I find from the wit the videos that have spread in which the iPhone 4S box is opened ... because simply the iPhone 4S is nothing but the iPhone 4 + the letter S. Almost the same box, the same phone, the same everything ...
Of course, there are internal improvements we talked about previously, but since they are internal, does it require a video to open the box :)
Thank you, brother Ihab Abdo, for sending this video and waiting for your experience of the device and to clarify the real difference between it and the iPhone 4
How to buy it from amazon
And does it arrive in Egypt, eh?
How can I find a lost iPhone without connection to the internet while it is turned off due to the lack of battery charge
I want to know anything that I can erase in it an arrow mark next to the patio, what is this mark
Guys, if one of you helped Ayhab with the tiring work of opening the box instead of these unnecessary comments, may God give you a thousand thousand wellnesses and may you always be well
Its king, God willing, see how he opened it with a scalpel and calmly. As for Hanna, the first time that the cardboard landed at your mouth and you smelled its aroma, what we encountered, it was not opened.
If you please Evon Islam, a question may be asked from a long time ago
Ifo XNUMX When will it come down and how much its price approximately
How to install iPhone 4s on iPhone 4
Ok, if you will allow my brother if I update my device for the new update
Can I prove the jailbreak that comes after such?
Please reply to my question.
The iPhone is smooth, but what makes it difficult are the users, including those who buy it and do not know how to use a regular computer. They say the device is complicated, but for those who have knowledge or a degree in computer science, the above thing is like drinking water, and this is my point of view.
Thank you ……..
First of all, I wanted to explain to me the differences between the iPhone XNUMX and iPhone XNUMXS ..
It is not true that your words about the line above the phone will be the new one, I am my iPhone XNUMX and it has a black line over the front camera and there is a line at the entrance to the headphones ,,
I mean, I think this is a new problem, how do we differentiate between the two devices?
What you need to buy an iPhone 4s, the iPhone is my right, I call it iPhone 4M
I'm buying a new iPhone, but the problem is I don't have a yellow moose, what is the solution?
May god give you strength
Waiting for another video, followed by the internal parts that are the difference between the two riders
Please delete the image above
Because they are both iPhone 4
If you notice the iOS 4 operating system
The difference is that the case of the iPhone 4 cannot be installed on the iPhone 4S. It is impossible and you can try it yourself.
Notice with me that the volume up and volume down button has moved down slightly due to the new antenna
Thus, the iPhone 4 case does not fit on the iPhone 4S
Thank you
I hope everyone read and write the useful thing
Thank you iPhone Islam for all the information
I think that this issue has nothing to do with wit, but rather to an end in the minds of Jacob and we all know it .. So what is the problem with him putting a video or pictures for a new product even if he opened the box? If you don't like it, don't watch it !!
But I have a question that baffles me. I want you to ask me a solution !!
I don’t have a scalpel. Use an onion knife ??
Regarding the brothers who comment (...) !!
Can this video by Brother Ihab benefit some of the brothers, and it was better that they wrote something useful in their comments
For (iPhone Islam) site , and you, ,,,,
Indeed, superficial people whose first and last concern is appearance, so they can brag that I follow everything new and have money. The company addressed the defects that exist in the iPhone 4, the most important of which is transmission, and I saw the demand for it and developed it. I expect that these mentalities will accumulate among us.
Frankly, a great achievement to open the carton
They taught us how to install the slide
Nor do we install the charger
The sufficiency of our brother Ihab Abdo, one of the first people who acquired the iPhone 4s, and congratulations on him, and may God give him the best, God willing
Blessings are you my brothers Ihab and Iqbal the rest who buy
I see after the reaction of the iPhone Islam website and its administrators that they should change the name of the website and move to the Galaxy S2 or Galaxy S20 or HTS or a better pager
What happened to you? Ayy ...
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, and it is good to diversify between extreme and serious
The biggest iPhone 4 problem is the poor transmission
Believe me, my brother, if I call someone, I have to repeat the words twice, and at the end I say: "I will speak to you," from Abu Kashaf.
May God bless you and grant you success.
Ianas, service, any cloud, would be good. If any store put an e-mail, any picture you send, the owner of the store receives it.
Thank you, iPhone, Islam for your honesty, nothing makes a difference forever other than adding a letter, and it gives you wellness, my brother, Ihab Abdo.
I hope you, brother
Talk about the voiceover feature and its benefit for the blind user
As she speaks everything until reading the messages
People of minds in the comfort you get from the owners of 2g
Seriously, whos is unbelievable on Apple products ..!
Thank you, in the spirit of seeing me the Vimto box, opening it, and with its pictures.
In this case, if they support Siri Arabic, the device will not be lost
But I have noticed until now that there is no difference between the XNUMX and the XNUMXS
A thousand thanks to you
We are waiting for the jailbroken siri for iphone 4 devices
We are waiting for the news from you, Yvonne Islam, when will you announce it, and I hope that it will be free of charge
Thanks for all the new, special thanks to the hardworking team. I also wish you could know how we can benefit from the iPhone 4 because it is a beautiful device that fulfills what is required, and there is no need to dispense with it easily, please advise me
I have an iPhone 4, and honestly, I don't intend to replace it, but rather the 4s because there is no difference between it and the 4 except for internal improvements.
I intend, with the help of God, to keep my 4 until the iPhone 5 comes out next year
Because it will be a completely new device, not just an improved device
Thank you, Yvonne Islam for your efforts
I wish Apple a solution to the weakness of the network 😔
Thank you, brother, Ihab
We await your experience
And I would like to provide us with the price of the iPhone
By God, I say there is no difference
Question: Can I install the software right in 4s on 4
Siri means system
Thank you for the clarification
Kindly Effort
The transmitter is bad in Even XNUMX, is it possible to upgrade the transmitter with the same device that I own now?
May God bless you, and it is sufficient for us that you shared with us the joy of your purchase of him, so what makes you happy will certainly delight us
The funeral was garrisoned and the dead variant
May God guide you to the comments. He is one of your companions
Does he deserve to order a device 4s from the UK or does it deserve it, because if it is the same shape and then the question that comes to my mind is are the internal features the same as the iPhone 4?
I would like to ask you how much is its price in Saudi riyals ?? Blaze Redo
My dear sister, I am from his grandfather and I bought one from Canada (XNUMX GB) and it will reach me within XNUMX days
And the full cost with shipping (XNUMX riyals)
Greetings to all ,,,,,,,
Thanks for the new news about the 4S
I thank those in charge of Yvonne Islam, headed by our brother Ihab
On what he offers again in the world of technology
When will it come to Qassim with us?
Pass it sweet
I used to have the reputation, but it is fine
The reputations are there
There is no power but from God
Rrrrrrrrb owners of the lucky people in the comfort
Honestly, while you are sitting, opening the cardboard, you feel the luxury and mastery is very enough in the luxury iPhone
I myself bought one from Canada via the internet from the Canadian Apple Store website and it started to connect to me via the FedEx within XNUMX days, God willing
And thank you for opening the box, Yvon Aslam
Would you please say what type of mousse you opened the box in in order to answer the phone, just connect the iPhone?
Hahahahaha, joking
Greetings to everyone ,,,,, 🌹
I think that the only difference that needs attention is the Siri program. As for the rest of the internal changes, the new ios5 system is sufficient to make the iPhone 4 completely similar to the iPhone 4s.
After my experience with the upgrade to the new system, I noticed that my device has become faster than before, and other features of the new system that make you decide to keep your device without thinking for one moment to buy the iPhone 4s
Please accept my sincere regards
Fatah Al-Omari
Gives you a wellness
Oh good people, why are you focused on the figure ... Who brought up the rumor of the iPhone 5, not Apple ... a giant company like Apple, the iPhone 4, I mean, in less than one year, you expect to download a phone in a different way, I mean? Of course not, especially the iPhone 4, which was cheap, but focus on the mighty speed processor, as it is about 68% faster than the iPhone 4 and the camera is the best camera phone ever ... and the most important feature of the 4S of course is the mighty SIRI service that most of you have what is known about something. Billions of dollars to buy the giant company that did the mighty Siri program and install it for you in the 4s until you and others come and say that there is no difference, by God, something funny ... I mean, do you think that a company like Apple is one of the companies that switch the shape of the phone every 4 first XNUMX months like What the rest of the companies do .. Of course, Apple does not depend on technology, and the important content, dear dear, is not the view. Even for the view of the iPhone XNUMX, which is the same as the XNUMXs, it is considered one of the most beautiful forms of phones up to the moment.
Thank you iPhone Islam
Our brothers, the people of Egypt, diligently, God willing, in everything ..
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
If my brothers are on the iPhone, Islam sometimes comes to me. This video is not supported or this audio even in some clips that I downloaded from iTunes. Can a solution be found?
With my appreciation for your beautiful efforts
There is an article for this .. in the problems and solutions section. Also, the questions section
It gives you wellness and we wish more darling
may God bless you
Thank you for the video, a thousand thanks. If some people do not see it, its usefulness. I see its benefit. I see that I like the subject.
We knew that we could order it now and it would deliver it to my brother
O brothers ... O Arabs ... O Muslims
Brother Ihab Ali, the video creator, wants to explain the difference between the iPhone XNUMX and the iPhone XNUMXS, no more or no less
Unfortunately, everyone says that the video has no meaning and started attacking Brother Ihab
I (and I seek refuge in God from the word I) thank Brother Ihab for this useful video ... and the blessing of Al Fur S
I expect the next generation will change with big technology
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, and thanks to our brother, Ihab, for the clarification
Peace be upon you all
I congratulate the brother on this video and reward him for God .. As for the companions of the ridiculous comments, I say God guides them, and frankly, I congratulate them on the mentality in which you live.
May God generate you Apple.
Great device
Peace be upon you, brothers
The box is like the case for the Iphone 3Gs
The difference is the image only
Some sizes are possible, but I'm not sure
Otherwise, the issue is only the enthusiasm of Zayed
Thank you
Monsters Kalam Any Islam Thanx Wade
The price of the iPhone in London is 16 (499) pounds
32 (599) £
64 (699) £ These are the prices yesterday and I received the pictures after
And both of them are safe
Thank you for your interest in Islam iPhone
Thank you iPhone Islam and Ihab and keep going
We are waiting for the way to open the black iPhone box on the warmest
Before second sites precede you to explain the method ...
'Always two races, Yvonne creativity.'
I don't think we will publish the opening of the black box iPhone 4S, we should leave something for the other sites. :)
Install the 5 system and the reception problem will be solved. There is no difference between the 4 and the 4s except for the operating system and simple additions.
No, brother, the interior design is completely different, especially in terms of the transmitter reception
I was waiting to add a gift or something
I just think it's an attempt to find out how interesting people are
Apple products to study iPhone XNUMX
Very excited about that
Thanks brother for clarification
May God bless you, O Ihab, and give you the blessing of the new device
A thousand thanks Yavon Islam
By God, the device is the same, but it is the story for people. Thank you, Yvonne, for this sweet side
You humiliated his poor father. How long did he enjoy his new phone and you received it?
My brother's professional new phone
I benefited from the video on how to open the cardboard, because they used to cut nylon paper, but this method was loose and tidy
Brother, may i have a simple question I updated my iPhone 4 on iOS 5.
One of the features of iOS is the improvement of the keyboard. But the strange thing is that the keyboard does not change its appearance, it is the same as the old one?
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Honestly, this is my first participation in iPhone Islam, because I previously did not pay attention to participation. I only read what was new on the scene.
But after reading this topic, I could not remain silent or ignore what is happening, so I directly registered on the site to write this comment, which I hope will be useful to everyone, and the reason is that iPhone Islam is one of the best applications in the arena, especially in its field (my personal view) and I always I am not eager to read new topics, but after reading this topic, I had some doubts and ideas, including:
- Is this a topic that deserves to be written by iPhone Islam with an article or a title for it even with the most important iPhone application whose contents are read by many Apple device users?
- Have the important issues ended so that Yvonne Islam proceeds to the topics that do not get rich and do not get fattened from hunger?
- Has Yvonne Islam started putting topics that are not important and began to think of distracting readers with anything, even if many think it has no value?
- Are there criteria and scales that iPhone Islam adopts for each topic it publishes, or not?
My criticism may be stinging or wrong, but in my view, if Yvonne Islam continues to publish such low-level topics, it will inevitably affect the reputation of this app.
And I have not written this comment except to ensure that the level of this application does not fall below its level that it is known about, by keeping abreast of everything new in the arena of modern technologies for smartphones, and I am completely confident that the administration understands that my criticism is in order and that it is constructive criticism for the sake of advancement with Yvonne Islam To a better future.
My dear brother, for all this time we have followed us and hundreds of good articles have not commented once, you did not reply to your brothers, benefit them, or participate with us, or thank us, and when you decide to comment, it is only for criticism.
(I teach him to shoot every day, when my forearm strengthened him, and how much I taught him to organize rhymes, when he said a hybrid rhyme) :)
This article is listed under anecdotes, and sometimes we put an article that is not at the level, and this is intended to take out the negative charge for the readers.
The next video from our brother how to manufacture the foot generation iPhone 5
A brilliant invention
Solve the problem of opening the carton, which the giant Apple company failed to do
"upon determined people determination will be ……………………..
And growing in the eye of the little one, its children ...
What the brother did is a good and natural thing, and we should not always judge from our technical knowledge, but rather from the people's need for this matter, there are many beginners and newcomers who need details, and enriching the Arabic technical content is required
Honestly, iPhone Islam is the best program and the best site. May God grant you success and forward my brothers my greetings to you
Peace, mercy and blessings of God …
I thank Yvonne Islam Ola for the effort expended in presenting everything new, and I thank Brother Ihab, whether his intention is to clarify the difference or prove that there are no differences in the form, so he thanks for his efforts. Which indicates his interest and contribution to development.
Sorry, please accept my traffic
God bless you and a thousand congratulations and our love
Inquire about PhoneIt-iPad, does it work on iPad 2
I hope to respond to my inquiry
May God grant you success, my brother, and congratulations on you, the iPhone.
And in Mizzzzzah, I liked it to pass it up
It is a feature of shortcuts like Blackberry ..
Via :: Settings - General - Keyboard - Add a shortcut ..
Find this thing that I lost from the baby .. Now it is available, praise be to God ..
What jQuery I did not expect a case program !!
How do I make a difference if the recorder is free or added to the bill !!
The thing that attracted me the most was the new notification system.
The movement of the list up and pulling it is crazy.
Contrary to what some people say, it is slow after the update.
On the contrary, I noticed any change in the device’s performance.
Regarding any cloud, my account has been canceled because I do not need it now, and because my account in Apple operates on more than one device in the family ..
I was attracted to syncing iTunes via Wi-Fi just amazing
This is what I like about the ios5 so far ^^ ”
Thank you Yvonne Islam.
I know that the topic is not appropriate Haha
However, the topic of the comprehensive guide has many responses.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, always distinguished
I have a question, is it correct if it happened to the last update
And the iTunes account will not be able to see the privacy of the account holder if they happen
شكرا لكم
Brothers, by God, there is no difference that requires paying a not insignificant amount. With some determination and sincerity to God, even if it is half the amount to be paid for a new device that we provide to a poor family or to pay off the debt of a family head who is being withheld from his family due to the lack of a place to pay it. There is a great reward for it and bringing joy to the heart of a Muslim is better than the world and everything in it. Thank you to all.
If the video was not presented to you, why did you publish it?
I think you are not an entertainment website like the Badr Saleh channel on YouTube
To criticize YouTube clips
You can write to Ehab Post and tell him that the video has not added anything to us
My brother Ihab
I work on developing and providing more benefits in the next times
And do not pay attention to such inhibitors
The speed of the processor is important in it
As for the camera, sometimes I shoot an image on an iPhone XNUMX and it looks sweeter than the image I photographed with my professional XNUMX mega-pixel camera.
The rest depends on the features of the new version ios 5
Thank you iPhone Islam for this creativity
Since I am in Saudi Arabia, what if I requested it from America or Britain? Is there a difference? Because I heard it would be locked? Is this is true? Hey iPhone Islam? ... Wait for the blog administrator's answer
If you order from Britain it will be open. There is a version open in America, but it will be sold starting next month.
Hey, I will tell you from Ihab
Ehab is a friend of ours, he is also a developer and works in America. He is the one who made an application that reminded me of God.
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Actually, the only advantage is the transmission power, and whoever has had a bad experience with weak network will have to replace it with a Palace
Anچd Roowouah
Thanks to Islam, Yvonne, and give you wellness
Comments some of them do not need youth
As for the new iPhone, I noticed that everyone loves appearances and wants a change in the look
Even if they surrounded something new in its features such as Nokia phones, XNUMX models and the difference would be downloaded
Slight specification, if any
But I think that the new iPhone is powerful, especially as it works with a powerful new processor
The high speed differs from the previous device and the saving in the battery, and this in itself
Achievement and work that no user is aware of
But if you look like this, please with Nokia and Sony Ericsson, I would like to thank you
You may be stuck
Sweet Comments changed from last routine
Nice thing
And it gives you wellness friend of the blog
And special thanks to Yvonne Islam for the efforts
Thank you for the video clip
Wait for the comparison between XNUMX / sXNUMX
good luck for everbody
Believe it or not, the new iPhone was with my friend in Algeria on October 06, that is, before Apple announced the start of the reservation on its site
I can't believe :) Simply he could have sold us a video and he used it or any other site. Anyway, it is too late.
I still can't believe!
Unless your friend is the owner of Apple, I can believe 😄
Thank you very very much
Thank you, so much so that you can see Islam, you do not fail. By God, you offer people everything that I say, but God gives you the blessings of well-being. Lord, good luck, iPhone Islam ☺
Oh man, by God, these are people who know how to sell air. I got a phone like the one you have and the one I have, and they convince us to buy a new one. It's not both SIM cards.
Masha'Allah, until the carton was opened in professional people
But the question, how do we make sure if the device iPhone S or iPhone Kfor from the device itself is not from the cartoon? If one would love to buy, just how to make sure. Thank you
You can identify the new iPhone through the black lines above the volume buttons. This new and old line is via the regular iPhone XNUMX lines.
The response is almost correct. Although the black lines are really different between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, they do not necessarily mean that it is 4S. There is an iPhone 4 with the same black lines, which is the iPhone produced by Apple to work on CDMA networks. The difference in the box as shown in the video is the S-letter. As for the exterior, in addition to the black lines written on the back, the model and the iPhone 4s are A1387. If you like, make sure, open it and try Siri. Currently, Siri only works on iPhone 4s.
Thank you, brother Ayhab, for sharing your experience with us. We say, may God bless you and bring you together in goodness, and may God give you more and more.
Do not pay any attention to the irresponsible comments that you see reflecting the weakness of the personalities of their owners and the barbarism is always the enemy of civilization. The Yemeni proverb says, “If we counted the account of birds, we would not have planted smoke.” And you are like farms, tossing love in the land and on you of birds and chickens. Thank you, and we want to have an iPhone S and open the case on the eyes of the envious
And you smell new, but the cardboard is broken
Except those who have mercy on my Lord
May God give you a thousand well-being
I thank the iPhone site Islam very much
Great invention
Honestly, the only feature in it is a strong transmission and better than instant control of the volume
Frankly, I care about the transmission because Yvonne XNUMX is so bad that every time I call someone I repeat the conversation to him more than once so that he can hear
And God, my brother, I heard from a foreign website that the problem of the transmission has not been solved, let's wait for people to experience the transmission and the battery also because they say that the battery is weaker than the XNUMX and God knows
I want to comment on the messaging service. Honestly, I never liked it at all, so that the users of this feature, you can not know them, for example, they are in a list alone, the same WhatsApp, and it became with me that I sent a lot of messages. My brother on any media, and my brother had no surprises on his phone after five minutes about each Messages are sent to Text Message, all have a word in it because one writes in the free chat other than the paid chat, such as Hi ... Hello..Kifak..When you come..When the automatic transfer feature of messages from any message to Text is not included, what you delivered and no message Neither free nor paid until the end of the night until he returns home, for example, and has a WiFi connection.
I hope they change the idea completely and separate any media with an icon on their own, such as WhatsApp and Blackberry, otherwise it is a sterile service, and there is no benefit from it in my opinion
Brother, you are a hero .. I thank you for conveying everything on my mind
I hope that the idea reaches Apple and we will see a new update that addresses this problem
Thank you, my brother, but how much is the iPhone XNUMXS price
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
God bless you
Thanks Yvonne Aslam team and specifically Ihab and the blog director for the kind response
Frankly, the spirits of all young people fell because they were waiting for the iPhone XNUMX and it had a big promotion today. Apple entered the UK. It did not get the same as what was released on the iPad XNUMX and it has no benefit. The same iPhone XNUMX needs very simple needs such as the XNUMX mega pixel camera only that I saw in it
Our brother Ihab loves flashiness :) Knowing that he just bought it
God nourishes the finest and suffices for a seed
My brother does not live in Britain. The world is turning around where they sell the iPhone XNUMXS ...
Al-Barih sold all the devices, and today the morning, people started queuing to the end of the street ... and they said we are checking the devices for us because there is no store they have they finished yesterday
Thank you very much. By God, we were enthusiastic. The video is a masterpiece. It is correct. There is no difference on the surface
But what is hidden is the greatest !!
God bless you and brother Ihab p the video
Mmmm my mind. I see the cartoon. Honestly, I see the letter Alas on it, something new
Wonderful in its eyes and Bashtili one, God willing
Thank you very much, I took advantage of the video, I used to show them how to open the cartoon
But praise be to God, the previous dissolved
Thank you Islam iPhone
We await a video of the internal components and look at the people's experience of the iPhone S.
Waiting for the next video to see how to reduce the volume <~ overland
From this forum, we thank Yvon Aslam, for their efforts, with success for all,
What needs an explanation is the same.
The best thing is that it doesn’t need to be connected to the computer ..
Waiting for you to inform us of what is new through your experience of it ..
Sure, it will be the same package and everything is in a difference except for the one mentioned by the company
Today I heard news on one of the sites that made me laugh frankly
The news says that the iPhone 4 case does not fit on the iPhone 4S
In it, the people of God guide them to hear a party of news, after which they narrate the world and the sites and forums by publishing
And in the end, it is all a lie and deception
My dear brother
Actually it is true that the 4S pod does not install on the 4S
The dimensions are the same in the two devices, but the mute buttons are different
Meaning that it is not useful to install another device case
IPhone 4 case, what you can install on iPhone 4s
Because the buttons on the left are coming down, I understand
This information is correct .. Which covers for the iPhone XNUMX are not installed on the new iPhone, and vice versa .. As for the people who did not like to open the box, it is important because how would we know the real difference of the new device and the information on the covers without such clips ..
But, unfortunately, this indicates that it indicates our superficiality and we judged only on the appearances .. After I saw the clip of opening the box for Brother Fahd from Dave Taim Al-Arabi, I wished that this new iPhone was true and I was very excited about it regardless of the outward appearance only .. and I repeat, “Apple is not stupid to return The shape twice, and I did that only after a thorough study, and I found that the best solution is to keep the same shape because it serves the new device with its new and giant internal components with its power.
So, at a quick look at the top of the iPhone, you can see if it is 4s or not
I was hoping soon to be able to see more clearly the differential parts between the new and old iPhones
Thanks to iPhone Islam for its useful topics for users
Well done, and may God be gracious to you on every effort, not to help us with what is new
There is no difference. Thank you Yvonne Islam and thank Ihab Abdo for the video for clarification.
And from emptiness what was killed
And one has to become famous for rape on YouTube ,,
Frankly, I did not know to open a carton, I mean the iPhone box, thank God, I learned a lot from this video, and God willing, I will inform my children in the future.
I am waiting for the next video, you will learn from it how to press the iPhone button and how to deal with the volume down buttons, the next videos may need some focus from you :)
Therefore, Apple should include with the product a tutorial on how to hold the device, which hand to use, and how to receive a call.
And some advice and instructions
Grandpa speak up! He returned, what was left. Hahahahahaha
Thank you very much
I have one hope because I would like to buy it
The main reason is Siri
Can I do an explanatory video for this service?
If you please, I want a video to compare between pressing the home button with the thumb and forefinger
Because in people you say that this would reduce the burden on the RAM of the device
:) It is not possible ...
you are right