I know that we are Islam in the iPhone, especially as I am the director of the blog. More than six months ago, let alone the next.
It was necessary for Apple to support some of these technologies that have become imperative, such as ...
- Bigger screen, now most phones have a 4 inch screen and it feels more comfortable to handle
- Supporting the fourth generation LTE, now many networks support the fourth generation 4G, what is the benefit if Apple does not support it?
- Supporting NFC technology for electronic payment and other factors, also many phones now support this technology
- The shape of the phone has changed, it is boring to carry the same shape for more than two and a half years until the release of a new phone
But what happened is a slight change and it is very expected in the coming months that Samsung, Nokia, or HTC will dazzle us with a phone with much better technology than the iPhone, and if the wonderful iPhone system and the software store that is the source of Apple's strength will make Apple stand, but it is expected that Competitors are not silent and very good operating systems are being developed and here we see Microsoft preparing Windows Phone 7 to be the primary platform for the upcoming Nokia devices.
In any case, this is a personal opinion, and many of you have an opinion contrary to me ... so I saw that different opinions are presented so that the discussion is useful.
Books / Noureddin Effendi
Many of us were shocked when the Apple conference ended, unveiling only the iPhone 4S without addressing the expected device, the iPhone 5, which occupied our minds for months of rumors that made us raise the ceiling of our expectations in an exaggerated manner, and do not forget the video that appeared on which many sites were written, including the iPhone. Islam - We will not accept less than that, Apple on the iPhone 5- Here we ask the question: What happened yesterday and did not Apple notice that this will cause disappointment for Apple fans around the world?
At the outset, I want to explain the reason for the many rumors, which often appear due to the so-called game of concealment, silence and concealment that Apple brilliantly mastered, as on the one hand she did not say anything about what was going on behind the scenes and she did not deny the news of any rumor and let those who speak speak without control or connection.
Before answering the question, I want to tell you about a story that happened in one of the years of the baccalaureate - the academic year before the university - where in that particular year there was a lot of talk about the expected questions and it is enough to study this group of questions and it will achieve success and the phenomenon spread satisfactorily until All students are looking for questions, so the Ministry of Education collected all these expected questions and did not include any of them in the exam questions, causing a severe blow to this phenomenon that disappeared very clearly in the following year, and from here I say that Apple when it is concealed about its new device and because of this secrecy Its fans launch rumors and Apple leaves that in order to remain the focus of everyone's talk and to enter a kind of suspense for its products. It does not want us, in return, to raise our expectations in a very exaggerated manner. In the end, what Apple presented yesterday is not a little, so the device, although in terms of shape similar to its predecessor, but it is supplied With a dual-core processor, a speed of 1 GHz and supports graphics at a speed exceeding 7 times what is known so far from similar processors, this is in addition to the 8-megapixel camera, high-definition video recording, and the modem speed is twice its predecessor, as it has now reached 14.4 plus To the new operating system iOS 5 and many features. Best of all, Siri's smart voice command feature
In conclusion, I want to say that the exaggeration of rumors and exaggeration in imagining the new phone, even if on the one hand, makes Apple the focus of attention and the talk of its fans, but on the other hand it pressures it and makes its fans feel dissatisfied with anything new and this is what Apple wanted to put an end If it were not for our imagination, we would not have felt this frustration immediately after the end of the conference. I note a positive idea. If this modification was in the iPhone 4S, I think that the iPhone 5 will be different, and Apple seeks to build a new phone in the fullest sense of the word.
Books / Abu Al-Joud
Many of us were shocked when the Apple conference ended, unveiling only the iPhone 4S. Let's look at it a little differently ...
1 The competition is at its summit with Apple ... on the one hand, mobile companies are innovating in issuing devices with more than wonderful features and powerful shapes .. On the other hand, Google is innovating in the specifications and features of the Android operating system .. This means that Apple competes with two different sides, on the one hand competing with Android in the operating system On the other hand, mobile companies compete in the advantages of the device ... Nevertheless, Apple is still a strong competitor for all, if not the best.
2 Any new work done by any company or entity requires a lot and a lot of effort, thinking and material, and do not forget creativity to compete for the fore ... and do not forget that Apple recently announced the new operating system IOS5, which became officially available with the new device and with its full features.
3 The shape of the iPhone 4 and although it was several years ago, it is still competing with the rest of the devices so that the rest of the companies have only ambition to reach a degree that is slightly better than Apple.
4 Imagine if Apple announced the iPhone 5 ... What do you expect from people after a year or two? It is natural for other companies to produce competing devices for this device. It is only natural for Apple to release the iPhone 6 ... This means much higher specifications and much higher features, and and.
In summary ... I see that Apple has made a huge and crazy step with this work, and since it has released the new operating system, it will leave competitors to try to reach that level, and after a year or maybe less, it will announce the iPhone 5 and its time will be completely far from the competition with any side ... This means that it will not be required to issue an iPhone 6, for example, in the near future, especially since we know that any new device or new system takes a lot of work, a lot of material, and a lot of new features required.
In the end, there is no doubt that competition between companies is in the interest of the user, and we are not lovers of Apple because it is Apple, but lovers of the useful and what serves our life and makes it better and helps us to spend the world matters.
I want to ask ios8 download for any miss 4gs
I downloaded mouthoff uncracked and it works without sound can you help me
I was initially shocked by the iPhone XNUMXS, but when I thought deeply, I found that the very rapid development may leave negative effects, for example that people may get bored of the iPhone devices because they will wait for the next device because it will become the highest specifications of the current device, so the step that Apple took is a step Smart, and it is the same step when I issued the iPhone XNUMXG, followed by the iPhone XNUMXGS, not the Four! What Apple did is a logical thing to develop the previous iPhone :) ,, I think that this is the company's policy to develop, then surprise development, then surprise ....
I never think of changing the iPhone device to another device from another company ,,
We give great thanks to Nuruddin Effendi and Abu Al-Joud.
A perfect response to critics.
Apple is approaching Steve Jobs' mentality.
And before you foot on any product, you study the thinking of societies. To produce a device that serves humanity is not just like marketing and making profits.
That is why Apple fans have a loyalty and affiliation with this company.
Thank you …:)
Guys, I swear to God, Apple did nothing wrong, may God help her!! Jobs' death alone is enough of a blow :( I mean, be patient a little bit, the company is not operating randomly before it releases the device, it will have counted a thousand accounts.
My view is that the new phone is good in terms of features. It only lacks screen enlargement. I am not ready to try a device other than an iPhone. The new operating system is wonderful and the strength of the iPhone is concentrated in the software store. These two important factors make me not dispense with the iPhone.
Indeed, I am surprised at what frustration you are talking about. It is very natural not to expect more than what was found on the iPhone 4. The reasonable expectation is to see an increase in the speed of the device, for example, an increase in the storage capacity and the camera, and nothing more. All of these are considered luxuries, so there is no frustration. Whoever expects more than that is living in a world of fantasy and illogicality with regard to a mobile device.
I am surprised by the Arab media and the Arab iPhone users on the Internet about the issue of Apple's new iPhone 4S
Why am I surprised brothers?
This is Apple's policy. Everyone remembers that when it released version 3 of the iPhone, it was followed by the 3GS version
Why is this surprising?
If we assumed that the latest release bore the name iPhone 5 instead of the current name, would you have blamed Apple?
I am certain the answer will be no.
This is how we Arabs ..
We don't like it
Nor fasting in Rajab
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
No competitor
IPhone and iPad
Article in the Millionaire
Sweeter than Yvonne Islam Mafi
Apple only, I love all of its devices and I fully own them because they are the best programs and features that I see in Apple devices
By God, I agree with you that everyone was really affected, as it was prudent for Apple to make changes to the new device, especially since there is strong competition with some companies in this field. Everyone is trying to innovate and develop. My regards to you...
I bought the iPhone 4 more than a year ago, before it was launched in the Arab markets
And to this moment, while I am writing the response, I am amazed by this mobile phone that is in my hands, and I have not found a phone of half its level
I will not change this mobile phone except in two cases: -
XNUMX / If it's ruined and I buy a new iPhone
XNUMX / If a device was launched in the market, it dazzled the world, such as an iPhone, before I bought it
On the idea of guys, I have so far used 3G and so far the device has not expired its validity and you are going to perform the pilgrimage for the 5
May God help Apple to have customers like you
Peace be upon you, my brothers
Frankly, I am surprised and I don’t know what to say ... I mean, we are, to this degree, a consumer and a straightforward person. We are not satisfied with a little. You see, Apple is not involved with customers of our own kind ... for
Possible owners of the site change the name of the site
Because in non-Muslims
Excellent location and I wish you luck
Apple shocked all of its competitors
Apple is not stupid to want to show competitors
Maft her package to dilute them the ground again
Apple announced the 4s in order to see the success of the ios5. If it succeeds, it will launch the iPhone 5 because the first thing that the iPhone 4 was launched had a problem with connecting to the network and it was a shame for it. And by the way, I don't have much experience and this is just an opinion I expect and please evaluate
I belong to Apple no matter the time
Apple is the best company ever ••!
Frankly, I am overwhelmed by the iPhone services
Because all you want to run a program for the system, you must download tools and maps, meaning that you are longer at night
Abe device is used very easily
I have a 3GS and I am comfortable and I will not switch
My start with Apple a few months ago I took an iPad 2, which is excellent despite some shortcomings, and the truth was I was waiting for the iPhone 5 to come out to see its capabilities, and now with the sudden announcement of the iPhone4 S, I hesitated and will wait a while to see the upcoming models from Samsung, HTC, and even Apple itself, and the possibility is that I will take the Samsung S2 with the rising system strongly Google Android and should not be fanatic for any company, whatever its important name, provides the required specifications with the right price.
Peace and mercy of God be upon you, even with the Galaxy features, but the failed Android system does not stand in front of the giant iOS 4 with the jailbreak because I cannot live without a jailbreak and an iPhone, but I can definitely live without Calcase SXNUMX
I love iPhone since the XNUMXG, I use it with my wife and children
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
I would have liked to say that the best device ever is the iPhone. What would I expect, a better device would come out entirely if it came?
I suggest that the external appearance of the iPhone 5 be different from the previous iPhones> ~, for example, the shape of Apple, but professionally in design
Thanks •••
I think that Apple downloaded the XNUMXS with XNUMX new specifications + the new update that has XNUMX new jobs, meaning if it increased, it would not consume them all, and let us be realistic. Even the features in our old furnaces are not all we use and the most important thing is that the stock market few use them
Then the iPhone XNUMXS XNUMX had soft features, and the new version was not released
Don't be upset with me, Yvonne Islam
Frankly, I am tired and I am following you and the next iPhone
I thought it was like what you wrote, sweet and skinny, and a Data Show (projector).
Sorry, I didn't like the topic because Apple is after the iPhone 4
Saroo failed his failure his failure, and frankly, I tried
IPhone XNUMX, Galaxy Tab and SXNUMX
Haha the iPhone is nice, but after the iPhone S
By God, I don’t know what to say, because I’m not enthusiastic about the issue. Your efforts are such a good thing.
And Apple disappoint you. Wrong not from you, but from Apple
I'm sorry if I bothered you, but to be honest, please, I want the brother, the founder of iPhone Islam (Tareq Mansour)
He responds to me if allowed
Yazin company Apple
It is impossible to change my device with a device from another company
It's enough Apple
On the contrary, Apple retains its strength for the time being, and the evidence is that many people prefer it
^ _ ^
Al-Sarahah Al-Jalasy SXNUMX is better in two respects:
First, the software has more options
Second, when iPhone XNUMXS comes out, it will be cheap
I am with the iPhone because the iPhone's screen has a high response rate, better than the Galaxy's, and the iPhone's applications are of high quality and there are no words. As for the Galaxy, its applications did not reach the level of the iPhone... but let's take it by the logic of the iPhone 4. It is only a matter of years before it comes out and the iPhone 5 will come out. We are the ones who made us expect the release of the iPhone. 5 Because Galaxy released the S2
With time, I became more convinced that you are in this site serving
Apple is much more than your service to the poor Arab reader
Frankly, the first and second articles are very reasonable and they talk with logic, reason and fear about Apple ,,, As for Abu Al-Joud's article, it is a poor article for everything good, no logic, no reason, or nothing, not even Steve Jobs, the late, used to say this rage
In general, it gives you the well-being of the website, writers and commentators because of the benefit it has for the lofty edifice, the great, mighty and powerful Apple company that always has loyalty to it from the heart.
Apple's confidence in itself is strong and its confidence in its fans is strong, for it will not care if they change their minds, as some people have set it up because its fans are impossible to abandon it, and on the one hand it is impossible to give up the iPhone, and likewise, whoever tried the iPhone says this same thing, I say to Samsung, you have no room in the world of smartphones
Surprisingly, the Siri feature is not new, as Nokia phones support this feature with a program that I forgot its name. I think Bringo or something like that. The same thing. Say, for example, Open Studio, open it. Frankly, nothing dazzled me about the new iPhone except for the power of the graphics.
Mobile phone partners are now competing with the iPhone, and this heralds new programs and rounds, and also gives a spirit of competition between the iPhone and the rest of the partners.
It is true that the iPhone XNUMXs is not at the top
But iOS is still in the funnel, which is why Apple is so successful
From now on, there will be competitors for the iPhone
However, Apple added some shortcomings and notes from users.
Peace and mercy of God..
Of course, I personally cannot do without an iPhone,
Because I like it in terms of appearance and substance.
But I have a question for my brothers, how much is the iPhone 4s price in the Kingdom
Saudi Arab.
IPhone 4s is not the most powerful mobile in the market. Mobile Galaxy XNUMX has proven its competitiveness with the features that are ahead of the latest iPhone releases, especially after the comparison published on the App News website. Where the iPhone XNUMXS Super lean appeared in front of the Galaxy XNUMX, despite the essential additions to its presence in an old device.
Which increased the disappointment that will have a negative impact on the future of Apple and the iPhone in particular.
Because strength is not represented in reaching the summit but rather preserving it, and if a moment is tolerated and underestimated others, the fall will be resounding.
The iPhone needs many physical features and impressive features to lead the competition again, such as enlarging the display screen and making it support XNUMXD display ...
As for me, I will buy the Galaxy XNUMX because it is relatively cheap and because Apple will not be able to withstand more than six months due to the great losses it will incur as a result of its exit from the competition, and if it continues its stubbornness it will not return to progress again and thus it will be destroyed faster than its predecessors Such as Nokia, which for quite some time knocked on the throne of mobiles and Microsoft, which was not inferior to it at one point in relation to operating systems.
Accordingly, Apple will be forced to issue a new iPhone in less than six months, which will put me in confusion. Should I replace my six-month-old iPhone and its price, the amount marked and be limited to the fact that a good iPhone is not with me, or I replace God and save money for a new iPhone again in less From a year.
Therefore, I assure you that I will now buy the cheap Galaxy XNUMX, test its capabilities, until the new generation of iPhone appears, and then the decisive choice will be whether the iPhone will take its hit and tour and force me to buy it, or I think it is not worth following with Samsung.
And imagine if a large segment of consumers were thinking the same way, Apple would be disappearing from its age in less than a year.
So please, to the iPhone Islam website, convey my voice to Apple to think carefully about an urgent rescue plan to avoid the disaster and announce a new iPhone before the consumer gets involved in buying the iPhone 4S and thus the disaster inevitably happens, and this is what I do not want because I love Apple’s creativity.
Thank you very much and I regret the prolongation, which only expresses a small part of what is wrong with me.
I already thought about this question, and my answer to myself was clearly, "No!"
I do not think that I can give up the iPhone, as it has many features that tie me strongly to it ..
From my point of view, perhaps the iPhone XNUMXS did not fulfill my aspirations and expectations, and I was somewhat shattered from the announcement of it, but at the same time I thought whether there is an existing device that is better than the iPhone in terms of the specifications that concern me personally, and I am not a developer or programmer, I am a regular user and I know what I need ,, I found that I will not find a better iPhone than I can actually use it, it does what I need .. Praise be to God :)
Apple takes confident steps to drain competitors and knowledge
Their potential and then you will see what you will surpass them with
we wait !!!
I see that the conference came out with a satisfactory outcome because Apple cares about the content and not the appearance like any other, but this is our problem for us Arabs to extend our eyes to a wider horizon and I would like to ask iPhone Islam to show us the opinions of the Westerners at the Apple conference so that we can see the difference between Arab and Western thinking about its technology
Personally, I was not surprised by what Apple suggested to the contrary
What Apple did matches the ordeals here in Europe, or specifically
In Germany, we look at the situation, be a different side, or in the neighborhood
Be a purely business side, for example if Apple supports 4G internet service or what is called LTE currently, it will not come
We are here in German from something because this service is not
Plenty of availability here because originally the service was actually logged in
Implementation for two or three months, as well as the NFC service is still under trial after we do not forget that a German has become in my personal opinion and one of the important markets for Apple over the majority here and I am one of them is pleased with what Apple has provided of updates in its new device and hoping to see soon Apple exhibited new
Frankly, what I am surprised about is the writer Noureddine Effendi. By God, you have to respect our minds. You are a writer, an electronic technician, or an expert at Apple. You ask a question and respond to it. This is a point. The second point is that you say that Apple works behind the scenes to leave us expectations. How did you know while working silently and behind the scenes words of someone who has no time to occupy or love to appear
Hey brothers ..
Can you give me a chance to tell !!
Respect the ambition of Samsung and its Galaxy ,,
But there is no room for comparison. Apple was originally built on the mobile phone and information technology industry.
While Samsung watches, televisions and iron clothes
She puts herself in force in the pocket computer world with rage, meaning ..
Apple bitten apple, how much I adore you, delicious
I don’t care why the negligence in challenging the last Apple conference even though it did not change the firm policy of Apple. If this statement was issued by an amateur, we would accept it, but from professionals who are marketing for Arab and Islamic countries. I think that the exaggeration in promoting what you call shock is not logical at all, honorable ones.
Apple did not get used to a new phone every year, just as Apple did not accustom us to leaking what it announced about its devices before it was announced, so why all this frustration and disappointment ????
As for the competition, it is out of the question, and the days will prove that. God knows, and I live in Europe and I know how people think here and how they view things
Specifications then specifications
Processor, screen, battery, camera and speed: Do you not allow all these things to accept the new phone ????
Apple’s move has never been seen by the consumer, and this is a matter of fairness. This is a matter that counts for Apple. How is that ????
Whoever owns an iPhone 4 will not leave it for the sake of acquiring the new one, and this allows iPhone 4 owners to keep and enjoy the device for a longer period before changing it without compromising on modern technology
Whoever owns an old device is between two reasonable options
Buying the new device with excellent specifications and a big difference from the old device
Or wait for some time until the release of the iPhone 5, which I think, God’s knowledge, will not be late for a few months after the entry of the new year, and this will be a master stroke from Apple
I own, thanks to God, an iPhone 4, and I am not willing to change it at all, except for a device from Apple
My dear brothers, I apologize for being long, and may God reward you with good for your efforts to serve Islam and Muslims
After Greetings
The acquisition of the iPhone was a wonderful experience and I am still annoyed about the iPhone monopoly in the iTunes of course. I speak officially without jailbreak .. in terms of transferring pictures or sound .. Nevertheless, I admire it knowing that I own a XNUMXGS iPhone .. I don't mind Others experience with others I will not be able to
I apologize for your intervention, which may not be welcome (as the vast majority of people here are lovers of the apple), at first I would like to mention that one of the users of the Android system for phones, but I have sporadic uses for phones running the IOS system.
Some notes on what was mentioned in the article, and comments:
I know that Apple's mission here is the most difficult, as it has to develop its own program for IOS phones (competing with that of Google), in addition to competing with the rest of the phone factories in the manufacture of advanced hardware that keeps pace with its competitors.
But this remains a policy followed by the company that was not imposed on it by anyone, and as a consumer I care about the product in the first place, and certainly no courtesy in that.
Also, what I was stopping, is what I mentioned that the IOS5 system and the improvements presented in it will require competitors to wait (a year or two) to access these technologies, while Apple can after that offer a new device that widens the difference. The question is, does the IOS5 system really carry the new?
A comparison between IOS5 and most modern Android phones.
Notification Center = The method is oddly adapted from the early Android alerts releases.
Twitter integration = Twitter post has been integrated since early versions.
Formatting the device directly from the device without the need for iTunes = Formatting an Android phone that does not need any external connection.
Over-the-air updates = over-the-air Android updates since the early versions.
iCloud = Available via Google services (Music, Contact, Docs, Picasa, Market, Youtube) all of which support sync
Show me my friends = google latitude
Siri = is present in previous versions of Android under the name Voice Commands
Do companies really need to catch up, or are they already advanced?
I hope that the opinion will be accepted as a matter of discussion, and nothing more than any "fanaticism". Thanks everyone in advance.
Honestly, I will not, God willing, I will not end up with the iPhone XNUMX only.
And thankfully ..!
Brothers, we were not disappointed because of the appearance. We were disappointed because of some of the specifications that Apple added to the quality of phones released before, such as the Galaxy, which has a dual-core processor with a speed of 1 gigahertz, or an 8-megapixel camera, or HD photography for the HTS Senshan phone. I mean, these are advantages known to the user, and the iPhone user wants better features than Competing mobile phones, such as a 12-megapixel camera or a speed of 2 gigahertz, or they add science fiction technologies other than the Siri program, such as projector technology, holographic technology, etc.
Completely convinced
And the best thing is that it did so, because not all people acquire new devices when they were released
I mean, they wipe them
I drank iPhone XNUMX seven months ago and after several claims from my protected husband
And if the iPhone XNUMX had come out, I'd be anxious for Mayday to say dad is a new device
Other than this, the iPhone is still the one that is distinctive, as the square is in terms of shape
And your safety
Camels are high among devices and are not second to them, and every development in them is intended to reach it while imposing itself without glorifying it
I think that the iPhone 5 will be different, and Apple is trying to build a new phone in every sense of the word ..., baby! This is the first rumor ... - :)
The truth is that I have not been able to obtain any of the iPhones, as I have been using other Apple devices for 13 years.
And I honestly say if Apple made a wood box and said a new phone on it, it would be better for me than any phone in the world
Because Apple means quality means stability means speed means elegance
Brothers, why do we expect more from Apple? It is already a lot. Siri is a wonderful thing and we cannot forget this. This technology is unique and is not found in all existing phones. I believe that many brothers have not seen this service. It is more than wonderful. The iPhone has now become like a person you can talk to and ask any question that comes to your mind. Don't you think this is amazing? Those who do not know the details of this service can watch the advertisements for it on YouTube.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
I see that it is a sweet step
The iPhone XNUMX looks good, and now people bought it, and it has a lot of it and it bears its shape, and of course Apple studied and knew that the iPhone XNUMX until it had a turnout so it developed in the inside work only and I expect people will get bored if every year the mobile changes and I expect people who will not change the mobile because the iPhone XNUMX muffin and muffin
And Apple has downloaded the mobile talk feature, and this is a cafe. Some new fans are buying it. Personally, I expected that he would not download the iPhone XNUMX because I expected the same movement of the iPhone XNUMXG and XNUMXGS to be repeated, and then those who downloaded the iPhone XNUMX broke and broke the market
I say iPhone will never fail but other devices will be fooled
Apple hides a legendary device behind its walls
And its iPhone XNUMX developments were highly anticipated
Because this is a way and a smooth way for Apple to follow its devices
And Apple is waiting for what will happen from the competing companies, including Android devices and others
And you will transfer a qualitative leap just as everyone was dazzled for the first time by the release of the iPhone
Apple is a genius and follows a certain policy
So I pray, Apple
And waiting for your creations
Glory be to God and praise be glory to God Almighty
I don't agree with the blog administrator
Why Samsung or other phones will not compete with Apple
5- iOSXNUMX, its capabilities will destroy laptops and other phones
XNUMX- There is no touch screen to compete with the Apple screen
XNUMX- The market does not tolerate development work like the App Store
XNUMX- The iPhone screen is better in Resolution than others, while Samsung screens are distinguished in bright colors, but the brightness of the backlight of the screen is not determined electronically, which causes the sensitivity of the eye.
XNUMX- All the devices I have used in my life were what was written in the phone book about battery life is not really there
XNUMX- If we compare between Nokia and Samsung phone in internet speed, we will find that the iPhone is faster than Samsung and Nokia even though Samsung and Noumea use HSDPA and the iPhone does not use it so not every new technology is better, but it is better for the software and hardware to be compatible. Samsung series hardware is good and software is miserable
Most people are upset that the iPhone did not download a large screen and the reason for that is the expectations and the fake videos that were downloaded on the Internet about XNUMX months before the device was launched, and they sat drawing imaginations for the iPhone XNUMX, but the iPhone is a big company and it goes with a system and knows what exactly it is doing and for the iPhone XNUMXs, it is a dangerous device in the sense of the word, and in earnest Apple, it is true, and in two dimensions, the iTunes program on the iPhone is sufficient. Most people do not take advantage of what has courses in most fields from the most famous universities in the world. This is not in any device or Samsung or jealousy, group, there is no device like the iPhone any Someone can answer Samsung, but I dare not have it in less than a month. By God, this is the truth. The iPhone is a unique device in every need.
I am satisfied with the iPhone and I will not give it up for any reason
I would like to join you in the conversation and say
Apple will pay the price if it hides technology for the purpose of staying longer with the current iPhone.
This is for the following reasons: -
XNUMX- The mercy of the development market, especially in cutting hardwaer.
XNUMX- Loss of consumer confidence due to its high culture.
XNUMX- Major companies will look forward without delay, except for what is recent, especially to compete with Apple.
We do not wish to neglect Samsung and its movement in this area.
We do not wish to mention the entry of new companies in the mobile sector such as Google, Dell and Samsung
In the event that Apple is reluctant to pay developers, there are those who pay them only in order to withdraw such competencies at any cost.
What Apple did is right, Apple products compete with the rest for years, not a year, so it was not in a hurry to issue
I had a bigger screen, but a screen ...! : /
Frankly, I wish I had the Samsung Galaxy XNUMX: /
Its screen is wonderful.! But the accuracy of our view and the software center on the iPhone make me hesitate:
Personally, I encourage Apple not to release the iPhone 5 so that Apple can take its time to experiment with its device and provide it with the latest technologies. As for the iPhone 4S, I will buy it because it carries the final touches of Steve Jobs. I will not submit to any other phone, even if it has gold coming out of its screen. I will remain an iPhone user forever.
IPhone 4s has been able to stay at the top for nearly a year
If it is delayed, it will be shaken a little
The iPhone is unique and indispensable.
Apple has smashed other markets, and I don't think there is
Who can compete !!
Shocked so hard I expected iPhone XNUMX to come off
The grandfather of the people gave the subject more than blame
And he saw that contentment is a treasure for me
And I thank God. Satisfied, completely satisfied, but Yvonne to me
And long ago
I started to tend to HTC devices even though I didn't own them yet!
Apple, frankly, exceeded its limits. We have been waiting for it with impatience as we pick up Tnqiet !! Withdrawal of the devices are brought up!
Soon I might say goodbye, Apple.
iPhone 4S is the best!!!
I don’t know why the issues are inflating the sequence for iPhones is known and clear
iPhone 3 iPhone 3s iPhone 4 iPhone 4s
And the iPhone number XNUMX or XNUMX Huawei. Generation number
This method is known from Apple and its iPhones, as it is in this sequence.
I am enough for me, the shape of the device is very beautiful and very distinctive.
And the screen is large enough. I don’t want a giant screen because the device is a phone, not a tablet !!
What is the benefit of the big screen other than watching movies? Will I watch movies on a mobile phone ?!
Things are very logical.
But people are working on hearsay.
The device, in terms of its operating system, is distinguished, beautiful, and easy, and its advantage over it is similar to the iPad (ease and simplicity of use and away from the crowding of details)
In my opinion, there is no such device as competing that it makes Apple think of a revolutionary phone
Apple is looking at the upcoming phones and what is not in these phones is being put in place and it will produce an iPhone next year, God willing, and everyone will talk about it.
As we saw on the iPhone XNUMX, it is a reinvention of the iPhone
I say there is no need to produce a huge phone in the absence of a competing device to the point that Apple might fear it.
I do not deny Samsung’s creativity in the Galaxy XNUMX, nor does Apple remain in the foreground
Look now with minor changes to the device it has become the best device so far in my opinion
Accept my traffic
Thanks Apple
Thanks, Steve
The future for Apple is undisputed.
Of course, I would like to maintain the longest period possible on the iPhone XNUMX even if I download many devices that are better than it, but that is for several things, including the price drop so that it is available to many .. Then we will not mourn the death of anyone and some events will not affect our emotions, but we look at a balanced economic view that guarantees us joining the ride The technical, even on the weight of (the adherents) .. But there is intense competition between the devices the HTC, Samsung and Nokia, and they all have their wonderful advantages, which it is sufficient to support things that Apple opposes and does not support for one reason or another ....
In general ... people still love the iPhone despite the conference, which emphasized that Apple does not care about its customers as much as it cares about its position in the market as much as possible .. Thank you
Brothers, no company in the world can stop or change an entire production line for a product that is considered the best-selling in the world, the iPhone XNUMX is the best-selling smart device in the world without a competitor
I find 4S a very excellent move from Apple
I am satisfied with iPhone 4
Hi, I am satisfied with iPhone 4
I am satisfied with iPhone 4
The most important thing is a device that meets my needs only
All call, send, browse, play, what else ?? !!
I expect that Apple will retreat after the conference that disappointed everyone, and I personally am bored with the iPhone and was waiting for the new iPhone to renew it, but I will stay with the iPhone because I am attached to your generous programs, and for the sake of the eye, you honor Marj Oyoun, and we hope that you will correct the serious mistake of Apple.
No, I will not change the iPhone and I will not buy the new iPhone because of the photography or voice control feature and other features
Peace be upon you and a very beautiful article and the responses, God willing
Question: The topic is attributed to a guest writer, but at the beginning it was mentioned (I know that we are in Islam, especially I am the director of the blog, and I was disappointed ...), just curiosity
On my own behalf, and frankly, I was completely satisfied with iPhone XNUMX, and I did not need anything more than it at the present time .. a bigger screen, for example, would be at the expense of the size ..
In general, the XNUMXS, to be honest, is developed, and I see it very satisfactory, and the responses provided are sufficient in the explanation
Because there is more than one writer on the topic, and it is not mainly from my writing, but rather just an intervention, published in the name of the guests.
Honestly, I was concerned with the quality and the quantity did not obscure me. There are many additions to the iPhone. The quality has shown me the quality and frankly, the device is of excellent quality. I feel that you are a device holder and I still have a XNUMXGS iPhone and I am still enjoying it
On my own behalf, I was not satisfied with what was presented and I am seriously thinking about the Galaxy or the Windows Phone system because Apple's policy is harsh, especially in terms of the iPhone and the exchange of media between devices and files, as it swims alone against major companies that have a long history in the world of technology, and it is true that Apple transferred The technology of the phones and tablets is steps forward, but it is very strict with its peculiarities, and this is what made many resort to the jailbreak ...
Therefore, as for myself, I see that Samsung, with its Galaxy SXNUMX device, is looking for business satisfaction, not to convince the world of its policy, and for those who want to consider, its strict policy is the one that delayed it in the field of computer equipment for several years, although it was the first, and this is what I believe will happen to it with phones and tablets If you do not concede or seek customer satisfaction.
Why are everyone frustrated with the iPhone XNUMXS?
In fact, everyone raised their expectations for imaginary things, and the barrage shocked the world by adding only three things to the iPhone in the dream.
The other is the processor and the last is the smart audio system.
Of course, these are all not worth waiting a year and a few months.
But some people spoke slightly logical words and said, “Draining Apple’s capabilities in its device is considered stupid in light of the presence of competitors, especially since Apple is considered in the first Smartphone sales, and it is preparing the equipment from now to the next year with a device that may frustrate the competing companies and restore the astronomical distance between them and Closest competitors
Apple is too smart to not maintain first place in the world of technology. And every horse has a stumbling block.
In the name of God the Merciful
I was hoping for Apple that there would be a coffee maker in the iPhone XNUMX and a beard shaver because one is very urgent …… ..
Frankly, now the Galaxy S2 is better than the iPhone, but I expect they will return to their level **Thank you anyway**
I think what Apple did was the right thing for its own good. You know that Steve's health deteriorated significantly during what was supposed to be the preparation period for the "next Apple device." Perhaps it would have been better to keep some papers for the future in case Steve leaves in one way or another. We saw for ourselves how the market value of Apple shares fell after the announcement of his death.
Also, this "Qatarization policy" approach is not unique to Apple, as it did it on both iPhone XNUMXGS and iPad XNUMX.
The iPhone 5 is coming, it's coming. I have a 3GS and I won't give it up until the iPhone 5 comes out, even if it stays for five years.
my lovers
The iPhone is out of market, covered by the Galaxy SXNUMX and HTC
But do you believe that the iPhone is something fantastic that contradicts everything in this world? It contradicts everything… etc. Hahahahaha
There is no and there will be no friend like the iPhone ... and the days will prove my words
You didn't think that the other companies download a model every month
And every model is burned to me before it. While Apple let the person be distinguished for years, not months
Apple is a mighty company, and I know what to say. I am currently working for the French perfume company, Chanel, and I have the same thinking
No offers, no gifts, not even any free offer. Anyone who has knowledge knows what I mean. After all, you come up with a perfume with the same name as the one before it, with a slight change in the ingredients, and you invade the market with it.
Amid terrible criticism, however, you find it at the top, and this is Apple's policy
I changed to Android twice and back to iPhone again
I think what Apple has provided is very sufficient, especially the new operating system and the Siri service. This is sufficient from my point of view.
I am sure that after using the 4S many opinions will change,
The ios5 is the first step on the way to creativity.
I am waiting more about the jailbreak 5
I'm with iPhone XNUMXGS, buy XNUMXS and don't wait for iPhone XNUMX?
In my opinion, the iPhone XNUMX is excellent for me, and I do not intend to change it forever until I release XNUMX, I can change and thank you Apple for everything
No sound is louder than Apple :)
The problem is that I only bought Yvonne two days ago
Aaaaah, just oppression
I have an iPhone 3GS, but I do not change it with a device other than the iPhone XNUMX and I will not change a device other than Apple devices.
In short, Apple and its software are better
Not just the screen, the screen will come with the next version after XNUMXs, XNUMX, XNUMXgs and XNUMXg
The subject is the versions, and the form will come later, as we will see after exhausting what companies are trying to imitate, and it is useless to enlarge the screen more than XNUMX inches to carry it as a mobile device
Apple is smarter than what we expect, and its ability to come with surprises later to occupy the market and lead like the rest of its devices and always looking for the best
Its renewable and practical programs for all levels and programmers have sufficed for us in an actual revolution that cannot be caught up by competing companies, and the demand for them is growing terribly when any issue is launched.
Apple will remain in the lead without a competitor
My brothers, in the beginning, I must thank Yvon Islam, the distinguished site in teaching and educating people with modern technology and its impact on our lives, and thanks also go to the respected brother, the owner of the site, for his great dedication and diligence in serving science and people. My question is: Is it necessary to have another device besides the iPhone that I own? Often times I feel that the iPhone does not meet all my aspirations at work, especially in the areas of flash video, text processing and in e-mail. I cannot attach a text file and an image at the same time and other obstacles. The iPhone's support for Arabic is incomparable, but its Arabic keyboard forces me to use Indian numbers (known in the Levant) while it is difficult for a friend in the Maghreb to understand them, let alone if you live in Europe and most computers do not support this type of number.
I am surprised to give people this topic larger than its size ?????
Steve Jobs previously stated that ((the design of the new iphone4S device will not change, so why all this))
Then, Apple users are the ones who longed themselves for difficult things to happen in a device and you want small size + fabulous features
Anyway, thank you iPhone Islam for your coverage of the news of the bitten apple first, Powell ...
My brother Al-Buqami, your words are XNUMX%, and I speak from your words, and this is what Apple will do. Apple changed the technology, so it collapses because of modifying a device. This is impossible.
I think
The iPhone is the best and most powerful device that I can own so far, with its specifications and ease of dealing with it, and it is impossible to purchase a device other than the iPhone because it is wonderful in terms of appearance and processor
We will never change our minds
I will wait for iPhone XNUMX
But maybe in dirhams
The iPhone is still the best device and, God willing, Apple releases the iPhone 5
For my part, I agree with Brother Abu Al-Jud with what he said, but Apple had an iPhone XNUMX, but it was postponed due to two reasons.
XNUMX. IPhone XNUMX is still in the lead and there is no device that exceeds its specifications
XNUMX- The rumors that Apple has not silenced are like free statistics by professionals and what they expect from the technologies in the world of smartphones so that Apple sees what can be translated into the real world in the future.
In the end, I would like to note to Apple fans that what you find now was impossible in this field for a year or two, and that what Apple is today in terms of technologies and is trying to get out of it to what is the best other companies trying to reach it
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Thank you all
The new iPhone S features a better processor than the previous one
And the battery just like that, except for the screen
These are the basics of a smart device
Screen face device
And the heart beating wizard
And the battery is the core of the device
We are waiting for the new Nokia device with Windows Phone OS
It is the best device in the world and what it smells like, Aguero
Yvonne ... .. originality of the idea, accuracy of implementation and addiction to technology
Apple since its day has evolved meticulously, making you follow it step by step and looking forward to the next step
Director of the blog, by God, I used to advise my friends, but unfortunately they did not hear from me, my advice to my friends, the director of the blog (my brothers, do not imagine the iPhone. Five is the top in beauty and high-tech, but imagine it is less good and beautiful than the iPhone immediately, like our bride, try to imagine her the ugliest woman in the world even when you see her in love At first glance, likewise, the iPhone XNUMX, unfortunately, they did not hear my words
First, I hope my brother Steve's lover will change his name because God says
(You will not find a people who believe in God and His Messenger who are appealing to those who want God)
Second, as if I started thinking about the Galaxy XNUMX
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
There are two questions through which we can determine the best
And considering that my iPhone is one of the best performance and appearance devices, I ask these two questions:
QXNUMX: What are the software and technical features that the iPhone contains that are not as strong as the iPhone?
QXNUMX: What are the software and technical features that other devices have that the iPhone does not have?
A thousand thanks Yvonne Islam
Accept my passage
Always criticizing and sometimes exaggerating criticism
As if we were competing in the technology industry
Or may we dare to do so
We are only users
It is not our right to reject what Apple or others offer in the field of technology, except in one way, which is not to buy
Let us move away from corporate policy, as success comes step by step
I wish we could try
Apple is a smart company, and I am sure what it did was something thoughtful a million times before it was implemented :) And this is something that revives its competitors
Through the comments, I see that the expectations for the iPhone XNUMX have already started. I hope Apple never fails us again.
I do not question the capabilities of Apple, but I am surprised that it is a "step" late, and this step will become at least two steps in the date of the new iPhone release.
The time factor is important, my brothers, and the rise of a stage is not like climbing stairs, especially as for companies that cannot be underestimated ...
In my opinion, the iPhone is the best device
O God, all praise and thanks are due to You as befits the majesty of Your face and the greatness of Your kingdom. “The angels are tired of writing down the reward, so do not be stingy with yourself regarding this great reward.”
Indeed, Apple will remain in the lead for several reasons
XNUMX- The first thing that is impossible to bring a new device to the market without much trouble on the shape. This is the most important thing for them, not their policy, to dazzle people, in terms of form or content. This is what we see today when purchasing any of the Apple electronic devices
XNUMX- Secondly, Apple is concerned with quality, both in terms of the tools used, the method of installation and the ease of changing them.
Finally, Apple has a very powerful system, and the evidence for that is others imitating it. How not when you can see the whole world and what is happening in it with the touch of your fingertips?
Apple will be released no matter what other companies have produced, equipped and installed all the modern technologies in it
My brother, the director of the blog, in most of your words, but I have opinions, perhaps Apple will hear us
First -: The entire iPhone's dependence on touch is not good, because sometimes when browsing I want to raise the page or go down, my finger falls on a link or command and it opens and this causes annoyance to the browser
If they make a volume button on the side to download and upload the page, it will be better
Secondly, the way to shade the text is difficult for the iPhone, you get tired a lot, especially since the page is installed when you shade part of the text
I hope that Apple avoids mistakes, otherwise it will go to the abyss with it and its products
I have actually been following the iPhone Islam website for a while. As I care about the news that is published, I also care about the comments from followers like me. I noticed that most of the followers and commentators on the news are fanatics of Apple and iPhone. The fanaticism I mean is seeing the advantages and focusing on them while forgetting and ignoring the defects or shortcomings and not mentioning them. I owned a 3GS device. It was my first Apple phone. I missed many of the advantages and features that were considered self-evident by other phone and operating system manufacturers. I did not find everything I expected in it. Today, the competition is fierce in providing the best for the consumer in terms of the phone's hardware and operating systems. I share many people's disappointment with the iPhone 4S. Because it did not bring any new specifications. On the contrary, I felt that Apple is trying to catch up with others and that it is behind them in time. For example, Samsung introduced the Galaxy S2 a while ago and its specifications are higher than or equal to the iPhone 4S. Samsung did not take long to announce in Germany the new Galaxy S2 LTE before revealing the new iPhone, which is a phone that precedes the new iPhone by stages. We must not forget the open source Android operating system, which is developing at an amazing speed and most of the programs available on the Apple Store are available on it for free and without monopoly. I only want to get what I deserve for what I pay. I think when I tried the iPhone 3GS, I got less than what I paid for. My opinion is correct, but it may be wrong. May you be safe.
First, I would like to thank the management of iPhone Islam for its continuous brilliance in publishing topics that carry a lot of interest, as for my opinion of the new iPhone, I think that it is a qualitative leap and it is a particular benefit for those who carry an iPhone TRG like me, and I do not see that the owners of the iPhone XNUMX will change their devices Unless they want to enjoy the new features, such as the high-resolution camera and the fast processor, but in terms of comparison with other smart devices that carry systems such as Android or Windows, there is no comparison at all because the iOS is far ahead of it, and I will go, God willing, to buy the iPhone Phone for s.
Apple is the leader, not because I love Apple, but because I love to sell it in its devices. The Galaxy SXNUMX has nothing to make me buy it, neither the operating system, the form, nor the software store
And who says that the Galaxy is the largest screen, what is the use of a larger screen that is not clear and its accuracy is very low
And as they say the monkey in the eye of his mother a gazelle
By God, from my point of view, I expect the 4s to market the 4G.
Then the iPhone 5 will be downloaded.
In general, I created an information base and was dispensed with and continued to communicate with it.
Sorry, I did not complete my article
But after a while I started to adapt to the iPhone, especially with the Apple Store and its programs, but I don’t know why Bluetooth has not been downloaded yet
No way to use other than iPhone
The first home of the iPhone XNUMX in the market, I stood in line for two days in Canada to buy it, thank God, and I am very excited about the iPhone XNUMX
I expect Apple will not give attention to the iPhone XNUMX because of its expectation that Jobs will lose, especially its knowledge in advance of his health, and I expect that it is trying to send a message to users that it will not lose the bet by losing Jobs, but a new beginning from where Jobs ended.
Thank you and Yvonne Islam
The calm before the storm. Be patient with Apple. Believe me, they will destroy the market with the new iPhone.
I agree with everything except that the iPhone will remain at the top and other better and better devices may not come
Truth is, Apple's disappointment
Not a disappointment
But in the end it is a profitable company, if it does everything
What will you present next year
Apple will place all its power and bets on the upcoming iPhone XNUMX
We will wait
It's a mind-boggling apple
In my opinion, there will be no better phone than the iPhone 4s in the world, regardless of the advantages of the competing companies
And I think that all the features are present in the iPhone 4s except that its screen is not 3D
Um Zaid made me laugh. There is no difference between the iPhone XNUMX and the iPhone XNUMXS except for the letter of the name. Nice and correct words. I was shocked. Here in Britain, I called the XNUMXG company to book them for me the iPhone XNUMX, but unfortunately, an iPhone four and a half came out.
I am one of the most people who use Nokia devices
The features that exist on the iPhone, many devices do not have them
I will alert you to some simple and important things that you can pay attention to.
XNUMX local FM radio
XNUMX And install local tones, not tones
I will send you a lot of information
God willing
Peace be upon you ,,
Exaggerated rumors are what disappointed me at the beginning, then I thought after that and said: Apple did not promise us anything, but the rumors are
What I did ,,, and I say it about the experience, neither the Galaxy SXNUMX nor the Galaxy Tab XNUMX, enriched me about the iPhone and the iPad (the age of tradition does not replace the original)
Peace be upon you, God willing, I am going to Hajj. Is using Avon XNUMX prohibited in the Kingdom? Thank you
I can only deal with iPhone Thank you Apple Thank you Yvonne Islam
Praise be to God, I found someone who supports me in the actual failure of Samsung
But I expected it to fail by looking
What distinguishes Mavi mobile in the globe that carries iOS, so smile, you are distinguished by the holder of all Apple products
First of all, thank you iPhone Islam. From my point of view, I expected Apple to launch a product that was not expected, but now I expect a big surprise from Apple in the form of the iPhone 5 next year.
Second. Apple is not stupid for not keeping pace with competition and other devices, so Apple has anticipated the iPhone 4s, which is a strong competitor in the market before the iPhone 5, which has made itself a wide field for developing the iPhone 5 so that it is the first in the competing devices ... This is the main reason that led me to expect that Apple will offer an unexpected product.
Thank you for the beautiful topic. I am an iPhone user. I hope that it will be Apple when everyone has confidence in its new release. Certainly there is no competitor until now ..
There are several times on my mind
Including that Stephen Jobs had passed away before
The date of announcing his death with a period
When the iPhone XNUMX was postponed
His death was announced for this commutation time
The attack on Apple
Apple should dazzle the world with iPhone XNUMX
So that Apple shares are not shaken by rumors that Apple
She is Steve, and she is already dying
I swear by God, I say you are at the service of the baby on the iPhone
In my opinion, opinion, and ……… .. iPhone XNUMX is the best regardless of the specifications and the shape in short, Apple invents other companies, mimics where the competition is, everyone mimics some companies imitate the shape and others mimic the programs and ……… O people of Apple, you are at the top.
Yes, the user, like a child, needs a new game, even if it is just like the old and different in shape!
Apple is not a traditional company that seeks to dazzle with products and hardware, because its strategy is based on software
On the other hand, I do not understand what this strange analysis is, because the difference is small! All these new features you say minor
The iPad XNUMX only came with what the XNUMXS did, and I am using the old one until now and I am not concerned with the camera
So, Apple did not notice the increase in iPad sales
Apple wants a new cloud and top for the iPhone XNUMX that will only work if there is a dramatic change
The size of the changes is proportional to other products such as a dual core processor
On the other hand, extending the life of a revolutionary device that we can understand. As for riding the strange waves of Samsung, it is not a strategy that matches the bone of Apple.
Note: Technically, a mobile device does not benefit much from the LG because of its resource consumption
When a device capable of not sacrificing resources is reached, iPhone XNUMX's time has come
For me, I'll buy iPhone XNUMXS because technically a fife is a long way
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
And thanks to those who participated in this article
Maudi speak for myself
But by XNUMX% or XNUMX%
They were disappointed by Apple
I am one of the first when Apple announced
About the device that knows iPhone XNUMX
He says he is online fast
And the camera is strong
And the look is great
Do you know that?
Apple destroyed the iPhone XNUMX
After the iPhone XNUMXS was released
Means that Apple is like what I say
It is the only competition
The list between them and Apple
It means that Apple has no one around
Especially since it has a store
It alone, unlike the rest of the device
All companies operate the Android system
And nearly XNUMX to XNUMX companies working on
Apple runs on iOS, the two most powerful operating system
Android belongs to one company and consumers
Of the companies they are more than one company
IOS is a company and no one dares to think
In its use to Apple
Imagine that a company built itself
And the company built itself at the expense of others
I know that my words will not be understood by your text
But you compare an evolution
Sole Proprietorship and Firm Operating
To destroy this company, are there any competitions?
Among these companies is a barrage
The answer is everyone who can see it
And I have my answer
Forward forward forward forward
Hey Apple, we are with you
People want apple
People want apple
People want apple
Go on Yvonne, do not fear them nor they grieve
None of us would deny that three apples changed the course of humanity. It is as follows :-
1- Adam’s apple, peace be upon him, because of which reward and punishment exist.
XNUMX- Newton's apple, and because of it, gravity was discovered.
XNUMX- Apple, and because of it, it changed the concepts of the technology world.
There are several times on my mind
One of them is that Stephen Jobs had died some time before the date of his death
When the iPhone XNUMX was postponed
His death was announced for this time as the attack on Apple was mitigated
Apple should dazzle the world with its iPhone XNUMX so as not to shake Apple stocks by rumors that Apple is Steve and is starting to die with his death.
My brothers in iPhone Islam, my brothers, the readers, by and large, are ordinary users, and I am one of them, and I am not an expert, so we do not care about some features, but rather the clarity of the screen, some applications, and if it is because Apple is a form and appearance, this is my belief, even if I have experience in it, but I say that I am one of the ordinary people in it, so Apple will remain in the lead because it came from the top for a long time.
I am not ready to try something else. I liked the iPhone and the iOS operating system..I don't think there is anything like it
I'm with iPhone XNUMX and how many days ago I bought Sony Ericsson
There is a difference in it has tremendous advantages in the iPhone system, I do not mention the right of the Android system, each one has high specifications, but the difference is in the ease of use and the strength and clarity of the screen of course the iPhone is better, but it lacks some needs such as bluetooth and some features that we are used to in most mobile phones such as deleting a number from the call log messages The report, transferring calls of all kinds, means, in short, simple problems, but we use them and they are not available on the iPhone.
I think that no Apple competitor is convinced, and I will try it, and the new devices will disappear like the wind
God bless you iPhone Islam
It is good to keep pace with technology, and we intend to do so
In the service of Islam and Muslims..
But the problem, brothers, is drowning in technical matters
So that a Muslim sacrifices the margins of work for his religion.
If this self-esteem and the groups are separated
He really knew what he was.
((Did you see if they were satisfied for years, then what they were promised did not come to them?)
What enriched them that which they used to enjoy))
Two iPhone XNUMXGS devices
Although his screen felt and the volume button was broken
However, I will wait for iPhone XNUMX to change my device ..
Anyone who tries to use the iPhone will not use another phone, as long as the idea and will are in the hands of Apple, and that the idea, method, and style left by Steve Jobs will continue to be used by the work team in this giant company because all the work team in Apple is the beneficiary of this competition
And after this long way Apple has gone, I don't expect there is a competent competitor
Even phones running Windows will be complicated and boring
I did not see that Apple did not succeed, but I have a simple comment. I am happy that the iPhone XNUMX did not appear, because the Marathon and the fever of the purchase that the iPhone XNUMX had at least will remain in a truce, even for a few months, so what do you think once the iPhone XNUMX came down? What happens when people were? You stand in front of Mobily or stc door to wait to open the door just for booking !!!!
My blogger brother, I regret to tell you that you are not right in your words. I am counting the days to acquire an iPhone XNUMXS with me that I now own an iPhone XNUMX and an Apple iPad. We have not taken the iPhone XNUMXS as it is the greatest mobile device, and in order for competing companies to reach it, he must wait at least two years
The device was successfully ordered, thank God, immediately, and God willing, I will be one of the first people to own the device. The device is successful by all standards.
I can't leave Apple because I like it
I cannot dream that I buy a cell phone other than the iPhone
And the iPhone is a little messy and there are no viruses in it
I didn’t install jailbreak and I don’t know why I hate it
And thanks
I will not accept anything less than the iPhone, and the problem that happened is that everyone believed the rumors, and I am convinced by Abu Al-Joud’s words, as he touched on what I feel, and I believe that Apple is smart and will not fall in front of competitors in this way. It postponed the launch of the next phone to find out what competitors have to offer, and then it decides.
It was then it was then he went without return, the creative artist Jobs... Apple is on its way to the abyss, it must diversify and the alternative is there Nokia, HTC, Samsung and the giant Android, all of them deserve to be tried and appreciated. I personally am tired of the lies, Apple's problems (the network, Bluetooth, updating, jailbreaking...etc.)
I think that Samsung will become closer to the competition, and you will soon see what I told you when the new device comes out from Samsung, and I advise you to be patient in buying an iPhone 4s
I can't leave Apple because I like it
I cannot dream that I buy a cell phone other than the iPhone
And the iPhone is a little messy and there are no viruses in it
I didn’t install jailbreak and I don’t know why I hate it
And thanks
I myself have been accompanying the iPhone since its inception and I fell in love with this device, but I was very disappointed with the XNUMXS. I do not need the speed of the modem. Wow, for high-resolution imaging, I was only looking for the fourth-generation technology of the chip.
So sorry, iPhone, after a year or a year and a half, we will meet with this technology, and I will search for the first product that supports this technology.
Thank you
It is impossible for me to buy a phone other than the iPhone because it is the best device that can be bought so far
Indeed, it is difficult to give up or try a device other than Apple's programming !!
As for me, I do not think it is acceptable to purchase another device. I fell in love with the iPhone and programming the iPhone, and I will not look down !!
Whoever tastes honey will have onions
I expect it to be a smart move from Apple, and it requires that I remove a device that is not far from its predecessor, to be a step not far
Then other companies are excited to reveal their secrets and devices, and thus Apple will be the beneficiary because the rest of the companies have raised their winning papers,
What do you think the blog administrator expected
According to the first one, the performance is much stronger than normal.
Also, frankness, I have an iPhone for XNUMX months….
And I pretended to be one of the first writes by Yvonne Islam on the Aplle Conference
From my point of view, I see the reason for Jobs’s resignation and the disease he suffered and thus his inability in the future to invent and add creative features, whether for the iPhone or the rest of Apple products, and thus he decided from behind Steve Grape not to give all of the products they had in store, otherwise they will not find what they will present in the following years. I think they decided to gradually release some Apple products and ideas from one phone to another in order to ensure that they have a hand in the technology competition market for the next ten years maybe.
Another point, we all know that Apple is the one who leads the communication devices these years, and everyone is waiting for its products and is trying to imitate and simulate them and add some renewal, and if it released and gave Apple all its ideas that will not be renewed with the death of Steve Jobs, it will eventually have to imitate the products of the rest of the companies. This and God knows best and highest.
Although I expected that the iPhone XNUMXS would change the shape and size ¡¡
But frankly, anything comes out of it please us :)
Frankly, Apple disappointed many people
But from my point of view, the iPhone is in the front line
IOS 5 is a huge achievement for Apple
As for the experience of another device, I do not think so
I disagree with the author of the article, the new iPhone is wonderful and its features are serious. Only the external appearance is no different
Seriously, I see that the iPhone is the best phone for me, and it is my view. Thank you to Apple and iPhone Islam
We were all expecting more
But the iPhone XNUMX as features and usage
Or we are accustomed to it that does not make us think of using an alternative, either from Samsung or others
Thanks for the articles
Goodbye to iPhone .. Hello to Android
Yes, Apple is strong, but there will be clear competition
From this moment on to other companies
Apple ... it won't always be at the top
I advise people to try a phone other than the iPhone ... because we have a saying that says you don’t know, I will be able unless you try someone else
Let them try so that they know the iPhone's blocking capabilities
Salvation what Apple did Huh three things
XNUMX: It is weakening the ambition of competitors, because since the emergence of the iPhone, the main concern of competing companies is to skip it slightly
XNUMX: The introduction to the iPhone XNUMX, as Apple, after stopping the aspirations of competitors, once bypassing the current iPhone ((which determines the market cap is Apple because it is the best currently)) raises the market ceiling for mobile phones as soon as the iPhone XNUMX comes out, which will be a redesign of the iPhone from my grandfather and this sudden rise to the market It will give me a big hit to competing companies, meaning that the iPhone XNUMXS is delicious
XNUMX: I apply Apple's policy, which requires that every iPhone user should not use it more than two years ((if any iPhone has a contract whose contract expires after two years, if you would not have been affected))
What Apple did is the best for it to stay in the competition, the iPhone XNUMX is required and successful, and the XNUMXS has great features, but I do not think that I will buy it and try to wait for iPhone XNUMX, which will dazzle the world, God willing. I cannot do without the iPhone and I never think to try another one
Nice words
And I like to mention the market does not have mercy on anyone
And if it comes to the market, something is better than the iPhone
Sure, we will dispense with the iPhone
Someone had expected people to leave Nokia in this way
And like the people, why did I turn to Yvonne instead of Toccia
Can be changed to new technology
Greetings to you and the crew of Yvonne Islam
Personally, I was shocked when I heard the news about the iPhone 4S. I expected that they would announce the iPhone 5, but I am convinced about the iPhone and its software and I will not give it up.
No matter you download a new phone, the iPhone will remain the most smooth
I expect Apple smarter from some companies, especially in the shape of the device. Some are waiting for the iPhone XNUMX not just for the manufacture, but for the shape and appearance, so a company specialized in one form and this is to gain sales in all devices, but the difference is in the content.
iPhone 4. The best device and I personally will not do without it
I cannot do without the iPhone, even if the other devices are ... and if the other companies are ...
In all honesty, Apple, this time, I don't feel it. I know what you say is internal adjustments and the speed of the device, but this is what you only know about iPhone users, who know everything about it.
Yes, dear brother, Bad Boy, I agree with you. Like the specifications of the iPhone, they are important in competition with other smartphones. The shape also plays a role, but here nothing has changed, and I worry about your beautiful words.
I myself expected the iPhone XNUMXS because I remember when I bought the iPhone XNUMXG a year later, the iPhone XNUMXGS was downloaded with some minor differences and at the same time it serves the user.
Of course, the next year will be released the iPhone XNUMX and later the iPhone XNUMXS, and so on until the policy of Apple changes.
No, no, no, no, I will not change
IPhone WPS
I thank iPhone Islam for all that it has to offer
Second - As for the question
It is impossible to buy a device other than an iPhone
Because I bought an iPhone, sold it, and bought a Galaxy.
After what people said about him, he is beautiful
Then I tried the device the first week I liked it
After a month, he let me down because he failed, failed, failed
In the sense of the word, firstly, the system that is said to be better than iOS has failed with many defects and the device failed
I advise everyone not to go to Samsung devices
By God, I mean, I express how you expect a XNUMX-inch iPhone, oh world, don't you know that every
The applications are designed for this current size of the iPhone, and changing this size means turning the store upside down ....
Brother, it is possible to change the screen size without changing the resolution
The iPhone 4 is still more accurate than the Galaxy S2's screen, even though the latter's screen is larger.
I am convinced of the iPhone, I can not change it
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
First, I am satisfied with the device, but when I bought the first 3G device in January XNUMX, I missed some of the Nokia features that I was used to, such as Bluetooth and Infra, but some time I started mastering the device.
Thank God, this is a blessing for iPhone XNUMX owners, as they are not forced to buy an iPhone XNUMXS in order to keep pace with development, and this is Apple’s plan so that the old device does not die with another new one, and this is a good plan because it will win on two sides, the first is iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS like the iPhone XNUMXG and XNUMXGS point of view ..
No, no, no, no, no, and a thousand no
I am not and will not be ready to try a non-iPhone device
I'm very satisfied with the iPhone
IPhone is always on top
I will not accept the iPhone as a substitute, it is my life
About me, I expect the collapse of Apple, because the reason for Apple's dazzling success is not in its administrative or marketing structure, but because it was because of the brilliant ideas of Jobs that are outside the usual or even expected scope .. Now Apple does not have an alternative mind, and therefore I expect that this superiority that was unique to it will collapse and become a very normal company This is if it is close to bankruptcy as it happened last time, and there will be no savior. The former savior is in a catastrophic world much greater than Apple and its problems. We ask God to have mercy on the dead Muslims.
Indeed, disappointment befell a lot, but Apple's intelligence was above everyone by choosing the time to announce the new device, and it was before the death of the deceased from cancer, which doctors can guess the day of his death, God willing.
In my opinion, Apple used emotion to entice the public by announcing the device days before the death of the deceased.
I will not accept a replacement iPhone
Thank you, my brothers, for the presentation. From my point of view, what Apple is doing in this is to wait for what the rest of the companies reach, and it will dazzle users in what it will present in the future of its technology and perhaps another name for iPhone 5 will put it in the foreground while it is still so.
Blog manager, I am the opposite of that. I did not feel frustrated. On the contrary, I am happy because Apple did not release a new model. Why? Because I bought an iPhone 4 and it did not even complete a year on it. If a new device appears, what is the benefit of my device? It will be unwanted. The main reason for my happiness is that I bought the device at a time when prices were very high. I bought the device personally. If a new device appears, the advantage of my device will be lost, and thus I will not benefit from buying an iPhone 4. Secondly, the device looks beautiful and does not need to be changed. Thirdly, you say in the report that the device looks two years old. No, the device has only been around for one year.
Everyone is asking for a new and imaginative Chita, and I expect that Apple has the ability to do this, but because it gives way to others, it takes ideas from Apple and develops and improves on it to be a competitor to Apple.
I was definitely shocked when they announced the XNUMXS instead of the XNUMX
And after a long wait, hopes and dreams
Apple surprised me with what it released on XNUMXS
Apple will not be satisfied with that on iPhone XNUMX
Yes, wonderful words
Waiting for your surprises, Apple, we do not want anything but the best and what serves our requirements
I can disagree with you about enlarging the screen, and I see that the screen size is very appropriate. A mobile phone remains in my pocket, so I want a bigger screen to take an iPad
And thank you for your efforts, Yvonne Islam
I think it's a smart move from Apple, it's an improvement over the iPhone 4
And make it faster and better, but the point of the horse is that it wants other companies to offer their creativity and competition
So that it outperforms them on the iPhone 5
Even though the iPhone 4S only lacks a slightly bigger screen, if Apple had put it in, it would have been better for it.
Best regards to all brothers
As the brother said, the director of the blog
The operating system and the software store are the two strong factors that keep Apple in the competition
Regarding the operating system, and despite its limitations, it is fascinating in terms of my work, and the ios5 update created really great additions
Add to that the jailbreak, which allows great and wonderful changes and additions to the system
As for the software store, it is the strongest factor in the huge amount of applications, the great quality and the strange diversity. There are some programs alone that invite you to acquire an iPhone.
My opinion is that the iPhone 4 is an excellent device and is still competing strongly, and it was only missing the add-ons that Apple put in the XNUMXs. I think it is a very smart move.
In fact, Apple should have changed the shape of the phone, how can a smartphone with a very small screen also change that?
Increase it random memory ((RAM))
But, to be honest, I was shocked by the iPhone 4s
Honestly, I have tried the iPhone 4 and I am currently with the Galaxy S2
Of course, without comparing the Galaxy is the undisputed best, not lacking in quality applications
And if I am going to change my phone, I will definitely not hesitate to buy another Android phone
This is my personal opinion
It is clear from your words that you have not tried the iPhone.
You also pay attention to the external appearance, and this is evidence that you do not understand the technique.
How do you compare iPhone and Galaxy
Whoever finds the evil of Albaliti does not laugh
Creating a new iPhone form is not difficult for Apple, and people love the outward appearance more than the sub, but let's be rational, if Apple did that and created a new look, then this means that the iPhone XNUMX will enter the trash through its wide door and Apple will pay it after a short period, in addition to the XNUMXG S
So keeping the purchasing value of the iPhone XNUMX is normal
Then, Apple knows that the iPhone XNUMX is still a pioneer and nothing threatens it now, so it saves the bunker until there is a real threat to it from other companies, and do not forget that keeping competition is important to Apple. How can the beauty of Apple be expressed if it were not for the ugliness of the rest ...
Apple is so smart that it manages to make us adore its products
You may have installed the new operating system (if XNUMX it does not support all of its features)
I'm not thinking of buying XNUMXs. Currently
Later, maybe buy it
We might have been a little shocked because we were waiting for Apple to surprise us
But Apple will continue to be at the forefront and every step taken is carefully thought out
We have to wait and see when iOS 5 comes down
Yes, I am seriously considering changing the iFun on the Galaxy SXNUMX
But the question that needs an article or research from you is why did Apple do that even though it could have provided a new iPhone and a new look? Is Apple that stupid to the point of providing at this time the same previous look, i.e. a modified device and not a new one? Does this mean that everyone who bought the previous iPhone 4 was on a trial device until the modified device was released?
Why didn't Apple pay attention to all the previous rumors and make an account for it?
Why is it difficult to find a new, competitive, slim and bigger screen?
Why why
Is there an interview with Tim Cook to clarify these and other questions?
I am completely opposite to you. Hilarious that the shape of the iPhone does not change because most people, including myself, have not passed months since I acquired the iPhone XNUMX
And if the shape has changed, we will leave
Iphone, Iphone, and the rest is all lettuce
I was expecting iPhone XNUMX and upon the announcement of the XNUMXs I was a little disappointed
But after listing the capabilities that the device holds, the look changed again
Very high potential and surpasses the nearest competitors by light years
I congratulate Apple on the work and confidence that I put the device in
I used to reproach them for abandoning the rumors and raising our hopes for a new device
Frankly, I feel that some people have a condition for this
The degree has become your interest in a device that sees the world as greater than
And my Lord created us for things greater than this trivia
i ask for forgiveness from the mighty Allah….
Thank you for this wonderful article
Certain to change, but wait for a suitable device.
My brain occupies a lot of the fun things on Android, but I wait for the Windows phone to grow ..
Your words are sound
Especially if the next system will be delayed by the jumper
Because Cydia add-ons have their own
In fact, it is said that the iPhone is the best phone ever, even after the release of the Galaxy S2, but the iPhone is the best
* - About his experience because I have both
Siri service is enough for me
Although I hope you work
On iPhone 4 I found
On Voice Actions
It looks like Siri, but it is not
Free and poor in many things
And I was not shocked, as I found all my expectations
IPhone XNUMXS, except that it is not very thin, so thank you
Apple and thank you for this great article :-)
I share the opinion of my brother, the director of the blog
That Apple was pulling the rug from under its feet
And that is that there are competitor companies outweigh description
In terms of the breadth of its screen in addition to
Her store is within easy reach and for free all
Their applications.
And do not forget the low price of this vacation compared to the iPhone
Take an iPhone S, for sure, its price will be exorbitant
The difference between it and Yvonne XNUMX is the ace
My brother, the size or smallness of the screen is not important, the most important thing is what is inside the screen, and for the iPhone XNUMXS, see its price is correct. Greetings from us dollars
Hey people, Apple, the shape does not change except after three issues, and I am surprised that people give the theme of the shape greater than its size. There are a lot of innovations with Apple and its competitors, but not rushing for fear of failure is what makes them at the top there are thousands of innovations coming, including the phone without charging, and this is what someone told me about My friends are technical specialist but there are high cost problems
I think that the topic is bigger than this topic presented here
For me the iPhone 4S was like a dream and my expectations were much lower
Thanks Apple
And of course, thank you, iPhone. Islam. How much can I benefit from the iPad and the iPhone as much as possible
First of all, this will be a collection of iPhone enthusiasts and users
Second, the reason for the disappointment in my opinion is that when we believed these rumors, we hoped for ourselves that the iPhone XNUMX would be released.
While we did not think that this release will be minor modifications to the iPhone 3 as XNUMXGS preceded it after XNUMXG
And Apple's prior knowledge that the competing companies will soon launch their versions, so what is the point of issuing the device to be surprised by the modern technologies provided by the competing company, so stay tuned for an iPhone for the better,
But I am certain that Apple has saved the surprise until competing companies reveal their upcoming products, so Apple provides what was previously absent. As for now, I expect that the disappointment has happened to competing companies, not to users, because they did not find what could be provided in their upcoming product after stealing it from Apple, as previously mentioned.
Then all Apple fans and competitors will be surprised by the 5G release, which will be a catastrophic appearance for every skeptic of Apple.
My personal opinion ... Greetings, my passion and my respect for everyone.
I totally support you and this is Apple's strategy
I tell all Apple fans that what I have presented
But a calm before a storm to come
For everyone who is in the process of competing with this company
The giant in my view is quite simply a step
Very smart from Apple, so I have complete confidence that the next is the best ever.
Therefore, those who know Apple's policy well are not free to do so
Never disappoint.
Wow, although I was satisfied with the iPhone XNUMXS, but it convinced me more and more, especially after the disappointment of the companies and not the user ~ wonderful response, thank you
I agree with you and this is the pattern of landing iPhones
And there is always no difference between the version and the version after it in the design, which is always the same name as the version before it by adding "S" I do not know what is the wisdom of that :)
But Apple stays creative
of course not
IPhone is the best device
The iPhone is a giant device, and because this device breathe, neither the Galaxy nor jealousy, and I am satisfied with the shape of this
I am not completely convinced of your words, it may be true, but I do not expect that Apple will risk this way, making the phone decided close to XNUMX
My brother, the director of Yvonne Islam, and the brothers and brothers who put their opinions, I would like to ask you the words. I hope you like them.
My brothers, Apple is not that stupid to do a conference for me to download from its capabilities. Apple is smart and a good step for it. Apple has capabilities that we do not know about, and I say Steve Jobs' ideas did not go, so he put them to the work team. His complete confidence in the iPhone XNUMX and iPad XNUMX will destroy the companies. Smashing Apple. Before playing, companies will delude the powerlessness of Apple and appear with features that are almost stronger than iPhone XNUMXs. I will surprise you with iPhone XNUMX next year. Steve did not die, but the body, but the thoughts and the soul will remain until all companies are broken
At first I was disappointed by the conference, but after a while I changed my mind, because iPhone XNUMX works terribly smoothly due to the lightness of the system in it, so how will it be with iPhone XNUMXS? !!!! Certainly, we will not notice any comment at all.
As well as the beauty of his camera, its speed, and its beauty in still photography or. the video
As for the size, I like this size
I also liked the power of the graphics in it when they offered the exclusive game to it.
I am surprised at those who got upset with the new iPhone and turned to the Galaxy SXNUMX
The iPhone offers me a smooth, powerful, very light and secure system, so why should I change it with a system that is still in its infancy and carries some problems while it is not safe? !!!
Dear brother .. Let us leave some ignorance fanaticism ... and look at the other side ... Are these the changes that we have been waiting for for a year and a half? !!
Send stronger? !!
The cloud !!
For some time now I intend to migrate to the Android system .. But I said about the hurry to wait for Apple surprises .. and it disappointed in all respects .. Now I will not buy the Galaxy S2, but I am waiting for the Galaxy S3
I expect that the next iPhone will strongly change the course of technology
Thanks for the article
Actually, I didn't expect anything new from Apple, but hard luck. Apple, now you've left the rest of the competing companies to be in the lead with you. The question now is, will Apple let the competitors get ahead of it??? I think it's a maneuver from Apple
IPhone XNUMXS will be close to the specifications of the Galaxy SXNUMX, of course, the whole difference is in the battery, the outer shape, and the bluetooth, but there is no difference between them. I call it luxuries, now I think that when Apple announced its iPhone XNUMXS, it silenced those who said that the Galaxy is better than the iPhone, and I am with the words of the brothers who said as soon as Apple announced the iPhone XNUMX. It would be a knockout blow for other companies
Mistakes .. we are really Apple fans, whatever you do
I am in my opinion
Improvement is much better than change
Because it is not possible for a major company such as Apple to issue a powerful device, and immediately after it releases a ready-made hit to the previous one
And what I did was the mind's eye
A slight improvement over the same model
And whoever says that Apple has disappointed him is one who is enamored with rumors, fake news, and expectations steeped in dreams.
So what I expected is what happened
Develop in reception
Its capacity is greater
This is correct
As for changing the model, it is reasonable to take place after two versions of the same model
A giant device like the iPhone XNUMX will remain giant for at least XNUMX years, so it should not be hit easily and within a short period of its release
What Apple has provided is not little, and the rumors have been launched and played by many companies, the purpose of which is to distort Apple from the devices that have been downloaded.
Apple knows the extent of the competition around it and everyone is trying to catch up with it, so this means that Apple took this step for a bigger step later.
As for myself, I am not shocked, on the contrary, because I am not tired of my system
greetings to you all
God willing, I will take an iPhone 4s for the memory
And the speed
The most important thing is the camera, I liked it very much
I'm confused
I do not know what to do, whether to buy or not
And most of them say no.
I don't want to interrupt the conversation with his whisper
Go back and see the right tracker for iPhone XNUMXS in the first minute. Clarify everything
Apple was not challenging other smartphone market Apple was challenging itself
They know that their closest competitors are far away from them
Some of us for his age can be close to competitors
The new device was released to only new users of smartphones, expanding the share of Apple Choi
Because they already know they have captured old iPhone XNUMX users
One name heard me sell the iPhone XNUMX and buy a second product
I agree with Nuruddin Effendi in every word he said
Peace be upon you …
Apple was supposed to impress us ...
But unfortunately, I launched a phone. There is no change in its shape, nor much from the inside ...
I hope the iPhone 5 is better than the 4s, apple ...
Peace and mercy of God
With all due respect to you, but at the end of the article I did not like it, as I am a fan of Apple because it has fixed steps
And I liked the last article when I said that Apple is not like companies that are squashed by issuing devices only, and if Apple conceded to fight these companies, it would have become chaos in the world of mobiles every month. See a new mobile who will buy all this quantity, but Apple makes its device holder distinctive
just an opinion
Other than the iPhone, I will not search without Samsung or watermelon. I think that there is a light year between Apple and the rest of the competitors, but a simple question for programmers. Does the new system work on the iPhone 4? How do I download it? Will I find it automatically as soon as it is released? Does it delete the jailbreak programs? I hope you can help me. My best regards.
Peace be upon you all
I expect that this is the beginning of Apple's decline, and its mission has ended and put the world on the road like IBM. This does not mean that the company will close :) But there are many competitors ..
And Apple has a problem that it does not put all the features in all its electronic devices, for example the laptop, MacBook Pro, there is no USB port on the right side, and it is the most people use to put the mouse in order to market the wireless mouse and bluetooth on the iPhone etc ...
I agree with our brother Abu Al-Joud in terms of the company's policy with its competitors
So that companies are trying to reach the standard of the normal iPhone 4 now
And what is announced on the iPhone 5 until competitors have reached the level of iPhone 4
Smarter than Mafia Apple
It is true that we were shocked by the conference and its apparent disappointment, but I, based on my experience, say that Apple is the leader.
I own the two devices, the iPhone 4 and the Galaxy S2, and the difference is very clear between the two devices - it is true that each one of them has advantages and disadvantages - but the iPhone is a good one and it is the best in my opinion.
The Galaxy has its advantage in that the device is somewhat light, the open bluetooth and some free programs in the store only, while the smooth use, the organization of the store, the method of charging, the battery life and some other features are what makes me convinced of the iPhone
Today, Apple B4s came out to us, and we see the iPhone 5 in light of the strong competition between companies (and tomorrow we will see it soon)
I love the iPhone because it has a jailbreak
Crack is a lot of problems and solutions
I mean, bored of it
The store is full and if it has something you like, buy it or carry it
In short, Apple is the best company, the best company, the most wonderful, and its specifications are sweet, but what is lacking in the service of XNUMXG means iPhone XNUMXGS color and more time for the screen
Frankly, I am comfortable and happy with the handset. She requested a device for me.
I have a word I wish to say ... What is the difference between 3G and 3GS ????
I own 3GS from November XNUMX. I did not buy an iPhone XNUMX because my mobile phone was new and I was expecting the new phone after iPhone XNUMX.
The new features, I like the new device, and I would like someone who said if every year Apple comes with a phone that is totally different from the one before it ... you will not be able to do this for a long time.
And then Apple did not talk about the specifications of the new device ... The feeling of frustration is somewhat unjustified. I mean, we release rumors and listen to them ... and believe them ... After that, we get upset and feel frustrated when Apple reveals its hand-held device.
All thanks to Yvonne Islam ... We lived with you the development of this handy device.
And thank you, Apple, for the new iPhone XNUMXS device.
I think the iPhone XNUMXS is enough for a lot of users.
But the question is which system would you like?
I always prefer the Apple system over any other.
I expect that I will dazzle us with something!
Especially after setting up the N9!
Wonderful mirror, and I think about it ^^
Hmm, I was even shocked after this iPhone 4s
And after the death of Steve! It will not be Apple with the top
Except then they bring things together before they die
Apple needs to announce 4gs with two dimensions of 5g, gradually with Zai Al Thurji, with two dimensions of XNUMXGS
((In summary ... I see that Apple has made a huge and crazy step in this work, and since it has released the new operating system, it will leave competitors to try to reach that level, and after a year or maybe less, it announces the iPhone 5 and its time will be completely far from competition with any side It was ... and this means that it will not be asked to issue an iPhone 6, for example, in the near future, especially since we know that any new device or new system takes a lot of work, a lot of material, and a lot of new features))
Frankly, a huge step from Apple, and I agree with Apple that it has released the iPhone XNUMXs, because the other companies consider Apple to be the best company and amazes, and Apple will hit them in two dimensions with an imaginary iPhone XNUMX or something else.
Even if I thought that I would change the iPhone ... What is the device that deserves to change the iPhone for it .. ?? !! Noooooooooooooooooo! I am an iPhone user since 2007, and an Apple user before that !! And all that used to download a new iPhone, I bought it ... and I will not stop now, no matter the reason !! And for your information ... all the iPhones of their colors are in my possession and it is impossible for me to overdo it or to think of selling it like some meant buying a new phone !!!!! Apple Forever !!!!!!
I think that Apple has a surprise that it will announce soon, and I am not ready to try a phone other than the iPhone XNUMX.
I myself was confident and expected that there would be no iPhone XNUMX
The reason is
It is not possible to produce a new Apple iPhone at a time when the iPhone XNUMX is still at the forefront, its sales are beyond imagination, and a successful device is at the forefront.
It is also not possible to risk the production of a new iPhone in terms of shape, and the iPhone XNUMX is at the top of its elegance and elegance
This is only my personal opinion
For my part, I will not replace the iPhone device with any other device, regardless of its specifications
I am also convinced of the same proverb that I am familiar with
(Whoever does not own an iPhone does not deserve to own any communication device)
Thank you,,,,
By God, I think the iPhone 4 is still in the lead, so how do some people think iPhone 4S is not ambitious? I am sorry, but this is my opinion ...
I myself was confident and expected that there would be no iPhone XNUMX
The reason is
It is not possible to produce a new Apple iPhone at a time when the iPhone XNUMX is still at the forefront, its sales are beyond imagination, and a successful device is at the forefront.
It is also not possible to risk the production of a new iPhone in terms of shape, and the iPhone XNUMX is at the top of its elegance and elegance
This is only my personal opinion
For my part, I will not replace the iPhone device with any other device, regardless of its specifications
I am also convinced of the same proverb that I am familiar with
(Whoever does not own an iPhone does not deserve to own any communication device)
Thank you ,,,,,,
I share your opinion, my dear brother Abu Al-Joud
We must know that Apple and everyone in it
They need to be counted, both big and small
No competitor, no loophole, no idea
Ali, I think, zakka and thought
And not him
Frankly, when I first used the iPhone, I thought that I would not use any other device for life
But now, since there is no change, it is possible to change the thank you, and also the exterior shape is not the iPhone 4 because I am of the kind that is just boring no more
thank you. But the iPhone XNUMXS is a powerful device
But the shock was due to the radiation
That took us to the realm of imagination and connected us
Our hopes are on Apple, but Apple has a policy
She takes it with anything new in her electronics
greeting . . .
It is true XNUMX./.
But Apple is looking for a second thing, which is that Apple released the Fur S for a reason, not if Jalamid released a new device, they said Apple is our device and we changed it, and of course it is sure if the Galaxy XNUMX comes out, it will be better than the XNUMXS after this, Apple will get the iPhone XNUMX and the iPhone will be the best device
Also, with the rumors, there is another reason that caused everyone to become frustrated with the conference, which is the delay that occurred, and if Apple had announced the device last summer, everyone would not have been disappointed ..
About your question: I think that I would like to try the Windows Phone system, because I am very impressed with it ..,
For me, I consider this the iPhone 5, for it is more than I wished, but most people care about the formalities, such as appearance rather than name, and do not care about the content, and I am with the writer / Noureddine Effendi.
A really huge step ..
But will iPhone sales remain the same?
Of course not, it will go down ..
I still do not understand this step taken by Apple
Yes, I like the programs offered by Apple, but
I want a solution to the battery problem, as it does not last for a short period
We want a device with a longer battery life
I think that the iPhone is ready to date has its place among people
Although I was meditating XNUMX
As for the question
Can't give up iPhone
I was expecting the new device to be issued, but they might have their reasons.
"Chests could be narrowed because of Steve "
I'm kidding, accept my opinion ..
The iPhone has proven itself and needs no introduction.
But I hope they look into the Bluetooth solution and spare us from being tied to iTunes. Every video or audio clip cannot be downloaded except through iTunes.
I think that the device that you presented is very powerful and creative, and we would like to sell any other device. If the regular iPhone XNUMX is strong and fast, then you need the new iPhone ... But people care about the shape a lot, and I don't care about anything but the performance and then the look ...
For example, the Galaxy SXNUMX is good in size and shape, but its performance did not satisfy me at all compared to the regular iPhone XNUMX, so what you think is the XNUMXS
The new phone is better in terms of features and the screen does not need to be enlarged because its shape is such a better because if they enlarge the screen means the device must be enlarged because if the device is too large, the shape will be moldy from end to end
I really agree with those who said that I am not concerned with belonging to the iPhone as much as I am. By what is offered to me of his taqiyya, you will benefit me in my religious and worldly matters;)
And if you are the best iPhone over its competitors :)
I advise you to try the LG phone
Masterpiece frankly
I can't give up the iPhone and I'll wait for it to come out
There is no doubt that I was frustrated by the conference and what Apple had shocked us and its coming out with such coldness ... However, I expected the next ..
And I think that rain falls in the beginning of a drop ... even if the period is prolonged ..
In my opinion, I do not mind having another device with the iPhone .. to try myself and compare the advantages and disadvantages ..
My affiliation with two companies does not spoil friendliness =)
He works on Apple, creative people in terms of development, design, creativity, as well as marketing,
And whoever has tried using the iPhone, it is impossible to accept another device unless he is unaware of its use
Yours sincerely
I expected disappointment if Apple had not intended it for a number of reasons.
The apple wants to follow a steady, long-lasting path.
- Do not risk all of its money and become a soap bubble - In a previous report, it intended that by XNUMX it would acquire XNUMX% or so of the smart phone market, and this would only happen at a steady pace.
- Her exit in the conference is not a new iPhone exit, but rather an arrangement of papers after Steve Jobs, singing muscles, recounting achievements, and a prelude to the iPhone 5.
Introducing Tim Cook into her boss's atmosphere with the audience.
- Give the device the right shape, its current design is beautiful, and we compare it to luxury cars.
- Providing 4s is to provide new services, processors, batteries, and caresses of lovers' longings, not a mobile phone, in order to put it under experience before it comes out with the thunderbolt and irrefutable for all smart devices, which will take over a large share of the smart device market iphone5.
- Accept the opinion that says stop the high imagination of Apple fans, in order to be satisfied with what Apple has to offer.
In the end, today's conference is one of the stages of apple ripening.
I agree with Abu Al-Joud’s opinion and his words are XNUMX percent correct, because if Apple every year and a half download a completely new iPhone, not the whole world becomes an Apple world only, so Apple has provided an opportunity for what other companies have ... and after that, it takes the next step, and iPhone XNUMX will be mighty in a sense. The word .. Thank you
The device has several complications for me but I found it
A solution for it, which is System XNUMX because the problems I have will solve
The new system is looking forward to its demise
As for Swall, you are, but now no, and a thousand no
I love to own Apple devices because they are never in themselves
Thank you very much, Yvonne Islam, you are the basis of creativity
Don’t forget the download link right to the system
First Mainz
I have had an iPhone 3GS for more than two years and I was waiting for the new iPhone 5 to come out with a new look. In fact, I am seriously thinking about getting a Galaxy S2 because I need a new phone and also a change until the 4S comes out and I buy it. But honestly, I don’t think it’s easy for me to leave the iPhone and buy another phone.
Acep iPhone
I think that the iPhone 4S is an innovative device, and in my opinion, it is impossible for me to buy a phone other than the iPhone. Every phone has an advantage and a disadvantage.
Good luck, Yvonne Islam ^ __ ^
I was not shocked by what Apple presented, because that is what can be presented in this relatively short time (a year or less since the release of the iPhone XNUMX)
What most of us forget is that the development process is not easy, it is expensive for the company, and Apple wants to maintain two basic things that we noticed in what it presented from the iPhone and iPad, which are quality and the appropriate price, meaning not having to raise prices clearly, and this poses a big challenge to it, even if we notice many of the phones that have been developed, such as HTC, Samsung, etc. They are good, but either the battery life is short or it does not have the durability that matches its high prices, or its efficiency is not appropriate, and this is contrary to what Apple has. We have only had a year to start using the iPhone and I loved it for a wonderful thing, first and foremost, which is that Apple delivers what it promises, meaning when you say that the camera is 5 megapixels, you find that, and when you say that the processor is this fast, you find that, and this is something we rarely find in other companies.
People, the problem is that our imagination is much greater than reality (our imagination).
When we become producers or manufacturers, we will satisfy our imaginations and dazzle others. When and when will support for creative people.
Apple is smart that it did not introduce iPhone XNUMX because it knows that other companies will imitate it, as it will wait until next year to shock other companies with the iPhone XNUMX
It is clear that Apple shocked us all with this version that I do not see that it has kept up with our desires as lovers of the iPhone, even if I did not wish that the iPhone 5 was the one that was announced and released so that we could enjoy the iPhone 4 as soon as possible and when it was released to the iPhone 5 after a year or less, we find in it all the sophistication in the world Technology and fulfills all our desires as iPhone lovers.
In fact, I agree with Brother Abu Al-Joud's words one hundred percent
Add to that the issue of marketing in Apple, where this action indicates the consideration of those who bought the iPhone XNUMX and did not enjoy the flavor of this model, knowing full well that the glamor of the iPhone XNUMX is not over yet, which gave an opportunity for XNUMX buyers to enjoy this feeling
Hence they are not hesitant to buy when the post-4s descend.
In short, Apple does not want to lose its customers with the abundance of releases, as happened to Nokia, with its confidence in its current product with some improvements, such as the new software.
This is what will make us crave more for its upcoming releases.
Peace be upon you. Honesty is not a disgrace ... We are a consumer people, and we also do not like the XNUMX Q and we want XNUMX by God, the truth on them. We already have an iPhone. We are deprived of XNUMX/XNUMX of the features of the iPhone because of the backwardness in our Arab world. We cannot use maps, not YP, and even Siri. The wonderful feature, which will be the beginning of a new era in the iPhone and the computer in general, you will find someone who is asking Apple in an Arabic version for it instead of asking ourselves to put the Arabic language to Siri ... and finally, their goodness has increased on the XNUMXS and it is not wise to come up with the iPhone XNUMX now even if It was ready at Apple and I expect it is almost ready and peace.
By God, praise be to God, I don’t have a shock, and I’m not expecting a shock, but you have Islam Phone and the owner of the blog is only good news to you.
Honestly, if we ignore the subject of what we were expecting in terms of the iPhone XNUMX's shape, then I think that, especially after not being shocked like me like others, as we expected !! ,, that the performance has become high and the new features are not at all idle, and the shape is also not bad at all.
But I go back and mention that the Apple iPhone is on the top of all phones in the market and has no competition.
I used to go to electronic stores every time to see what was new ,,, but honestly from XNUMX and carrying the iPhone, there is no longer any phone that occupies my mind at all
I now have XNUMX GS, I think the idea of having XNUMXGS is excellent, especially since I refused to buy XNUMXG until now.
God bless you
Frustration should always be a motive forward
So if the arrow wants to shoot, it must go back a little (and this is frustration), and then it will go quickly and no one can catch it
Going back a little bit often is very useful
In my opinion, this is what happened with Apple, which stopped developing the shape for a little while until it launched with its strongest creativity with the next development
Frankly, I was intending to replace the iPhone with the Galaxy, but I preferred to wait to try the new operating system, ios5, because of its many advantages.
If you are safe, give us a comparison between the Galaxy S2 and the iPhone 4S, and may God reward you with all the best
Frankly, the conference frustrated me and even disappointed Sitiv to the extent that he could not bear it and died
By God, I was preparing myself for iPhone XNUMX
Personally, I cannot do without the iPhone and I will be the first to rush to buy the 4s regardless of its price. I owned a 3g, 3gs and 4g and I still have them. I do not give them up. In fact, it is more than just a smartphone. It is a personal entity that has lasted for years. I cannot compare it to another device, no matter how many features it has.
Nice and logical words, but we, as users, always love what is new and distinctive and what Apple is supposed to secure the needs of users If it wants to remain, the summit is always, unless it is certain that it will not come down from the top if it meets the needs of its fans or does not want to rush to the release of iPhone XNUMX then let us be patient and See what Apple hides for us and the days ,,,,
But I am sure that I will not give up my iPhone for any other device now until I see what Apple offers next year.
Frankly, the conference frustrated me and even disappointed Sitiv to the extent that he could not bear it and died
By God, I was preparing myself for the iPhone 5, even though I expected it to be in the iPhone 4S, because when the iPhone 3 was released, the 3S was released after it, and I said, “For sure, there will be a 4S.”
Let there be frustration on the contrary, with great urgency on iPhone XNUMX
And then most of the companies now tours are a tradition for iPhone
A barrage of something unexpected should be presented
I imagine that I take a device other than the iPhone because I see the best
I, like others, was disappointed when the iPhone 4s was announced, but I found that the improvements made by Apple in the new device are good and important, but are the announced prices correct, so they are surprising to me
As for me ..
Asln any funi its shape will give me its age ..
Because this way I expect, at what moment will it destroy Ali, so do I expect that I will change it. But I wish the BlackBerry company would drop it like the iPhone system ... or Apple would add something like the BlackBerry service
It's okay, it's difficult for Apple, but the problem is that the OS 4 versions don't change anything in them, neither the camera nor the shape. I feel this is frustrating.
If Apple does not settle anything, I say it is certain that it will go down as it used to be and will lose a lot
Apple is confident of itself, and I never dispense with Apple's responses, even though I have iPads and iPhones, and I buy Evoone XNUMXs, and God has mercy on him for Steve Jobs
How we wished that Apple would introduce the iPhone 5, but Apple insists on its approach to offering development for each version, and this will cause iPhone users a shock that may make them dispense with Apple's services and go to competing companies, which have become superior to Apple in some advantages and from my point of view that Apple will change these The policy will lose a lot of users of this company in light of competition from other companies such as Samsung, which has become the Galaxy of the iPhone and may outperform it in some advantages
Sorry for taking long
Although I was so excited for the iPhone 5
And who is convinced that the iPhone does not have any shine without the gel break
But Apple is on the right track and it is the iPhone XNUMXS
Which surpasses the rest of the devices
But Samsung is also an evolution and may outperform Apple in the distant future, not so soon
God knows
I would like to ask the new iPhone 4s from the United States of America and use it here in the UAE, will it work or is it locked?
Kindly advise
Thank you
Peace and mercy of God
My brothers, I am on Twitter with someone from Apple who is marketing to Arabs
He was sure that the iPhone XNUMX had come off at the previous conference, but the Apple board of directors changed its mind at the last time and said the reason for the upcoming Samsung conference and their fear of stealing some ideas
But I instruct this matter to the death of Steve Jobs or to the deterioration of his health and to the people’s preoccupation with this issue and underestimating the new phone his right, especially in the media.
I will say what is said and indicated, that Apple is not the company that is waiting to be preceded by other mobile phone companies, that Apple, like it and like Al-Hawi Pouch, has plans and strategies that are sufficient for the next XNUMX years or more, and my fear is greater.
Although I expected a lot
However, the iPhone remains in the first place without a competitor. This is my view, and I will never change it
As for me, I tried another device
But I'm back on the iPhone because of the software store, the simplicity of the system, and the lack of suspension
So far for me, generally speaking, I have not got a system that meets my needs
Like the iOS, I guess it's less than two years old
Thank you Yvonne Islam
I expect that Apple has taken a break for obtaining sufficient fame and reputation this year, but it wants to hit a hand of iron in its next release to be full and strong with all the powerful and new features
God willing, I will not change my iPhone until after XNUMX years of service, as long as I am comfortable with the device, why do I change it and lose in the way that most of its features are used except for mandar
I think that it is due to what we received from verbal rumors and video rumors that made us dazzled and longed for the new Apple, but the truth came out otherwise, which gave us a sense of disappointment, but that does not detract from the work that Apple did and the renewal of its 4s device.
Personally, I will keep the 3GS and try the Galaxy 2.
Not for frustration, but I want a bigger screen and I will wait for the iPhone 5 and at the same time I will enjoy the iOS XNUMX with my old phone.
No one denies the power of the Galaxy 2, and I have a love for technology and exploration. Thank you.
I believe that the iPhone XNUMXS is not a little device at all, and you know that Apple always has a surprise hidden inside the device, and I am impossible to replace the iPhone with another device. Find the standards for iPhone XNUMXS or any other Apple product, and may God grant success.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. After I don’t know why I’m frustrated, I started to use this much when talking about the new Apple phone. What do you want more in the phone, the phone that has no parallel at all, and I want to ask also whether we use half of the device’s capabilities In order to ask about more, what is wrong with you, my brothers, is it new love? Just stop you frustration?
In the name of God the Merciful
My brothers, I have come up with a topic, we have been disappointed with iPhone, even though all people agree that iPhone XNUMXS is distinguished, fast and much developed about iPhone XNUMX Fa, without it frustration because we have not been disappointed, except for your topics. Figure I hope that the information arrives
Thank you, my brothers, for the presentation, from my point of view that what Apple is doing in this is waiting for what the rest of the companies reach, and it will dazzle users in what it will present in the future of its technology, and perhaps another name for iPhone 5 will put it in the foreground and it is still so.
I do not know why the conference was a shock ?? First, by the grace of God that I have an iPhone 4, and in my opinion, it is the best phone that you can have even before the iPhone 4S was released.
The new iPhone is faster with a dual processor and is 9 times better with graphics, better antenna and dual support for higher speeds than the iPhone 4 and a better camera and the most important feature is Siri, which is a really awesome and useful feature, especially if you are busy with your work and have no time to write and open a program to record an appointment and then send it to an email, it does all That's about you. Indeed, if I were to buy a new iPhone, it is only for Siri and not for its camera or processing speed. My current iPhone is enough for me the camera and the processor in it
A quick comparison with Android, there may be devices with better specifications, but only the iPhone has reached a degree of perfection that Android has not yet reached. In addition, not all Android devices will be upgradeable to the new system. For example, iPhone 3GS users can still enjoy System 5 to be similar to the software and system of the latest iPhone. Whereas if you bought a Galaxy, for example, you must wait until Samsung removes the new system from Android and it may take months or it may not be done at all !!
This is what I do not like about Android devices, although they are open source, but you should be at the mercy of the manufacturer that is interested in buying a new phone instead of developing your old phone.
If Google provides the new version for all devices then I can think of Android
From my humble point of view, there is not much difference between the iPhone 4 and 4S, especially after the update to iOS5
As for the therapist: I don't think I would find the big difference between the two. I am satisfied with the current device's performance
For the camera: I am not a photo auditor. I think the current camera is good and the size of the images is good for transport.
Modem speed: XNUMX Mbps is not easy to obtain, and technical conditions are required to access it
I was expecting at least to enlarge the screen size as other phones.
I will not buy an iPhone 4S and do not know if I can wait for the iPhone 5 because I am not sure anymore of Apple’s plans for it and will it comply with the market requirements?
A final word: O Apple ... any company that seeks to satisfy its customers (stakeholder), and if he will not be satisfied with you, then their sticks will not have mercy on you.
Apple has a vision in the world of technology and this view is what introduced the world to smart phones and tablets, although competitors such as Samsung, HTC and others had a long history in producing mobile phones, but none of them thought about producing a smartphone or tablet device, and the idea did not occur in their minds. Only after Apple
Apple was and still is their leader and mentor in technology, so do not expect Apple to make a random and ill-considered movement. Among the Apple policies that I respect:
1- Producing a device every year here, the device has a taste and luster, and the user can be congratulated with it before or as we say colloquially, “analyzing his money” before issuing a new device, unlike the rest of the companies that made the market like a forest and they produce one or two devices every month.
2- Apple and the iPhone 4S told everyone that it is not necessary for the phone to be in a different shape to carry strong specifications, so with the same shape of its old device it made a device that is stronger than the devices available from competing companies today.
3- Yes, its ios system may be exclusive to its devices, but it made a semi-integrated operating system, so viruses do not enter it from all sides "as is the case for Android" and it carries as well as programs that cannot be counted and all are compatible with its devices "unlike Android"
Note / does not mean that I underestimate Android and its strength, on the contrary, it is a strong and smooth system, but it has its flaws that are covered by the iOS system.
In the end, what I have written here expresses my personal opinion and outlook. I ask you to accept my addition .. Thank you.
right Now. And then the iPhone is the device that I would like to have Apple in the foreground. There is no and there will not be a company that competes with Apple in the form and content. Apple is flying high alone in the world of smart, tablet and computer devices, so to the front, technology and creativity. Thank you iPhone Islam for updating us with what is new
From my humble point of view, there is not much difference between the iPhone 4 and 4S, especially after the update to iOS5
As for the therapist: I don't think I would find the big difference between the two. I am satisfied with the current device's performance
For the camera: I am not a photo auditor. I think the current camera
It seems to me that I will go to Samsung if the Galaxy XNUMX is released before the iPhone XNUMX
And in our family, a lot of people left the iPhone and bought the Galaxy SXNUMX, which is really a wonderful device
The only thing that makes me hesitant about the programs and games that I have downloaded on my device, the advantage of changing from iPhone to iPhone is that the programs remain with you and you will not have to go searching for programs
I'm going to buy an awesome Galaxy Note and it's worth buying until iPhone XNUMX comes out
Why can't people understand that the iPhone is just an ordinary device with a less than ordinary operating system? The strength of the iPhone is the abundance of diverse and useful programs, but who produces these programs? Hint: It's not Apple! Try to imagine using the iPhone as it was made without downloading programs and compare it to any other mobile phone without additional programs and then you will know how the iPhone is a very ordinary device.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
First of all, I would like to commend the effort of the site and those in charge of it and everyone who enriches the content with beautiful comments useful to all
Secondly, I would like to share with you for the first time, as I have been a follower for a very long time, but I would like to share with you my humble opinion this time regarding Apple’s release of the iPhone 4S instead of the iPhone 5.
We all know that every company has plans, goals and strategies that only its executives and decision makers know, and it is very difficult to know them, but we may predict them from time to time according to the events that take place.
One of the most important strategies of Apple is to make the user experience for its products so personal that it makes you not just a user but an ambassador for its company and a sense of belonging to it to the point of defending it and addressing rumors.
The iPhone, since its release in XNUMX, has changed the course of technology and market trends in general, and the general focus, as it always trades, is the operating system and the device itself (hardware)
But there is also a third important factor, which is the price. When the first version of the iPhone was released, many considered that it was a matter of imagination, that the price was very exaggerated, and that the market would not accept this, but what happened was the reversal of the market parallels and expectations and Apple continued on the same price despite the development of the two parts of the phone (operating system) And hardware)
Therefore, I think that any development or new version of the iPhone device must take into account the market and competitors of course, but at the same time it must take into account their fixed price, which is one of the most important factors in Apple's competition in the market, regardless of the development of the rest of the devices.
IPhone and just ... without competition at all
Next, he uses an iPhone, and I don't think he's satisfied with anything else
Even if one of us still uses the iPhone 3 ... he will prefer to use it better than anything else
Creativity beyond creativity
Peace be upon you my brothers… There is no doubt that nothing new has been done from Apple last year, but I think that this is the secret of the success of Apple and always do not look at competitors and where they arrived, but look at the thought and system of an ancient company like Apple .. I am sure, God willing, what happened now is what Not the start of a new and amazing work for Apple in the coming years ... Apple, who is only thirty-five years old, will always be, God willing, the first in the world ..
I liked the blogger’s article for its absolute frankness, and we do not forget that recognition of truth is a virtue for the believer.
The important thing is, I do not know why the disappointment, and I personally expected (only or otherwise) that the next phone, regardless of its number, that the screen be slightly larger, because it really, as mentioned by the blog manager, that it would be very comfortable to look, promised that I personally think that Apple has created this device what it deserves at the present time because we all know the electronic payment system will not and will not work in the Middle East and also in East Asia and Africa, and secondly, the 4G network support system, it is not frustrated, I think and rather insist that the 3G network so far in all the areas that I mentioned previously have not been powered. Despite the complete required and expected from 3G, how is the case with the new network?
Let us, frankly, admit, in the above-mentioned areas, this is the most appropriate and absolutely best device that we need and at the present time, and also, yes what the blog manager mentioned that there are many phones offered in the technical market that previously have support for modern technologies and the next will be the best, but will it work in the form Correct and Desired !!?
The answer is simply and without disappointment: I doubt it.
And forgive me for the prolongation, and congratulations to SXNUMX :)
I don’t see a difference between the iPhone XNUMX and the iPhone XNUMXS. I don’t buy
Stay on the iPhone XNUMX unless a new iPhone with better specifications is released
Despite the little frustration that befell me with the emergence of the new 4S, I understood Apple's intelligence from this step that it took, Apple knows that there are competitors waiting for what Apple offers in order to do better than it, but now Apple is the one who waits for what they offer until what is presented Better than them in the next phone that will be called XNUMX, although the updates that have been presented now, if we look at them closely, we will find that they are satisfying and revolutionary as well.
Whatever it is, we will never give up Apple
In my opinion, Apple currently preferred to postpone the launch of the iPhone 5 and was satisfied with the display of the iPhone S in order to feel the pulse of the competitors, especially as it developed some technologies that were expected to be launched in the iPhone 5, in short it is a corporate game, in my view the iPhone 5 is present, but first a phone must be downloaded High specifications for the iPhone XNUMX to be released and for Apple to maintain its market share, so if the iPhone XNUMX is released now, after a period of time what will be released?
I am an iPhone 3GS, and now I am enjoying it and I love it. I love it. I did not buy a new one, unlike my previous rounds of Nokia and Blackberry. I was quickly getting tired of it. Honesty, Apple has succeeded in winning people's love for its devices and imaginative technology.
IPhone 5 will not die even if after 5 years
I think of course that the iPhone, iPod and iPad are the best devices for me
Peace be upon you
Honestly, a big shock to everyone
Personally, I am going to buy the new iPhone, but I think if I bought it, something will differ
Greetings to all
Peace be upon you. I want to ask a question. Was it mentioned in the meeting about the iPad 3, because frankly, I am waiting and am about to issue it. Please answer
I am surprised at people
A device inside, which is not new in anything new and your odds
The Procester Double
Double Internet
Graphics are XNUMX times better, I challenge any mobile to beat it here
The battery is better
New CDMA / GSM communication technology
The camera is all new
Antenna system
Siri feature
What is better than my source
I mean, if the device is bigger, its screen is half an inch
And they call it Fife, and we cancel the text of the features that are above the joy !!!
By God, you do not like the wonder, except fasting, in necessity
Okay, if you don't like it, turn Android to relax
I totally trust Apple's strategy ,,,,,
And I expect that there will be a quantum leap in the coming period for Apple
I think it's a smartly calculated move from the company and I think it will remain competitive.
I used to calculate my calculation with the large speed or high-resolution screen
However, I was shocked by the device with its old look and slightly updated features
Unless at the end of the conference, when talking about Siri, I changed my mind that I do not need my pain, the high resolution of the iPhone screen itself is sufficient for me, and the network speed I have is not good, but rather excellent
But what Apple did was raise the mobile technology to the farthest limits, and the mobile became the closest secretary to anyone
As soon as the orders are issued, he begins organizing appointments and sending records, and, and
In short, Apple has changed the concept of the mobile again, and people will buy the device with the features they need and not add-ons that we do not need.
Apple is amazing and amazing, Steve Jobs
I ask Yvonne Islam to publish my comment this time
As for me, I want to try something other than the iPhone.
And then, brothers, Hamdo Allah, high 4 S in other than you (like me) I live 3GS and simple ...):
One of Apple’s features that no one can compete with is access to all the device’s capabilities quickly and simply. It is special to feel that your device is still new. What is the use of powerful capabilities in a device that I cannot use or a brand that I am lost among its shapes? Apple provides everything for its users.
I love Apple devices that are distinguished by their look, performance and durability
But I read the core of an article that said that Samsung wants to sue Apple when the iPhone XNUMX is released, and since Apple heard this news, it said to itself that the iPhone XNUMXS device is the same, so that Samsung raises its case against Apple and Apple loses a lot of losses and is on its feet by issuing the iPhone XNUMX. Did you not notice that the price is The price of the iPhone has not changed since its release, but in the iPhone XNUMXS there is a decrease? !!!!!
In the beginning, peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
Before the conference, I was confused about the new iPhone
And the giant phone and excellent in its performance, the samsung galaxy s2. But after I saw the bad conference, I will leave the iPhone world
Very annoying because this company does not respect the consumer and uses the dropper policy that alienates those who care about technology and not those who follow appearances.
In the end, this is my opinion and I am very convinced of it
I think it's a farewell message from me as an Apple user:
We thank the efforts of iPhone Islam for the great effort. After God, you have the greatest credit for my attachment to the products of Apple from iPhone to iPad, but to be honest, I have a great intention to move to the Android system ,,, I suggest you, iPhone Islam, which is a serious suggestion and not a joke that you build on a site A new name, Android Islam.
My dear brother, thank you very much for your generosity in putting my modest participation, and this will be a strong motivation in order to present more distinctive topics, God willing.
Yours sincerely
Abu generosity
I am not ready to carry a device other than the iPhone, and some persuade me in the Galaxy, but it is trivial, and that the iPhone is comfortable, and if it is on the programs, I am ready to jailbreak and originally the iPhone is the original !!!
Basically, I wasn't thinking that Apple was going to produce an iPhone XNUMX from the beginning, it was XNUMXs and basically it didn't come like me in the video.
Pardon, my Lord, Yvonne Islam
And Apple's policy has been known in the offering since the 3GS
Not to mention that iPhone XNUMXG has a period of money coming down, and after that, it takes its right
Personally, I am completely satisfied with the conference and its debate, Apple
The iPhone is a vanguard, and it is not possible to acquire anything else
I hope that Apple will not be affected by the death of Steve Jobs and will not relapse as before.
Thank you
Honestly, I was largely expecting the absence of an iPhone XNUMX in this announcement, the reason is simple, and it is the impressive success of the iPhone XNUMX, so it is difficult to give up all of this in a short period of time, the best is the development of the iPhone XNUMX and this is what happened, I say that the next month of XNUMX will be the focus of attention and there I expect the new iPhone to come out As for the iPhone XNUMXS, I am hesitant to buy it, as its strengths for me are the camera and its capabilities only. As for the processor and others, I think that the iPhone XNUMX suffices and increases my needs.
Best wishes
Frankly, I will not leave my iPhone4 and I will not buy iPhone4s, but I will wait for the iPhone 5
Do you think when will the iPhone 5 be released?
Apple's chief died and its glory ended
Apple in the lead, I tried the Android system, but it failed, and it is not supported yet. The second thing is that within a period of four months, I bought the device for about $ XNUMX, meaning if Apple had downloaded iPhone XNUMX, I would be upset a lot. The important thing is that I am now comfortable and not upset
On the night of the conference, my sisters and I were discussing the expected device.
One of my sisters, her iPhone was lost in the mall
My aunt said, "To that degree, you were occupied by mobile phones ...
The first one said: My love, so I can sell the iPhone immediately and buy Fife ..
The second said: I am giving my baby my device and buying five
The third said: I am giving my work device (from the door of joking and abusive) and I buy five
The owner of the stolen device said: I deleted my device to buy five ...
And the last of it came out Mafia Fife..
But if Apple was strong, it wouldn’t occupy us even in our boards
God does not concern us except in obeying Him.
Thanks to Iphone Islam, I admit that we educated many in this device
Sure, the iPhone is the best device for me
But I have a suggestion for the device
I wish there was a link between the iPhone and the TV screen
For viewing personal video and photo shooting
It will be a wonderful entry feature on it
My personal opinion is that the iPhone will last up to XNUMX years
I don’t know what to say. Is the device an end or a means ...
This technology has even distracted people from God Almighty, as it has taken up a part of their lives.. Like our brother Abu Bakr who wrote that he went to sleep dreaming of the iPhone 5. Brothers, we are a 100% consumer nation. Do we buy the device out of need or to stand out? Everyone asks himself: If it is the former, then the 3GS serves the purpose perfectly, and if it is for standout, then the standout is soon gone by the release of a new device that we are panting after.. You will ask me what do you want, Abu Omar?!
The answer is we are in a forum called Tayyiphon Islam !! We want to serve Islam. We want to communicate this religion to those who do not know it by the best means ...
By calling for him, there are many programs such as translation and photography..Yes, it is possible to take an image that expresses Islam, such as Hajj, and to write under it an Islamic website and ask to visit it and other advocacy methods, brothers, do not make the iPhone an end and its interfaces as a means by which you want God Almighty ... Forgive us for lengthening
Thank you, Yvonne, peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you
I agree with everything written by Brother Abu Al-Joud
My side does not change to the iPhone because, frankly, I see it better than all devices in terms of appearance, touch and technology, and I will continue on iPhone 4g until the release of the iPhone in a new way
B even though I am a user of theirs
But why do we try to justify them? !!
I said it before and I say it now, that the time of Apple is over!
I do not agree with the point of frustration and the company has provided what maintains its continuity in the market regardless of the iPhone 5, but if Apple provided a device every two days, it would have provided weak devices like Nokia, which has accustomed us to a new look with and without occasion, and it relies on a consumer mentality, which is our beliefs in the Arab world. As for Apple, it has provided what keeps it in the competition, and I am not exaggerating, what keeps it on top. My greetings to the blogger.
In the name of God, praise be to God
What happened from Apple I was thinking about before. Let's talk about the desired benefit from the production of the company - any company - the benefit without a doubt is profit + continuity
The announcement of the iPhone 4s I expected that it would be adopted by Apple, and I wrote an article several months ago on a site. The important thing is if the reason is known, the wonder hero
Many of us read a phrase that was frustrated or shocked by the Apple advertisement, but in fact it is nothing but professionalism in marketing. Yes, professionalism in marketing - I have a book coming, God willing, called suspense in the art of marketing - that the previous product of Apple received tremendous profits that were not expected due to the aspirations of users at
When the iPhone was released immediately after last year with good specifications, and if we assume that the current specifications are for the iPhone 4, what will the public opinion be?
On the other hand, quality, in my opinion, Apple’s standards are quality and gradualness. Yes, the most successful companies in production, such as Toyota and Mercedes, are gradual in showing and developing the product. I mean, is it hidden from you that Apple does not know what phones are in the markets and what companies boast about in terms of the highest specifications?
Suppose that the current iPhone carries a 10-megapixel or XNUMX-megapixel camera and anti-flicker, a bigger screen, a lighter weight, and a longer battery.
the question
What did we leave for the iPhone 5
My dear, it's Apple's creativity in marketing
Q: How many devices were sold from the iPhone 4?
Q How many inventions accompanying the device from developers and some companies, including headphones, accessories, some car stands, auxiliary batteries, and many others
Let us be optimistic, even a little, and Apple will dazzle us with the next. Undoubtedly, this is what I expect in relation to my specialty and God Almighty knows
I am pleased that we are all interested in pursuing technology and sailing in imagining its future, but I feel choked to dangle our hopes for what others will give us so that we can only be consumers. If only our imaginations would sail and our hopes attached, would be directed towards what we can offer for ourselves and others and change our role from consumers to producers.
I thank Apple for the best device, brothers. We will not judge the new device until we use it and see what the best new feature is. And we compare it to other devices that are released, and God willing, I will not buy anything else. An iPhone and that's it. Thank you.
Apple is racing for everything new
But she was shocked by the resignation of her boss, who was the godfather of every young and old in the company, as well as his death
I love the iPhone and cannot change it, and I think Apple will impress us next year with the iPhone 5
Currently convinced that the iPhone is the best thing ,,
I think I change it ,,
Peace be upon you. My personal opinion. The company did not announce the release of the iPhone 5 and did not talk about the technologies that it will create, but the rumors are one of the people’s frustrations, not the company
I expect companies in the first class, companies looking for profit and taking into account the issue of what will be presented in the future, but in this way many will buy the iPhone 4s because it carries some terrible technologies, the most important of which is Siri. On the iPhone and they need more time to release it, so they talk to the iPhone 5s as an alternative with some improvements, and this is what I expect because the company was so late in issuing the phone, knowing that the device was not developed satisfactorily. Thank you, Director of the Blog.
And I think the iPhone 4s is the coolest smart phone in the world so far
Thank you brothers, why are we surprised that Apple released the iPhone S? Doesn't it release a new phone every two years? And the iPhone 4 has only been around for a year. Apple releases a phone every year with the same old look, for example the iPhone 3G, which was lit for a year, and released a phone called 3GS, meaning the shape is the same but the inside is different, like the iPhone 4, which was lit for a year, and Apple released the 4s, and it does the same thing. This is Apple's plan from the beginning, so why are we surprised and upset? Next year there will be a device called the iPhone 5, and the year after that the 5s, and so on. The reason here in America, when you sign a contract with AT&T or Friesian, you have to sign a two-year contract, and Apple thinks the same because people can't renew the contract until after two years. Here, Apple is forced to release a new device for customers :)
I would like to say a word, why do Arabs always talk about the newer phone and the newer car, even though I am Arab and Egyptian and live in America, the country of the iPhone, which is San Francisco? When I found out that the iPhone 4s was the important thing, I said, “Oh, the new one,” regardless of the numbers XNUMX or XNUMX. Let’s say that if Apple said the new phone was the iPhone. Five, not four, oh, this will happen. Everyone will say something beautiful because of the name iPhone XNUMX. Sorry, I am convinced of the iPhone, regardless of its number. The most important thing is new about the phone and its capabilities, and do not be sad. Wait for iPhone XNUMX. Thank you.
I agree with you in terms of the marketing method for Apple, as it has not yet released the iPhone 5, but I did not like the new features in the operating system, the camera, or even the speed of the processor ... I own an iPhone 4 and is convinced of its capabilities and capabilities ... and I do not aspire to change my device except in one case ... which is That Apple releases a device completely different from the iPhone 4 or 4S ... And the advantages that are really worthy to convince everyone to change .. Greetings to you and thank you for the article
All that is mentioned is beautiful, and we also do not forget that the device, even if it is less than expected, is that the features currently in the XNUMX or the XNUMXS are enormous and cannot be compared to other companies, and the most beautiful of this is that with each system update there are hidden secrets in the device that no one knew for all devices Apple On the other hand, where are the companies from all of that? Every month or more, a new device has a technology or two more than before, and you are the customer, make the purchase, and so on for me Apple is better even if it does not release a new device because in every new system
I think that Jobs’s death is related to the issue, as the timing of the conference and the timing of the announcement of his death. Any Jobs raises more than one question. Perhaps Jobs died before the conference, fearing that the news about the iPhone XNUMX launch campaign would make them delay the date of its announcement, or how do we explain the launch of its Chinese counterpart !! !!
I have a black iPhone XNUMX, and after the white device appeared, I was happy with it, and I was in black for white. Then rumors about the iPhone XNUMX were released, and I said I would wait for it to appear and change it only once, but unfortunately it was not announced and it is expected that it will come after a year or more ...
But an alternative to the iPhone
Even if I only have an iPhone XNUMX
I can not own any device other than the iPhone. Because I have seen the closest competitors, the Galaxy SXNUMX - owned by my friend - frankly and without bias, the iPhone is much better in comparison with all objectivity, with respect to Samsung's experiences
Many of us in this year's developer conference in the summer were waiting to hear the announcement of the iPhone XNUMX in the month of June or July, and some of them were in the previous conference .. But honestly, I denied every possibility for several reasons:
XNUMX. Apple does not usually change the external appearance of its products annually or quickly, for a simple example, let's look at the MacBook Pro and its shape has not changed nearly since XNUMX, as the company has developed it for several times, but only from the inside and perhaps the screen, but we see that sales of this product are increasing from Every previous year.
3. What happened with the iPhone 3G, which is the release of the iPhone XNUMXGS after it, but with much better internal specifications than its predecessor.
XNUMX. The iPhone XNUMX is a revolutionary device in itself in the world of smartphones, regardless of previous iPhone releases, and this is what the enormous numbers and sales attest.
XNUMX. The design of the iPhone XNUMX is an elaborate design in terms of shape, service and quality, which gave it beauty, regardless of the alleged transmission problem, and all competing companies have been unable to issue a similar and competitor device, so it is difficult for Apple to give it up so easily.
XNUMX. Apple has a future outlook. Of course, as is the habit of all giant companies, they have plans for at least XNUMX future years, and if they provide all the technology they have reached so far, what will they offer in the future ?? And do not forget that the primary goal of the company is trade.
Therefore, the iPhone 4S version was in place despite everyone's disappointment!
Sorry for prolonging!
As for myself, I did not leave a company that I did not try
When I bought the iPhone G3, I found a big difference and knew comfort. When the G4 was released, I was even more surprised by what I found in this wonderful device. My trust in Apple will not waver for several reasons. First, I got rid of the laptop, but not completely yet. Second, I did not need to do software for the first or second device. Third, it is enough that I got to know iPhone Islam. If I had not bought the iPhone, I would not have found many wonderful programs because they are programs related to our Sharia and religion.
Is there a device that does not replace the iPhone? I do not think so on my part
Everyone has an opinion.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, and may God Almighty reward you
To his surprise, the Arab culture is superficial and subordinate
First, it is superficial because they do not buy their devices because they need it
And the specifications they need
They only buy more for appearance and false extravagance
The second thing is that you will fanaticize companies as if they are their companies and defend them
As if it is their property
Yes, we support and support companies that provide better services and products
But we buy what we need and provide us with our needs, so what is mobile
It has all the advantages and I use three or four
The Arabs are greatly influenced by the movements of the Asian peoples
They are affected by the shape and its changes a lot and if they have a taste
Superficials are so concerned with appearance that they are called disappointed
Because Apple did not change the phone and because they will get bored
Pure consumer culture
I use Nokia E52 and it has many features that I need
I have an iPod XNUMX gigabytes for the internet, reading, applications and the Quran
Lectures, music, YouTube and others
I might buy an iPhone, but consumer intolerance and fear of the company
Funny thing
If Apple does not provide you with what you need, go to another company
Her device provides what she needs and does not get fanatic, she will not win a riyal
For your fanaticism, and its president and owner will not thank you for your defense
He uses you and takes advantage of you to fill his pocket with millions
Your patience is a device that you do not want some kind of bow to the company
Supporting her and this makes her think that she is achieving what she wants and will not
Dwarf something new and powerful, except when it dwarfs itself in danger
Just like what happened to other companies with the emergence of the iPhone
There is one more thing
Nobody stays at the top forever
One day, other companies will come forward and companies will be late
Advanced and extinct
life norm
Brother's advice: Buy what you need and what is overflowing
Money to give in charity
From my point of view, the best device for me is an iPhone ... and the reasons are many, the most important of which is the "quality" in the manufacture of the device, which is a feature that many people had not mentioned and were neglecting about it !!!
I am the iPhone XNUMX a month ago, I bought it honestly, wonderful, and it did not replace it with the XNUMXS or the change ... I like it, but there is no jailbreak and cydia after we did not do software ... No new jailbreak has been installed
IPhone 4s is not the most powerful mobile in the market. Mobile Galaxy XNUMX has proven its competitiveness with the features that are ahead of the latest iPhone releases, especially after the comparison published on the App News website. Where the iPhone XNUMXS Super lean appeared in front of the Galaxy XNUMX, despite the essential additions to its presence in an old device.
What increased the disappointment that will have a negative impact on the future of Apple and iPhone in particular.
Because strength is not represented in reaching the summit but rather preserving it, and if a moment is tolerated and underestimated others, the fall will be resounding.
The iPhone needs many physical features and impressive features to lead the competition again, such as enlarging the display screen and making it support XNUMXD display ...
As for me, I will buy the Galaxy XNUMX because it is relatively cheap and because Apple will not be able to withstand more than six months due to the great losses it will incur as a result of its exit from the competition, and if it continues its stubbornness it will not return to progress again and thus it will be destroyed faster than its predecessors Such as Nokia, which for quite some time knocked on the throne of mobiles and Microsoft, which was not inferior to it at one point in relation to operating systems.
Accordingly, Apple will be forced to issue a new iPhone in less than six months, which will put me in confusion. Should I replace my six-month-old iPhone and its price, the amount marked and be limited to the fact that a good iPhone is not with me, or I replace God and save money for a new iPhone again in less From a year.
Therefore, I assure you that I will now buy the cheap Galaxy XNUMX, test its capabilities, until the new generation of iPhone appears, and then the decisive choice will be whether the iPhone will take its hit and tour and force me to buy it, or I think it is not worth following with Samsung.
And imagine if a large segment of consumers were thinking the same way, Apple would be disappearing from its age in less than a year.
So please go to the iPhone Islam website, a voice receipt to Apple, to think carefully about an urgent rescue plan to avoid the disaster and announce a new iPhone before the consumer gets involved in buying iPhone XNUMXS, and therefore the disaster is inevitable, and this is what I do not want because I love Apple's creativity.
In conclusion, I have another request from those in charge of this valuable site to change the name of the site from Yvonne Islam to the name of Yvonne in Arabic, because it is Arabic speaking, and therefore it includes Arabs of all sects, not just Islam, and the evidence for that is that it is not useful for a non-Arab Muslim. “Al-Malizi, Pakistani, Afghani ……” I hope that my hope will gain your acceptance so that we move away from racism and intellectual fossilism, especially as we are talking about science and not religion in your valuable position.
Thank you very much and I regret the prolongation, which only expresses a small part of what is wrong with me.
This step by Apple has deep dimensions for its upcoming plan to launch a fiercely competitive device. Don't forget the issues between Apple and other companies such as Samsung and Motorola, this is in terms of preserving its rights. As for the new device, it could almost see the light at any moment. The reason is that Apple has been working on it for a year now, and the main goal of this is to keep competitors away from its new device for the highest possible level of competition.
As for the 1997S, it is easy to manufacture for Apple and is not a step towards competition, but rather it is just a time bomb for the new device. Apple knows what it is doing well as an overwhelming strategic expert since XNUMX.
Wait for Apple's surprise
My brother, the idea of changing the name to (iPhone of the Arabs) - with all due respect - is the worst idea I have ever heard of, because here racism is directed at non-Arabs, not the other way around. Other than that, this is our religion, and we are supposed to be proud of it, whether we are Arabs or Pakistanis.
I hope you change your perception of this
Thank you for iPhone Islam and forward
Thanks and many thanks for your response because you respected my opinion and answered it.
Either after
I am an Arab engineer, I work as a manager in one of the Gulf companies
I have a large number of Asian workers, a large number of them are Muslims, and there is a good percentage who memorize the Holy Quran completely, praise be to God.
And did you know that they all do not know the meaning of one word of it because they do not know the Arabic language, so they read and do not understand.
And I hope that one of the Pakistanis, Indians, or Bangli say to me that the site is useful to him because in his name there is the word Islam
Can you tell me how this non-Arab Muslim human will understand the valuable and useful information you write in Arabic while he does not know its meaning, but is able to memorize it like a parrot. Or they issued several pages in several languages. By the way, they have their own sites, each according to his language, to resort to.
In the end, when I demand that the name of the site be Yvon Al Arab, I am preserving Arab nationalism because the Messenger, peace be upon him, was Arabic and the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic and it was not revealed in another language, so we should be proud that we are Arabs and we should not be accused of being racists.
Thank you very much for your generosity, and I hope that my point of view has been resonated with you.
Peace be upon you
I am sorry, my brother, because I just knew that you are an engineer and a person older than me. It was necessary that I respect him, but I thought you were one that only cared about games and at the same age as me. Nevertheless, your response was very frank and again I apologize from you and indeed your words convinced me and God reward you well and thank you
We don't want a name other than Yvonne Islam
Nice and wonderful, and what you say to the contrary, if his name was Yvonne in Arabic, he would be limited to Arabs only
As for Evon Islam, it includes Muslims alike Arabs
Or non-Arabs.
Thanks ~
Just for your information, reservations for the Evo XNUMXS reached more than a million XNUMX hours after the reservation door was opened, and this number smashed the previous iPhone XNUMX number, which was XNUMX reservations in XNUMX hours.
I love this company with all its content and my loyalty to it only, and I cannot do without its products or try any other device
My concern is that any message service does not work in Arab countries like FaceTime. Then I will change the iPhone, and unfortunately, to any other device
Peace be upon you
Brother, FaceTime is XNUMX% working.
I am calling FaceTime even on the iPod
And iPad XNUMX via the internet
My brother, he told me how FaceTime worked even though I followed step by step to Yvonne Islam, but to no avail
I think it is only forbidden in the Emirates
My fear that any message service does not work in Arab countries like FaceTime
But if our service does not work, I will change the iPhone to any other device
I think that focusing on the content is more important than the formalities
In the past, I was bothered by the introduction of a new Nokia device, because until now I have not resolved to use the device I have
But with Apple, the device is used so that you do not lose its high price
The other thing is, with the increase in the processor, this means an increase in the professionalism of the games and their performance
Screen enlarging may cause a problem for developers because programs may not be suitable for it
But the only flaw .. Why don't you support LTE
This is what weird from him
I thank the almighty professor Nur al-Din Effendi as well as Abu al-Joud for this distinctive proposition and logical explanation that Western philosophers have failed to do and have taken it to the East
Yvonne Islam, I respect you for this special transfer and the great audience
There are lessons from Apple, and I believe they are very positive, including its respect for the consumer by not releasing too many versions and having a commercial goal only, as well as maintaining the market value of its devices, so that the consumer has a financial value for the device and its accessories. Finally, it has given us a lesson that it works according to its strategy and its view of technology. My regards to you.
I used to use an iPod and iPhone XNUMX won, but it did not change with the iPhone XNUMX to some things and I liked that the specifications of the Galaxy XNUMX exceeded the iPhone XNUMXS, and thank God, I bought htc with the Windows Phone Mango system on the XNUMXth day, the system is very excellent and fun, but it does not fully support Arabic and for Apple I will not buy a device until With powerful specifications
in my opinion
No dispute nor comparison to other devices
I distinguished the iPhone, start your brain, and it's easy
Like others
I salute you the world of wonderful articles
I salute Yvonne Islam, the world of the mighty effort
Thank you Apple, what you provide is better than we can imagine
Frankly, Apple did not shorten it, but I was expecting to add more features such as a feature, hologram technology, optical keyboard, or a program running systems such as Android or the optical screen that is used in the pinch, or the screen enlarges a little, or the processor speed is XNUMX gigahertz. Apple produced the best in the Gaia years
For me, there are a lot of programs that I cannot dispense with on the iPhone, and I cannot find them in the second category, and one of the best and most luxurious devices that I have acquired is the iPhone
Oh my fear that any message service does not work in Arab countries like FaceTime
But if our any message service does not work, I will unfortunately have to change the iPhone to any other device
Tell us what you think, are you ready to try a device other than the iPhone? Of course not.
Or are you convinced that it is the best device for you? Yes, I am strongly convinced, and I am a fan of Apple because it is the source of creativity, thinking and excellence, and it contains geniuses and innovators, and my question is where are the other companies in the past about creativity are all imitations, is the shape the creativity if it is creativity, then Apple definitely created the shape, is the size of the screen important in my view? No ...
I am with my brother Abu Al-Joud, his words are beautiful
In the end, Apple is not as stupid as other companies, but Apple looks to the future and the conference is beautiful and expected. Why look at the releases of Apple devices in the past and know the answer
IPhone, iPad, iPod, Macintosh System This is creativity from Al-Ibdaa company, and my view is in other companies such as Samsung, Nokia and others. Where is the creativity in it and will not last for long
Lover and lover of creativity Apple
My brother, I would love to warn you that the most important thing is to reach the summit, but then to be complacent, and this is what Apple is about to settle. The most important thing than reaching the summit is to maintain this summit and unfortunately Apple is negligent in this and this is what made the Galaxy phones ahead of Apple
This is not true. The day before the new phone was released, it was not released without studying it again.
I agree with both
But Apple, in spite of this, it made slight changes "for example": -
The iPhone 3 was very fast, so the speed increase is not a big plus, as it did in (3gs) and (XNUMXg).
As well as the camera is excellent and has been modified to become better (developing a camera, not a new development such as a 3D camera, for example)
Maybe siri is the best thing that has been done ,, and it shocked me that it did not support the iPhone XNUMX !!
In general, we need more speed and a better camera, but we need a new look, a new screen, and a new creativity !!
The iPhone XNUMX was a fabulous move with its creations !! We hope that the iPhone XNUMX will be released and be shiny for the iPhone XNUMX at the time of its release or more glamor !!
Just an iPhone, even if we have to go back to the iPhone 2g, not Android, Windows Phone, or any other thing, there is no going forward, a revolution, a revolution ...
Actually, I was shocked that night; I even fell asleep thinking of the iPhone XNUMX ...
And all my dreams that night on the iPhone !!!!
But I will nevertheless buy the bucks
Why ; Because I am a fan of technology and I like to keep abreast of technology, which is my good business and my profits from Apple ...
And because I am convinced of the value of the device in terms of substance and effective performance, while most people were looking for a new look as if it was just a scrap and fashion like clothing and so on ...
The new device is bigger than you think ...
It has advantages for all of you that you have read about ...
The most important feature that Apple offers to competitors is ((the new low value in this powerful device))
Please accept my thanks and appreciation ,,,
The words of Salim, my brother Abu Bakr .. And do not forget the amazing Siri service that we only see in science fiction movies .. Nevertheless, this is not a sufficient reason for many of us to leave our iPhone immediately and move to this old new .. Regarding the price, this is Apple’s policy with all its devices. IPhone (keep the same old price)
.. I think that Apple's fatal mistake was keeping it in the same shape without any slight change, although I excuse it, so maybe they had to keep the same shape because of the new powerful hardware hidden under this cover ..!
In fact, I do not share responses except very, very rarely
IPhone 4s never disappointed me
I am sure and I can almost assert that if Apple had named the new device the iPhone 4 instead of the XNUMXs, it would not have disappointed you !!!
I consider it a "psychological condition" from my point of view
The iPhone 4s came with a complete fundamental difference:
Much better camera than before
And processor speed twice as fast
AirPlay wireless streaming service for the first time in a smartphone
Internet speed is doubled, for the first time also in a smart device
Transmission became twice as strong as there are two antennas
Siri is also for the first time
In addition to the new operating system IOS5
Also, do not forget that the battery has been improved
All this and you say disappointing
Apple did not name the new device the iPhone XNUMX out of respect for the consumer ... it will not issue a new phone with a slight difference between it and the previous device.
Apple is moving steadily and firmly, and in the near future, when the new device arrives to our hands, and after using it, you will notice the difference well and its time will have another look at the new device, so it is not like anyone who heard
I apologize to the long, but I would like to clarify my point of view, with all due respect
Thank you Yvonne Islam
XNUMX% sound speech
People leave the substance and the foundation and care about secondary matters such as the name
And more responses prove your words
Ios 5 & iphone 4s
Do not close your eyes
If you are a fan of the technology and a follower of it
You have the Galaxy S2
The best mobile (in the world) in terms of specifications
But in terms of (shape) the iPhone is better
My brother, I did not mean in my words this to give up my love and my love for Apple, or to lower the value of the iPhone XNUMXS .. However, it does not rise to the ambition of all iPhone users with its models, especially the owners of the iPhone XNUMX, and there are those who did not buy the latter and did not like its shape waiting for the next warmer or what was It is called BXNUMX .. Nevertheless, the iPhone XNUMXS will still have a lot in its bag.
And he will not give up the ownership of modern devices .. Perhaps some who are not using the apple will be forced to own it .. But we will not be provoked by us as a Caveonian ..!
No, no, the spot is the best and I find things in terms of specifications
Strongly agree with you
I add my voice to you, your words are true
Unfortunately, most people care about appearance and do not care about the essence, which are qualities and characteristics
And at the time, many people who own iPhones and iPads for appearances, but I mean they only use the iPhone for communication and are unaware of many excellent programs.
Hail took a big and excellent step and started achieving success, God willing
And, God willing, I will buy the iPhone
In fact, I was shocked. Because I expected it to be less than this, but Apple surprises me with its innovation of excellent specifications and at the top
And I will only buy an iPhone
And other devices will not be able to reach the level of Apple, no matter how much effort you put in from Phabel at the top
I also add my voice to you, the appearance does not matter
As much as the technology died
And when we spend hours with the iPhone, do we spend it?
We see how it looks or the technology inside is what we forget how many hours we spent turning this device
As for those who say that the Galaxy XNUMX contains more technology than the iPhone, it is not fair, so what the iPhone contains of technology is not compete with a device, even if it is with a dual-core processor like the Galaxy XNUMX
It is impossible to own a phone other than the iPhone because it is simply wonderful in terms of appearance, speed and software
I actually tried another device other than the iPhone which is the Samsung Galaxy SXNUMX and in fact it dazzled me from the very first moment. A very fast device, a large screen, thin and light, and a wonderful operating system with much more flexibility than iOS, but after I tried it for several days, I began to feel bored and nostalgic for the iPhone, and after XNUMX-XNUMX days I returned to the iPhone despite all the fascination that I had from the beginning for many reasons, the most important of which is its smoothness, smoothness and accuracy The response of the touch screen and secondly, the feeling that you are holding the iPhone really makes you feel the luxury and quality of its manufacture.
In the end, when you compare the iPhone with any other phone, you feel that even if the iPhone features are reduced, but it is made accurately, and everything in it took time, effort and attention, which makes you feel tired of it, and everything in it is in its right place and there is no fill in the features that mention only on paper, but everything It is elaborate and well thought out before downloading as a feature for the public.
For me I will buy
I like Apple's confidence in itself and in what it has provided ...
As for the question /
Personally, many are convinced of the capabilities of the iPhone device and I am not ready to change or try another device
Thank you
In terms of ambitions and aspirations, nothing of it was achieved after that night
As for the iPhone, it is a top device that no other company can match.
Each and its opinion
True, nothing has happened to those who were waiting for the iPhone XNUMX
About me, I would like to buy the Galaxy XNUMX .. >> But I have a dirham .. :)
God blesses us from the great bounty and puts the world in our hands and not in our hearts
I think the iPhone is the best and most powerful device that I can own so far
I think it is a wonderful iPhone, and its specifications and ease of dealing with it are sufficient for people to buy it. Good luck to you.
As for me, I am completely convinced, although I wish that Apple would love what makes the iPhone in the forefront, but my expectations are that Apple will release the next device with better and more advanced technology, because if you do not, it will be very late.
Brothers, in an important point yet
Many people buy the Galaxy SXNUMX phone a month or two before the release of the SXNUMX
Then he will be in shock and say why I did not wait for a while
The shape changes to a larger screen ...
And most people care about appearance
And I say this is a policy from Apple, with its greatness.
Thank you, brothers, for the wonderful article:)
I think there is a distance between Apple and its closest competitor, Samsung, of course
I very much agree with you
And I am with what I did Apple
The XNUMXS was sufficient for this year
But God willing, we will see the iPhone XNUMX
And what he will do in the world of technology
My view is that the new phone is good in terms of features. It only lacks screen enlargement. I am not ready to try a device other than an iPhone. The new operating system is wonderful and the strength of the iPhone is concentrated in the software store. These two important factors make me not dispense with the iPhone.