The iPhone 4S was announced and most of us were frustrated. We want a brand new iPhone and Apple wanted minor internal updates, why didn't Apple satisfy users? Does Apple, like us, think feelings or numbers?
Who will buy the new iPhone? And if you own the previous generation, will you buy it or not? And what is the quality of buyers? And where did they come from? Is the market really disappointing? Wow .. Frankly, these questions are always a concern not only for the selling company, but also for all companies to study the market.
One of the companies made a market opinion survey to study these matters even before the iPhone 4S was officially released, and the results were as follows, regarding a question about who are the buyers and what are the categories, and the result was ...
- 44% of iPhone 3 users said they intend to switch to 4S
- 42% of iPhone 4 users reported their intention to switch to 4S
- 24% of BlackBerry users say they intend to switch to 4S
- 12% of Android users say they intend to switch to 4S
In other words, the expected buyers will be approximately 71% of current iPhone users.
Also, by asking smart phone users of all kinds, 50% expressed that they will not buy a new iPhone for 24 for yes and 26 is not sure.
We know the traditional obsession with Apple and its products in the West, because we see queues in front of Apple stores, where 18% know that they decided to camp in front of Apple headquarters to get a new phone ...
After the announcement of the iPhone, a survey was conducted with two vital questions
Did you feel frustrated with the new iPhone? And if you were frustrated by the specifications, what frustrated you the most? And was it the previous iPhone users or all the users that disappointed?
In the case of smart phone users in general, 71% expressed no feeling of frustration, compared to 17% who wanted 4G technology, 11% wanted a new design, and 7% wanted a bigger screen.
In the case of current iPhone 4 users, the level of frustration was greater, with 53% of users saying they were disappointed, 12% wanted a bigger screen, 21% wanted a new look and 29 4G technology
Then came the launch day of the iPhone 4S
4 million iPhone 4S devices were sold in less than 3 days - the actual time for stores is approximately 36 hours - meaning that the sales of the new iPhone are approximately 1000 devices per minute, which is a record that is almost double the sales of an advance and is almost the fastest selling device in history ... And the statistics continued, and Apple found that 73% of new iPhone buyers are previous owners of the previous iPhone - the previous statistic expected to be above 71%, meaning that the market, as they expected it, happened.
Looking back on when the iPhone 3G was introduced, it was 38% of iPhone users, and when 3GS was introduced it was 56%, and when the 4GS was introduced, it reached 77%.
So Apple knows what sales will be if it introduces the iPhone 4S, and knows what it will be if it introduces the iPhone 5 and knows which one is the best at this time, all this is nothing but planning based on scientific and marketing foundations, and feelings are not involved in that, Apple is a huge company and studies every step well. You make.
Here we tried to put forward a new way of thinking, and that things are not always as they seem, and that the science of statistics is very advanced, and it is the basis for the progress of companies, and our hope is to learn from them.
the source retrevo
Why do we explain Apple's failure to change the shape as an exploitation, while if we notice in Apple's policies that the iPhone XNUMX, iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXG were almost the same, and this was not frustrating to the customers, but it was claimed to respect this company that made the owners of iPhone XNUMX not forced to move to the iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMX This is because they have the same new device in terms of shape and in terms of their eligibility to get the latest software released for iPhone XNUMXG
While other companies, which we can say about exploitative every year, issue a different device in appearance, although we do not find a difference in the specifications other than the capacity of the external memory and other things that we do not need, for example, the Nouka XNUMX and after it the Nokia XNUMX, and we were happy and we change our phones every year to keep pace with the fashion although The device was costing roughly XNUMX when it was released
I thank Apple because it seeks only the satisfaction of the users of its devices for long periods, and this is not exclusive to the iPhone only, but even for users of Mac computers, and I am one of them. I bought a device from them about three years ago and the new look has not changed from it and I still get updates without changing my device or changing the capabilities of my device To move to the new software
Can Arabs make their own phone? Is it possible or not?
All companies talk and say rumors are settled
I am from my personal opinion
I see the issue of XNUMX devices in a minute a lie
And a lie is clear and they said that way, so they can feel the world
Even if you do not buy people, you will buy
At the moment, the iPhone XNUMX did not reach this number
Frankly after this article
Sorry, iPhone Islam
You are a customer with Apple
OK, we said Apple is ok
But this is the case
For information, it is currently the best device in the world
Samsung - Galaxy XNUMX
Lahd settles where Abel has right him
Reality is reality
One of my inaccurate observations is that 3GS owners are the large percentage that wants to switch to the new iPhone, and there is also a group that was waiting for a new iPhone in any case.. So the 4S has a not-so-easy market...
It is enough that it came with the specifications of the powerful devices that are available in the market, and it is better than it after evaluating the right site for performance tests and with all the strength it still maintains its size very suitable for the mobile because it is greater than this, not a mobile. To XNUMX and not less than XNUMX !!!!!!!!
So, this is the best mobile that came out at all, and I would like to talk in more detail, but you take an article from me.
There is nothing left for Apple but the laptop, and if it continues on its path, it will lose a lot
Right now, I haven't updated my iPhone XNUMX
Reid is the best way
Do the gold for the stores and update it
Note that I have two Apple accounts
Indeed, the company was planning to make profits before the iPhone XNUMX was released
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
By God, I conquer what I bought an iPhone 4 because I was waiting for an iPhone 5, it was last, they downloaded 4s now, on the day I came to buy 4s, they said this is a move from Apple after a few months.
And you do not limit, O Apple, to the most wonderful articles, thankful
My brother, 53% are not disappointed, read the picture
I am really surprised by the attack on Apple, the first version of the iPhone did not change its shape from 2G to 3GS, and now 4 and the wonderful 4S, I personally was happy that the shape did not change as I own the 3GS and I want to own the new design, and I did not buy the 4 because I see it as illogical to change my device every year, even those who own the 4 will feel frustrated after the device changes its shape in less than nine months, so I see that what Apple is doing indicates intelligence and consideration of feelings at the same time
I read an article in a newspaper that I did not mention its name, it was from his words that Abel is the victim of her previous success, and indeed he is sincere to the one who will be right now.
IPhone XNUMXS is successful in every sense of the word, even all the famous technology sites described it as the best smartphone ever and I saw performance tests at a site that proved that the performance of iPhone XNUMXS is better than Samsung Galaxy SXNUMX in some tests better than twice, although the Samsung SXNUMX is almost the closest competitor He noticed the great superiority of the iPhone XNUMXS
With all the great developments that took place in iPhone XNUMXS in the hardware, the phone still retains its very appropriate size, which is XNUMX. This is an advantage. They need a bigger battery
The evidence is that they were forced to increase the size. Their new devices came with stronger specifications and as expected, a larger size of 4.65. That's enough. Call it anything and don't call it a mobile phone. It's impossible that this size is a mobile phone. This has been their method since their first device appeared. Their devices were 3.7 inches and the specifications increase and the size increases. They insist on calling them smartphones. They don't brag about the size out of arrogance. Brother, give me a suitable size and prove it if you are honest that you have a suitable size.
In my humble personal opinion, the current size of the iPhone is very suitable, and I hope that any increase will not exceed 4 inches, because I tried phones with a size of 4.3 inches, and I had difficulty reaching some areas on the screen due to the large size of the device.
As for the XNUMXG, this is for sure that you consume more battery, meaning a bigger battery and a larger device size, and the most important thing is the style, and with them the right.
The average speed of the iPhone 4S is not bad, by the way, it ranges from 4 MB to 7 MB, and the 4G from 5 MB to 12 MB. This is only for the Samsung Galaxy S2 and Droid Bionic phones, while the rest of the 4G phones have shameful speed numbers that do not exceed 6 MB.
There is a difference in speed, of course, in the interest of the aforementioned riders …… .. but I feel most of you imagining the difference is greater than this way, so I would like to note the point of this.
In the end, someone with iPhone XNUMX Webby buys the best mobile phone, frankly speaking, right now, he buys XNUMXS without thinking.
And whoever has iPhone XNUMXS depends on whether he is a gaming lover, they will buy it because the powerful games that come like Infinity Blade XNUMX will not work at full power except on iPad XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS and who loves photography All the technical articles I have read say that the XNUMXS camera is the best built-in camera on a mobile phone. Absolutely and they accept, Siri does not forget it. People think it is just a technique that knows the sound, but it is an artificial intelligence. I see the clip, and you know what I mean
I am sorry for the longevity, but the first time I write, but I wrote because I felt that many people know the power of the new mobile. It has a not as big, ugly size as XNUMX, and these phones that can compete with iPhone XNUMXS are all of the size of something with or less than XNUMX
A simple example regarding the numbers, both phones, the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the iPhone 4S, take 1080p. However, from the clip you can see the big difference between them, in favor of the 4S, of course.
The biggest misfortune is that the pictures taken on the iPhone XNUMX, whose camera is XNUMX megapixels, are very close and sometimes better than the Samsung SXNUMX, even though it is a year older than the Samsung Galaxy SXNUMX …… The pictures express themselves!
In the end, the numbers are not everything because iPhone XNUMXS has proven to be the best Pallada in all respects, and frankly, I raise Apple's hat of respect because it is with XNUMXG competing with companies claiming to be XNUMXG
I hope I helped you, and sorry for the longevity
I also advise iPhone XNUMX users not to buy the new iPhone XNUMXS
Because there is no difference between the two iPhones to one program only, and with the days it will
You can download the program on iPhone XNUMX and you will see ^^
For my part, I would like to add some things
XNUMX- Broadcasting XNUMXc
XNUMX-They grow up in homes, but it is impossible because there are some devices that the rule does not apply to.
The antenna was increased with the moon, with the voluminous volume, to XNUMX mg, which is very important
I have XNUMX and I will buy XNUMXX only for one reason, which is the broadcast, which is separated a lot, and the size is XNUMX mg
If it comes down to XNUMX, I will wait for me to see if it is in a tempting change
Leave me with me, at & t, do not fear me, because there are many people here
They buy us only iPhone and don't know what they use, so they get us out of it at a low price.
On the idea of the iPhone, there are things that will never change it, and it is like a drug
This is my personal opinion.
The iPhone is the only thing I can say is a friend
From it you learn and benefit when you want to read, it is my book when you want to work and it meets all the requirements. in anything
Peace be upon you, brothers
If we wait, we will not get out with anything, but every year, everything has evolved.
A simple example if you buy a XNUMX mega-pixel camera
And download it last August XNUMX mega pixels will change your idea.
As for the iPhone, there are important modifications
Increased leptin
My question about the new iPad, when will it come out?
I want to buy an iPad 2 but I am hesitant and afraid that the new one will be released soon. I want your opinion. Should I buy it or should my order be ready on the Apple website? I just want your opinion, iPhone Islam. Thank you.
Thank you very much to me, iPhone, Islam, for the wonderful topic, and to all users of Apple products ...
I have a question about the iPhone Islam program, can it be downloaded for Android users
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Honestly, I am surprised by iPhone Islam, since it is aware of all that is new in Apple, and their experience can exceed our simple experience, but I am surprised by the word frustration on the contrary. And the iPhone 4 is after this device, and you feel a big change, and we hope you will keep my words until the iPhone 5 is released
Pass it, you liked this analysis
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Listen guys, Apple will soon end because Nokia has merged with Windows and we are waiting for the big surprise
As for me, I love Apple from the design side and its powerful programs
"As for the current iPhone 4 users, the level of frustration was greater, as 53% of users expressed their frustration."
The attached graph in the report is written in the opposite of this speech as it is written under the green column "No I am NOT Disappointed" and its meaning was not disappointed, and it was correctly expressed in the other graph "In the case of smart phone users in general, 71% expressed no Feeling frustrated
I wanted to draw your attention to correct or kindly clarify and thank you
Statistics is a big thing
Very valuable information
Every time I write a comment I don't know how to thank you
Long for us
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Why don't we first request that the official Apple website be supported in the Arabic language?
Way Tunes
We ask you, Yvonne Islam, to specialize a topic on this topic
And develop methods and how to order
If we go back in memory, we will see how the mobile phone has evolved, whether Apple or other devices .. Nokia XNUMX was a move and then it would be after until Nokia XNUMX was a different thing and a revolution and so on until iPhone XNUMX and then iPhone XNUMX .. I think iPhone XNUMX will make a strong revolution and will be considered a new shift .. In short Time is running out to make a big leap, as we expected.
I would have liked to know if it will be available in Apple stores in the UK
After the quantity is depleted, since I have been around for three days, and every day I go to the store, they say we do not know when the quantity will come. Please advise us, may God reward you.
As for myself, on the contrary, I have an iPhone 4 and asked for an iPhone 4S. Some people may say there is no change, but this is a normal thing. Most of you were watching the videos that some companies created about promoting the new device, and everyone hugely exaggerated the device and gave it more than it was able to because it relied on imaginary and imaginary ideas, such as a projector. And a 3D display screen. Is it nonsense?
The Apple company, who has followed it for years, or whoever used the iPhone from the days of First Generation, will not be shocked by him because it is always used to us that it changes the shape of the device and the shape is done for two years after which the external appearance changes completely ..
The difference between the iPhone XNUMX and the XNUMXS is the same as the difference when it was on the XNUMXG and XNUMXGS ..
The outer shape is the same, but the internal one has a big difference in terms of device speed, battery life and capacity.
We see no mistake if the one or forbidden according to Sharia, if one changed his XNUMX device with XNUMX s.
On the contrary, it benefits from performance, speed and more features not available on iPhone XNUMX ..
Personally, my device sometimes freezes due to the pressure and overload. I would like to see if there is really a difference in the speed of the device and its ability to handle more than 4 or not.
I believed in Apple despite all the criticism directed at me by other people, but I will believe in it until the last moment of my life :)
Yvonne Islam I really want to thank you, for you are really the source of inspiration
I have a request from you. I want a personal contact with you, a favorite e-mail. I have some questions
Thanks D:
Thank you, iPhone Islam, I have a 3GS, and I am convinced when we are looking for technology and not the appearance of the phone. Apple is a strong company and knows how to deal with its customers by applauding them.
I own an iPhone XNUMX
And I don't think the time is right to buy a XNUMXS
I see that Apple mocks us all
There is a percentage that is not as simple as they try to keep up with others (saying the proverb: With goodness, Chakra), so they buy the device (which is not cheap in the first place) and their use of it is less than normal !! Rather, some may not download programs to it and use it as a phone only !! I saw some of them in the Arab world
Those who technically compare the new version with other devices in the market will be disappointed
Thankfully, I have used the iPhone XNUMX since its release, and the add-ons in the XNUMXs have not tempted me, not because its money is of interest, no, but because I do not need it.
In short, I do not care much about the shape, I need the programs and applications in it.
Yes, iPhone, that’s it. Thank you, Apple, and thank you, iPhone Islam, for following up. Always move forward.
IPhone XNUMXS will not buy it except for those who did not buy an iPhone before this or who has an iPhone XNUMXG and GS only. As for those who have them immediately, they will not buy it, and we will only buy an iPhone that serves the fourth generation
So Apple knows what sales will be if it introduces the iPhone 4S, and knows what it will be like if it introduces the iPhone 5 and knows which one is the best at this time. All this is nothing but planning by me on scientific and marketing grounds, and feelings are not involved in that. Apple is a huge company and studies every step well. You make.
In the end, a big Apple company that knows what to do, plan, study and think,
And look at the photos and see the sales of XNUMX million in less than a week
I hope some responses not departed from the topic, especially Samsung and others
Tip: If you have an iPhone XNUMX, don't buy iPhone XNUMXS
And if you own a XNUMXG or XNUMXGS iPhone, don't hesitate to buy iPhone XNUMXS
Since I paid $ 950 for the iPhone XNUMX eight months ago
I wouldn't buy a new one just because of a better speed and camera
Enough for the iPhone immediately with the update
I have XNUMX GS and I used to wait for five G or FIVE G, but as long as the Fur S came without many features, and the shape changed from XNUMXG, God willing, I will acquire FIVE J. God will keep me for the year and month in which it comes down to the best and correctness. Oh God, the Secretary of God, writes our days in obedience. God has righteousness for our parents
Creative topic, and I thank you for the beautiful statistics
Personally, I am one of the owners of the XNUMX, but I made a great order for the XNUMXS, and I will get it, God willing
I own an iPhone XNUMX, there is no huge difference between the two, so I prefer keeping an iPhone XNUMX Thank you for these parameters
They are the best company in their programs, devices, and and
((Apple)) May God reward you, iPhone Islam ...
Now download iPhone 4s
The new update was downloaded
Salvation, this is not in my hand, nor is your hand, things go as God willing
What is important now and the most important thing is a jailbreak for version 5
Otherwise, no
Apple is the company controlling the progress of modern technology so far and has seen that the world is sufficient for what humans have access to technology for this day and at the same time it dominates the market and not losing it and after a period it will transfer us in very new technology with higher sales also will continue to us to the degree of boredom of the iPhone XNUMX and its moment The XNUMX has come down
Frankly, iPhone Islam is the best site for me, thank you iPhone Islam👍👍👍👍👍
I own an iPhone XNUMX and the news of the new iPhone release was satisfactory to me because I do not intend to upgrade at the moment, on the one hand
On the other hand, the target group for the new iPhone are the owners of iPhone XNUMXGS and earlier. As for the owners of iPhone XNUMX, who number more than XNUMX million who have signed contracts with telecommunications companies in America and elsewhere for a period of two years, these are waiting for the iPhone XNUMX, which will be released in June XNUMX.
Peace be upon you
Guys, I would like to point out that it does not mean that we should blindly imitate everything the Americans do. I mean, if the Americans were to go to hell, we would follow them. Then, everyone should ask themselves these questions before buying an iPhone:
XNUMX- Do you see a difference between it and the iPhone XNUMX?
2- Why would I waste my money on something that hasn't changed much?
XNUMX- Are you buying it because of the numbers you buy?
I mean, for myself, I swear I don't care about the numbers of people who buy, even if it reaches seven billion, and then no one believes what they read or hear at all times, and here I mean the numbers of people who bought.
This is what I wanted to clarify and thank you
I said it before and I'll say it again
Apple controls its customers and imposes itself on them, unlike other companies that satisfy their customers with their desires, as Nokia created before the emergence of other devices and made us very happy with its continuous technology.
My brothers, where do you want, you have found the apparent tibon device that looks like
Misbah Olauddin
I was among those who mentioned that Apple has a purely commercial policy
Thanks to the awesome technology it possesses and the last and the evidence is the statistics, which are XNUMX million devices within a period of XNUMX days. This if it was more and the relative thing is that if it was distributed in the Arab world at the same price that is sold in America, you would find that one
He is enriched by more than one, and he does not matter if he changes in shape and form
What is important is to align himself with the rest of the world (point of view)
Apple is in the end a commercial company and is definitely interested in profits
She thought it was true in a strange way
Sure, they know that this frustration is occurring, but in secret in their study of the new phone that has made sales of XNUMX million in a short period.
I have 3GS but I will not change it because it will ruin it or stop updating it in the future.
Woody was changing the look, his statement was ridiculous
I do not comment, but I would like to embrace Islam with the best of good friends. Thank you
It is strange that consumers are always in a hurry for change... Apple is a giant company in everything, even its releases are different from any other company, it follows plans different from the consumer's thinking... Changing the device is not in its interest, and it or what it released is an iPhone, and it changes it sequentially, first the 3G, then it released the 3GS, and after that it released a phone that is different from its predecessor and followed the same previous system 4 and then 4s
Then comes the phone 5 and it continues in this manner… In this way, competitors lose their way and their ideas and implementations are delayed… Consumers want Apple like Samsung, every minute it changes its phone, the washing machine and refrigerator company… Apple’s system is different, their phones are different, their computers are different, it is the one playing in the market and it is the one stopping the market, Apple, its founder died, its profits increase… Didn’t I tell you that Apple is different?
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
The company's idea to update the iPhone is an excellent and smart idea that keeps the same shape of the device instead of changing it as the rest of the companies do every year a new phone, which makes a large number of users avoid these companies.
The update is great but I am facing the SMS system where it is not working.
Please advise me and may Allah reward you well
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Thank you for the beautiful topic
If there is no objection, I need the site that puts the percentage of those who want to exchange their devices for iPhone XNUMXs
I conduct research on the subject in the university and I need it
May Allah reward you well in advance
I don't know why people get frustrated from a phone?
However, I am confident that the technology will take a long time to be commercialized
On my own, if I were a salesperson at Apple, I would take the same step Apple did, and it is impossible to overstate customers who were acquired with an unparalleled 4G design
I think that if the Apple iPhone 5 was released, the sales of the device will be a hindrance to producing the required quantity to cover a market of this size Greetings to Tariq and to all followers
I have an iPhone XNUMX and I don't want to buy an iPhone XNUMXS
Because the difference is simple
Thank you Yvonne Islam.
Thank you, Apple. Respected your customers and saved people. It has a device like the iPhone XNUMX that does not deserve to be thrown away after one year.
Ask forgiveness of God, my Lord, and the Lord of all human beings
As for the topic, it is a very wonderful topic.
And I say, may God reward you a thousand good, Yvonne Islam
For your continuous and ongoing efforts
Hey Yvonne Islam, I hope that you will download a related topic
Hajj programs, and thank you for your continuous contact
Peace be upon you, yes I bought a 4s from Munich Germany from the Apple store. I went to the store at XNUMX:XNUMX am on XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. I stood in line from XNUMX am and I left the store at XNUMX am. It was an exciting adventure. This is my first time going to Europe. There were more than XNUMX people in front of me and more than a thousand people behind me.
Thank you, Steve Job
Peace be upon you, frankly, everyone expressed his opinion
But in short, it is useful for Apple as a cup of water
I mean, you buy what you buy
By God, the only distinctive thing that attracted me was (Siri).
I have an iPhone XNUMX and I would like to know if I have downloaded the jailbreak and do not need or advise me to download System XNUMX ??
IPhone 4S, it was never disappointed <In my view,
No matter what shape, their pain, what is the inside of the iPhone,
The device is very large, fast, and very distinctive, like what we have seen from YouTube clips ,,
Thank you iPhone Islam..
Peace be upon you. I think this step could be the end of Apple. They say that if they had released the iPhone 5, sales would have been higher and the percentage of sales would have increased. However, the iPhone 4S is Apple’s biggest mistake. This is my opinion in brief. Everyone has their own opinion.
Despite the ease of the iPhone system, it is not worth anything without jailbreak. Why cannot I send or receive from Bluetooth? What is its use if it is not activated
Also, there are no delivery reports of the inhibitor if they were present without jailbreak
Safari does not support Flash, nor can you download or download it because it also does not support downloading
Basic things in every phone that iPhone does not support, with an unconvincing argument
I hope to update the new system, but I will only update if there is an unrestricted ISO XNUMX jailbreak
In short, the iPhone without jailbreak is a very normal device
Thank you Yvon Aslam for this great survey 📝
With all due respect, the equation is incorrect
Islam Manbga iPhone We review the iPhone 4s and the Nabga, a comparison between the most powerful mobile phone partners, such as HTS and Samsung Galaxy XNUMX and other developed phones. We should see the competitors of the iPhone. The goal of the comparison. We will see who is the leader in modern technology.
Those who want XNUMX people look like nothing, but there are no advantages
XNUMXS added sweet inner features, and this is the most important shape, not important, meaning Apple's way in the right way
And it would not be good for him if it became available in types and forms every period
I am using the morning and evening supplications program for iPhone and iPad. Download it from Apple Store now.
allow me
Text comments are random and do not understand
In the world of iPhone ..
This fact .. and the issue is very clear
For those who know the iPhone as well as its name
I swear to God I wanted to change my iPhone 4 to an iPhone 4S, but I swear to God, I swear to God, I swear to God I am really broke and I don’t have a penny.
I expect that the number will increase due to Apple winning the battle with Samsung (Samsung has been banned from selling Glamid in America and Australia) that this will make Apple sell the 4s heavily. As for my expectations, after Google's purchase of Motorla, this will make Google restrict Android to it because of the staining of Samsung's reputation In stealing Apple's ideas
I am one of those who own an iPhone 4 and I am not even thinking about buying a 4S because it is the same iPhone and I am not interested in the camera or the Siri service because the Siri service is used most by those living in the United States of America. The only nice thing about the new phone is the processor and my device is working perfectly fine. Why should I sell it and buy a new one? My device is almost like the 4S. If I have a new device, I will wait for the new iPhone.
But I expect Nokia will not be silent on this and will release a new device
This is just my point of view and it is possible, indeed certain, that there are people who disagree with my opinion.
From my reading of the analysis, the goal of 3s sales is to attract the general segment of smartphone users and maintain the segment of pre-XNUMXG users while doubling the previous cumulative revenues….
Peace be upon you, brothers, I think that waste is forbidden ... if you sell the iPhone XNUMX device, you will lose its value of at least XNUMX% in exchange for a new device that does not differ much and has features that most do not need .. Think about spending this difference on the poor and needy and get the reward, God willing, and keep your device. This is just an opinion and peace be upon everyone
What happened with Apple in terms of numbers was a miracle after this shock and all the expectations that prevailed among the people and the creative hopes of the iPhone, which were generally logical .. We did not ask for a miracle from Apple .. And on this, I believe that the vast majority of those who bought the spot S are not owners The Fur previously, but they are from other segments, such as users of Android, Blackberry and old iPhones of all kinds ..
Apple is running on the same system from the day of the 3g release, after which it released the same device, but changed the specifications, such as the speed to 3gs, and in two dimensions, a completely new device that is 4 and the same way, the same device, but a change in the specifications to the 4s
This is a system that Apple could be walking on
I think we saturated from these topics
If I had an addition, it is from my personal point of view that Apple acted smartly for a number of reasons
Firstly, the current form of the iPhone has not lost the beauty of its design
Secondly, Apple returns with its previous version, as it downloads two versions of each device, as happened with the iPhone 3G
Third, it wants its users to learn not to get too attached to rumors, as issuing a new iPhone every year is impossible, especially since the company's reputation does not allow its production to be without distinction.
Fourth, and it is most important that the production of a new iPhone with superstitious specifications, such as the one we saw before the conference, is something that may not be in its interest.
God knows
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Last night I was programming the Galaxy Two
For my friend
This was the first time that I saw this device
To be honest, it is a very easy device that looks like a Nokia
It is also the height of absurdity and does not deserve its price
As for the iPhone XNUMX, it is the pinnacle of technological innovation
In terms of the camera or others
A company has a shower of capabilities that makes it understand
What the consumer wants and how do you attract it
The iPhone remains the phone that brought down the throne of Nokia
Sony Ericsson and others are almost unheard of
By God, it is impossible to change an iPhone XNUMXB iPhone like it. I am a changer to download a completely new iPhone !!
I have a problem with short battery life of iPhone 4
So is it a problem for everyone .. !!
And if so, does Apple know that?
And if she was aware of that, did she think about strengthening the battery life of her phones, or not? !!
Purely marketing analysis:
In this step, Apple wants to transfer 3GS users and users of other companies to the 4X club, before the next step, which is to transfer all of them, in addition to the new ones, to the 5G club, thus ensuring a stable marketing platform for the next three years.
In fact, there is no real competitor yet for Apple.
Its devices are downloaded at a known time and places, and updates are available to everyone at the same time.
Whenever someone comes in the arrangement and coordination, he will be recognized as a competitor ..
I think it is coming close to Microsoft, but they need more arrangement ..
The iPhone 4s was very convincing and I was determined to buy it ..
But I preferred to wait to see what Samsung would offer ..
Really, the decision is difficult.
Please be assured that XNUMX% of iPhone XNUMX owners were disappointed
"As for the current iPhone 4 users, the level of frustration was greater, as 53% of users expressed their frustration."
Whereas, the image says that the XNUMX% are not diappointed.
This is in order for the site to remain as we have been accustomed to in terms of reliability and accuracy in transmission
Thank you
I own an iPhone XNUMX and I do not see any reason to move to the new with an exception
Squandering money with that of iPhone customers for XNUMX years.
The rate of sales of the iPhone is large in America, because the device comes at a price of only XNUMX dollars with a contract of two years
It just means that you have iPhone XNUMX to settle an ebook and pay dead, but just take the new phone
In Arabic, most Americans cost them the iPhone, but only $ XNUMX
The iPhone inventor died, I mean there is no iPhone XNUMX, and after hearing the news, I am buying and selling the iPhone
Black Berry
My lands, and on the contrary, the arrival of the iPhone XNUMXS is better than the iPhone XNUMX coming, and there will be a lot of change in the coming year of the year at that time will not satisfy the users of the iPhone XNUMX at all
I have a problem with Update 5, which is that the battery dries up quickly, as well as the temperature of the device. Thank you, iPhone Islam, and please advise me
Look, Apple won't change whether Arabs buy it or not. Look, it's making more profit with the iPhone 4s than it did with the iPhone 4. I mean, it's making a profit, it's making a profit. Why is it tiring itself out and making a new look for 20%??? My point of view
We want a new device and a bigger screen that want a drastic change in appearance and content
IPhone XNUMX is considered one of the finest types of devices that have passed on from a technical point of view to work with limited programs
Yes, yesterday I went to an Apple store and waited in line for an hour and XNUMX minutes, after which I got an iPhone XNUMXS bug
When and how can I buy an official unlocked iPhone 4s from the net ???
Apple's thinking is very different
I imagine you have people who specialize in measuring the pulse of the technical street
Also, I think it is the beginning of the emergence of the giant, which will be XNUMX degrees different from the current generation :)
Apple innovates and companies imitate and increase
Apple will let them until their thoughts run out and hit them with a knockout
Wait and remember my words at the end of XNUMX :)
My affection
The iPhone 4s has come to life a lot and for how long
We thank Apple, and these profitable companies cannot give everything at once. I am sure that Apple will satisfy its customers soon.
Pure Marketing Analysis /
In this step, Apple wants to transfer 3GS users and users of other companies to the 4X club, before the next step, which is to transfer all of them, in addition to the new ones, to the 5G club, thus ensuring a stable marketing platform for the next three years.
I was frustrated as I advise everyone around me to buy it and wait for the thousand
Ma'liyesh, meaning any bud, something like something without a s, without kharibakh
Thank you Yvonne Islam, thank you very much
Who saw that the new iPhone has become the focus of attention of all people
Personal opinion I think you talked a lot about are people frustrated or satisfied with the iPhone XNUMXS ??!
I don't think it takes all this long talk.
You are tolerated.
Thank you very much iPhone Islam.
Apple is a smart company
And from the first day they announced it on the XNUMXs, I knew that it was going to break the market. And the sales guide
Whatever it is upon you
Logical and proper speech
But where is it from the reality
Apple wants to profit as much as possible with conservative consumers
Because its products outperform others on the market
But the numbers are not only reliable in the analysis, as there are other factors that Apple may not take into account
On the contrary, my dear brother, the updates are not minor, but rather essential and meet the consumer’s aspirations. Even if you do not change the form, the essence and core of the iPhone will remain significantly changed. Apple will always remain in the lead, and I personally am convinced and satisfied with the plans it has put in place to reach the iPhone 5, even if the wait is long for years to come. I hope we do not be harsh on Apple, it will remain the one that completely changed the concept of the mobile phone.
Thanks iPhone Islam ...
Brother Saad Hammad's words are true to Shari, iPhone XNUMX, and I do not buy the new, I am with him ... Greetings
I have iPhone 4GS. You advise me to buy the XNUMXs and not wait for the XNUMX
Apple ate the market
XNUMX million iPhone XNUMX sold in less than a year
Sony Ericsson crushed
And Nokia
But there is a device in Nokia that will sell more than the rest of its devices
It is XNUMX Abu Misbah
I like competition
It shows us the features, surprises and techniques
I will not buy it for myself
I expect to buy the next model
But after what comes down to a jailbreak
Because I do not dispense with
And the rest of the programs from Cydia I cannot dispense with and my device feels stupid without it
I advise everyone to order the iPhone XNUMXS, it is better to buy it for XNUMX dinars
That is approximately $ XNUMX
With us, a XNUMX% difference from its price when you order it from the transport companies
Forward, Apple
And forward, Cydia team
Nice thing Yvonne and wait for the new
Honestly, you hated us on the iPhone that teased us before the 4s appeared, that the iPhone 5 would appear, and they revealed its shape and specifications, and worried us with the guesses and articles, and the iPhone XNUMX did not appear. They elevated people's minds, statistics and figures that are unimaginable
Do not get too big of your expectations. Is there all the hype? May God know what the imaginations of iPhone XNUMX are. After this delay, it could be a spacecraft.
I bought the iPhone 4 two months ago, that is, it is impossible to buy the 4s again, something that has minor additions that are different for me
The article that explains the frustration of XNUMXG holders The information has been misinterpreted, as the picture shows that the owners of XNUMXG were not disappointed, unlike what was mentioned in the article, so please correct the article
Your brother Mustafa
I will stay on iPhone XNUMX until I get iPhone XNUMX
ٱڵٱڵښڵٱم ع ڵڵمـ ♡
Why the hurry, I mean, why does everyone want an iPhone XNUMX when the year has hardly passed on the iPhone XNUMX ?! Would you like to be politicized by Apple ?!
I also had some frustration, or rather, my head was filled with those illusions and rumors that canceled out to the extent that I got hungry from everyone who only expected (iPhone XNUMX) or better !! But it is clear that the haste and anticipation of things made everyone confused and not convinced of the new equipment ...
The issue (for me) is simpler than turning with or against Apple !!
And then some speak as if Apple closed its doors, and this is the last one ready for it - and Steve left - and and and ... 😒😱
If this is all your thinking, it is better for Apple to release a new phone every XNUMX months !! To satisfy all ... 😏
(Just a personal opinion).
These companies are built on excellent management foundations, so they achieved a net profit this year of $25.9 billion, equivalent to the budget of some countries.
What do you think of buying an iPhone 4G and what to do ??????
The difference between iPhone 4g and iPhone 4s ?????
Apple = pragmatism and the culture of interest they have above all, and I do not blame them for that at all
IPhone S4 specification does not allow me to buy it, iPhone XNUMX with me
And I don’t like sweet
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, the iPhone, without you, it doesn’t taste a good greeting
Our minds lick
Sell out
And we buy
and life goes on :)
IPhone XNUMXS is not convincing for iPhone XNUMX users
Apple is a big company and it deserves a lot
Because she knows what people want
Guys, I have something better for anyone who owns a regular iPhone 5 to install iOS XNUMX software. It will remain the same specifications as the XNUMXS and there will be a difference, but in speed. My advice to those who do not have an Apple Macintosh computer is to buy it. It is better than Windows and wait for the next iPhone XNUMX, better and better. With thanks, iPhone Islam for the messages.
Sound talk really does not make any difference and we felt really frustrated
We are participating in iPhone programs and we are looking for all new things
Apple started thinking about numbers forever, but with Steve Jobs, she was thinking about feelings
Frankly, I am disappointed
If it was a slight change but in the 4s I would have bought it
Honestly, great article, logical thinking, and high awareness, you are always special
Apple is an amazing company
We, as scholars in distant countries, were able, thanks to God, and then Apple, to communicate with the free programs
Like Skype
I expect a 4G sales increase in sympathy with the death of Steve Jobs
Although most people were shocked by the iPhone
This is my expectation
The numbers and percentages are all unreal
Frankly, I was very happy that it did not change the shape of the iPhone 4 S because I took my iPhone 4, so the month of Ramadan means up to 4 months that has not finished after
Thank you, iPhone Islam
I would like to thank those in charge of Yvonne Islam for excellence and keeping abreast of the events first, Powell
As for what was presented in the report, Apple actually knew how to excite its customers and attract its competitors’ customers.
I consider the iPhone 4s, in my opinion, to be a bait to gain the trust of competitors’ customers, because the company has trust in previous customers, and in order to maintain this trust with users, they made the 4G available to upgrade to 4Gs for free, and this is evidence that the XNUMXGs is intended to attract new customers.
Perhaps the developers wanted the iPhone 5 to "break the world."
"Master blow, oh man"
Peace be upon those who follow guidance
I think, and God knows best, according to my expectations, that there is no iPhone 5
I accept IPhone 4gs because this is the company's policy, expectations, and God knows best
Brothers, may I understand why everyone else would like to thank Apple for their comment ??
Why do not you thank the workers on the blog of Yvonne Islam, for they are the ones who put these topics and exert efforts on them, and unfortunately there are those who thank Apple in the comments and do not thank the workers on Yvonne Islam !!!!!!
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, you are wonderful, cultured and a place of pride :)
IPhone took more fame and publicity than necessary
And there are smartphones that are better, newer, and compatible with technology
And the specifications, price and information for the iPhone in the order of smartphones, ranked fourth for the year XNUMX
So we open our eyes to the technology more, because there is a Holtv that works with D3 technology as filming and showing movies, and I am the characters I consider
The iPhone is a smart student who learns lessons from others
And Android teacher and school oppressed
With full respect for your opinions, I am a resident of. Canada, I did not encourage that demand for the new iPhone, and with my first visit to the main Apple store in Vancouver, hours after its launch, I only saw spectators, as the cashiers were empty except from their offices, and for the neighbor America to tell her similar to Canada
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Thanks to the editors of this great site
Thanks Apple
Yvonne Islam always races to do better
greetings to you all,
A beautiful report .. And so are the major companies. Each step counts for a thousand accounts. They have no time for emotions and speculation.
Thank you, brother Ben Sami, for conveying this report to us ... and welcome to our new editor. :)
I'm just annoyed because there is no bluetooth
Apple only thinks about numbers
But really, how much is it in Saudi Arabia?
All these Westerners want to buy the iPhone S4, and frankly, a large number, 4 million.
After a while, the 5 will be released and within 72 hours, sales will reach 100%.
I don't know what's going on
My start with the iPhone was XNUMX
But admit that the XNUMXs were so disappointed
Where did it come from?
In the name of God the Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Thanks for the percentages in numbers. iPhone is always in the lead because it thinks about its users and seeks to satisfy them. But the iPhone (4s is not the one to buy if you have its brother.
And this is my opinion (and the opinion does not spoil the case)
شكرا لكم
Yvonne Islam gives you wellness
I expect a year. XNUMX will be the percentage of ownership
World iPhone XNUMX%
Knowing that XNUMX% of the rest are children
Still below expectations ...
It is Apple's first floundering after Steve Jobs.
Unless the next iPhone will replace the jailbreak, the design will be completely different.
Genius policy from Apple
We will still see more in the future
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I just bought an iPhone XNUMX two weeks ago
And frankly, my parents said, wait for the new iPhone
I told him: I am not sure that the day he will be ruined will be things that will ruin him
Like the iPhone XNUMX
I think what Apple did was a milestone for the competitors because they were unfortunately waiting for Apple to provide
And I was one of the people who expected this thing, neither frustration nor anything else
Apple policy on iPhone XNUMXG
Thank you iPhone Islam ..
By God, as for me, I am disappointed because I have XNUMX, and I do not need to change to XNUMXS
If I have XNUMXG correct, I will think about it because it would be a very big difference in it
And we are waiting for the thousand if God crippled
Wii. On them - the top of frustration
Logical words
I own an iPhone 4 and I think it is too early to release an iPhone 5
With your words XNUMX% because the iPhone
5g, then XNUMXgs, then XNUMX, and XNUMXs, of course, followed by XNUMX
True ✔ ☺
It gives you well on the good effort, but I have a question: is the imessag messaging service activated with us in the Gulf
Yes it is effective and i use it on my 3G device
And the fear of monopoly, meaning that our communications impose fees for them, and this is never ruled out
As for the device, the company is really better than Apple, in terms of technology and other things, and the lightness of the device
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Peace be upon you. We thank the site Avon Islam because it enforced us a lot with its accuracy and speed in submitting articles. I would like to ask a question: Why does iPhone in the text messaging service do not support the service of telling you that the recipient has received the message like other phones? Thank you.
Apple did not add more services
And this one that disappointed me
And iPhone
I want to see that the new iPhone doesn’t have anything to do with it
I bought an iPhone 3G and only changed it when the iPhone 4 appeared
Now, stupidity, if I change the 4s, I think I will change to the Galaxy S2
Apple cooked it over low heat
And it went in the footsteps of its late founder
And the days will stand
I did not care about all this, but it was very destroyed when I heard that it is updates to his routine on iPhone XNUMX, but what I am thinking about until now is why the Bluetooth is not what they turn on because, frankly, I hate the jailbreak and so if his father must be forced to it 😣
All these numbers remain as indicated by the report due to the user's obsession and the graphs prove that this is true
The device that serves the user remains the recognition if we take into account the distance from the formalities
Remains are figures, formalities, and a proportion without proportion
Thank you iPhone Apple. Good luck to all.
I mean, the iPhone is satisfied with it, whether it is 4, 4s, or 5, all of it is badly needed, and if it indicates something, it is the distinction and splendor of the product, and to the front iPhone Islam and to the Imam Apple.
Very beautiful
The new iPhone is great
But we found it on the iPhone immediately after the update
Meaning that there is no difference mentioned except for Siri, who will not serve the Arabic
Deeb Mayrul messed up :)
I mean, the iPhone is satisfied with it, whether it is 4, 4s, or 5, all of it is badly needed, and if it indicates something, it is the distinction and splendor of the product.
Sweet Apple
I bought the iPhone 4S because BlackBerry and these companies are competing, and as soon as the companies put out new devices, the iPhone 5 will be a market thief.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Thanks Apple
The response from users around the world was amazing
1000 per minute !! Where is the frustration that we heard about, lasting 1000 per minute, the amount of sales of this device to 90% of the new that I think this device contains in its operating system !!
Only increase its sales to the madness of the West in owning new ones before others (it is more like us around the world :)) and their addiction to Apple products ,,
Greetings to all ,,
Glory be to God and his glory glory to God Almighty ,,
Apple remains at the top
Everything is considered and we will see the next issue, sales will double
IPhone XNUMXS is just a profit-gathering process, meaning that they add simple additions to a device that was originally possible to be released in the previous year, but the company delayed its release in order to make profits during this period and in the near future you will see the new version of the phone from Apple
May God conceal our ordeals, knowing the new president, Shuo, to do what I think will be better than Steve Jobs.
In fact, there is already an iPhone XNUMX, which is a new design and Steve Jobs worked hard on it before he died. Search Google, you will find the article on one of the sites and the speaker is a person in the management of Apple, but unfortunately the device has been postponed and it is expected to arrive in the new year
Thank you, iPhone Islam
When I first saw it, I was very disappointed because I was going to buy an iPhone 5
But when I intend to buy
I am an iPhone 4 user and on the contrary I was not disappointed because it has not been years since I bought the iPhone 4, which means it is difficult for me to buy a new device and from a legal perspective it is forbidden to be extravagant like buying something that is not new but the same shape with some additions that I do not need. It is true that others may need it because I do not curse the new device, but I am expressing my opinion. Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.
Your words are sound
I am commenting on the brothers who have Yvonne XNUMX
And Sherro iPhone XNUMXS
My respect for them is stupid, and the company is smart, but you will see if you are going to download an Apple iPhone XNUMXD
Baddulas, God, this is a frustration for a strong sales company
I am from people who were disappointed on the day I received the news that the iPhone XNUMX was not released for s p. I say that Apple is playing on us. Rumors that it is launching the iPhone XNUMX and the last thing is the iPhone XNUMX. By God, if I did not buy what changed its shape, trivial features such as sound The program is present in old phones Nokia I I say Apple is a stupid company to download iPhone XNUMXs
You don't know, I mean, you are smarter than my two children
Before each step, years of reflection and immediate implementation study each step
Yes, a thousand devices a minute. If a thousand biscuits a minute, you smoke from a lot of money
It means every minute more than a billion
And God, Apple won us once
Peace be upon you
True words, my dear brother, as for me, I have an iPhone 4, I do not want the 4S that works
Complaining to God '
We cannot do anything!
Something they downloaded and finished, and we look at 5G
And God, Apple once earned us, and God is strange
Samsung Mohd buys a lot more growth than Apple
With it coming in Galaxy Tab XNUMX and Tab XNUMX
The big one is like the house.
I am satisfied with the new iPhone, but the update is enough
By God, we have not known honesty
The day before, Samsung says it has currently sold XNUMX million devices from the Galaxy S and SXNUMX
Every company throws numbers however
Frankly, the competition is on our side as users
But we want to see Apple developing quickly, not like a turtle
Frankly, I feel Apple is ending at the hands of Samsung and Google, when I saw their announcement with the launch of the ready Galaxy Nexus
Galaxy Nexus
In my opinion, iPhone XNUMX and XNUMXG owners are going to think of XNUMXS, but the owners of the XNUMXG will see until the FXNUMXG, the Fur S is better than the spot, but not to the degree that will spend more than XNUMX dollars in the change, will we wait for the iPad XNUMX, which is in February? ??
I am the most frustrated person, but I bought an iPhone 4s from the day the online order was opened
There is no big difference between the iPhone 4 and the S, the most important thing for me is the look and the screen.
I liked this comprehensive analysis and saw with my own eyes the queues at Apple stores, the iPhone 4s is more than wonderful despite its lack of support for 4G, but the lack of the latter will make me keep the iPhone XNUMX until the months of the iPhone XNUMX next summer, God willing.
Wonderful article ..
And I am one of the people who did not wish that the new iPhone will change shape
I love iPhone XNUMX that I have :)
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Thank you, Professor Tariq
Masha'Allah, its equipment keeps you away from the new, but I have an objection. You say it at the beginning of the lines, woo, etc. I mean feelings, and then you convey the feelings. They have no need !?
And the iPhone XNUMXG is the same as the XNUMXS, and their hopes cannot be reduced
Thank you
If you own an iPhone, the 4s will not add much to you ,,
And if you do not have an iPhone ,, the iPhone 4 will add a lot to you ,,
As for the 4s, it is not worth me to pay what I paid when I went from 3gs to 4
The difference was big ,,!
I had an iPhone XNUMX and the date of October XNUMX came out early in the morning and waited in the turn for two and a half hours and received an iPhone XNUMXS anxious for it
I do not care about the form, but the content, and it is more than wonderful in its content
This is Apple's policy, two phones with the same model, newer than the first, as usual with XNUMXG and XNUMXGS
Why did you expect XNUMX?
Who raised his expectations and wishes, he was disappointed
Wait another year and get the iPhone XNUMX if you are looking for a look!
I agree with you
"This policy is Apple, two phones with the same model, newer than the first, as usual with XNUMXG and XNUMXGS."
Your words are XNUMX% sound.
Thank you iPhone Islam ☺
Peace be upon you
By God, I tried to respect your opinion, but I could not, and I had to respond to you
First of all, it was a waste of money for you to buy an iPhone 4s even though you had a XNUMX, and Apple deceived you just as they deceived others. I swear to God, was it worth it for you to pay an amount higher than the value of the iPhone XNUMX for five features and without thinking, with all due respect to you?
Secondly, it is disappointing that we were the ones who expected the iPhone 5. Apple was the one that annoyed us with its advertisements for the iPhone 5, meaning we did not expect anything from these advertisements.
Here is what I say to you and the brothers with us:
Hey guys, if the Americans are jumping in the fire, we will catch them
Why is this blind imitation!! And whoever says that I am like the world means you care about the world or yourself??
The numbers of buyers see the possibility of being from Apple itself in order to increase the percentage of profits, meaning Apple is concerned with nothing but just money, and I swear by God if all the world is evil, which is what I like if what I buy
Unfortunately, this is due to the disease called (the love of technology and buying without thinking or mind)
Sorry for the prolongation, but I wanted to clarify something
Peace be upon you. Beautiful words, by God, Apple has deceived us with the modifications that I do not need, and if I do not need them, I do not have to buy it. I prefer to wait for the iPhone 5, hoping that the change in form and content is worth the change. Thank you, and peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.
Genius Company
Thank you, Bin Sami
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Image of my design Express my personal opinion on this topic
I think that most of the people who evil the device are just a hobby of collecting electronic devices only ...
May God grant you well-being. Yvonne Islam, and Apple calculates its account a thousand times before issuing something <<<< A new thing was found Haha
From my point of view, the new iPhone is terrible, but I am not thinking of buying it now. After a short period of time, a new iPhone will appear to us, in part, in everything.
And if you buy this (if God gives us Omar) it will be dazzling
Thank you for the topic ...
Even iPad subscribers ..
They convert ...
On iPhone 4s
But you can explain more about the difference between them than the one you gave them ...
Thank you
We had hoped Apple would outpace all companies and not be left behind.
O Lord, he hears from you ...