Despite the frustration of Apple fans who waited for the announcement of the new version of the iPhone, the demand for it is very strong, as evidenced by the announcement that the phone reservation began on October 7, the iPhone 4S was implemented in less than a day, and we will talk in detail about the reasons for this high demand and try to analyze it, but now let us We are talking about a surprise Apple conference, which will make the new 4S phone popular to some.
The new technology is called Siri, and this name is due to the company that started developing this technology before Apple acquired it in April of last year, if you are sad that Apple did not create this technology on its own, then you do not have to, they added a lot to it and most importantly they made it Integrated with the iPhone system to control many of the device's features.
Watch Siri before Apple buys it:
- What is Siri?
Siri is an artificial intelligence application built into the new iPhone 4S from Apple, and it is the first application that truly represents artificial intelligence in Apple products, because it depends on the principle of machine learning what the user wants and preferences, and then proposes alternatives and solutions or act on the basis of What he learned.
- How does Siri work?
Long press the Home button to start Siri to listen and then say what you want as if you are talking to your server or secretary, SIR will convert the voice into written text, then process and analyze it, then search for what you want using a wide range of specialized Internet services, so if you want, for example To reserve a dining table in a restaurant near your company, Siri will receive what you say and then determine your location because you requested that the site be close to you, then searches for you in reliable restaurant indexing services on the Internet. Then he suggests the desired result, which according to Apple's words will be very satisfactory for you.
Siri understands natural speech, meaning that you do not need to list a group of words in order to do the research, but rather ask him as if you are talking to a person in front of you, say to him for example: I want to know the time in France, and he will show you a clock that is set to the time of France. Tell him whether I need an umbrella today, he will understand what you mean and tell you if there is a possibility of rain or not.
- Is that all he has?
Of course not, it will see not only an advanced search engine, but it is also integrated into the system, so it can communicate with other applications and perform some tasks for you, such as placing a new appointment in the list of appointments, searching for a place on the map, reminding you of an appointment, or searching. Find a number in the phone book and call. Siri will bring the iPhone closer to the robot that we have been seeing in science fiction films and future technologies, with the difference that we are still in XNUMX.
- Can Siri write messages for me?

Of course, now with the keyboard you have a button for the microphone ... press it and say what you want and Siri will convert it to text for you, so you can quickly write messages or even chat with your friends via Facebook and other social channels. But of course, in English
- Will Siri work on my current iPhone?
So far, Apple announced that it will be available for the new iPhone 4S, but what you know with the jailbreak we may see it work even on iPhone 2G.
- Does Siri understand Arabic?
Unfortunately no, Siri will initially be available in English (with its three major dialects in the United States, Britain and Australia) as well as German and French. Perhaps it will be available in Arabic in the future, but we do not expect that in the near future, because analyzing the voice and converting it into an Arabic text and then analyzing the text itself is somewhat behind the English language and its sisters. Let's hope that isn't too late.
- What services does Siri collaborate with to serve me?
Siri is very cultured, maybe more than you. This is the fact that it is a supercomputer, but rather a complete artificial intelligence center, and you do not think that we are saying that it is smarter than you, but we specifically said that it is more knowledgeable, and it depends for its knowledge on a group of Internet services, and when you ask him for something, he contacts the appropriate service to fulfill your request .
- Will Siri benefit us a lot in the Arab world?
Given that he does not understand Arabic, and that he uses American websites to search for restaurants, hotels, companies, etc. Certainly, it will be more beneficial to the residents of the countries in which these services are available than us, but it still contains a lot of benefits for us, which I think deserve to add a point in favor of the new iPhone 4S.
Watch a full video of Siri and how it works:
What do you think, do you think the popularity of the iPhone 4S is due to Siri?
Now I want to ask you a question, experts, Yvonne Islam
Since the technology needs internet, so sure that it is connected via the Apple server, and you never ask a question, but you have to connect through the server
Question here
If it is connected via a server, can Apple update the words that Siri says, or update and add new sentences that only update its servers so that the user does not need to download an update?
Peace be upon you, iPhone Islam. I hope you will present all the features and problems of the 4s quickly.
I don't think Siri will be useful in the Arab world because of the weak internet on the one hand and because it does not support the Arabic language on the other.
Hello, I downloaded the new update 5.0, and I downloaded the jailbreak
Very nice
To the front, Apple, but as they said, the service is available in the Galaxy and from the Down Net, and frankly, the Prophet is the service of the one who sends a message and rings in the iPhone, why the Galaxy is there for them, and we are not
May this happen, and this is Apple, the first, so go ahead, work Apple
Peace be upon you ..
First of all, he gives you a thousand well-being, Yvonne, Islam for the tremendous efforts
Honestly, I am from the first day I bought the iPhone and I downloaded your program on my device and I follow the news on your way first Powell
Regarding the iPhone 4 .. I am from the opinion of the brothers who say that it is indeed Apple has produced something wonderful
Regardless of changing the external appearance of the device (some important thing), but the additional features and changes that occurred in the device is considered an excellent thing .. If you notice Apple added many things, everyone would have liked it .. For example, many women have heard comments from iPhone users about the camera that is in Mobile .. beginning with the 4G and successively with the iPhone 5 .. We notice that with every version of Apple it is progressing and changing the camera, and at that time it changed the camera from 8 mega pixels to XNUMX megapixels and this is considered a response to iPhone users
I like the clearest important point .. The new iPhone was released at the time of the release of IOS5, which includes 200 new features on Apple's words.
We estimate that from the time the update took, it will be without the slightest doubt an all-standard operating system .. This operating system is in state
What will happen when the iPhone becomes with the new specifications + IOS5 and its new features ??
As for the Siri program, from watching the video and reading the features in it, I say that it is an excellent program and a fabulous technology .. Certainly, like what the brothers mentioned, it will be wonderful in developed countries that support the services of the mighty device (iPhone) .. From my personal experience, I bought the iPhone 4 the first thing that was released in Canada last year and frankly, it was wonderful with features that are second to none .. A few months ago I used it in Saudi Arabia and honestly, the only thing that I benefited from the iPhone was the call + messages only. Maps for the iPhone (Garmin - Tom Tom - the original map program) at the beginning they work for two or three streets, and suddenly you meet the closed street (excavations) and you sit, twisting your head while you are spinning the right road ..
In the end, with regard to the Brotherhood, who say it is impossible to support the Arab, I tell you that I am against you and, God willing, he will support him in the future for two reasons.
The first: Everyone noticed that Apple added the Arabic pronunciation to the device even though everyone was not expected. This thing will happen to us.
The second and important thing: Arab programmers have proven their worth in terms of programs and keep up with technology. You have the closest example of iPhone Islam and their achievement in converting the iPad into a mobile phone like the iPhone. Apple will not do anything, God willing, our creative programmers will try and try as much as they can, God willing
I apologize for the long reply
Greetings to all
From his face we see that it is this program
More laziness in us
And I am not convinced of it because it will not benefit us in our Arab countries
As for the skeptics about Apple and the reason for calling it the device, I say that what Apple did was right first from an ethical point of view, it must be honest with its customers and announce the new device in a name that suits him because it is with the same design and the same basic capabilities of its owner. Secondly from a practical point of view we must know that a company Apple is an ambitious and genius company, but its policies depend on selling dreams, not minds, and does not like to make itself in trouble in the future because it is a creative company, but it is realistic and not fictional. It likes to show you dreams a reality and not to prove to you that dreams are dreams :)
Siri is a very good program, but we Arabs will tire of using it
Even if Siri was released in Arabic, I do not think that it will be used extensively for us, due to the difference in our culture, we Arabs, especially with regard to the complete dependence on technology in this way..It is expected that it will be used by a certain segment and the rest will be this service just a form in their devices .. This is just an expectation .!
Will the iPad have a share of Siri, I wonder, or not !?
I think I will be my friend
I liked you answered all the questions
IPhone XNUMXS jailbreak right becomes restricted ??
Absolutely amazing, Apple
And thank you, iPhone Islam
I have two inquiries for my brother, the director of the blog
The first: If we assume that there is support for the Arabic language in Al-Siri, will it be a victory for classical Arabic instead of colloquial, poor and incomprehensible dialects for some?
Second: Regarding symbols such as sun, for example, which some of us prefer to express a certain state by placing a symbol that matches the meaning of the word to shorten the text, especially in SMS text messages, will he pronounce it by name or by the programming symbol?
Please reply and may Allah reward you
Luigi in Arabic reveals my imagination
XNUMX or XNUMX important new processor and technologies as if this company had a magic wand. But what distinguished Apple was its possession of the device as a hardware device and its possession of the software as a system
I think this is one of the most important reasons for the success of Apple
Siri, it is not new in Apple devices, I have an iPod Touch 4 and it has Siri, but only for music and FaceTime.
Can anyone say download the Siri program?
Apple’s samples and their modifications were just programs and they failed what they did, achieving the same achievement that iPhone XNUMX had achieved.
In a Siri-like service on Android Galaxy phones for a while: :(
It is impossible to support Arabic
Even in the distant future
Arabic is one of the most difficult languages, but it may even be the most difficult
Many dialects, and the country may have more than one dialect
And the meanings in it more and more
Sit, sit
Stand up, get up
Sleep, lie down
Pillow and pillow
And others
I mean, if the Arabic language is supported, we will get tired of this characteristic, and it may
We hate the iPhone and find it ridiculous and unhelpful for not responding to us
Even as the brothers prefer, those who are fluent in English will not benefit
He often lives in an Arab country
I say God bless you S2 especially and Android in general
God writes what is good
Yes, it is possible
With regard to the problem of the Arabic language, the device must first train in the vocabulary of the language and learn it well, after which it can analyze speech.
My graduation project from computer college was very similar to this idea, which was a voice commands for a mobile phone with a Unix operating system via the Python language.
And praise be to God, with this idea, we have won many prizes
But we had great difficulty doing voice recognition
So we trained the device in the Arabic language with our voices only
This is one of the drawbacks of the program at the time
I liked your participation only with my opinion
And Shakir Yvonne Islam always put us in the event
You should not lose sight of Apple’s tendency towards the Arab market, and the evidence is that all of their iPhone and iPad products support the Arabic language, as well as those with special needs in Arabic.
And do not forget, the most important thing is that Apple has opened its store for the Gulf region, especially the UAE This is a clear indication of Apple's direction.
We are waiting for the iPhone Islam bomb, which is the support for Siri on the iPhone 3GS after FaceIt and the phone on the iPad 3G
Siri is an application .. I mean, it can be found in a version other than 4S ... but I think that the new processor is the one that gives the Siri application to work on the iPhone 4S alone.
As for the features of the application itself .. they are really amazing and amazing.
Siri is a revolutionary program, but the new phone will succeed for other reasons:
XNUMX) Any register ...
XNUMX) iCloud ...
My teacher, this Siri feature has been available in Google Talk for a year. What’s new from Apple? Laughing at people’s beards is making fun of people’s minds. The problem is that people believe and consider this new, unfortunately.
Who is the one who speaks and explains in the video and what exactly does he do at Apple?
And thanks in advance to me for answering
I don't think this program will become popular in the coming days or attract people to the 4s because it's normal in Google that you can use half of the features.
He will use his first appearance, and then he will be forgotten
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for the most wonderful explanation, the demand for it will be many because there is a new service worth trying, and I expect this program (Siri) will be a turning point in the world of technology, especially after developing it to become your personal and loyal friend so that you can talk to him in all fields not only A request for orders, and for me I will acquire it, God willing.
Cool and smart program
Walk in the Arab countries
It is not Arabized, and it is possible to provide services with the same device, but I go back and say that it is not Arabized
Be satisfied with iPhone XNUMX
Record a new disappointment
I am surprised that some people would like it if you say it. Change everything except its empty shape, like what is. . He says the salvation of Apple is a failure, it has nothing, etc.
As for me, I see that the shape of the iPhone does not need to be changed, it is still the most beautiful design so far, but some of the world only have the shape and color, this is the most important thing for them
I hope I didn't take too long. Peace be upon you.
And Yvonne Islam to the summit, God willing
I hope to try it
Whoever sees your responses will say that you live in America or Europe. This service does not have a card in Arab countries.
Where does the news of the application inform you of the correct opinion?
Excited and says I tried the iPhone 4s and I really don't know if she is praising or criticizing it
But ask her about the iPhone XNUMX after I tried it or not!
The fact that some people are not involved made a mockery
The iPhone XNUMXS has no reason to own it, I do not say this so that you do not buy it, but it is a fact and the sane opponent himself
Whoever has an excess of cash, let him burn it ... But waiting for a thousand is an eye for reason
Yesterday I was on the Apple Store in California. They told me if you have 4 haraam things you buy 4s
Peace be upon you ….
From my point of view, "Siri" is not suitable for Arab countries because Arab countries need more technology in technology because some, not everyone, use technology badly.
I think if you download a phone every two years, it will be better for them to have a chance to develop ... Oh, the innovation and development group, they have a good work.
Once a nice program and the most wonderful Apple only
Velet Saber Choi Twina I bought a new iPhone XNUMX home
For me, Apple is very smart and knows how to run its business
The Siri program is really sophisticated and wonderful
And the new features that have been added are wonderful
But for me, I will not buy it. I love the XNUMXG iPhone, as it is my partner, and I will not give it easy
As for the iPhone XNUMXS, it is for me a shift in the world of technology in terms of the processor, Siri program, and HD technology in pictures and videos, but there is something that makes you hate such things Why do not they deal with the Arabic language as a basic and important language in the Apple world, especially since there are many Apple fans in our Arab world
Oh, Arabs
We are a trivial people who waste our money on trivial talk like us instead of helping our brothers in Egypt, Syria, Yemen and most importantly the famine in Somalia. Don't tell me to go and have an iPhone 4s. What's with the 4G?
Why buy XNUMXs because, only Siri service, and it is necessary to speak English even if Arabic is a trivial service. It doesn’t help. I’m waiting for XNUMXG next year, as far as I know, Pinzle
In fact, iOS 5’s support for Arabic in voice over + the Arabic keyboard for the iPad are all indicators of Apple’s interest in Arab users more than before at the beginning of the iPhone and iPad revolution, so what’s the obstacle to Siri being available in Arabic in the near future?
The iPhone has become one of the social aspects, so it is no wonder that the iPhone 4s is exhausted and I do not think that the program will be a strong impetus to buy a new device that does not differ in terms of form and content except a little ... and we will not be sad that Apple was not the owner of the invention for the Siri, but people will buy it and use it including it without Assigning oneself to the trouble of knowing every little, big, stray and incoming.
Is it possible that the services that were downloaded on the iPhone XNUMXs will benefit from them in the iPhone XNUMX when I update it for the new version?
Ok, what are the second features?
I have XNUMXGS and it did the job as well
My eyes are a cause of change
So, with each new device, I changed what we collected money and did not pay debts
I really want iPhone XNUMXs, it's awesome
Yes, but those who have an iPhone 3GS may buy the device because their device will become old if the 5 comes out.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Hello. Despite my love for Apple, the word of truth is said ... the service was adopted by Microsoft before Apple when it released the Windows XNUMX version. I do not disagree with you that Apple bought the company and developed the application and made it compatible with its system and programs. But the disappointment for me was when Apple launched this program at its previous conference as a feature of the new iPhone without attributing that work to the innovative parent company.
Certainly Apple's goal is a profitable marketing goal as usual. In addition, competitors are placed (as we say) a thousand miles away from the smartphone market. And I'm pretty sure jailbreakers will unlock the source for this program and put it in the hands of owners of iOS devices.
Thank you iPhone Islam for your great coverage and efforts.
Thanks to the iPhone team. Islam. What supported the iOS 5 iOS XNUMX in the iPhone XNUMX God willing, Siri will be present in the iPhone XNUMX but you are sure whether Siri is available iPhone XNUMX ?????????
I think that it doesn’t benefit us Arabs, even if it is Arabized, because basically we don’t have approved and known sites. I was in Canada. Even a small grocery store had a post code and it looked with you in the search, and we are God the helper
Peace be upon you, it is very beautiful, especially writing what you say, because I have a friend, praise be to God, who presses two letters at once, and it has been a long time since he forced me to grow my thumb nail. Thank you, Apple, and go ahead. I will wait impatiently for its translation.
I think that it doesn’t benefit us Arabs even if it is Arabized because basically we don’t have approved and known sites. I was in Canada. Even a small grocery store has a post code and it looks up with you in the search, and we are God, the helper, let it be free from God.
More than wonderful program, but it is not Arabic, what is the benefit
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Frankly, very interesting from Apple, this add-on for iPhone S.
Wonderful service Samsung preceded it in Galaxy devices
We hope it will come in Arabic as soon as possible, God willing
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (take me drunk I'm home)
God is Eblana
Honestly, I own a XNUMXGS iPhone, and I see myself from people who walk with the letter S in every version, hahahahahaha.
I mean in Arabic, I see now I can buy the iPhone XNUMXS, and since I am in America, I will benefit from a lot of its services
Frankly, I noticed that all iPhone XNUMX owners were waiting for the release of (a new look) for the iPhone only
I see that the new iPhone XNUMXS is a new leap in the world of technology
On the same day that the conference was for Apple, I personally saw the conference and did not feel disappointed, because I was impressed, especially by the feature that you talked about in your article (Siri), and the second reason is that I was expected to download the XNUMXS like what I did with the XNUMXG
BrB I'm going to buy this awesome phone
something beutiful ..
There will be a huge turnout on iPhone 4s
Not because of Siri only the changes are the reason
Naturally everyone is looking for changes
Especially with devices ..
Peace be upon you. God willing, I book an iPhone 4s soon. The Arabic language is available in Al Siri ^^
For a briefing .. I adore Yvonne and it is unbelievable.
But I learned that this technology is present in the Galaxy SXNUMX.
Please, please clarify. Yea, my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Peace be upon you
From creativity to the creativity of the largest Apple, but I think that Apple left some languages to its people, including our beautiful language, so the door is wide open now for you, iPhone Islam, to make Siri speak Arabic and in different dialects, work on that, and who knows, in the near future we may hear the evil of Apple for any Avon Islam BXNUMX. $ XNUMX billion to improve its services to the Arab world and Islam. I am not demented, but believe me these days, everything is reasonable and possible.
A very smart idea from Apple, sure, think broad
And of course, like what I said before that iPhone XNUMX will be very terrible preparations, I am very confident of iPhone
Thank you very much, Yvonne Islam
I am God with the patient
I don't think there's a reason to buy the 4S
If the iPhone hadn't changed, I wouldn't have changed it. I love it as much as my family does.
Similar to Voice Command on Android
Frankly, Apple is a superior and great company, and there is no such thing. Thank you to the iPhone team, Islam for the sweet information.
Hey guys and girls, when will we download the iOS 5 update?
If you are craving to use Siri on any iPhone, try the free program VLINGO. It has a lot of Siri features and works on the most popular mobile phones.
My opinion is a good feature, but it is not new to the world of phones, the Android system and since its first launch focused on such matters, although it was not as good as in Siri (although I did not try it), but I own an HTC device and I use this feature to reply to messages, write them and even search In the internet and much of what is mentioned in Siri
Is Apple joining the existing one instead of making the new and leaving it to compete? I am still in shock, but the competition is intensifying and it is only days, and Google announces its latest phones, which will be the fruit of cooperation with the Samsung company.
Very normal
And an unconvincing reason I bought it because is a program even if it supports Arabic?
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, but there are some important questions that are not answered in the article, including:
Can Siri recognize your voice?
-Can it work if there is noise?
- If there are other people in front of you talking, can he fulfill your orders and distinguish your voice?
Then, in the absence of the Internet, does he work on commands that do not need the Internet, such as reminding an appointment or writing, for example?
Because I had previously dealt with programs of this kind, but they needed a quiet place without noise, free from other sounds ... What is important in general is Apple does not disappoint us and I think that the answers will be positive
The microphone issue next to the spacebar on the block is a blind imitation of Android. How long does Apple imitate the Android, and people keep talking about Apple as not being imitated. I know that they will respond to me and defend Apple, but I will not listen to you. It is a blind tradition and I will not accept any justification
I see that we still admire the animation
As in some devices, although I am referring to the Galaxy SXNUMX
I feel overwhelmed by the feeling of a child when I move inside this device
It was fine, but he imagined me flipping an animation brochure
Unfortunately, most of the Arab people prefer form over content
This is the secret of our delay in keeping pace with technological development
Sorry for this introduction but I liked to enlighten some minds
I hope that the Siri service will support the Arabic language in the future
Unfortunately, I am so far shocked by the iPhone XNUMXS
Not as we expected, frankly, there are devices that came before
IPhone in terms of the large screen, appearance and some
Things that we do not know in Apple.
And Siri is not for us at all, I mean not for the Arab countries
I mean, if you buy it, I have to work in America or Australia
In other words, if Serie is the only difference, we will not benefit
from him.
And excuse me for taking too long
Your brother Abu Adel.
Can I know when the iPhone 4s will arrive in the Arab countries (iPhone Islam)
The idea of the Siri program, not in dreams
I hope to use the technology as soon as I can so that I can know if it is as excellent as in the advertisement or not
But will the iPhone 4 support iOS 4 or not?
We do not deny the fear of the entire world not to release a completely new phone
But we hope Siri will convince the Arab world of his strength
I thank Yvonne Islam for reading the thought of Arab youth and having answers to all inquiries
I am a fan of iPhone 4s
God willing, I will buy it just for siri and the 8 MP camera
Can you tell me what you think, a white or black iPhone? Which one is better? And can I know, please, when it will be released in Arab countries approximately? ((Can you reply, please, Islam iPhone))
As Apple's habit (changing the concept of things), as it changed the concept of the mobile phone in the past, it changes it again in a way that the mind cannot accept. All the features and designs that we used to dream about are just things that any developer can do. If we look at the design that we drew in our dreams, a laser keyboard and others, we will find it different. Its operation and the user bored him after the first week, and there is a keyboard and projector in the market now, but without much demand. If Apple did these things with the new device, I would lose from the first month after the device was released. Apple, we found it difficult to overcome easily and needs years, I see a smart Apple in the new device and able to stay in the top
We shouldn't judge Siri until we try it. The question: Is it really Siri practically a great achievement, or is it more than that only a marketing attempt by Apple to excuse the frustration of its followers from the absence of iPhone XNUMX
What makes me a little bit conservative are two experiences. When I try the home button to find someone, it is done after several attempts. The second experience is with the dragon dictation program, which theoretically converts what you dictate to it into written text. Also my experience with him is not very encouraging.
In general, I also do not like pessimism and innovation is always required, and Apple's tongue may "days will show you what you were ignorant of."
I want to say that there is no difference between the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4 S, so it is possible that one waits if you own an iPhone 4, but if you own an iPhone 3 gs, here I advise you to buy it because there is a difference in the specifications
What made me stick to the iPhone and not take the Galaxy is the ios5 system and its many useful features.
By God, from your responses, it becomes clear to me that the Arab world is a frustrated world, and we are made of history, and if it were not for the Arabs, the Europeans and the rest of the continents would have been tried.
The 4S version is good and has nothing to disappoint, but what is hidden from competitors is greater, for example:
HTC sensation EX is a smartphone with great technical specifications, but the operating system is out of date Android XNUMX
And forgive me for the prolongation
Frankly, a fantasy and a missile
Aroma of fictional inventions to Imam Apple
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
One of the Arab companies may be able to support Siri in Arabic and improve its performance for Arabic.
But what strikes me with disappointment is that our Arab reality does not support this service.
For example, not many services are registered with Google Earth
Who found the program is excellent and indicates the genius of Apple
We hope it will be in Arabic, and I wish we could download it on iPhone 4
And as long as Yvonne is Islam and bear us, he gives you wellness
But this same service is present in the Google Plus and Arabic program.
Send sms to …… and then text
A very nice feature and there is a similar program for it and it does the same functions, which is a program
I apologize for iPhone XNUMXS
The iPhone immediately satisfied my desires and I have not satisfied with the iPhone Four until now
Just waiting for iOS 5
I think Apple is the most beautiful company in the world
me too
The siri system in iPhone is much better than the vlingo system in the Samsung S2.
A day ago I went to try the vlingo system in Samsung, but I think a system should be developed further, why should we press the command button and order something from it and press the stop button next time?
I tried it over and over again and I did not like the system because every time I had to press the button twice to record orders.
In other words, the system needs to be developed, and only once is pressed to give orders, and the system does the rest.
We saw in the Apple conference a better system for giving commands, speed of response, and very quickly, I hope so from Apple and the new iPhone to bring about a new technological revolution in the world for smartphones and mobile phones.
Something natural, the consumer wants the best and will pay for the best with all my respect to all companies in the world.
There is also another phone that will be unveiled on the 18th of this month from Samsung, and I hope it will be a competitor in the market and not just a phone and the previous services available in all Samsung phones.
We want an unparalleled smartphone to have and we do not care about any company.
Greetings to all
Apple always dazzles us with what's new in the world of technology
We hope that the program will be supported for the Arabic language
Thank you, Islam Fung
If it works in Arabic, it would be sufficient for it to blow up all the other companies ... Honestly, who said that the iPhone is a disappointment, I think it is a little faster ... ... Apple is the only one that innovates and the rest are imitating and the only one that if a revolution did it really work.
Of course, the demand for the iPhone 4s is due to Siri, because it is an excellent and smart application. This is what we hope will be Arabic-speaking in the near future and support the Arabic language.
May Allah reward you with the best Islam iPhone for your efforts
But as long as Siri works for everyone on Yvonne
Yes, we need to buy an iPhone XNUMX case, and it's done
What I like, Babylon allows all its equipment to have the opportunity
Forward, O Apple
Yvonne Islam
Why (Siri) does not support Arabic?
This negligence is ours, and we will not hope that some people will prevail in our language.
So we have to do something and try to introduce Siri in Arabic.
And Arabic is not incapable of keeping pace with the times,
thank you ..
If this program is present in the store, at XNUMX dollars, I would have bought it without thinking
For my part, I think it is useful for your degree.
But the VIPs who are of that use for the time.
They will use Siri on Apple computers later
Featured topic
Is it possible that Apple played its biggest game on the iPhone 4S?
I remember about 6 months ago when I heard a rumor that Apple will release the 4s, I got angry and said to inspire idiots.
Do they think that someone will buy this a year and a half after the release of the iPhone 4?
And I also said to myself that Apple will lose many of its customers who want to purchase the new iPhone model, including me
Indeed, this is what happened after the last Apple conference. General frustration for Apple fans
And many people have returned from buying the new iPhone only because of its name and shape
But the question here, was Apple ignorant of that? Didn't she know what her audience wanted? Especially since at that time the manager was Steve Gibbs
The sure answer is, of course, Apple knows all that and knows that many will be shocked, but it also knows that more will buy the new iPhone as it happened and is happening now, and maybe that was a bet on the siri
And the big hit that I hit at the beginning of my response is the iPhone 5, which will be released next year
I mean, now everyone who was waiting for the Avon 5 will wait for next summer, especially Avon 4 owners like me
So instead of selling one type of iPhone and earning a lot, Apple will be selling more and more profit even if one of them is not satisfactory to a segment of the audience
The article is very cool
But dad, I know (Siri) is in the 4S or in the iOS 5 software
I mean, do I need to buy the device to use it or just download the ios5 to my device ???
Indeed, something beautiful, comfortable, and very technical, smart. Hello Yvonne Islam, on the report ,,,,
Excellent, I swear to buy an iPhone XNUMXs, but in the New Year
Without Samsung or Nokia Apple only
Of course, it will encourage many people to own an iPhone 4s
And it will serve its users wonderfully
Siri will be the start of a distinguished and great service for iPhone
And I think it will be a difference in Apple devices if we continue to develop them
Why do you, iPhone, Islam, do you not create a siri program?
Special for Arab Muslims ?!
I mean, it will not be present in the new update of the iPhone XNUMX
Siri service is stupid, it doesn't support the Arabic language. How do you want it to be good and the Arabs aren't buying? Please don't buy. We want to show the world that if the Arabs didn't buy from Apple, they would become poor. Please, why isn't there an Arabic version of Siri??? By God, they're annoying. I swear to God I hate Apple because of these people. For your information, there is a game on the iPhone that insults Arabs and destroys Jewish Palestinians. Its name is Modern Combat:2
Indeed, it is a paradigm shift in the world of smartphones ..
I believe that the Arabic version will not be delayed long for two reasons:
XNUMX- That the Arab world undoubtedly has its weight in the iPhone balance.
XNUMX- Experience and precedence It is normal for it to be in the English language and within their geographical borders, then it is then generalized to the rest of the other geographical parts.
It is with my hope and wish that we see this creativity and progress from Arab Muslim minds and hands.
As long as you are healthy and thank you iPhone Islam
Technical frankness beyond the description ... I bear witness that Apple is extremely distinguished by its technical knowledge ... God willing, it is available in the Arabic language.
Thank you iPhone Islam…. The Deeb Sarhan ...
I will buy XNUMX Q because of the presence of Siri and God I do not know why some people think that Apple did not provide something of value in the new phone, so what do we want more ??????????????
Technical frankness beyond the description ... I bear witness that Apple is extremely distinguished by its technical knowledge ... God willing, it is available in the Arabic language.
Thank you iPhone Islam…. The Deeb Sarhan
No time Wow, like what you say
IPhone 3G, 3GS and 4G in voice control technology
If I said the name, he would call him, but the new one would send and open programs, I mean, I was waiting for myself 5
A very large program, but we cannot benefit from it in the Arab world because the program does not support the Arabic language and the infrastructure of the map sites and services is weak. So what is the benefit of buying 4s? Wait for 5. Good luck to our beloved ones.
The feature is available in Galaxy SXNUMX. Not a new idea for Apple
But not as many features as the iPhone
I think it is not necessary to support the Arabic language, because many Arabs speak English and it is considered the language of communication
I wanted to download an Islamic iPhone app for my brother, but I couldn't find it, as Anstol
Please add it and thank you
Peace be upon you, and God's mercy and mercy and blessing ... •• ...
I hope that now, in these days, you do not produce devices that you find new programs that benefit society, youth and girls ...
We thank you for the devices, mobiles and anything Apple produced. Thank you, and peace be upon you.
Nice thing from Apple and the idea of Siri is very smart
As for we Arabs, we accept things like accessories and fashion, and a lot is not known about the neighborhood now, Fatah Al-Emil, on the iPhone 4
As for the popularity of the iPhone 4s, I hope it breaks the world with imaginary numbers
Peace be upon you
Thank you, Yvonne Islam for everything that you offer
My father explained how to buy from the Cydia store
And a thousand thanks to you
I think that the iPhone is a wonderful device, but it differs from person to person according to how you use a machine and why you use it. If you love games, it is a game, and if you use engineering programs, it is a valuable machine. You thought one minute what it means to talk to your phone and your phone answered you and gives you what you want. These things were in movies (science fiction) on the days of James Bond now in your hands. I remember when this service was in the old Ericsson device recording the name of the person you want to call to 4 times and just speak His name calls the police hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha we have but the result is satisfactory, there is no weakness in the network, the camera is strong equivalent to Sony, Galaxy and video shooting, nor is it wonderful in addition to some other features.
I hope that iPhone Islam will provide the features that are in iPhone 4S, as you told us about how the Siri program works, and we will be grateful to you all.
Peace be upon you. I think that Siri is a great program, but if it is completed and begins to translate and understand the Arabic language, then I expect that there will be a competition similar to this program in the Arabic language, and the competition will be fierce and towards the beneficiaries, and we have to wait for the best.
I found this feature with my brother in the Galaxy S2 and in the Arabic language
I expect the iPhone to continue to be as powerful as we used to - with the disappointment that we see its fans express - and that:
XNUMX. Many are very curious about the main feature of Siri
XNUMX. Many Arabs are fluent in or like to be proficient in the English language and will find it an opportunity to experiment
3. Siri will save a lot of time dealing with major mobile applications.
XNUMX. I think Apple's possession of Siri will make it harder for competitors to catch up.
XNUMX. As usual, Apple comes with a new concept, as it canceled the keyboard in the first iPhone, and now you will not need much to touch thanks to Siri technology.
The question is, will Arab programs benefit from this technology?
My dear is really beautiful, but the problem requires an Internet connection, so we are not available often ...
Secondly, in the Galaxy SXNUMX, the service is available and does not need an Internet connection ^^
And it has a nice service if your cellphone was silent and uncomfortable
Send a message from any device, not the condition of the Internet, remove the block, send and turn
The content of the message will be attached to the Galaxy… and after that, the Galaxy I will sing ^^
Then Penern
I disagree with you on number XNUMX
This service is available from time to time on Android
But they don't have a poor Android phone
They see this service
Hey brothers, the desired service in the Galaxy is a service that is similar to Siri, but it is not comparable to Siri .. There are many programs like it in the software platform ..
My brother Abu Abdel-Rahman, you excelled in putting forth the fifth point, which is:
XNUMX. As usual, Apple comes with a new concept, as it canceled the keyboard in the first iPhone, and now you will not need much to touch thanks to Siri technology.
Indeed, the least that can be said about this service (Mars) is that it is great and preceded everything we know about technology to this day (with the exception of science fiction movies and their followers :))
In other words, it is a service, but a new device that feels and feels us ..!
But unfortunately, under the siege of our backwardness from advanced technological civilization and its lack of support for Arabic, all our ambitions and dreams as Arab users are collapsing, even if you are familiar with English. We do not have restaurants or maps from governments to know the roads and their condition (at least), nor information and data that are automated and indexed on the Internet..!
From my point of view, the shape is not the solution, but such modifications that I consider more than wonderful are the technology and the new solution to the customer’s requirements here in America. People are now booking by thousands and each one of them took an appointment to receive his new device. Phone Islam for your continuous news and comprehensive coverage, a thousand greetings of love and respect to you
It is a big mistake to judge a technology that it is wonderful because its producer said so ,,, we must first use it and then know if it deserves all this praise or not
As for the support of this technology for Arabic, I do not expect at all to support it for Arabic
The service is very nice, but we will not be able to judge its effectiveness until we try the device ourselves... and I believe that Apple has opened the door to competition again in the world of smartphones.
This technology represents a major leap in the world of smartphones, and if it proves its professionalism in the next stage, it will have a tremendous spread, for Arab countries, the lack of the Arabic language will affect the spread of the new version of the iPhone because there is no reason to dispense with our previous version
I am one of those who want to acquire the new iPhone because of its new features, including the Siri service
Honestly, nothing is true
Wow, how wonderful Apple
I swear by god
It is a great masterpiece
God willing, we will see an Arab
Support for Arabic is from the Arabs .. and the Arabs have not reached a satisfactory level in the first place in dealing with the Arabic text until now, so it is almost impossible for Arabic to be supported in the service of Siri
There is a company that handles Arabic text in a great way, which is the Sakhr Company, but unfortunately its presence has become with the US Army. Perhaps we are the reason behind every Arab company leaving the country by not supporting it and stealing its programs
I think that Siri will be supported in Arabic soon. Is it possible? Given that Majid supports the Arabic voice in the OSX Lion system, is anything possible?
Peace and mercy of God
This is Apple's policy instead of announcing the iPhone 5 launched
Siri with good modifications such as the camera, speed and many features because the i4 seems to have a charm and smoothness in addition to its release only one year ago. In short, the i4 S is wonderful and most people liked it. Thank you iPhone Islam for the beautiful explanation.
No brother, shape is not important
Let's say, for example, that Apple replaced the 4s
I downloaded a grille thinner and has the same specifications
Current device and attribute 5
Would something have changed?
I think Sire alone is enough for 4S
Wonderful Siri ???
What will he do for us with Siri (speaking-hourly speaking) I think you will make a lot of us wait for the surprise :)
Siri is the opposite, but if it were in Arabic it would be even better... My regards and may God bless you.
Thank you, Islam Fon, for this adequate explanation
And I believe the world will come firmly ahead of him throughout
The Arab and Western world because the Siri secretarial program
Moving wherever you go and will save time and effort in searching
Make appointments and reservations anywhere and anytime
Awesome and fun I guess in the near future I will
Arabs benefit from this program in all areas
In knowledge of science and religion and in resolving some issues
And all the inquiries that the traveler faces to all
Countries that will be covered by this program.
Thank you Apple and thank you iPhone Islam for this wonderful transfer.
Fahd Abdulrahman Al-Buhumaida
My wish is that there will be Seri Arab Muslim ..
Honestly, I see that the iPhone XNUMXS is a great achievement from Apple and it certainly carries a lot of wonderful new things despite the objection of some, but I am sure that the vast majority of people, both in America and Europe, will like the new iPhone because they are looking for new technologies and development, as for those looking for the shape they are Many in the Arab countries will not like them even if it includes all kinds of modern technology as long as Apple has not changed its name to iPhone XNUMX and has not changed its external appearance.
I hope that you will search foreign sites for the responses of people abroad. It is not only Arabs who are not satisfied with the device. It suffices to drop the company’s shares when announcing the device.
Why do I search on websites! I live among them and I know their views and opinions, and for sure the new iPhone will not be available in the markets for months after its release due to reservations. People here in America are looking for technology that serves them and meets their needs.. And then those who made the iPhone are Americans.. I mean they definitely know their needs and requirements.. If you tried the iPhone here, you would feel that it serves you because, for example, it supports maps here.. And the maps have everything you want, restaurants, shops, any address in your head, bus stations, trains, etc. The second thing is that the English language is the main language on the iPhone, meaning anything you type gives you a result, whether searching for places or restaurants.. In the end, people here will appreciate any product with these specifications because it really serves them.. I was in Saudi Arabia a while ago and I did not benefit from my device as much as I do here.
My brother Abu Ammar, your words are correct XNUMX%. I live in Sweden and I had three GPS, and if I traveled to Iraq, I felt that my device is like an old Nokia. It is not possible to use it because there is no net, and even if there are no maps, no reservations, no appointments, or any. Something. I think as you kindly, the device is very elegant and elegant with Siri service, but !!!!!!!!!!! In America, Europe and developed countries. But God willing, we will one day reach this development
My brother, your words are correct .. but at the same time we cannot cancel the value of the look and feel, it is a beautiful feeling and feeling that you bought something new and different from what was before .. I remember the days of Nokia we used to buy a new device every year for ten years with the same hardware and the same system and nothing new but the shape Beautiful exterior ...
It will be the main reason to buy it
This is apart from you that our Arab peoples
And I am one of them, we like new ones, even if the difference is not great
I will buy it because of the processor, the camera, and because my phone is 3gs. As for Siri, let's try it first, then judge it.
I booked one today and they told me it would arrive on the 21st of this month. Of course, after much hesitation, I am still not convinced.
Can you tell us where you booked it and where it will deliver you
I wish, after your experience, would you say your opinion about the "Siri" program, because I know how to speak English, but the accent is different. For example, my English accent is slow and slow. Will the "Siri" wizard understand what I want ~ I hope
It is possible, but in our Arab world we will not benefit from a lot of traffic that needs time until people begin to understand the service
By God, it is a terrible thing, but if he is an Arab, he will be a missile
God willing, take me an iPhone 4s.
Thank you Yvonne Aslam.
I don't expect that the turnout will be because of Siri and jailbreak. I expect that there will be a word of thanks, iPhone Islam.
I don't see that because the iPhone is a beautiful phone and Apple is a great company