Peace be upon you, everyone unanimously. The shape is the same, but the content is a change of XNUMX to XNUMX per cent. Whoever needs this change buys ace, and whoever needs it sits on his mobile who has this, my view is the truth and in the safety of God
Frankly, I like the modern technology from Apple, and I already bought phones from different companies, but when I got the iPhone XNUMX, it sang me about all the previous phones.
Beloved of my heart, I am in an Asian country and I bought an iPhone XNUMX running GEVEY pro turbo sim system, but after what happened to version XNUMX, the device worked, but without recognizing the chip, it became like the iPod Touch, does it have any solution for this ??!
Doesn't mean, does the image of mana never go down ... .. I bought an iPhone 4s and I had an iPhone 4, I mean, there is a big difference between it, the speed, the camera, the clarity of the games, and also the screen light has become stronger ... and the wonderful Siri service
Formally, how guys the same spot, the specifications are not all this I expect it to be normal, by God, and whoever has it is better off selling it God reconciles all
Is it not surprising that you can get bluetooth service from a mobile phone whose price does not exceed fifty dollars and you cannot get it from the iPhone, which is one of the most important and modern technologies in the world ?!
"Apple" said in a statement issued to the media that it was able to sell 4 million devices of the iPhone 4S during the first three days of its launch, at a rate of 1000 devices per minute.
And the "Apple" statement also stated that the number of those who downloaded the new operating system iOS5 from "Apple" and installed it in their devices has reached 25 million, after only five days have passed since it was freely available to all, and the number of those who joined the iCloud service "the cloud" has reached 20 million users.
Peace be upon you. I am your brother Abu Jihad from Jerusalem. First of all, the iPhone did not succeed a lot. And thanks to Yvonne Islam for the beautiful site
Excuse me brother if you rewrite the conversation in English He suggested using could instead of can because he had the ability to choose, not forced. I prefer deleting the that before that, because you can dispense with it by referring to the S with that.
It does not compare to the iPhone, neither Nokia nor Samsung, because it is a wonderful, wonderful phone. You feel that you have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini
Peace be upon you. Is it true that the 4s device has a projector feature as well as a keyboard so that you can type on it while it is outside the device?
I want to say one thing, but I like Apple, except for their thinking about things that do not cross our minds that they don't pay us the price of development like Microsoft does with its customers. As for the external appearance, I noticed that there is a line above the speaker on the new device !! Can we know what it is? Yvonne Islam, may God reward you on our behalf
Regardless of my agreement or disagreement with you regarding the content of the cartoon :), I congratulate you for your agreement with the designer artist, “Mohamed Sami” to implement the cartoon, and good luck;)
I don’t know why we Arabs always look superficial The device from the outside has the same shape as the previous one, but the inside I found it is different and distinctive and this is important and I think that if the shape had changed and the features remained the same, they would have said about it also a failure
May I ask a question, but I would like an answer from you? The next question is, if someone downloads iOS5, how do they add people by email, PBN, PB, etc.? The second question is, if I have XNUMXG on and send a broadcast to someone via iMessage, does it deduct from my internet gigabytes? << Does it deduct anything from XNUMXG or not? Please answer.
By God, you are very strange people. I mean, you are making fun of the iPhone 4S, and people who buy it from Apple are like idiots. I mean, even the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS had no difference in the external appearance. Also, the same thing applies to the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. The external appearance was not changed, but the internal appearance was not changed. It has changed, of course, and as for those who said that the new iPhone is of no use, I will give you good news for my family. Even the old one is not good for anything. Frankly, with Apple, you must offer everything little by little. If you do not like the iPhone, sell it. Peace be upon you. I myself do not need an iPhone. I am a rich Indian and I am satisfied with what is in it, but society usually has no right. He likes the wonder
Hi I ask the honorable brothers to help me, as it is a very strange matter with me, which is when I download an application from the Father Store, this message appears to me Your account is disabled Note that my account is American and I do not have a jailbreak And I am very sorry for the prolongation, and may God reward you on our behalf
My opinion is that Apple has not released an entirely new mobile because it wants it It has incendiary features for previous versions 😏 So the wheel is not issued for the 4s Also there are a lot of people who haven't bought 4 yet And there are people who didn't even know the iPhone. I mean, I still haven't
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhhh question You love Apple, but if Apple loses and we decide to transfer the growth will you continue?
I own an iPhone XNUMX, and if the iPhone XNUMXs is released, I will buy it The reason is the speed of the device, the camera network In the 3G version, as for the Huspa version, it is faster in connecting to the Internet than 3G.
First, I thank Professor Tariq for all that is on iPhone Islam, but I have suggestions First: Creating a competition of any kind, but the answer is rarely answered on a weekly basis, and making a prize for the winner Second: This is a request, and I know that I am a lot like me. There are people like me who want to enjoy all the iPhone applications Islam, but they cannot buy them because they do not have a VISA or they cannot buy it because of their short age, so I suggest working a day a month that is only announced once in which iPhone programs are available Islam is free Third: To create a mobile line for iPhone Islam only, someone who has a problem can call him to inquire about faults And very sorry for the long
I remember an Apple advertisement that talked about Apple’s pride, published by iPhone Islam: If you have an iPhone, you have an iPhone, and if you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone.
Whoever looks into the essence of the text will find that it does not contain anything worth announcing, but it is the height of arrogance. Indeed, this is the same case with the Fur, and the Fur is the difference when you know the meaning and intent.
Fur Yazin without ace even if the ace has changed something
Hittina the alley.
I remember an Apple advertisement that talked about Apple’s pride, published by iPhone Islam: If you have an iPhone, you have an iPhone, and if you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone.
Whoever looks into the essence of the text will find that it does not contain anything worth announcing, but it is the height of arrogance. Indeed, this is the same case with the Fur, and the Fur is the difference when you know the meaning and intent.
The fact that the iPhone 4 looks like is more than amazing And I wish the iPhone 5 wasn't different And the shapes that were leaked by some with the enlargement of the screen .. All of them were the iPhone 4 more beautiful than them Finally, the iPhone 4s came out in the same wonderful way Why did you always ask for a change, even if the existing shape was wonderful
I remember when the iPhone XNUMX was released, how people fought and rejected it, and on this site, iPhone Islam was talked about the network problem and that it is the end of this device ... etc. etc. etc. etc. And I said at the time on this site: (The day will come when you will fight on the iPhone XNUMX and defend it ... When ... when a new device is released) ... Why ... Because in short ... we love the old and hate anything new ..
How long is this money ... for how long ... for how long ??? !!!
I see that your site did not give the new iPhone its right As if all people have the same thinking Take me for example I own an iPhone 3GS I carried the new system and now enjoy the ion, as if I own an iphone4 And when the iPhone XNUMXS was released I will possess it with a will
Like what they say to what the falcon knows is distorting, why do you laugh at something that does not laugh at him. Okay, try the Fur S, and then talk about the difference.
Who said that there is no difference because you are illuminating from the outside. You do not view the content. This indicates your personalities
Hi I read all the comments and benefited from some of them But dad, I say it is true, it has a change in the iPhone XNUMXs only Not to the point where people expect such-and-such as most people are in love Apple products were shocked a lot
Wait for the next, new and distinguished from Apple Of course, Apple has their own marketing system This is a great evidence of their success and obtainment On the first place in sales volume
I wasn't excited about the idea of the iPhone 5 (iOS5), I was excited for the screen to be bigger (3 inches) or more and for it to be (thinner) as you saw the leaked pictures before the release of the (S), so I knew that the system of the (Apple) company is 3G>4GS>4G>5GS. This is the art of intelligence in the company, so they didn't release the 6 for profit reasons, and this is the path of every profitable company, so technology is little by little. If they released the entire technology in the iPhone, then where would they come up with new ideas to release the iPhone 7 and XNUMX? It is difficult for them to create an idea, as the idea takes a long time. This is what I wanted to say. That God will be my subject arrived ,,
I agree with you, brother, that the difference is clear. I downloaded the new update and, by God, it was wonderful, honestly. Thank you, Ay Foof Islam, for the clarification.
I agree with you on this note I do not understand the reason With the name of the blog iPhone iSlam I would like to hear a reason other than (the neutrality or the interest of the members in the foreground) because it has become outdated And because in the interest of iPhoneiSlam members, prejudice will not be on the iPhone Apple Thank you
What the artist meant in the cactus is that there is no difference between them except for the simple thing, but how do you want the company to top the world and get money out of the pocket of people? !! Just add the exponent which represents the US dollar !!
nice drawing .. I hope you don't take prejudices on the 4s more :) I am a 3GS user and I think it is a paradigm shift for me Indeed, we were hoping for the best, but this does not prevent him from being excellent, regardless of his looks.
We do not look at the figure, but we make our gaze to the trustees in the device He may create a device that dazzles the whole world with his design, and he will not have any foolproof people worth buying
Peace and mercy of God The only similarity between the two versions is the external appearance. Other than that, they are completely different. A faster processor, higher storage capacity, a stronger camera, and the improved Speech program are the main reason for the unprecedented popularity.
We hoped to see a clear difference between the two devices in the external shape so that there is a justification for the acquisition of the new device And about the features that have changed inside the camera, which is very rarely used in communication devices As for the Siri service, which does not use the Arabic language in its services As for changing the therapist, this is something we do not disagree with But you will not notice the difference with use, you are using a manual device, and it is difficult for you to discover the difference between them Regarding the cloud service, whose victims will be those who repair their devices in the shops, there will be no consequences, and that is not whether or not it is known to be used by the majority, especially the other gender. And about increasing the memory size of XNUMX or XNUMX that will guarantee that it will serve you even Get bored of collecting what you want And to you my highest regards and respect And I have to say, our brothers Save your white penny for black day
Hi You guys, enough, we are talking about comparisons, we propose new drivers, additional programs, and additional features for iOS5 And about his shortcomings From another aspect, a prophet of something to benefit from. Thank you
Yvonne Islam did not fail in the first and was the first to follow the event to launch the new device in substance As for the form, it does not matter at all when it comes to quality and development
I liked the cartoon 😄 I feel credible, but a lot of what they like We Arabs die and buy anything new even if it is of no benefit. Just an opinion. Please accept my regards.
Frankly, the new iPhone is a failure because the flash has not been repaired or an external memory has been added, and frankly iCloud does not replace the external memory because it requires the Internet, the purchase of space, and the better the manual and Galaxy S4 memory is better than the XNUMXs
To be honest, it is very ironic But in another way, I think he did What if it was possible to replace a camera, it will undoubtedly become as well as what I think is that the speed does not appear unless the device’s memory is full, and perhaps our average use is XNUMX GB
Unfortunately, Apple is in a terrible decline I wish I hadn't even updated my phone to iOS5 I lost the jailbreak but not important The system is unstable The internet opens but hangs Youtube commenting And the new e-mail we got news from America that it is very normal and the huge sales were for the Siri service only, that is, if this service was present in the iPhone 4, Apple would regret Apple and leave Samsung
First, I thank iPhone Islam for the follow-ups first, Powell
Regarding the iPhone 4s, I see that everyone is upset because Apple did not change the look of the phone. I see that anyone who is interested in the look of the phone, I advise them to change from Apple.
And then, I mean, Apple, I downloaded the iPhone 4 a year ago, I mean, it is not reasonable to change the device, download XNUMX and lock it to the old market, as soon as possible Obviously, they were following in their footsteps like 3G and 3GS
In my opinion, the whole problem is that people are enthusiastic about the XNUMX, and for those who spoke about the XNUMX and who changed the appearance of the device, they said that there is no difference I mean, after Da Chloe, we laugh at each other and say there is no difference
Anyway, this is my opinion and I respect the opinions of others. Thank you :)
If I want to be honest in criticism, the first thing I saved myself and my brothers in Yvonne Islam is what we presented to Islam. Have we worked hard to use this wonderful technology? You are today in your home and can hear the power of Islam everywhere, so why have you wasted time? Life is passing, brothers, and the calculation is difficult, oh Yvonne Islam, hope, after God, how much do you come out? I am technical programs or ideas for the call, O who reads my article, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (Report about me, even if a verse). I hope that no one will be angry with me, as we criticize Apple that despite its development, it will not bring us the hoped-for phone, and we as Muslims are very developed from a spiritual point of view that the West misses, and their souls are tormented as they have lost the spiritual side. Prophet Muhammad, praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
In my mind and my people, there is a lot of talk. After the departure of Steve Jobs .. But what is going on in my mind now .. Is Apple okay after this departure ..? !!
I am my iPhone XNUMX, but the shape will not change. I will cut it on a quarter and say my device is an iPhone XNUMXs. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I thank all those who made the comment and I will add to your comments. I downloaded ios5 and I didn’t find a difference that deserves praise, mention or praise for it. I don’t have many devices. As for the rest of the device’s functions, they are exactly the same, and I lost all the programs that I had because I was their home from a current software store, like most of the iPhone users. I ask the brothers on iPhone Islam to explain to us as they always used to how to benefit from the new ios5 system. Thank you and all the gratitude.
I like the caricature, frankly But I am with the brother who accuses our loved ones of the iPhone, Islam, of prejudice against the iPhone 4s. For me, the change will not happen until I am convinced of what I want from Apple Greetings to you
What you notice is that all devices (English - Italian - German) are supposed to degrade the basic (Arabic) language !! But the curtir // mmm, excellent, frankly, movement, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
The truth is, I have iphon4, and I was happy that the change in the software and I can do an update, and the device has a price not a little. I thank Apple for this step, and this is evidence that the device has taken its first place among devices
Why are the 4 people prejudiced against the 4s! Honestly, all the staunchers are not able to change the device because they are not yet 4 buyers. 4s is the pinnacle of creativity.
You are right, brother Walid, the extravagance, it is not good. I mean, the one who has iPhone 4 is enough for him, and the one who does not take the XNUMXS, but all that comes up with a new mobile that you buy, those whose money is extra, donate to Somalis who die of hunger.
There is much difference in the same external appearance and in relation to the program, but the start of the operation is somewhat faster and the net is much faster. As for the camera, the iPhone XNUMX is better in terms of clarity, and this is the second day and the iPhone XNUMX s I have, and frankly, a Siri feature is used by any Arab user and I recommend that he has an iPhone XNUMX and wants to change to buy an iPhone XNUMX s either He has iPhone XNUMX, I never advise him to buy an iPhone XNUMXS, and anyone who wants to install an iPhone XNUMXS from America I am present at the same price without commission
I congratulate Apple, whatever the criticism, because it is the best With all due respect to the second companies (my father is a better device than the iPhone ... anyone knows)
Today I was in apl. The difference is something simple, no less or more, in both visualization and processor needs, but this difference and the rest are the same specifications as Avon XNUMX Thank
It is possible that with the days, he will give him a second character, or we discover something that is known about the Evin. Every day we discover something about it as a viewpoint from my side and the idea of the drawings and its topic is not alone
The mighty giant😳 You made me feel that it was something else What changed the processor and the camera, but Do not give the device larger than its size. Nor, because of you, I mean
Who are you, the strength of the camera, the zoom and the high-definition video, do you like it ?? Shali Tbona Yvonne turns into a car ?? Nor Yvonne air purifier ??
Whoever has an iPhone 4 should not buy a 4S, sitting on his phone is the best for his money. There is no need to change As for those who have an iPhone XNUMXGS and before and want to change, take the XNUMXS
I am with iPhone XNUMX and yesterday, I tried iPhone XNUMXS, the difference is only in Siri, and I do not see any reason for it because it supports how many languages and the second difference, the cam is something nice and arranged in photography, but I did not notice a difference in the processor because there are no programs loaded on the iPhone XNUMX S and there is no difference in the constellations because I am I was holding the two riders beside some of them, and the signal was medium on both of them I see who owns an iPhone immediately and does not change his cell phone, but those who own XNUMXG or XNUMXGS I strongly recommend changing the phone because he wants to see a strong transfer in use I see that it is wasteful if I change the iPhone XNUMX mobile phone on the iPhone XNUMXS Two-dimensional iPhone XNUMXS with XNUMX memory, I see that it is too much The first was with Iphone XNUMXG, and the first thing I downloaded XNUMXGS changed it and I regretted that I changed it and the first thing that I came to iPhone immediately had temptations such as the FaceTime shape, two better processor cameras, I mean there was more than one job deserving the change, but I see iPhone XNUMXS for me with the iPhone as soon as He changes his device, which with his iPhone XNUMXG or XNUMXGS the best changes A simple note, do not judge the iPhone by its strength without serious programs, and see how the performance shows problems and slowdowns ....... Sorry for taking long Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Thank you Yvonne Aslam On the wonderful and funny curator From my point of view, any new device It must have better features than the one before it Therefore, do not judge anything except after trying it pause/ The words of the people are neither given nor late Greetings
It is true, brothers, Yvonne XNUMX, so far it suffices and repays Those who use 3GS can switch to 4S and will notice the difference. Like me, of course Because it is not the condition of every new iPhone, we change it
You can allocate a small amount in which you buy stickers and covers of different colors and shapes so that you can feel some change if you get lost from your device
Peace be upon you. I like the clearest point that was not mentioned in the previous comments, which is that the previous form of the iPhone continued for three consecutive releases, and the iPhone 4s was the same way, but to the conclusion that people are the ones who expected more than this. Thank you.
Whoever has tricks or a soul laughs at the cartoons of his messengers, it is only one and a third of the night for those who are sleeping, and one in the morning for those who are awake...
I have a question, maybe a little strange, but I would like someone to answer me Why is the white iPhone more open near the front camera, and what is in the black ???
Hi I would like to clarify something very important, which is: that Apple is not strange. This thing means what you spoke about now. Ok, and you are about 3G and 3gs. What are they like? The same thing has developed in the camera, processor speed and shape the same thing Apple is not like Samsung and others have a year and change of shape. It is not a company that takes care of its customers, meaning the iPhone 4 has only just been a year old.
Brothers, this painter is creative, just disappointed you. Apple, I mean, he was contemplating Evon (XNUMX) ,,, God will benefit the Muslims in him ...
Yvonne Islam Aziz, state your position, are you with or are you against the acquisition of XNUMXs? Because you have many followers behind you, it may be the decisive factor for them ...
Frankly, I see that you are overly biased on the new phone. I have read many opinions on foreign websites, but they are not as prejudiced as you are .... You have a great deal not to change the shape of the phone. Finally, we ask for the new version to be in the form of a circle for your satisfaction !!!!
Honestly, the iPhone XNUMXs, if there is nothing untreated, it is sufficient for it to be the top You will not be smarter than Apple I own an iPhone XNUMX and I started buying the new, God willing Thank you, Apple Thank you, iPhone Islam
Have a question ?? Do you care about the shape of the phone more than the specifications?
Even if it is just simple specifications ,, I challenge if there is an Arab who can invent one of the specifications that you do not like ,,, I myself am not interested in the shape more Thank you
Guys i'm just buying it Guys, how much time do you expect between iPhone 4s and iPhone 5? Long or not I think if they downloaded iPhone 4s and not iPhone 4 It was going to cause a sensation and perhaps the world's first class And if this thing happened, it might not make the iPad much fuss because He will be outdone
It is clear that your shock is greater than the shock of others :) In general, I will speak with assumptions. If I am Apple, I do not have the intention to change the date of the original iPhone, which is the month of XNUMX AD, I think. The improvements that have become very beautiful, and I see them are reasonable, but if they continue on this date then I expect them to have a specific idea :) As for the brother who says there is no difference, if you mean from the outside, what is the difference? As for the rest of the pieces, I don’t know you are talking serious or are you kidding ?! And your support for him, Director, shows that you are really crushed Simply Apple never changed its policy, and I don't know why people are upset? Dime Apple, so, the changes between the two consecutive devices are not big, and this is an advantage for me.
In modifications, it is not worth switching from XNUMX to XNUMXs But I feel that Apple underestimates our minds So far, there are no simpler requirements like Bluetooth - Transferring Contacts Finally, Apple raised the camera to XNUMX megabytes Although I thought of them during the release of the iPhone XNUMX If you need to shoot, buy a specialized camera I feel that Apple underestimates our minds
Hahahahahaha nice cartoon. I hope the comparisons between the iPhone 4 and 4s will end. If opinions didn’t differ, the products would have sold out. Everyone would take what they like and we would be done. Otherwise, they would invent a device based on your ideas and imaginations ^_^ Thank you iPhone Islam
Brothers, the 4S device has strong protection from piracy and a more advanced device, and it has a TV display on the wall, which means something wonderful, but open your mind a little and stay away from phone stores, they are the basis of piracy. Advice, brothers. Thank you.
Frankly, we Arabs are sitting, philosophizing about the company and waiting for their productions, but we don't think about producing and creating like them. Share only in the comments
Without courtesy and without prejudice The new phone is not and more than amazing. Some people may think that I have bought the new phone No, I did not buy it and I will not buy it, but this does not mean that we marginalize him or give him his right The phone, from my point of view, took a full mark It exceeded ten phones that were downloaded before it, and it will exceed ten others, which will be downloaded in several Of course, I am waiting for iPhone 5 If only my budget would allow. I bought the 4s without hesitation Because honestly I extend my manhood on my feet I think any Apple phone has its price and deserves more than its price. The ios5 is enough. This in itself has made the rest of the companies in a vortex and it takes months to understand what is happening. BlackBerry has become a thousand models from it For Nokia, it became a million And so on for the rest of the phones Or Apple, all of them have 5 phones, if not less Anyone who takes one from Apple will meet what he dispenses with I mean, your money is not gone, but you are not going to analyze them The new update system suffices you When did Nokia remember its previous customers, even with one update or the BlackBerry Unfortunately, because they understood the Arabs, it is true that they run and see the shape, but everything that is new and they do not care about the substance and the content Hey, Blog Director This is the straw that broke the camel's back May God entrust you, there is no place for me among those who digest the rights of others A final word for iPhone owners Personally, I would like to thank Apple, although I own a 3GS iPhone, but I have benefited a lot and am still sticking to it. Despite my desire to acquire the new phone, but as I mentioned, I cannot currently and I would like to thank Apple, as the customer is in the first place. Do not accept the rights of others, nor do you have to buy a new phone
O group of people who want to change every year, Nokia, Blackberry, or HTC in the form puts their mind, but the software does not change except for the icons. My look at Apple has become very large so far. I started from iPhone to iPad and, God willing, to any Mac. The goal is not the shape but the content and the stability of the system is sufficient. Not like Android and Symbian. With respect to the opinion of some, I consider it a Doni's opinion, and his thinking became addicted to a change of shape. Respect iPhone Islam Respect Label My respect to all of you who read and participate
Thank God I didn't get in trouble and took the new one because I just bought the iPhone 4 before the iPhone 4s came out, maybe a week or ten days ago, but I really don't regret taking the iPhone immediately. My regards. And besides, I don't think the difference is simple in the iPhone 4s, maybe we don't know it, and I expect the fifth one to be soon and its shape will change. My regards to everyone.
Cracker considered an insult to the new iPhone. And I consider the new iPhone the best, frankly. We did not see a reaction when the iPhone 3GS appeared after the XNUMXG.
I have an inquiry from our dear site If you travel to a European country, France or Switzerland And on the iPhone XNUMX I have the Fife XNUMX system I downloaded it yesterday from the iTunesables website Is there a problem as we heard that if the jailbreak device is in it, a fine and imprisonment? My device just updated it to iOS 5 version And sugar.
Hi My brother Mustafa and you do not want to leave it I have iPhone XNUMX with me, and I updated it to the fifth version, and I didn't get the camera shortcut feature Is this feature limited to iPhone XNUMXS? And thank you for your time and efforts
Note Unfortunately, all Arab peoples are concerned with nothing but the shape The wrong substance concept is important The when this backwardness is the knees is walking forward and you do not care
O group, let us be realistic For myself, I am glad that I did not download a new device in the form of Apple Because if Apple had downloaded the iPhone XNUMX, and your iPhone XNUMX would be old in relation to the descent of the XNUMX, knowing that you still did not congratulate you on the iPhone XNUMX and it is still considered something new and impressive. From the iPhone XNUMX and the days I guarantee proof of my words Safe if it had been down the XNUMX, you would not have been upset and upset and attacked Apple because it did not give you enough time to bash from. Your device and analyze your value? True or not? I am waiting for everyone who reads my comment and responds to it with the utmost sincerity and realism, and the first of them is the blog manager. I am waiting for your response
Hi My brothers, if the iPhone had come down like we did on YouTube, we would have been involved, meaning the device once was thin and difficult to carry, for a call, photography, etc. The iPhone 4 is a very excellent device. It is true that the difference is in the SXNUMX Siri, but the program is very impressive, and if it is what worked with us in the Arab world, it does not mean that the device is not very sweet, the Siri is very wonderful and works in all countries except the Arab world because all its features are in Arabic. There is nothing to benefit from it. But in Europe and the states, it is very useful, and according to the idea of the internet, they have free money I see that the device is excellent, but the price is high. Just greetings
Peace be upon you. May what you have taught us benefit us, my brothers. The iPhone 4 or 4s has one use, which is to use it in a beneficial way. Thank you for the cartoon. It contains a nice idea, which is to let your imagination and mind guide you to the difference that does not mean much. I mean, the new features are not worth all this fuss. Keep your money and imagine that you have the 4s. Thank you.
Hi, I delayed it, iPhone Islam I taught him to shoot every day, and when he strengthened his forearm, my throwing arm Where is the camera, dual-core processor, network coverage, and many more, but you look at the phone as if it is a Nokia every day, a phone where you sleep
Blame you, iPhone, a great Islam !!! Many people consider you a source of reliable information.
The fact of the matter is that only the outward appearance of the two devices are similar, otherwise all the features and other details are radically different
The difference between the two devices is very large, and we must all raise our thinking about the formalities and look at the content.
I know the topic is just caricature, but it would have been better to use it to educate people to study the details, not superficial judgment.
Mr. Tariq Mansour, I have known you and glad to know you since the first iPhone and since the launch of the blog and we lived with the brothers Arabization and the longing for Arabization and being as they say about me apple fan Before I was an iPhone user, I was an old Macintosh user and I love and appreciate everything Apple makes. What makes me even more surprised is that you have been using an iPhone since the first version and you know iPhone 3G & iPhone3GS. There was no difference other than a compass, a faster processor, and a video recording. They did not attack and criticize at that time all this attack, what do you want from the new phone? It added more than iPhone 3gs add-ons Added hspa network support Added a new dual-core processor Increased camera performance and high-quality photography and lens design Complete design Added Siri service Improved battery Added the new and only energy-saving Bluetooth 4 Added Siri service and whoever says this service is not useful to you, the beginning of artificial intelligence Added a completely new system with the launch of the phone Added iCloud service for each user Also compatible with the launch Added to the programs cards and airport find my friends I know that they support the previous phone, but Apple was not limited in offering the phone in terms of features, programs and system. Why all this gloom? Those who do not want to buy should not buy, and those who want this, the Apple Store is in front of you. Go and buy, but there is no need for this unfair campaign against Apple and against the iPhone4s. This is my opinion, and I apologize for the length.
People adore doctrines Some are chasing technology just because it is modern technology Others are looking for their mobile phone needs As for me, I will not change to iPhone XNUMXS because my iPhone XNUMX meets my needs and more, so why do I change it! And technologists are accelerating and trying to catch up will get tired
I do not think that there is a difference in its external form, and if there is a difference in its programs or its internal content, then please break the liability Hahaha
I used the Galaxy S and replaced it with the iPhone XNUMX, frankly, powerful devices, but the Galaxy S and SXNUMX is better than the iPhone XNUMX in surfing the Internet and is faster to enter chat rooms in WhatsApp, etc., as well as easier to use the keyboard.
Generally speaking, you group of goodness ... the jailbreak is possible to walk with the programs that are in the Apple Store only..As for the Siri, it is a service developed by Apple and it cannot work as I mentioned previously except with a powerful speed processor like the one currently in the XNUMXS only until the camera and video. Will the jailbreak be brought to you? The fifth fiber optic lens was added recently in the XNUMXS ... Turn on your brain. Do not run after the figure, but God is pleased with you.
All those who do not like the new iPhone are the owners of the iPhone XNUMX and they try to distort its image and that it is the same old trying to convince themselves that it is the same old because of what they buy, but I think that there is a big difference between it and the old, regardless of the shape, and for me I will buy it because my device does not accept updates only
I used to make the comment of the foreign cartoon more funny than the Arabic version, because it was mainly written in the foreign way But I was astonished at this cartoon since it was mainly Arabic, so why was the use of vocabulary in the foreign version more funny?
Can the best thing Palace Siri system However, I heard that it does not support the Arabic language If this is true / ??? It is better for you to update your iPhone and feel that it is new without an Ace after Hahaha
All those who do not like the new iPhone are their objection to not changing the shape .. Do you not agree with me that the reason for Arabs buying the phone is "Al-Fashra" first and then comes the technology? !! We still need a lot to progress .. When evaluating the phone, we find it the first in the world in terms of service strength, the finest in services and software strength, so why is this prejudice?
My point of view IPhone 5 Otherwise, do not change it! At least if the shape can change, but the same shape and features are close! Go to the nearest Apple Center and ask for the letter "S" and finish !! Ha ha ha
The mother of the cartoonist is a second thing, Hahahahahahahaha …………
Frankly, I want someone to tell me what is the difference between the iPhone 4 after the 5th update and the Samsung Galaxy S2? Abi nobody tried the two And does the new iPhone update have Bluetooth and change the tone of the cell phone itself? May God bless you .....
If they enlarge the screen, say the mobile, it becomes big If we remove the device, we say our hero we know we will hold it We have to see a flaw in everything However, I see that the current format is more than wonderful, so the development in the operating system and programs suffices
Frankly honest! The device is sweet, but poor with disappointed people's expectations! All these rumors, iPhone five, and the whole world, even the design is hidden! And everyone imagines what it is, in the end, for iPhone XNUMXS !!! So as some people are upset, if there were no rumors or expectations about the next iPhone, it would have a greater likelihood of liking the XNUMXs. !
I tried the new iPhone yesterday. It's amazing. What's the speed and what's the camera? I swear to God, the Siri service, which of course is impossible to download with jailbreak, because it needs a fast processor like the one in the 4S. It's not in my dreams. I swear if they want me to pay $2000, I have the right to have this feature. I swear I didn't hesitate for a minute... No one can stop anyone from buying it. A phone with a face is not a technological face, and it is difficult for him not to own a phone... Haha, and whoever looks for the shape should go for Nokia or Samsung, because every 3 months they change the shape.. Until now, the highest sales are for the iPhone 4S, on the first day a million units were sold... I mean, why not German cars? They change the shape of the car only every 5 or 7 years because they respect their customers because the customer will pay something and a little for the car, and usually after a year they get the same shape, but with minor differences. However, the difference in price is less than 5,000 thousand dollars, and the differences that Apple made this time are fantastic, frankly. There is a company that can compete with him and Hadhram are coming to talk about The shape!!!! By God, it is extremely stupid, with all due respect to everyone. I am sure that you just bought the 4, and if you had the chance, you would not hesitate for a minute to buy the truly gigantic giant, the 4S.
Everyone is familiar with technology, but their outlook was not limited like yours. Everyone was expecting much more than you expected. Apple is a company that is rich in definition and immediately S was not convincing for us. As for its value, everyone is able to buy it, and you are not the only one who can acquire it.
my soul loves you on October 16, 2011
The difference in the service of siri and camera 8 mega pixels and processor speed There is no difference. Let us be on the 4. Let the least of it come down to it. The generation of breakers will come down to it. Ios 5. Thank God, we have not seen a comment that makes you doubt and whispers. To you my sincere greetings all and iPhone Islam in particular Thank you
Frankly, I see people have taken a lot about Apple, especially the iPhone XNUMXS version .. I see exactly the same car models. We have seen many cars download for many years the same model without final development and we do not find this complaint ... Some may say that Apple has raised a lot of development around it. .. I say it is true, but this media aura that was raised around it may be intended by competing companies or by fans of iPhone who wish to develop, or it may be from people who like to tamper with people's interest in the direction of the iPhone versions .. and the iPhone company did not issue it at all, but tried to conceal the sums With it and its right because there are many imitators .. But I am hoping for a lot in the future of Apple and its publications ... I am sorry for the prolongation, but this I would like to express it, but I may find someone who reads it :) Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you
Abdallah on October 17, 2011
I swear to me that the one who has an iPhone XNUMXGS and he wants to buy an iPhone XNUMXS is better to buy an iPhone XNUMXS, but the one who has an iPhone XNUMXS is better than what he changed in the iPhone XNUMXS unless he likes the internal specifications of the iPhone XNUMXS.
If you look like a brother's outfit, the iPhone XNUMXGS says is different from the iPhone XNUMX, but the iPhone XNUMXS is different from the iPhone XNUMX.
Likewise, you do not compare it, so you say that the iPhone XNUMXG is different from the iPhone XNUMXGS. There is no difference to our previous MacBooks like the iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS.
In general, I see that the device is beautiful for those who do not own an iPhone XNUMX who can purchase an iPhone XNUMXS
Mohammed Abu Abdul Majeed on October 18, 2011
Ok, I have some questions about the iPhone 4s Does it now support Flash Player, for example? Or has it started opening websites and forums and showing the pictures in full on the screen without shrinking them? Also, the e-mail message has become fully opened so that you do not stress yourself trying to turn the device once vertically and once horizontally so that you might be able to read what is written in the message? Or has it become a mobile phone in every sense of the word so that you can delete the recent or missed phone history so that you delete what you want and keep what you want? Is there a speed dial where each number is assigned to a contact? Also, does it give you a report of receiving the SMS MMS message? Can you now modify the phone book as you used to on Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung devices? Or can you set shortcuts that are convenient for you to use, such as controlling screen brightness, turning off Wi-Fi, closing all open applications, and freeing up memory with one click? All my previous questions answered no? Some of them are possible, not all of them, but after liberation from the blockade of Apple through the jailbreak!
But Android is open source and has all the previous features and more as a system And Android devices are far superior to iOS devices as usual
I only wanted to clarify and enlighten the user from this.
~ iFAHAD ~ on October 19, 2011
Hahaha, sweet, the aforementioned s to "you can play it on the phone if you see it"
Better than this is the idea of caricatures that will give the site a sense of humor and laughter . I sincerely congratulate the author of the idea and the beginning is successful and to the front, Tariq, you and your honorable group, who are standing at the sign :)
But my brothers, I have the new iPhone and what it has in the back is the same as the first from the outside, the only difference is the Siri program, which has no benefit other than the loss because it uses a wide range of internet. As for the battery, my old phone is better and the transmission is weaker. I don’t recommend the renewal. What you bought iPhone 4s on Vodafone UK
We are used to talking about the arrival of a new iPhone to say the battery is weak and has a fatigue signal It is known that the iPhone battery has not changed at the time it is carried, but the iPhone battery is distinguished from other phones because it bears recharging and the quality of the battery never decreases. As for the iPhone XNUMX when it comes out a lot, it receives a weak signal. Why did we stop talking about this topic in order to balance the PXNUMXS And XNUMX Al-Ateeq
MPXNUMX, XNUMX GB on October 18, 2011
My brother, I have an iPhone XNUMX, and the battery is like asphalt, decreasing without the phone touching you, meaning I get rid of it on its own
Press the button twice and it appears under all the saliva
abihani on October 16, 2011
Search your subscription contract In Europe, you have the right to return the product if you are not comfortable with it within a period of a week to a month As for the Arab countries, I will compensate you, God knows best
Lil_bit on October 17, 2011
You also comforted me, brother. I used to recklessly and buy it within a few days, thank you
Ahmed on October 17, 2011
If you like your new iPhone, I can buy it from you
AFS on October 17, 2011
Hey guys, I notice a lot of comments so far about the iPhone 4s, even though the article was originally about a caricature from the iPhone. And then there were only a few who commented on the cartoon, and unfortunately some of their comments were negative and included criticism of the blog manager because they see it as belittling the iPhone. Brothers, they have the right to express their opinion, and then I mean, what is the beauty of the new iPhone now that you are defending it in this way? There are 5 new features different from the iPhone 4, most of which are not important. And sorry for the prolongation
I think the iPhone XNUMXS battery has improved it, but with the Siri service, the consumption has increased, so you will not notice a difference As for the Siri service, I think it is a great technology, but it takes time to develop and use most of the applications, games and languages, at which time it will flourish
I understand that it is like the iPhone 4, but with more S or there are special things for the iPhone XNUMXS. Thank you, iPhone Islam, for the wonderful articles.
I respect Apple because it respects people as human beings who are beneficiaries of technology, and it is not the issue of exploiting the uniforms of Samsung, Nokia and others
XNUMX% sound speech After you tried the iPhone ... oh a loss of money that went to Samsung.
Abdel-Mohsen on October 17, 2011
Peace be upon you I agree with you strongly If you don't get excited, Yvonne buys an iPhone And those who have are not forced to because Apple is still supporting him with the development
Omar on October 17, 2011
My brother, Apple certainly aims for profit, just like other companies. But what distinguishes it is that it puts the interests of its fans in second place. This is in contrast to other companies, such as Samsung and Nokia, which put their interests and profits first, second, third, etc., etc. This is the difference, from my point of view.
I think that the blogger started contradicting himself in his article about the new iPhone specifications, and I am surprised that he supports one of the bloggers who complain about the new iPhone with this article. The new iPhone is good in terms of internal specifications regarding the new technology and the best ever, and of course from my point of view the Siri feature, which can save a lot of time and also not be distracted while driving, to reduce accidents. Imagine yourself simulating your mobile phone as it carries out your exact orders without being distracted by what you are doing, whatever that work. And by the way I personally own the iPhone 3GS and at the same time from my harshest critics of those who degrade the technology of the rest of the devices, such as the rich Korean giant about Arabization and raise the level of Apple in general, but now after Siri technology, I think that the iPhone is number one in the market, but let's wait a little while during the next few months, specifically in Next November, there are several devices coming from the Korean giant Samsung and Google that promised a device as well, and HTC, of course, the devices that will carry the Windows Mobile version XNUMX. Please do not get me wrong, and I apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings, but the truth is sometimes bitter.
Abu Abdullah on October 17, 2011
Uh, by God, you are honest. I actually noticed that the blog administrator once is inclined to new features, and again he is against them, and he is also mocked by something strange and strange
breeze on October 16, 2011
In the name of God, my brothers, it is true that there are not many new features, but the processor alone is more efficient than a hundred iPhone 4s, and to be honest, the Siri system is inspired by the new Samsung phone idea, and God willing, as soon as the 4s is available in the Arab markets, I will explain and quote what the difference is between it and the iPhone 4 on the site. Thank you.
Indeed, something is confusing counter-attack and the various articles against the iPhone XNUMXs, what I see is justified as being as severe It is true, everyone would have liked the iPhone XNUMX, but the language in the matter is the language of the iPhone XNUMX numbers, one of the dominant devices in the market, so they do not need exorbitant costs to design a new phone since they are leading the way. The old improvements are enough. And the improvements are great, I think for those who love the world of photography, the new iPhone is suitable for it, easy to use and practical, and the image quality is great enough for this feature.
The reason, my brother Raad, is that Apple was dominant in the market and was the first, but after the introduction of the XNUMXS, Apple did not change anything in the hardware (modifications present in the competitors' devices in a stronger way) and became cloned from the Android in the software (Notification, Siri (the idea is in Android from A year ago) until competitors became far away from it after Apple was the first << This is a reason for everyone's frustration:
Hahaha, they really do not limit the people of commerce and advertisements to creating new things
Hey iPhone, Islam, your app is still suffering from slow navigation and page opening compared to other fast news apps .. Do not be angry, just annoying ..!
Hahahahahaha, honestly, there is not a big difference in the external appearance. I went to upgrade from the company and found the same. There is no difference. After iOS 5, it is as if you own an iPhone XNUMXs without the S. Greetings to you, iPhone Islam.
Peace be upon you Excuse me, brother, but first of all, iPhone Islam has not disappointed anyone except you. And then, brother, it is their right to express their opinion. What is the problem? They have to agree with your opinion. Secondly, who told you that the iPhone 4s has completely changed? There are only five new features, nothing more and nothing less.
And thank you, iPhone is Islam and a beautiful and creative cartoon
Yasser Al-Ghamdi on October 16, 2011
The iPhone 4s is distinctive, frankly
Siri system .. and the power of the camera .. and the processor .. and the antenna .. and the memory is XNUMX things new and worthy
I don't want to disappoint you, but some of Siri's features are only effective in America, and after a year it will be outside America (it doesn't recognize your location). As for the other features, you will find them completely satisfactorily in the iPhone 4, and don't forget the competition from other companies. -
I respect your opinion, but honestly it's extravagance and not worth it. Besides, we Muslims shouldn't be extravagant. We don't buy every Apple device. Apple would die, rather than lose more money. Even the phone doesn't have FaceTime. It's iPhone 4. If the iPhone 5 comes out, I'll buy a BlackBerry.
Abdullah Al-Sayyari on October 17, 2011
Peace be upon you By God, you are honest my brother, and without courtesy, your words are all judgmental. Indeed, every device that comes out of Apple that we buy is forbidden without thinking, but because of a change in the name and a few features
It is true that they have disappointed many To Brother Muhammad: In terms of features, it is sweet But everyone wants a different shape
Abdel-Mohsen on October 17, 2011
I think that changing the look is a commercial thing that other companies like to do But what Apple is doing to update the system with new features for old and new devices is the thing that makes me stick to its products because it does not force me to buy a new device by updating my device with the old. Even iPhone 3Gs owners are still getting updates for the system
Peace be upon you my brothers, I am here in America, I have the iPhone 4, and I saw the iPhone 4 s correctly in the external appearance. I have no change, but the content inside is something very impressive and a truly civilized thing. That here is the world, what are these issues revolving around. The Arabs are here. He wants to feel a real change in the apparatus that is actually carried by a device that deserves respect. Of course, this is my opinion with great respect for all opinions. My wishes to Apple. Good luck. I thank you.
Fadi Abudiak on October 17, 2011
You mean some, not all. I do not want to change the shape of the iPhone, I care about the content, not the shape.
In terms of content, I think that this is excellent at the present time and makes the iPhone No. XNUMX again in the competition
Abdel Azeez on October 18, 2011
Many on him number 1, man Where is the Galaxy S2? Wayne and the Motorola, Wayne and Din Alark Where is the Evo? Let me number 10 and many more after Just to leave the dual core processor and Full HD camera ?? It's strange for you
Fadi Abudiak on October 18, 2011
And who said they are because of these improvements, only
Compare the performance of the mentioned phones with the performance of the new iPhone and see the difference
The idea is that the hardware is compatible with each other and is missing with all the mentioned phones The second and most important reason is the iPhone software for using the hardware correctly, unlike the phones I mentioned, for example, Android currently does not support the dual-core processor, which makes the processor useless and the iPhone outperforms the ARC in everything from hardware to software.
By the way, on the new iPhone now, the graphics processor is also XNUMX times better
Salem on October 16, 2011
Beautiful cartoon Even if I think you have underestimated the 4S many of its features
Peace be upon you, everyone unanimously. The shape is the same, but the content is a change of XNUMX to XNUMX per cent. Whoever needs this change buys ace, and whoever needs it sits on his mobile who has this, my view is the truth and in the safety of God
I liked it. Keep up with the latest news
Frankly, I like the modern technology from Apple, and I already bought phones from different companies, but when I got the iPhone XNUMX, it sang me about all the previous phones.
The word jailbreak and ios were repeated. I have an iPhone 4 but I don't know what these are and I haven't come across them??
Beloved of my heart, I am in an Asian country and I bought an iPhone XNUMX running GEVEY pro turbo sim system, but after what happened to version XNUMX, the device worked, but without recognizing the chip, it became like the iPod Touch, does it have any solution for this ??!
A thousand thanks. You sit on your old tours. It is better for you and others than the extra questions
Doesn't mean, does the image of mana never go down ... .. I bought an iPhone 4s and I had an iPhone 4, I mean, there is a big difference between it, the speed, the camera, the clarity of the games, and also the screen light has become stronger ... and the wonderful Siri service
Formally, how guys the same spot, the specifications are not all this
I expect it to be normal, by God, and whoever has it is better off selling it
God reconciles all
Hahaha, sweet
Is it not surprising that you can get bluetooth service from a mobile phone whose price does not exceed fifty dollars and you cannot get it from the iPhone, which is one of the most important and modern technologies in the world ?!
I myself buy an iPhone 4s, but unfortunately I don't have it
Where does anyone borrow me ??
"Apple" said in a statement issued to the media that it was able to sell 4 million devices of the iPhone 4S during the first three days of its launch, at a rate of 1000 devices per minute.
And the "Apple" statement also stated that the number of those who downloaded the new operating system iOS5 from "Apple" and installed it in their devices has reached 25 million, after only five days have passed since it was freely available to all, and the number of those who joined the iCloud service "the cloud" has reached 20 million users.
Krakater is beautiful, hahahahahahaha
Peace be upon you. I am your brother Abu Jihad from Jerusalem. First of all, the iPhone did not succeed a lot. And thanks to Yvonne Islam for the beautiful site
Excuse me brother if you rewrite the conversation in English
He suggested using could instead of can because he had the ability to choose, not forced.
I prefer deleting the that before that, because you can dispense with it by referring to the S with that.
Well, my father, I buy it, but you are Saudi, and if I come from America, he will work here or not, may God bless you
It does not compare to the iPhone, neither Nokia nor Samsung, because it is a wonderful, wonderful phone. You feel that you have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini
Peace be upon you. Is it true that the 4s device has a projector feature as well as a keyboard so that you can type on it while it is outside the device?
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3Gs
iPhone 4
iPhone 4s
I don’t know what is strange about the topic
Apple had not flattened this movement before
And God made me laugh, the cartoon
I want to say one thing, but I like Apple, except for their thinking about things that do not cross our minds that they don't pay us the price of development like Microsoft does with its customers.
As for the external appearance, I noticed that there is a line above the speaker on the new device !! Can we know what it is?
Yvonne Islam, may God reward you on our behalf
My Lord, they confused me
I have the iPhone 4, what would you advise me to keep, otherwise?
Change it to iPhone 4s ?????
Regardless of my agreement or disagreement with you regarding the content of the cartoon :), I congratulate you for your agreement with the designer artist, “Mohamed Sami” to implement the cartoon, and good luck;)
I don’t know why we Arabs always look superficial
The device from the outside has the same shape as the previous one, but the inside I found it is different and distinctive and this is important and I think that if the shape had changed and the features remained the same, they would have said about it also a failure
Guys are confused, iPhone XNUMX and no. Samsung Galaxy?
May I ask a question, but I would like an answer from you? The next question is, if someone downloads iOS5, how do they add people by email, PBN, PB, etc.? The second question is, if I have XNUMXG on and send a broadcast to someone via iMessage, does it deduct from my internet gigabytes? << Does it deduct anything from XNUMXG or not? Please answer.
By God, you are very strange people. I mean, you are making fun of the iPhone 4S, and people who buy it from Apple are like idiots. I mean, even the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS had no difference in the external appearance. Also, the same thing applies to the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. The external appearance was not changed, but the internal appearance was not changed. It has changed, of course, and as for those who said that the new iPhone is of no use, I will give you good news for my family. Even the old one is not good for anything. Frankly, with Apple, you must offer everything little by little. If you do not like the iPhone, sell it. Peace be upon you. I myself do not need an iPhone. I am a rich Indian and I am satisfied with what is in it, but society usually has no right. He likes the wonder
time. Nice cartoon, and if you run out of iPhone 4H, put S
I ask the honorable brothers to help me, as it is a very strange matter with me, which is when I download an application from the Father Store, this message appears to me
Your account is disabled
Note that my account is American and I do not have a jailbreak
And I am very sorry for the prolongation, and may God reward you on our behalf
Sure, there will be a difference 😒
My opinion is that Apple has not released an entirely new mobile because it wants it
It has incendiary features for previous versions 😏
So the wheel is not issued for the 4s
Also there are a lot of people who haven't bought 4 yet
And there are people who didn't even know the iPhone.
I mean, I still haven't
My brothers, it is enough Apple, it is jealous of the meaning of the word mobile
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhhh question You love Apple, but if Apple loses and we decide to transfer the growth will you continue?
I own an iPhone XNUMX, and if the iPhone XNUMXs is released, I will buy it
The reason is the speed of the device, the camera network
In the 3G version, as for the Huspa version, it is faster in connecting to the Internet than 3G.
First, I thank Professor Tariq for all that is on iPhone Islam, but I have suggestions
First: Creating a competition of any kind, but the answer is rarely answered on a weekly basis, and making a prize for the winner
Second: This is a request, and I know that I am a lot like me. There are people like me who want to enjoy all the iPhone applications Islam, but they cannot buy them because they do not have a VISA or they cannot buy it because of their short age, so I suggest working a day a month that is only announced once in which iPhone programs are available Islam is free
Third: To create a mobile line for iPhone Islam only, someone who has a problem can call him to inquire about faults
And very sorry for the long
If D is meant for Steve S:
I remember an Apple advertisement that talked about Apple’s pride, published by iPhone Islam: If you have an iPhone, you have an iPhone, and if you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone.
Whoever looks into the essence of the text will find that it does not contain anything worth announcing, but it is the height of arrogance. Indeed, this is the same case with the Fur, and the Fur is the difference when you know the meaning and intent.
What he said, change
Fur Yazin without ace even if the ace has changed something
Hittina the alley.
I remember an Apple advertisement that talked about Apple’s pride, published by iPhone Islam: If you have an iPhone, you have an iPhone, and if you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone.
Whoever looks into the essence of the text will find that it does not contain anything worth announcing, but it is the height of arrogance. Indeed, this is the same case with the Fur, and the Fur is the difference when you know the meaning and intent.
IPhone 4s and iPhone 4 like. 3g and 3gs
I saw the iPhone 3G, its money for updates now
Possible XNUMX what will become two-dimensional updates in the distant time
And 4s more features like Siri, speed, and many more ...
Here's my point of view for those who share my opinion
It means that something has become the most important to me inside
I mean, you have the camera itself, but something simple can change for you
He told you this new model is inside itself
The most important thing inside the device
All friendliness
The fact that the iPhone 4 looks like is more than amazing
And I wish the iPhone 5 wasn't different
And the shapes that were leaked by some with the enlargement of the screen .. All of them were the iPhone 4 more beautiful than them
Finally, the iPhone 4s came out in the same wonderful way
Why did you always ask for a change, even if the existing shape was wonderful
I remember when the iPhone XNUMX was released, how people fought and rejected it, and on this site, iPhone Islam was talked about the network problem and that it is the end of this device ... etc. etc. etc. etc. And I said at the time on this site: (The day will come when you will fight on the iPhone XNUMX and defend it ... When ... when a new device is released) ... Why ... Because in short ... we love the old and hate anything new ..
How long is this money ... for how long ... for how long ??? !!!
O group of the company, if every year the shape changes, losing everyone, waiting for the next model, and no one buying anything
Like cars
I see that your site did not give the new iPhone its right
As if all people have the same thinking
Take me for example
I own an iPhone 3GS
I carried the new system and now enjoy the ion, as if I own an iphone4
And when the iPhone XNUMXS was released
I will possess it with a will
The iPhone is still the beast of the market, and Apple's products are at least ten years ahead of the market.
s + iPhone 4 = iPhone 4s
It means the same difference, what is different
Like what they say to what the falcon knows is distorting, why do you laugh at something that does not laugh at him. Okay, try the Fur S, and then talk about the difference.
Who said that there is no difference because you are illuminating from the outside. You do not view the content. This indicates your personalities
No God except Allah
I read all the comments and benefited from some of them
But dad, I say it is true, it has a change in the iPhone XNUMXs only
Not to the point where people expect such-and-such as most people are in love
Apple products were shocked a lot
Ok, you advise me that I buy it, I want to change
Wait for the next, new and distinguished from Apple
Of course, Apple has their own marketing system
This is a great evidence of their success and obtainment
On the first place in sales volume
Ha ha
No, no..frrrq !!
They say that there are characteristics that change it, other than the title “
Moo, it's okay ..
Peace be upon you. About Siri service in 4S. XNUMX% do not work in Arab countries. I don’t have a concierge service for services.
During using it for a year, I found that XNUMX GB did not suit me
So it may have moved to XNUMXh because I want more memory
Indeed, its advantages may not be so tempting
But it is also stupid to buy another iPhone XNUMX under the pretext of memory, and the iPhone XNUMXS is present
Honestly, I am confused between XNUMXS and the new Samsung Galaxy SXNUMX or Nexus Prime!
What makes me stick to the iPhone is the mighty Father Store and the programs that I have, and I do not want to lose them.
The best news this week is that we do not have extra money and the mentioned differences will definitely be deducted sooner or later, God willing.
I wasn't excited about the idea of the iPhone 5 (iOS5), I was excited for the screen to be bigger (3 inches) or more and for it to be (thinner) as you saw the leaked pictures before the release of the (S), so I knew that the system of the (Apple) company is 3G>4GS>4G>5GS. This is the art of intelligence in the company, so they didn't release the 6 for profit reasons, and this is the path of every profitable company, so technology is little by little. If they released the entire technology in the iPhone, then where would they come up with new ideas to release the iPhone 7 and XNUMX? It is difficult for them to create an idea, as the idea takes a long time. This is what I wanted to say.
That God will be my subject arrived ,,
I agree with you, brother, that the difference is clear. I downloaded the new update and, by God, it was wonderful, honestly. Thank you, Ay Foof Islam, for the clarification.
Here is the way you hang up
I agree with you on this note
I do not understand the reason
With the name of the blog iPhone iSlam
I would like to hear a reason other than (the neutrality or the interest of the members in the foreground) because it has become outdated
And because in the interest of iPhoneiSlam members, prejudice will not be on the iPhone Apple
Thank you
I mean, what do you share with him?
I just know what are the new advantages that have become on the iPhone 4 over the 3GS?
Is it the retina and the front camera and the flash?
There is no difference
What the artist meant in the cactus is that there is no difference between them except for the simple thing, but how do you want the company to top the world and get money out of the pocket of people? !! Just add the exponent which represents the US dollar !!
nice drawing ..
I hope you don't take prejudices on the 4s more :)
I am a 3GS user and I think it is a paradigm shift for me
Indeed, we were hoping for the best, but this does not prevent him from being excellent, regardless of his looks.
This is correct. There is no such difference between XNUMX and XNUMXs, only the camera and the processor
Advice for anyone who wants to buy should think a lot because he doesn't keep it for less than a year on iPhone 5
nice drawing ..
We do not look at the figure, but we make our gaze to the trustees in the device
He may create a device that dazzles the whole world with his design, and he will not have any foolproof people worth buying
The difference between iPhone 4 and iPhone S4 is just the money
Peace and mercy of God
The only similarity between the two versions is the external appearance. Other than that, they are completely different. A faster processor, higher storage capacity, a stronger camera, and the improved Speech program are the main reason for the unprecedented popularity.
To settle this debate, whoever has the 4 should not buy the 4S and wait for the 5, and whoever has an older device should buy it. That's it.
We hoped to see a clear difference between the two devices in the external shape so that there is a justification for the acquisition of the new device
And about the features that have changed inside the camera, which is very rarely used in communication devices
As for the Siri service, which does not use the Arabic language in its services
As for changing the therapist, this is something we do not disagree with
But you will not notice the difference with use, you are using a manual device, and it is difficult for you to discover the difference between them
Regarding the cloud service, whose victims will be those who repair their devices in the shops, there will be no consequences, and that is not whether or not it is known to be used by the majority, especially the other gender.
And about increasing the memory size of XNUMX or XNUMX that will guarantee that it will serve you even
Get bored of collecting what you want
And to you my highest regards and respect
And I have to say, our brothers
Save your white penny for black day
You guys, enough, we are talking about comparisons, we propose new drivers, additional programs, and additional features for iOS5
And about his shortcomings
From another aspect, a prophet of something to benefit from.
Thank you
Hahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Krakater
The wait is long and the end is new
Yvonne Islam did not fail in the first and was the first to follow the event to launch the new device in substance
As for the form, it does not matter at all when it comes to quality and development
Its features are sweet, but the shape is different
I liked the cartoon 😄
I feel credible, but a lot of what they like
We Arabs die and buy anything new even if it is of no benefit. Just an opinion. Please accept my regards.
Frankly, the new iPhone is a failure because the flash has not been repaired or an external memory has been added, and frankly iCloud does not replace the external memory because it requires the Internet, the purchase of space, and the better the manual and Galaxy S4 memory is better than the XNUMXs
Complete patience for everyone until Yvonne XNUMX comes off ... and Greetings
To be honest, it is very ironic
But in another way, I think he did
What if it was possible to replace a camera, it will undoubtedly become as well as what I think is that the speed does not appear unless the device’s memory is full, and perhaps our average use is XNUMX GB
What lasts for grapes ……… he says, what ……… understand it
Unfortunately, Apple is in a terrible decline
I wish I hadn't even updated my phone to iOS5
I lost the jailbreak but not important
The system is unstable
The internet opens but hangs
Youtube commenting
And the new e-mail we got news from America that it is very normal and the huge sales were for the Siri service only, that is, if this service was present in the iPhone 4, Apple would regret Apple and leave Samsung
First, I thank iPhone Islam for the follow-ups first, Powell
Regarding the iPhone 4s, I see that everyone is upset because Apple did not change the look of the phone. I see that anyone who is interested in the look of the phone, I advise them to change from Apple.
And then, I mean, Apple, I downloaded the iPhone 4 a year ago, I mean, it is not reasonable to change the device, download XNUMX and lock it to the old market, as soon as possible
Obviously, they were following in their footsteps like 3G and 3GS
In my opinion, the whole problem is that people are enthusiastic about the XNUMX, and for those who spoke about the XNUMX and who changed the appearance of the device, they said that there is no difference
I mean, after Da Chloe, we laugh at each other and say there is no difference
Anyway, this is my opinion and I respect the opinions of others.
Thank you :)
Hello, but the difference is !!
The caricature is beautiful, thank you
If I want to be honest in criticism, the first thing I saved myself and my brothers in Yvonne Islam is what we presented to Islam. Have we worked hard to use this wonderful technology? You are today in your home and can hear the power of Islam everywhere, so why have you wasted time? Life is passing, brothers, and the calculation is difficult, oh Yvonne Islam, hope, after God, how much do you come out? I am technical programs or ideas for the call, O who reads my article, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (Report about me, even if a verse).
I hope that no one will be angry with me, as we criticize Apple that despite its development, it will not bring us the hoped-for phone, and we as Muslims are very developed from a spiritual point of view that the West misses, and their souls are tormented as they have lost the spiritual side. Prophet Muhammad, praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
In my mind and my people, there is a lot of talk.
After the departure of Steve Jobs ..
But what is going on in my mind now .. Is Apple okay after this departure ..? !!
I am my iPhone XNUMX, but the shape will not change. I will cut it on a quarter and say my device is an iPhone XNUMXs. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Cartare nice, system update is really enough
I thank all those who made the comment and I will add to your comments. I downloaded ios5 and I didn’t find a difference that deserves praise, mention or praise for it. I don’t have many devices. As for the rest of the device’s functions, they are exactly the same, and I lost all the programs that I had because I was their home from a current software store, like most of the iPhone users. I ask the brothers on iPhone Islam to explain to us as they always used to how to benefit from the new ios5 system. Thank you and all the gratitude.
I like the caricature, frankly
But I am with the brother who accuses our loved ones of the iPhone, Islam, of prejudice against the iPhone 4s.
For me, the change will not happen until I am convinced of what I want from Apple
Greetings to you
Hahahahaha, awesome, brother Muhammad. Continue to be creative. The idea of the iPhone 5 will arrive very soon, 2012. Stay tuned.
IPhone Islam, do you have more and more cartoons?
What you notice is that all devices (English - Italian - German) are supposed to degrade the basic (Arabic) language !!
But the curtir // mmm, excellent, frankly, movement, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
In fact, everyone should express an opinion without imposing it on anyone, so that the judgment is for the recipient, with many thanks to everyone
But the iPhone 4s is much better than the 4, which suffices for the high speed in surfing the net and the stability of images when photographing
The truth is, I have iphon4, and I was happy that the change in the software and I can do an update, and the device has a price not a little. I thank Apple for this step, and this is evidence that the device has taken its first place among devices
What happened to the iPhone 4 and the SXNUMX?
The difference will definitely be S. What does it mean? New look or new features?
Why are the 4 people prejudiced against the 4s! Honestly, all the staunchers are not able to change the device because they are not yet 4 buyers. 4s is the pinnacle of creativity.
Frankly, they may have created the iPhone 5, but the company dominates the global market.
You are right, brother Walid, the extravagance, it is not good. I mean, the one who has iPhone 4 is enough for him, and the one who does not take the XNUMXS, but all that comes up with a new mobile that you buy, those whose money is extra, donate to Somalis who die of hunger.
There is much difference in the same external appearance and in relation to the program, but the start of the operation is somewhat faster and the net is much faster. As for the camera, the iPhone XNUMX is better in terms of clarity, and this is the second day and the iPhone XNUMX s I have, and frankly, a Siri feature is used by any Arab user and I recommend that he has an iPhone XNUMX and wants to change to buy an iPhone XNUMX s either He has iPhone XNUMX, I never advise him to buy an iPhone XNUMXS, and anyone who wants to install an iPhone XNUMXS from America I am present at the same price without commission
Fdatkm is a hostel in the kingdom and not yet, and it is in white and black, not one color ?? God bless you
I congratulate Apple, whatever the criticism, because it is the best
With all due respect to the second companies (my father is a better device than the iPhone ... anyone knows)
The only benefit that we will benefit from is from the issuance of XNUMXS ❕
It is the low price of iPhone for 😜
Just a point of view
I don’t know to download the new update and the explanation for the iPhone Islam needs more details
The obvious difference and I think it suits the hobby of photography
As the camera is XNUMX mega pixels
And the rest does not change my mind
Thank you iPhone, Islam, love you hahahaha
There may be a difference, but it is not clear
Today I was in apl. The difference is something simple, no less or more, in both visualization and processor needs, but this difference and the rest are the same specifications as Avon XNUMX
Unfortunately, Makuchi is new, even Al-Sira in English. I mean, I will not benefit from it, and we will not benefit from it.
It is possible that with the days, he will give him a second character, or we discover something that is known about the Evin. Every day we discover something about it as a viewpoint from my side and the idea of the drawings and its topic is not alone
The mighty giant😳
You made me feel that it was something else
What changed the processor and the camera, but
Do not give the device larger than its size. Nor, because of you, I mean
Believe me, the device will spread
Like what has spread the 3GS and more too
Leave him in the Middle East and he kept remembering me
Does Apple have a lot?
And what was hidden was the greatest!
Who are you, the strength of the camera, the zoom and the high-definition video, do you like it ??
Shali Tbona Yvonne turns into a car ?? Nor Yvonne air purifier ??
Helpful Manual:
Whoever has an iPhone 4 should not buy a 4S, sitting on his phone is the best for his money. There is no need to change
As for those who have an iPhone XNUMXGS and before and want to change, take the XNUMXS
I am with iPhone XNUMX and yesterday, I tried iPhone XNUMXS, the difference is only in Siri, and I do not see any reason for it because it supports how many languages and the second difference, the cam is something nice and arranged in photography, but I did not notice a difference in the processor because there are no programs loaded on the iPhone XNUMX S and there is no difference in the constellations because I am I was holding the two riders beside some of them, and the signal was medium on both of them
I see who owns an iPhone immediately and does not change his cell phone, but those who own XNUMXG or XNUMXGS I strongly recommend changing the phone because he wants to see a strong transfer in use
I see that it is wasteful if I change the iPhone XNUMX mobile phone on the iPhone XNUMXS
Two-dimensional iPhone XNUMXS with XNUMX memory, I see that it is too much
The first was with Iphone XNUMXG, and the first thing I downloaded XNUMXGS changed it and I regretted that I changed it and the first thing that I came to iPhone immediately had temptations such as the FaceTime shape, two better processor cameras, I mean there was more than one job deserving the change, but I see iPhone XNUMXS for me with the iPhone as soon as He changes his device, which with his iPhone XNUMXG or XNUMXGS the best changes
A simple note, do not judge the iPhone by its strength without serious programs, and see how the performance shows problems and slowdowns
Sorry for taking long
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
The frankness of the device is amazing and overstretched
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
On the wonderful and funny curator
From my point of view, any new device
It must have better features than the one before it
Therefore, do not judge anything except after trying it
The words of the people are neither given nor late
It is true, brothers, Yvonne XNUMX, so far it suffices and repays
Those who use 3GS can switch to 4S and will notice the difference.
Like me, of course
Because it is not the condition of every new iPhone, we change it
You can allocate a small amount in which you buy stickers and covers of different colors and shapes so that you can feel some change if you get lost from your device
Peace be upon you. I like the clearest point that was not mentioned in the previous comments, which is that the previous form of the iPhone continued for three consecutive releases, and the iPhone 4s was the same way, but to the conclusion that people are the ones who expected more than this. Thank you.
God gives you its good and suffices its evil, God willing
Whoever has tricks or a soul laughs at the cartoons of his messengers, it is only one and a third of the night for those who are sleeping, and one in the morning for those who are awake...
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Possible letter s for sale
I have a question, maybe a little strange, but I would like someone to answer me
Why is the white iPhone more open near the front camera, and what is in the black ???
Frankly, they are concerned about people who understand the new iPhone wrong
IPhone XNUMXS is for someone who doesn't have an iPhone basically like me ^ _ ^
Apple is already the market catcher, though, with people who don't even have iPhones
And the iPhone XNUMX had some problems, as it had released the iPhone XNUMXS to attract it
The rest of the people do not have an iPhone
Thank you, iPhone Islam, for the most wonderful cartoon
Seated XNUMX and only
I would like to clarify something very important, which is: that Apple is not strange. This thing means what you spoke about now. Ok, and you are about 3G and 3gs. What are they like? The same thing has developed in the camera, processor speed and shape the same thing
Apple is not like Samsung and others have a year and change of shape. It is not a company that takes care of its customers, meaning the iPhone 4 has only just been a year old.
Thank you
I haven't tried it, but I'm sure it's very good compared to other smartphones that are still trying to bring down Apple. Best regards, Abu Sultan.
Brothers, this painter is creative, just disappointed you. Apple, I mean, he was contemplating Evon (XNUMX) ,,, God will benefit the Muslims in him ...
Yvonne Islam Aziz, state your position, are you with or are you against the acquisition of XNUMXs? Because you have many followers behind you, it may be the decisive factor for them ...
Frankly, I see that you are overly biased on the new phone. I have read many opinions on foreign websites, but they are not as prejudiced as you are .... You have a great deal not to change the shape of the phone. Finally, we ask for the new version to be in the form of a circle for your satisfaction !!!!
Honestly, the iPhone XNUMXs, if there is nothing untreated, it is sufficient for it to be the top
You will not be smarter than Apple
I own an iPhone XNUMX and I started buying the new, God willing
Thank you, Apple
Thank you, iPhone Islam
Have a question ?? Do you care about the shape of the phone more than the specifications?
Even if it is just simple specifications ,, I challenge if there is an Arab who can invent one of the specifications that you do not like ,,, I myself am not interested in the shape more
Thank you
Wow phone once spawned a nice cartoon
Guys i'm just buying it
Guys, how much time do you expect between iPhone 4s and iPhone 5?
Long or not
I think if they downloaded iPhone 4s and not iPhone 4
It was going to cause a sensation and perhaps the world's first class
And if this thing happened, it might not make the iPad much fuss because
He will be outdone
It is clear that your shock is greater than the shock of others :)
In general, I will speak with assumptions. If I am Apple, I do not have the intention to change the date of the original iPhone, which is the month of XNUMX AD, I think. The improvements that have become very beautiful, and I see them are reasonable, but if they continue on this date then I expect them to have a specific idea :)
As for the brother who says there is no difference, if you mean from the outside, what is the difference? As for the rest of the pieces, I don’t know you are talking serious or are you kidding ?!
And your support for him, Director, shows that you are really crushed
Simply Apple never changed its policy, and I don't know why people are upset? Dime Apple, so, the changes between the two consecutive devices are not big, and this is an advantage for me.
In modifications, it is not worth switching from XNUMX to XNUMXs
But I feel that Apple underestimates our minds
So far, there are no simpler requirements like
Bluetooth - Transferring Contacts
Finally, Apple raised the camera to XNUMX megabytes
Although I thought of them during the release of the iPhone XNUMX
If you need to shoot, buy a specialized camera
I feel that Apple underestimates our minds
By God, honest, there is no difference
And thank you for the information Yvonne Islam
Hahahahahaha nice cartoon. I hope the comparisons between the iPhone 4 and 4s will end. If opinions didn’t differ, the products would have sold out. Everyone would take what they like and we would be done. Otherwise, they would invent a device based on your ideas and imaginations ^_^ Thank you iPhone Islam
Brothers, the 4S device has strong protection from piracy and a more advanced device, and it has a TV display on the wall, which means something wonderful, but open your mind a little and stay away from phone stores, they are the basis of piracy. Advice, brothers. Thank you.
Frankly, we Arabs are sitting, philosophizing about the company and waiting for their productions, but we don't think about producing and creating like them.
Share only in the comments
Praise be to God, we save money, so that the one who deserves to come out, we look at him!
Without courtesy and without prejudice
The new phone is not and more than amazing. Some people may think that I have bought the new phone
No, I did not buy it and I will not buy it, but this does not mean that we marginalize him or give him his right
The phone, from my point of view, took a full mark
It exceeded ten phones that were downloaded before it, and it will exceed ten others, which will be downloaded in several
Of course, I am waiting for iPhone 5
If only my budget would allow. I bought the 4s without hesitation
Because honestly I extend my manhood on my feet
I think any Apple phone has its price and deserves more than its price. The ios5 is enough. This in itself has made the rest of the companies in a vortex and it takes months to understand what is happening.
BlackBerry has become a thousand models from it
For Nokia, it became a million
And so on for the rest of the phones
Or Apple, all of them have 5 phones, if not less
Anyone who takes one from Apple will meet what he dispenses with
I mean, your money is not gone, but you are not going to analyze them
The new update system suffices you
When did Nokia remember its previous customers, even with one update or the BlackBerry
Unfortunately, because they understood the Arabs, it is true that they run and see the shape, but everything that is new and they do not care about the substance and the content
Hey, Blog Director
This is the straw that broke the camel's back
May God entrust you, there is no place for me among those who digest the rights of others
A final word for iPhone owners
Personally, I would like to thank Apple, although I own a 3GS iPhone, but I have benefited a lot and am still sticking to it.
Despite my desire to acquire the new phone, but as I mentioned, I cannot currently and I would like to thank Apple, as the customer is in the first place.
Do not accept the rights of others, nor do you have to buy a new phone
Nice participation and gives you wellness. But there is a mistake in writing the sentence. The that cool S
Thank you
O group of people who want to change every year, Nokia, Blackberry, or HTC in the form puts their mind, but the software does not change except for the icons. My look at Apple has become very large so far. I started from iPhone to iPad and, God willing, to any Mac. The goal is not the shape but the content and the stability of the system is sufficient. Not like Android and Symbian. With respect to the opinion of some, I consider it a Doni's opinion, and his thinking became addicted to a change of shape.
Respect iPhone Islam
Respect Label
My respect to all of you who read and participate
Um, very unfortunate ~ (My point is, because I make my own appearance on me from the essence.
Thank God I didn't get in trouble and took the new one because I just bought the iPhone 4 before the iPhone 4s came out, maybe a week or ten days ago, but I really don't regret taking the iPhone immediately. My regards. And besides, I don't think the difference is simple in the iPhone 4s, maybe we don't know it, and I expect the fifth one to be soon and its shape will change. My regards to everyone.
Cracker considered an insult to the new iPhone.
And I consider the new iPhone the best, frankly.
We did not see a reaction when the iPhone 3GS appeared after the XNUMXG.
I have an inquiry from our dear site
If you travel to a European country, France or Switzerland
And on the iPhone XNUMX I have the Fife XNUMX system
I downloaded it yesterday from the iTunesables website
Is there a problem as we heard that if the jailbreak device is in it, a fine and imprisonment?
My device just updated it to iOS 5 version
And sugar.
My brother Mustafa and you do not want to leave it
I have iPhone XNUMX with me, and I updated it to the fifth version, and I didn't get the camera shortcut feature
Is this feature limited to iPhone XNUMXS?
And thank you for your time and efforts
Unfortunately, all Arab peoples are concerned with nothing but the shape
The wrong substance concept is important
The when this backwardness is the knees is walking forward and you do not care
O group, let us be realistic
For myself, I am glad that I did not download a new device in the form of Apple
Because if Apple had downloaded the iPhone XNUMX, and your iPhone XNUMX would be old in relation to the descent of the XNUMX, knowing that you still did not congratulate you on the iPhone XNUMX and it is still considered something new and impressive. From the iPhone XNUMX and the days I guarantee proof of my words
Safe if it had been down the XNUMX, you would not have been upset and upset and attacked Apple because it did not give you enough time to bash from. Your device and analyze your value? True or not?
I am waiting for everyone who reads my comment and responds to it with the utmost sincerity and realism, and the first of them is the blog manager. I am waiting for your response
Greetings to everyone ,,,,,,
My brothers, if the iPhone had come down like we did on YouTube, we would have been involved, meaning the device once was thin and difficult to carry, for a call, photography, etc.
The iPhone 4 is a very excellent device. It is true that the difference is in the SXNUMX Siri, but the program is very impressive, and if it is what worked with us in the Arab world, it does not mean that the device is not very sweet, the Siri is very wonderful and works in all countries except the Arab world because all its features are in Arabic. There is nothing to benefit from it. But in Europe and the states, it is very useful, and according to the idea of the internet, they have free money
I see that the device is excellent, but the price is high. Just greetings
Hahahahahahahahahaha, the cartoon is something, and God is sincere, new and new, and there is no difference between it and XNUMX especially
Peace be upon you. May what you have taught us benefit us, my brothers. The iPhone 4 or 4s has one use, which is to use it in a beneficial way. Thank you for the cartoon. It contains a nice idea, which is to let your imagination and mind guide you to the difference that does not mean much. I mean, the new features are not worth all this fuss. Keep your money and imagine that you have the 4s. Thank you.
Hi, I delayed it, iPhone Islam
I taught him to shoot every day, and when he strengthened his forearm, my throwing arm
Where is the camera, dual-core processor, network coverage, and many more, but you look at the phone as if it is a Nokia every day, a phone where you sleep
Blame you, iPhone, a great Islam !!!
Many people consider you a source of reliable information.
The fact of the matter is that only the outward appearance of the two devices are similar, otherwise all the features and other details are radically different
The difference between the two devices is very large, and we must all raise our thinking about the formalities and look at the content.
I know the topic is just caricature, but it would have been better to use it to educate people to study the details, not superficial judgment.
Mr. Tariq Mansour, I have known you and glad to know you since the first iPhone and since the launch of the blog and we lived with the brothers Arabization and the longing for Arabization and being as they say about me apple fan
Before I was an iPhone user, I was an old Macintosh user and I love and appreciate everything Apple makes. What makes me even more surprised is that you have been using an iPhone since the first version and you know iPhone 3G & iPhone3GS.
There was no difference other than a compass, a faster processor, and a video recording. They did not attack and criticize at that time all this attack, what do you want from the new phone? It added more than iPhone 3gs add-ons
Added hspa network support Added a new dual-core processor Increased camera performance and high-quality photography and lens design Complete design Added Siri service Improved battery Added the new and only energy-saving Bluetooth 4 Added Siri service and whoever says this service is not useful to you, the beginning of artificial intelligence Added a completely new system with the launch of the phone Added iCloud service for each user Also compatible with the launch Added to the programs cards and airport find my friends
I know that they support the previous phone, but Apple was not limited in offering the phone in terms of features, programs and system. Why all this gloom? Those who do not want to buy should not buy, and those who want this, the Apple Store is in front of you. Go and buy, but there is no need for this unfair campaign against Apple and against the iPhone4s. This is my opinion, and I apologize for the length.
People adore doctrines
Some are chasing technology just because it is modern technology
Others are looking for their mobile phone needs
As for me, I will not change to iPhone XNUMXS because my iPhone XNUMX meets my needs and more, so why do I change it!
And technologists are accelerating and trying to catch up will get tired
Save your money for iPhone XNUMX
I do not think that there is a difference in its external form, and if there is a difference in its programs or its internal content, then please break the liability Hahaha
Tell me what differentiates 3G from 3GS. Never there is any difference, and this is the same story.
I used the Galaxy S and replaced it with the iPhone XNUMX, frankly, powerful devices, but the Galaxy S and SXNUMX is better than the iPhone XNUMX in surfing the Internet and is faster to enter chat rooms in WhatsApp, etc., as well as easier to use the keyboard.
Generally speaking, you group of goodness ... the jailbreak is possible to walk with the programs that are in the Apple Store only..As for the Siri, it is a service developed by Apple and it cannot work as I mentioned previously except with a powerful speed processor like the one currently in the XNUMXS only until the camera and video. Will the jailbreak be brought to you? The fifth fiber optic lens was added recently in the XNUMXS ... Turn on your brain. Do not run after the figure, but God is pleased with you.
All those who do not like the new iPhone are the owners of the iPhone XNUMX and they try to distort its image and that it is the same old trying to convince themselves that it is the same old because of what they buy, but I think that there is a big difference between it and the old, regardless of the shape, and for me I will buy it because my device does not accept updates only
Frankly, there is no difference that deserves a change, especially with the new update.
I used to make the comment of the foreign cartoon more funny than the Arabic version, because it was mainly written in the foreign way
But I was astonished at this cartoon since it was mainly Arabic, so why was the use of vocabulary in the foreign version more funny?
Can the best thing Palace Siri system
However, I heard that it does not support the Arabic language
If this is true / ???
It is better for you to update your iPhone and feel that it is new without an Ace after Hahaha
Brothers, don't fool yourselves into thinking that it's just Galaxy.
All those who do not like the new iPhone are their objection to not changing the shape .. Do you not agree with me that the reason for Arabs buying the phone is "Al-Fashra" first and then comes the technology? !! We still need a lot to progress .. When evaluating the phone, we find it the first in the world in terms of service strength, the finest in services and software strength, so why is this prejudice?
The hype is bigger than the device because iPhone 5 will be released, but Apple gave birth to an apple called iPhone 4.
My point of view
IPhone 5
Otherwise, do not change it!
At least if the shape can change, but the same shape and features are close!
Go to the nearest Apple Center and ask for the letter "S" and finish !!
Ha ha ha
The mother of the cartoonist is a second thing, Hahahahahahahaha
Frankly, I want someone to tell me what is the difference between the iPhone 4 after the 5th update and the Samsung Galaxy S2?
Abi nobody tried the two
And does the new iPhone update have Bluetooth and change the tone of the cell phone itself? May God bless you
If they enlarge the screen, say the mobile, it becomes big
If we remove the device, we say our hero we know we will hold it
We have to see a flaw in everything
However, I see that the current format is more than wonderful, so the development in the operating system and programs suffices
Wow, sweet, I like it ** Find there is no difference between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4 S. Thank you for downloading Cricket iPhone Islam **.
Hahaha, sweet
All I have to do is not become an iPhone SS <<< Caprice is not a mobile Hahaha
Frankly honest!
The device is sweet, but poor with disappointed people's expectations!
All these rumors, iPhone five, and the whole world, even the design is hidden! And everyone imagines what it is, in the end, for iPhone XNUMXS !!!
So as some people are upset, if there were no rumors or expectations about the next iPhone, it would have a greater likelihood of liking the XNUMXs.
I tried the new iPhone yesterday. It's amazing. What's the speed and what's the camera? I swear to God, the Siri service, which of course is impossible to download with jailbreak, because it needs a fast processor like the one in the 4S. It's not in my dreams. I swear if they want me to pay $2000, I have the right to have this feature. I swear I didn't hesitate for a minute... No one can stop anyone from buying it. A phone with a face is not a technological face, and it is difficult for him not to own a phone... Haha, and whoever looks for the shape should go for Nokia or Samsung, because every 3 months they change the shape.. Until now, the highest sales are for the iPhone 4S, on the first day a million units were sold... I mean, why not German cars? They change the shape of the car only every 5 or 7 years because they respect their customers because the customer will pay something and a little for the car, and usually after a year they get the same shape, but with minor differences. However, the difference in price is less than 5,000 thousand dollars, and the differences that Apple made this time are fantastic, frankly. There is a company that can compete with him and Hadhram are coming to talk about The shape!!!! By God, it is extremely stupid, with all due respect to everyone. I am sure that you just bought the 4, and if you had the chance, you would not hesitate for a minute to buy the truly gigantic giant, the 4S.
Everyone is familiar with technology, but their outlook was not limited like yours. Everyone was expecting much more than you expected. Apple is a company that is rich in definition and immediately S was not convincing for us. As for its value, everyone is able to buy it, and you are not the only one who can acquire it.
The difference in the service of siri and camera 8 mega pixels and processor speed
There is no difference. Let us be on the 4. Let the least of it come down to it. The generation of breakers will come down to it. Ios 5. Thank God, we have not seen a comment that makes you doubt and whispers.
To you my sincere greetings all and iPhone Islam in particular
Thank you
Note: Caricature from Muhammad Sami / Many people know him as Caricature Some notes about performing prayers
What a difference !!
Frankly, I see people have taken a lot about Apple, especially the iPhone XNUMXS version .. I see exactly the same car models. We have seen many cars download for many years the same model without final development and we do not find this complaint ... Some may say that Apple has raised a lot of development around it. .. I say it is true, but this media aura that was raised around it may be intended by competing companies or by fans of iPhone who wish to develop, or it may be from people who like to tamper with people's interest in the direction of the iPhone versions .. and the iPhone company did not issue it at all, but tried to conceal the sums With it and its right because there are many imitators .. But I am hoping for a lot in the future of Apple and its publications ... I am sorry for the prolongation, but this I would like to express it, but I may find someone who reads it :) Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you
I swear to me that the one who has an iPhone XNUMXGS and he wants to buy an iPhone XNUMXS is better to buy an iPhone XNUMXS, but the one who has an iPhone XNUMXS is better than what he changed in the iPhone XNUMXS unless he likes the internal specifications of the iPhone XNUMXS.
If you look like a brother's outfit, the iPhone XNUMXGS says is different from the iPhone XNUMX, but the iPhone XNUMXS is different from the iPhone XNUMX.
Likewise, you do not compare it, so you say that the iPhone XNUMXG is different from the iPhone XNUMXGS. There is no difference to our previous MacBooks like the iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS.
In general, I see that the device is beautiful for those who do not own an iPhone XNUMX who can purchase an iPhone XNUMXS
Ok, I have some questions about the iPhone 4s
Does it now support Flash Player, for example?
Or has it started opening websites and forums and showing the pictures in full on the screen without shrinking them?
Also, the e-mail message has become fully opened so that you do not stress yourself trying to turn the device once vertically and once horizontally so that you might be able to read what is written in the message?
Or has it become a mobile phone in every sense of the word so that you can delete the recent or missed phone history so that you delete what you want and keep what you want?
Is there a speed dial where each number is assigned to a contact?
Also, does it give you a report of receiving the SMS MMS message?
Can you now modify the phone book as you used to on Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung devices?
Or can you set shortcuts that are convenient for you to use, such as controlling screen brightness, turning off Wi-Fi, closing all open applications, and freeing up memory with one click?
All my previous questions answered no?
Some of them are possible, not all of them, but after liberation from the blockade of Apple through the jailbreak!
But Android is open source and has all the previous features and more as a system
And Android devices are far superior to iOS devices as usual
I only wanted to clarify and enlighten the user from this.
Hahaha, sweet, the aforementioned s to "you can play it on the phone if you see it"
Better than this is the idea of caricatures that will give the site a sense of humor and laughter
I sincerely congratulate the author of the idea and the beginning is successful and to the front, Tariq, you and your honorable group, who are standing at the sign :)
But my brothers, I have the new iPhone and what it has in the back is the same as the first from the outside, the only difference is the Siri program, which has no benefit other than the loss because it uses a wide range of internet. As for the battery, my old phone is better and the transmission is weaker. I don’t recommend the renewal. What you bought
iPhone 4s on Vodafone UK
The witness from her family
You think that the internal additions are of no use!?!?
I have the right, my brother, the battery is like a monster that burns calories
We are used to talking about the arrival of a new iPhone to say the battery is weak and has a fatigue signal
It is known that the iPhone battery has not changed at the time it is carried, but the iPhone battery is distinguished from other phones because it bears recharging and the quality of the battery never decreases. As for the iPhone XNUMX when it comes out a lot, it receives a weak signal. Why did we stop talking about this topic in order to balance the PXNUMXS And XNUMX Al-Ateeq
My brother, I have an iPhone XNUMX, and the battery is like asphalt, decreasing without the phone touching you, meaning I get rid of it on its own
Forgive me for insulting
Press the button twice and it appears under all the saliva
Search your subscription contract
In Europe, you have the right to return the product if you are not comfortable with it within a period of a week to a month
As for the Arab countries, I will compensate you, God knows best
You also comforted me, brother. I used to recklessly and buy it within a few days, thank you
If you like your new iPhone, I can buy it from you
Hey guys, I notice a lot of comments so far about the iPhone 4s, even though the article was originally about a caricature from the iPhone.
And then there were only a few who commented on the cartoon, and unfortunately some of their comments were negative and included criticism of the blog manager because they see it as belittling the iPhone. Brothers, they have the right to express their opinion, and then I mean, what is the beauty of the new iPhone now that you are defending it in this way? There are 5 new features different from the iPhone 4, most of which are not important.
And sorry for the prolongation
I think the iPhone XNUMXS battery has improved it, but with the Siri service, the consumption has increased, so you will not notice a difference
As for the Siri service, I think it is a great technology, but it takes time to develop and use most of the applications, games and languages, at which time it will flourish
And God has differences, but it is not what we expected, I mean, it is not like the iPhone XNUMX house
Bass means that you can install ios5
And it looks like the iPhone 4s in the system
No brother meant by (x) speed
I understand that it is like the iPhone 4, but with more S or there are special things for the iPhone XNUMXS. Thank you, iPhone Islam, for the wonderful articles.
I respect Apple because it respects people as human beings who are beneficiaries of technology, and it is not the issue of exploiting the uniforms of Samsung, Nokia and others
XNUMX% sound speech
After you tried the iPhone ... oh a loss of money that went to Samsung.
Peace be upon you
I agree with you strongly
If you don't get excited, Yvonne buys an iPhone
And those who have are not forced to because Apple is still supporting him with the development
My brother, Apple certainly aims for profit, just like other companies. But what distinguishes it is that it puts the interests of its fans in second place. This is in contrast to other companies, such as Samsung and Nokia, which put their interests and profits first, second, third, etc., etc. This is the difference, from my point of view.
I think that the blogger started contradicting himself in his article about the new iPhone specifications, and I am surprised that he supports one of the bloggers who complain about the new iPhone with this article.
The new iPhone is good in terms of internal specifications regarding the new technology and the best ever, and of course from my point of view the Siri feature, which can save a lot of time and also not be distracted while driving, to reduce accidents. Imagine yourself simulating your mobile phone as it carries out your exact orders without being distracted by what you are doing, whatever that work.
And by the way I personally own the iPhone 3GS and at the same time from my harshest critics of those who degrade the technology of the rest of the devices, such as the rich Korean giant about Arabization and raise the level of Apple in general, but now after Siri technology, I think that the iPhone is number one in the market, but let's wait a little while during the next few months, specifically in Next November, there are several devices coming from the Korean giant Samsung and Google that promised a device as well, and HTC, of course, the devices that will carry the Windows Mobile version XNUMX.
Please do not get me wrong, and I apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings, but the truth is sometimes bitter.
Uh, by God, you are honest. I actually noticed that the blog administrator once is inclined to new features, and again he is against them, and he is also mocked by something strange and strange
In the name of God, my brothers, it is true that there are not many new features, but the processor alone is more efficient than a hundred iPhone 4s, and to be honest, the Siri system is inspired by the new Samsung phone idea, and God willing, as soon as the 4s is available in the Arab markets, I will explain and quote what the difference is between it and the iPhone 4 on the site. Thank you.
I liked the creative cartoon, as for you to take the power and bring it to me, so there is no difference
Sure there is a slight difference in features but the cricket is suitable hahahahaha
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah to whom Tariq Al Ahmar or Yellow
Indeed, something is confusing counter-attack and the various articles against the iPhone XNUMXs, what I see is justified as being as severe
It is true, everyone would have liked the iPhone XNUMX, but the language in the matter is the language of the iPhone XNUMX numbers, one of the dominant devices in the market, so they do not need exorbitant costs to design a new phone since they are leading the way. The old improvements are enough.
And the improvements are great, I think for those who love the world of photography, the new iPhone is suitable for it, easy to use and practical, and the image quality is great enough for this feature.
Completely agree with your opinion
The reason, my brother Raad, is that Apple was dominant in the market and was the first, but after the introduction of the XNUMXS, Apple did not change anything in the hardware (modifications present in the competitors' devices in a stronger way) and became cloned from the Android in the software (Notification, Siri (the idea is in Android from A year ago) until competitors became far away from it after Apple was the first << This is a reason for everyone's frustration:
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no difference between the two but I liked the cartoon
Hahahahahahahahhloo a lot
Hahaha, they really do not limit the people of commerce and advertisements to creating new things
Hey iPhone, Islam, your app is still suffering from slow navigation and page opening compared to other fast news apps .. Do not be angry, just annoying ..!
Hahahahahaha, honestly, there is not a big difference in the external appearance. I went to upgrade from the company and found the same. There is no difference. After iOS 5, it is as if you own an iPhone XNUMXs without the S. Greetings to you, iPhone Islam.
Unfortunately, you have disappointed you, iPhone, Islam
The device has completely changed ... !! Only the exterior has not changed
I noticed that you are prejudiced on the iPhone XNUMXS ... under the pretext that you are not favorable
But you really digested his right
Good luck
Peace be upon you
Excuse me, brother, but first of all, iPhone Islam has not disappointed anyone except you. And then, brother, it is their right to express their opinion. What is the problem? They have to agree with your opinion.
Secondly, who told you that the iPhone 4s has completely changed? There are only five new features, nothing more and nothing less.
And thank you, iPhone is Islam and a beautiful and creative cartoon
The iPhone 4s is distinctive, frankly
Siri system .. and the power of the camera .. and the processor .. and the antenna .. and the memory is XNUMX things new and worthy
The shape has no problem
I agree with you
I don't want to disappoint you, but some of Siri's features are only effective in America, and after a year it will be outside America (it doesn't recognize your location). As for the other features, you will find them completely satisfactorily in the iPhone 4, and don't forget the competition from other companies.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahah sweet
From Zmaaaaaan we attached the letter A
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha right as by God
Thank you, by God, there is no difference
Hahaha, sweet
I mean, I don’t understand. Why do you see the new iPhone so bad and not like you?
A thought, by God, is a very sweet device
I respect your opinion, but honestly it's extravagance and not worth it. Besides, we Muslims shouldn't be extravagant. We don't buy every Apple device. Apple would die, rather than lose more money. Even the phone doesn't have FaceTime. It's iPhone 4. If the iPhone 5 comes out, I'll buy a BlackBerry.
Peace be upon you
By God, you are honest my brother, and without courtesy, your words are all judgmental. Indeed, every device that comes out of Apple that we buy is forbidden without thinking, but because of a change in the name and a few features
It is true that they have disappointed many
To Brother Muhammad:
In terms of features, it is sweet
But everyone wants a different shape
I think that changing the look is a commercial thing that other companies like to do
But what Apple is doing to update the system with new features for old and new devices is the thing that makes me stick to its products because it does not force me to buy a new device by updating my device with the old.
Even iPhone 3Gs owners are still getting updates for the system
Peace be upon you my brothers, I am here in America, I have the iPhone 4, and I saw the iPhone 4 s correctly in the external appearance. I have no change, but the content inside is something very impressive and a truly civilized thing. That here is the world, what are these issues revolving around. The Arabs are here. He wants to feel a real change in the apparatus that is actually carried by a device that deserves respect. Of course, this is my opinion with great respect for all opinions. My wishes to Apple. Good luck. I thank you.
You mean some, not all. I do not want to change the shape of the iPhone, I care about the content, not the shape.
In terms of content, I think that this is excellent at the present time and makes the iPhone No. XNUMX again in the competition
Many on him number 1, man
Where is the Galaxy S2?
Wayne and the Motorola, Wayne and Din Alark
Where is the Evo? Let me number 10 and many more after
Just to leave the dual core processor and Full HD camera ??
It's strange for you
And who said they are because of these improvements, only
Compare the performance of the mentioned phones with the performance of the new iPhone and see the difference
The idea is that the hardware is compatible with each other and is missing with all the mentioned phones
The second and most important reason is the iPhone software for using the hardware correctly, unlike the phones I mentioned, for example, Android currently does not support the dual-core processor, which makes the processor useless and the iPhone outperforms the ARC in everything from hardware to software.
By the way, on the new iPhone now, the graphics processor is also XNUMX times better
Beautiful cartoon
Even if I think you have underestimated the 4S many of its features