BETA
That is, we, as users, know that Siri is not in its final version
And the surprise is that there will never be a final version because Siri is a real start for artificial intelligence that still needs generations to develop.
This is my personal opinion, and it is right and wrong
Peace be upon you my brothers in Islam iPhone
Today, I noticed a new feature in the IPhone 4S, which is that you can work synchronization with iTunes via Wi-Fi and without any charger, meaning without any power cable.
But this is a piece of information that he noticed today. I wanted to share it with you and thank you
Peace and mercy of God
A great application that I expect will be developed better in the coming years.
Congratulations to the Sudanese brothers, Khalas. Soon your suffering will end with the push of the buttons. just a joke
Peace, mercy and blessings of God.
Avon XNUMX noticed the following Arabic words (messages, optimistic, evening, etc.).
Because he wrote in the correct way.
Is there another way to correct?
Your brother from Bahrain
Bo Muhammad
Peace, mercy and blessings of God.
Avon XNUMX noticed the following Arabic words (messages, optimistic, evening, etc.).
Because he wrote in the correct way.
Is there another way to correct? Please advise?
And may Allah reward you with all the best.
Your brother from Bahrain
Bo Muhammad
Hi ..
Well, if I order a 4 gig black iPhone 16S from the UK Store, how much will it cost with shipping and everything? :)
* Hallelujah and praise, Hallelujah great
I think that Apple has contracted with a company that makes the voices. Frankly, it is a beautiful thing. This is a wonderful idea, and I hope that they will do better and with excellence. There is a program that was made by Al-Fawiz Company for the iPhone 4 and 3GS. Siri for the iPhone 4 and 3GS.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
By God, brother Ammar, I wish you could make a video for us to see your English accent and see its beauty
Also, I wish you could give us this review of your skills in languages
O my brother, Egypt, the mother of the world, and God, I doubt that you understand anything at all
There is a service called vilingo that is almost better and better than Siri and supports searching in maps, Google and a list of your saved names, and most importantly of all, it supports the logged in meaning to pronounce it and turns into a text. You can also search for the name of the recipient by pronouncing his name and this service, to the best of my knowledge, was in A Samsung Galaxy device, but it is now in the Apple store. Honestly, I use it very practical and fast?
All thanks to iPhone Islam for the excellent effort ..
I hope that the Arabic language will be supported for Siri, but I don't think so. It is worth supporting the Arabic language for the simpler feature, which is voice commands
I think that this technology faces the same problem of OCR, which for a long time did not support the Arabic language, even after the emergence of artificial intelligence, and until this time neither of the two projects has succeeded in providing a practical program that works at a satisfactory rate and it is more difficult for Siri than the required percentage must be To reach XNUMX%, and this is impossible to achieve except through a joint Arab project with a fixed dialect and strong training success
In turn, I thank iPhone Islam and the honorable administration for all the useful news for all of us. I would like to ask a question and I hope that you will send me an answer. Why is there not a corner in this wonderful program, which is to be a direct chat page for us and you, so that we can communicate with you directly and communicate with our fellow members? I mean a chat room for this program and I hope that you will adopt my idea. Many thanks to you.
Ok, since this news is the latest so far, I want to ask, is iOS 5 better than iTunes? Does it have any serious flaws? And if I upgrade to iOS 5, is it okay for me to return to iTunes if I don’t like it or if I find flaws in it, such as battery problems and so on?
please reply
I noticed from my experience that the device with time begins to recognize my voice and understands me more. For example, I used to utter the name Mahmoud and it was written for me in the mahmood contact list, and at the beginning it did not recognize it, and after about XNUMX attempts, it now recognizes it from the first time and this indicates Siri harmonizes with your voice with frequent use
The solution is that we must adopt this technology to support Al Arabiya even before the first XNUMX countries. Either we write to Apple and give them system files ready to support Al Arabi or via the jailbreak
Note: I hope from Yvonne Islam that they are devising lessons to learn programming. I am a computer student. I have not benefited from anything from my university. I study it from the net.
Nice service and we are waiting for it to come on iPhone 4 in the next update and we are waiting for its support in Arabic
First, Siri service is not very reliable, even with the languages that support it, and it also does not represent an essential need for me
How much do you wish that Aba would make this technology more beautiful and wonderful, and also, God willing, make it in Arabic and not just English, and I am sure that this technology will be the talk of the town during the year 2012 AD.
It will be very beautiful and the iPhone will sell more in all countries of the world and this iPhone will be the best-selling iPhone in all parts of the world and you may see students do without teachers and use Siri technology [if it is put in Arabic!] and Samsung, Blackberry, Nokia, Motorola, HTC and all companies will die and Apple will remain the leader in this field and you will not see a company more beautiful than Apple and thank you my favorite site iPhone Islam Your brother the singer Youssef Al-Salama
Hahaha, frankness, I don’t think how to think !!
How do we dispense with the teacher !? No matter what remains, it remains for the tangible or the true thing, and not the digital, believe me. I hope your words are weighed.
And the rest of the companies say they will end with hehehehehe
How do you end up ?? With the Siri service, you see the first people who started using the voice command service are Nokia and with smartphones or smartphones, and the new phones are Samsung with Voice Talk service, searching through the Internet by voice, writing messages, maps, calling, the net, and everything of course this was the most powerful phone For XNUMX it is the Galaxy SXNUMX
And for your knowledge, you see Apple, Siri was only able to market the iPhone 4s, and without it, their downfall would have been much greater. And the proof is that it was not the final version or the beta, if you will.
And it is known that it is the most powerful company for voice commands, hoaxes, and software for these things. Google is undisputed. Shower the net and see :)
Thank you, Yvonne, and I hope to fulfill the wish of hundreds of your lovers, and you know the security that is in your hands, but honestly, I do not know why you do not apply it: /
We are a people who do not realize our value, and we covet in an unbelieving West to appreciate us. Our language is the language of the Qur’an. The language of the Qur’an is the most honorable language that we do not need to insist on a people of impurity, my brother.
My brothers, we Arabs, thank God, are smart, and language will not be a reason for us not to use Siri technology!!! We, as everyone knows, have the skill to memorize living languages...such as German, French, and English...which are the languages currently available in the Siri program...so what's the problem :-) And peace be upon you
Siri is the first step.
After how many years, imagine what this technology can do for us !!!
Regarding the video of brother Ehab - I think that the Egyptian English dialect is not understood by many people, especially those who do not interact with Arab Americans (who live in America) to a great extent - because the Egyptian tongue or Egyptian dialect has a great change in letters, which leads to incorrect understanding or inability to understand - for example: tha meaning (al) i.e. the definite article lam, which Egyptians pronounce differently (za) for example (the phone - in Egyptian English - za phone) and not all English speakers, i.e. the mother tongue of Americans, understand (the - za) and many mistakes in the dialect - sometimes I do not understand some Egyptian terms when they speak them - so how will Americans understand the Egyptian English dialect :-)
In the name of God the Merciful
At the outset, I would like to thank the brother who explained my biography and gave him wellness
I hope, God willing, to develop and in the Arabic language
May God give you wellness, Lord
It suffices that the iPhone Islam team has developed a program like Speak Creativity, meaning the word
And I was surprised that Apple did not benefit from the Arab developers
For example, I think if iPhone Islam was within the Apple company, a lot would change and the Arab countries would follow a lot in the second plan, whether in terms of distribution or support.
Brother, the director of the blog, thank you and thank you. Islam does not give the beautiful news. I see it as an excellent service. I ask all Arab brothers everywhere to ask Apple. You put the Arabic language because it is our identity and our heritage and that we carry it in all sites is not a shame
We doubted its support for Al-Arabiya and the difficulty of that Talaat Al-Misbah is greater
You must be a professor of English literature at Harford University in order to be able to deal with this feature and take advantage of it
Let's cooperate in losing this company for this year and support another company like Samsung in its new device
Thus, we will ensure a bigger competition, we are the most beneficiaries of it
Nice service, but if it works this service without internet (Wi-Fi, XNUMXG)
It would have been the most beautiful and thank you iPhone Islam
You can try the dragon program on the store
All of you Arabs, you do not have my grandmother
Share the wasteful criticisms and comments
You do not know something called production, and if someone produced it for you, you criticize it and settle it as a fraud and a swindler
I wish you would understand something from this that I produced in order to criticize it .. every one of you on the first word that he hears, if it was Shi Zain, he said, What do you serve him? The previous ..
Hahahahahahahahahahahah, by God, you are laughing
If we were not an Arab as much as you, I would have wasted my time with you
I say nothing but your validity Hahaha
Our longing when your grandmother! But surely your grandmother came at the wrong time, so her ideas did not appear
I agree with you in the content and differ in style!
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
All this is awesome. The most important thing now is when will Siri be available on the iMac or Mac Pro? I think it will be more useful than having it on the phone
Apple is a company like any company that gives the user the advantages with which it can acquire the market, and it is not a social care company in order to give us what we are satisfied with, and whatever they give us, do you not think that we will covet more
As for the fact that I see an Israeli company, have we not tired of the large number of what we have said about everything that it was made in Israel, let it be Israel now and unfortunately it is one of the strongest countries in technology and research, and we still lead the first places in chatting through satellite channels, and most importantly, we consider one of the markets for the exchange of companies, so we must accept The crumbs are as it is
I am once attached to an iPhone 3GS, and I did not think about selling it and buying 4S because the siri is not in Arabic, but it lasts for Arabic support. Sure, we buy it, but for those who support
Young people who say, “Do not support because of the dialects.” Apple can summarize the topic and allow it to be used in classical Arabic.
Sure, it will go on to support you
Every new technology needs time to go through the development stages. What is important for the phone manufacturer is to bring something new and work on developing it. As for the consumer, he should buy a phone when the technology that suits him is available, not according to the name of the company or the person in charge of it.
Insha Allah supports the Arabic language even after a while we are waiting with Apple technology
Peace be upon you - We thank you for your efforts to collect information and everything new and put it to us on your blessed site - the question - (Is there a Bluetooth program for iPhone XNUMX associated with all devices).
Our main problem is that among us Arabs whose preoccupation is criticism, and not to engage in developing ourselves, to increase and benefit from what is published in the news and science here on Yvonne Islam
I wish every Arab who wishes success to step in the footsteps of Yvonne Islam ,,,
I tried the iPhone 4S and I asked the blog manager whether I should buy the iPhone 4 or the iPhone XNUMXS.
Thank you very much
The most important point that was overlooked in the article is that the program is "experimental".
Thank you iPhone Islam
Despite all this, it remains strong, and mistakes must be made at the beginning
I updated my iPhone 4 to the iOS 5 version, but the FaceTime icon did not appear to me, what is the solution?
Siri is not important to me
I really believe that it is a service like Siri that relies on signal processing
Or what is called digital text processing
It is not a normal service and it needs a lot of development, not only from engineers, but from people who have experience in linguistics
That is, how to pronounce the words, etc. ...
And after iPhone XNUMXs, regardless of the fact that it disappointed some people, the presence of a processor at this speed with a device of the same size is an achievement in itself because you need to manufacture a battery that matches these capabilities and controls the temperature ... etc. It is technical matters in manufacturing and development, not just that you put a processor and peace
I swear by God, I will give you your responses xD
And the technology to see it once is a taste, but it is better to see those in Al-Awali
And Shukran
I think Siri technology is not important enough, but the American machine is made of nothing like a myth, and you know what I mean.
My brother, I am a witness who repents on the handheld computer, an Indian asking him to ask him about India and his answer is Canada.
Will support the Arabic language soon
Terrible, in Arabic, the meaning is frightening, our Fazle director
Terrible service and with time it will stay very high
Aaaaaaaaaah, this is all I say in his capacity as a public
The youth of the Arabic language is a large environment, and the dialects branch out from it, so can this program adapt to all the Arabic dialects that are in the Arab world !! Knowing that the English language in pronunciation is almost close or similar to a large extent
The service is very nice, but I do not think that we in the Arab world will benefit from it
A thousand thanks Yvonne Islam
No one answered me yet. FaceTime is not working for me after the new update. My device from Stc will work without jailbreak
Thank you Yvonne Islam
As a group, it could be better that at the present time there is no Arabic that could be an opportunity for a weak person in the English language that he learns, and I respect your opinion all.
The thousand-mile journey begins with one step
You need Arab developers, but unfortunately it does exist, but it is few
thank you
Actually the question was contained and your answer is logical
May Allah help us to wait
I say, "Heart, and you all don't like the device. Do not buy it, why do you make me feel that you are buying my time!"
I think we should go back a little bit to our mother tongue
I mean by it Al-Fusha
Otherwise, it will be necessary to work Siri for each local dialect,
I hope that the video is not fabricated, but I watched a YouTube clip of an Indian person speaking to Siri in English with an Indian dialect that you can hardly understand, and yet the Siri service was doing what he requested perfectly, by about XNUMX%.
She also gave him information about the weather in the Indian state of Bangalore with ease
I also personally tried the voice commands service on my iPhone XNUMX to call someone, and he recognized my Arabic accent (of course the person’s name was kept in English and the request was also in English), so he did so satisfactorily, but in a wonderful way and similar to Siri
Therefore, I think that the Arabic dialect will not be an obstacle to benefit from Siri, but perhaps due to the lack of digital maps and information in the Arab world, we will lose some of Siri's features.
The Siri program must be connected to the Internet. Siri is not just a program
It is a server, and the Internet must exist in order to get the correct answer
He was astonished at the blogging director for his words when he said that the Internet is not necessary
Peace be upon you:
I downloaded the update for iPhone 4 from the links on the site and I decompressed and there are about three files in different formats and there is no required version ?? Choose any of them and convert them to the required format, knowing that I chose the file size of 762 MB and converted it to the desired format, but it did not work, as I got a message saying that the frame ware is not compatible ?? Please reply, please, because I sent more than this and my posts did not appear !!!!!!!
Imagine that Siri is fluent in Arabic. Most of the questions she will ask will be:
How do I work the jailbreak?
How to download a program without charge and otherwise
I mean, we are waiting for me to see how the temperature is in our Arab countries, which are high throughout the year
Siri service is useless at the present time but used as a marketing advertisement for the device my point of view
First, I thank your reports. I hope they will be heard by officials in Arab countries
How do we ask Apple to activate the Arabic language in secret and others
Without what is on an Arab side that supports them and corrects the language for them
I think there must be an initiative from the Arabs, but the agents and Arab merchants
He does not care about advancement in technology
Just think of profit
Siri is a useless service at the moment and it is a laughing stock for me to sell the largest amount my point of view
A service that requires a lot of effort, time and development to approach the limits of perfection
I will not exchange my 4 device for a growing service
Thank you iPhone Islam
To the respected blog manager, I thank you for this wonderful program, and we benefit from all that is presented here from the news and responses from you to the comments, with our knowledge that many concerns, so thank you for the service they provided. I sent you a question a while ago and I did not receive a response from you, is there a program through which I can change Viber tone, tango, and any other caller app, please answer my question, and I thank you again.
Hello brother Saeed, there are many programs that are used to access system files and from there to the properties of installed programs such as Viber, Tango, and any other program. There is a program (iFunbox) and there is an explanation of how to use it. You choose the program and change the tone you want, but the most important thing is that you have a tone on the device and convert it to the same format as the tone you are replacing and change its name to the same name and paste it in the same place and the tone will be replaced with you after you restart the device. If you would like to ask, I am available to serve you at any time... I hope the explanation is clear. Thank you.
Brother Abdulaziz, I thank you for responding to my comment and I appreciate your time and help for me, but I do not know how to download the programs. I have a simple request. If you can help me, I would ask if you send me steps and a method of changing tones from the beginning with the video or pictures. I will be thankful for you.
The most profitable place for Apple among the Arabs, especially when we are in the Gulf, why don't they leave in Arabic? They don't get their profits three quarters of it.
By God, you are his joke, Azzouz
Apple for three quarters of their profits from us in the Gulf
Oh man, open your brain a little
In the first XNUMX months of the iPhone XNUMX release, Apple sold more than XNUMX (forty million) devices around the world.
You know how much Saudi share of it
Less than XNUMX devices to date (based on Mobily and STC sales)
I mean, my hero
Apple's sales in Saudi Arabia represent less than XNUMX per cent of its global sales
Do you want them to read for fear of you and download my Siri in Arabic ?????
These are Mobily and Stc sales, but do not forget that most people buy devices imported from Britain, America and others, and also in the rest of the Arab countries.
Yes, the most profitable place for Apple is is the Arab world, since all users in the Arab world only acquire the original programs and do not support the crack in any way and buy the programs they need and do not use the deceptive ones!
It is true, Apple, the Arab world supports you and does not support it !!
I say there is nothing better than Fiber and Tango
Frankly, I do not expect that Siri supports Al Arabi, or if he supports it, it will be the last choice of Apple. I expect it supports places, maps, and time, but Arab is difficult.
The Arabs themselves are no longer proud of their language. Receive Arabic and be proud. Speak English How do you want the West to think about Arabs
But a question, how many people have an iPhone and their language is Arabic?
Not all Arabs ... a percentage not exceeding 10% are those who have no pride in Arabism:)
As for my pride in having a second language, this is natural, my languages indicate my culture, and this matter
We see it in all the peoples of the world, not only among the Arabs
The reason I am certain that Siri will never support Arabic is because of the fundamental difference in dialects
For example, there are 4 ways to pronounce the letter “J” between Arabs, the Egyptian, the Levantine, the Gulf, and the Moroccan
Likewise, the letter exits are completely different from one region to another, so what do you think about the countries?
We also do not forget that Arabic is one of the most difficult languages in the world, so it will cost the company millions - which, frankly, we do not deserve:) - to develop a good version to deal with the Arabic language:)
In short, let's aspire to the simple voiceover to support Arabic, and let's move away from the idea of Siri's support for Arabic:)
A billion per cent agreed with you
Indeed, we Arabs have lost the sense of pride in our language
And it became our pride to speak English and foreigners
We do not deserve the support of Apple or others
In fact, with much regret, the way of thinking proposed by the brothers here is the dominant one !!
My brothers, as long as we expect Apple to work on a language that is far from its programmers and developers, then we will never succeed.
The solution must start with us, because Apple, with its greatness, did not invent Siri technology in the first place, but rather bought it from another company specialized in voice recognition ... and I think it will not work on a language like Arabic unless this trend starts Arab developers who master their language and understand their people and develop techniques for verbal and voice analysis For classical Arabic or local dialects, the accuracy of this dealing with the Arabic language becomes at a high rate then and only then can Apple and others turn to support the Arabic language in a system such as Siri.
And ideal for this is what you can find in the Settings> About> Legal link, which includes a summary of the rights and original producers of the technologies supported by the IOS system, starting with image formats and passing through, for example, all the proofreading techniques for all supported languages: technical, language, language and many more
So let us not blame Apple for not supporting Arabic as long as our developers did not start in this direction in the first place, except for a few of those who have mercy on God.
To begin with, I thank Professor Ihab for the wonderful experience
And I honestly say start from Apple with the service
Since it is new, defects are necessary, and with time the defects will be covered. It needs time and a period to fix matters of excellent service. This is not from the first day you are perfect !!
Forward, Apple
Peace be upon you, the video I liked and funny at the same time, thanks for this information. We need patience, especially in our Arab country. Best Yvonne Islam and thank you
You don't know its importance until I try it
If they add the Arabic language, for example, will we speak classical Arabic?
Or in various Arabic dialects (Saudi, Egyptian, Lebanese, Kuwaiti, etc.)
I do not expect
It is normal that with any new program it needs development, just like you. Some of your programs needed a lot of development to become good, and some of them are still bad. I am not defending Siri, but do not criticize it too much. Please respond.
By God, you have given Siri more than its size
A normal program can be overlooked
Grill and tell why the iPhone makes food for us!
It is a despicable company ... and its only concern is to collect money
The era of Steve Jobs is gone and things have gotten worse.
Thank you very much, if you did not present it, brothers
Technology is very important, especially for what is in the Arab world in particular because we simply do not respect the law in our country and we use the phone while driving and endanger the lives of others in the first place and then our lives in the second degree to danger as well. Competition for the rest of the devices in the market and peace is the end.
Installing FaceTime, language, keyboard, 3G on the iPad, Siri, sound and speakers
The service is nice but it will take a long time until it becomes a service that makes me sell my device immediately and buy the 4S
And last but not least, I thank you, Yvonne Islam, for such news and you are always his race and tell you XNUMX% accurate
I think that this technology is beautiful and wonderful and amazes everyone, but in the end it is not a practical service, it is suitable for entertainment and use in free time, but when you are busy or busy it will not be practical.
I completely disagree with you .. The technology is wonderful in the sense of the word and in the manner of the James Bond films ..
This is the initial version, let alone if it was developed to recognize the tone of your voice and take voice commands from you without the need to enter the program, but as soon as you talk to the device ..
Apple is creative and its race to new technology
I am a fanatic of it
Because, in short, it changed the concept of the mobile phone for us ..
Thank you
Can I know Siri works without the net
No internet required to work
When will the time come to see Siri Arabic service?
Can be after five years (;
May God give us health and age
Thank you, iPhone Islam
Technology is cool and crazy, but let's be patient with it a little
Peace, mercy and blessings of God ..
Technology in its idea is wonderful and beautiful, but it must be
At the beginning of its implementation is relatively good, and Apple must have taken into account that this technology will be global, and it must come one day and support our Arabic language ..
Thank you iPhone Islam for what you offer us as Arab users of the iPhone and iPad. You are a feature that distinguishes us and we are proud of it as Arab users of Apple. May you always be well.
Unfortunately, it will never support the Arabic language. Talk to the director of the company that developed the service. And it will not support dialects and it is just a matter of more than increasing the sale. In Apple's presentation, the sentence was recorded to prevent any scandal. The Israeli company was bought by Apple for 200 million
I know that you brought this information from an Israeli magazine, and the link is in your comment. But I do not think that this is true, and this is the Internet, a Siri site, before it was acquired by Apple
We told you that Apple's reputation was ruined after the 4s were lost
A company interested in winning more than the requirements of users!
Known silenced by Al-Shayeb Z 1
The company sold XNUMX million devices in a period of only three days. Is this a loss and a fall for Apple's reputation?
I think that the artificial intelligence used in Siri technology will be the title of competition between Apple and the rest of the smart phone companies
The pronunciation problem is not a Siri problem .. let me
And show us, Arabs, what did you do? What will you do for us !!
Why are you waiting for us? Are you not an Arab like us?
This is what made us not be tempted to wait for others, criticize others, and forget ourselves
A very nice response and a true one million per water.
Beautiful response and more than wonderful
The six is a follower of Yvonne Islam's team to learn what they did during the past three years and they are from the Arabs :)
Do you expect that the first TV made was to support HD technology, or the so-called high-definition technology ????
The appearance of Al-Siri now, like the appearance of television for the first time, was a terrible thing, but now whoever owns a television like the first television made is backward.
Right on you
Wonderful words and in the heart
We are supposed to be with this open mind
I liked your description and your analogy on television, and your words are correct, but you went far to see the mobile. It was only communicating and sending and its color was either yellow or orange and now I write for you a response on the Internet from the mobile and do what I want with it
The service is beautiful and has some kind of progress, but I don't think it is of great importance