iOS is the most secure system, this is what Apple relies on a lot to sell its devices, but is there a system that does not have any holes and is 100% secure? of course not. Everyone knows this, even Apple, but the goal is to have a system that is 90% secure, for example, and recently some vulnerabilities were discovered in Apple's sixth system, so what are these vulnerabilities? Is it very dangerous? What is the expected step of Apple?
The first loophole enables the hacker to bypass the password and make phone calls. The vulnerability is not easy. You have to go to emergency calls, then try to turn off the phone, then call 112, cancel the call, close the phone, then open it again and go to emergency calls and … You can watch the following video to learn about the vulnerability:
The previous vulnerability is not considered very dangerous, and it is similar to another vulnerability we talked about two and a half years ago In a previous article, but it will enable the hacker to erase numbers or make calls from your phone even if you have set a password.
The second loophole or we consider it a missing feature in iOS 6, in which Apple added the ability to stop removing the account, where restrictions can prevent anyone from removing your App Store account, if you go to Settings and then Appstore, you will find the account is turned off, meaning you will not be able to change it, but developers forgot Apple can do the same and prevent the account removal if you go to the App Store as shown in the following video:
The previous loophole will annoy parents or people who do not want anyone to be able to delete their account from the device, but no one will be able to steal your account or its data, only they can log out of your account and log in with another account on the device.
What is Apple's next step?
Discover these vulnerabilities in addition to the presence of the jailbreak and also Microsoft sync problem And the malfunctions that make Apple work quickly about releasing a new version of the iOS system to close these gaps and treat problems, and may also close the jailbreak gaps that are currently used, and this makes us advise the reader to upgrade immediately to iOS 6.1, even if you are not doing a jailbreak, we advise you to upgrade Because having your device on a valid jailbreak system is an advantage, so you can jailbreak it at any time, and if you want to sell it, tell the buyer that it is on a valid jailbreak system, which is a feature in the device, so we repeat that Apple will soon release an update for iOS 6 and we advise users to upgrade to the latest version now, You can see how to upgrade Through this article.
I think that I made a mistake when I agreed to upgrade to iOS 6,1 .. because I am now facing big problems with wi-fi .. I cannot even turn on wi-fi .. and sometimes it works but cannot work through wi-fi .... If at Any of you advice I would be thankful.....
I am amazed at those who wake up to ideas, innovations and development of the iOS system and soon return from his giant company to meet with his colleagues at the jailbreak table. One of the store’s valuable programs has already been evaluated with a negative evaluation of the large number of crashes. I was contacted and the developer insisted on solving my problem, which was among the tools The famous Cydia, and a few days later, I received an email to solve the problem, and the surprise was that the solution was to update this tool from the same Cydia!!!!!!! Indeed, after the update, the crash went and the owner of the program sent me a message to make sure that the problem was solved until the solution was resolved and the evaluation was modified!
Brothers, please help. I am charging my phone and it works, but it does not charge, and when it is fully charged, I put it to charge and it charges, and when it charges even if at any rate, I remove the charge from the phone and put it back in. It does not charge, what is the problem though I tried more than one charger
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Tried the loophole on iPhone 5 with jailbreak installed
The result is always a black screen
Who wants to praise what to say ah
Cydia has cool things and we are used to it, between you and me
iPhone without jailbreak and nothing is normal
These gaps are inevitable, and caution is required for some needs
I have an iPhone 5.1.1 XNUMX. Do you advise me to update now or not?
I was looking for several advantages in choosing the device I wanted, the most important of which was security, so I bought an iPhone based on what Apple promotes about its security capabilities in exchange for the consumer giving up some advantages in other devices, and we agreed. But it became clear to me that Apple is better than its competitors only in advertising and lying under the umbrella of the law. In the end, there are no advantages and no security.
Now I have bought a (Samsung NoteXNUMX) and I feel the difference between them is very big and I regret this time with Apple's absurdities.
We don't want loopholes, thanks iPhone Islam
I have a network problem on my iPhone 5 after the latest update
A vulnerability bypassing the password is very dangerous
She opens the pictures
Umm bah, there is no solution to the battery without turning and rotating the iPhone 5
I tried the first loophole in my phone (iPhone 4) and unfortunately the screen turned black on my phone :(
Frankly, I now have my third Apple device, starting with the 4, then the 4s, then the 5, and until now Apple's policy of not developing its devices and keeping up with other companies is a stain on its history. How long will we depend on jailbreaking to download specific tools and features to use the device!! Why does Apple force its customers to jailbreak its devices!! A piece of advice to Apple: if it does not change its policy, it will lose many of its customers.
I have an iPhone 5 and it has been working with me ten out of ten for 3 days. The battery has started to die in two hours, very much, knowing that it used to stay with me for a whole day. I would like to know what the reason is. Please help me.
Even I, good people, have updated my phone 4s to 6.1.1 and the battery problem has not changed
My brother Ahmed Al-Habib, I am with you. I have a computer installed in a laptop, but I was with me once. I didn’t do that. The battery is dead, and the Wi-Fi must be connected first to the modem, and after that, it is preferable
I thank you for this effort, but I began to fear this rapid development and the danger of revealing secrets and removing private information, so it is necessary to search for securing and preserving information
Apple Khalas does not have creativity every month update
And every update has flaws, so I think I should go to Note XNUMX
I do not like the iPhone, but if the network does not cut off
And weak, he was still perfect, other than that, everything
Sahel and grocers have a solution like a battery
Every day you convince me to leave the iPhone and go to the Galaxy
Dude, I respect your opinion
Only if a simple intervention is possible
Trust God I tried the Galaxy
Never reach the iPhone
Right, it has a lot of programs open
I'm ready to give it up for one phone call
Sorry to intrude
I updated my iPhone XNUMXS to version XNUMX but I had a problem that charging ended quickly
I want to downgrade to 6.1. I hope someone can help us.
Frankly, I do not see any danger, but I did not see any progress.
And I have a question, when there are programs that take up an area of less than one gigabyte, and I also start something like that, and I stay in gigabytes and more than the text and fry, delete things to settle the eternal!!
I tried the emergency call method, but thankfully it did not enter the device, but a black screen appears, the phone is iPhone 5, and the system version is 6.1
I have a problem with the battery, I don't have it for the record, my iPhone XNUMX
The system of Islam and the Qur'an does not have any gaps
I have an iPhone5 and I did not jailbreak it, but after updating to version 6.1, I faced a problem, which is that when the phone is locked, the network is disconnected from the phone, meaning the Internet is not working..
advise me…
Peace be upon you all. I would like to ask you if there is a free communication program to any network via the Internet on an iPod and what is the program
I do not understand why the iPhone of Islam is always biased towards Apple, knowing that if it is fair, we will find Nokia, it is still the master of technology XNUMX, for example, a XNUMX m pixel camera, meaning Apple, when it reaches this accuracy, it will be in the iPhone XNUMX
I noticed a bug in the new system XNUMX
Youtube audio not working
I have a problem, please tell me what is the reason?
I have a jailbreak, every time I go in it gets me out
Quickly, why do you know?
Thank you, iPhone Islam... Advice to everyone who used an Apple iPhone. I used an iPhone 4 ⃣ and then switched to a Galaxy Note, and then I got a Galaxy S3 ⃣ by God, it is the Android system, it is true that it is open, but it has not and will not reach the sophistication, solidity, shape and strength of the Apple system. A device with an Android system and an IOS device and compare between the programs, see the quality, see the shape of the icons, judge and see the difference. It is enough for the Apple system, which does not need an anti-virus... O people, right, do not follow any system, stay on the one in which the system is 9 ⃣ 0 ⃣% safe. Do not follow open systems and I myself went back to the iPhone because This is the point … I hope that no one understands my words wrongly, that I do not take sides with anyone. I hope that it is an Android system that becomes like ios … You have my sincere thanks and appreciation
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, but will Apple decline in the distant future, especially since privacy and property rights are no longer attractive in an accelerating and open world?
You are right, my dear
The second loophole, I sent iPhone Islam a detailed topic about this loophole in case iPhone Islam remembers it. I mean, I knew about it from the beginning and I was hoping they would fix it, and thank God they fixed it, but they forgot on the other hand, which is from the software store.
Thank you Yvonne Islam
Tried more than once and always a black screen and the lock does not open!!!
The vulnerability is incorrect or has been avoided in the latest update
Peace be upon you, your brother Saif. I have a simple question. I want to buy an iPhone 5, but I am afraid that the screen will be yellowish. There is a type of screen that comes with a pure blue color, and I want this type. Is there a way to know the device before opening the box? Thank you.
The loophole works only in the simple four-digit code, but if you use the letter code, it will not work
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
There is a problem with the iPhone XNUMX, the battery drains quickly
The wifi does not connect quickly
Please reply, what is the solution I am bored of this iPhone XNUMX
Thank you, Avon Islam, I hope someone knows us
The new version of the iPhone XNUMX when it comes to Henzel
The battery drains quickly and there is a problem with the Wi-Fi
It doesn't connect quickly, I have an iPhone XNUMXS, I hope
what did you sell
Al-Fares Al-Masry Regarding the battery, you are talking about a computer. In your hand you have a mobile device. Do you want it like Nokia devices? As for the WiFi, it connects quickly and there is no problem
iPhone XNUMX battery drains quickly
I wish someone knew a way to send a message
Apple technical support
Refer to the agent or warranty company from which you purchased the device, and they will help you
If you have jailbreak, this is the reason!
I had the same problem and I solved it, thank God. Without any technical support, I go to settings, including privacy, and website services, and close all active programs and games. Only Siri and weather are active. You will find an iPhone XNUMX battery. Please have a day and a half at least.
No way …. My friend has the same phone... and its battery lasts a day with use.. You sure have a soul problem, return it under warranty
I had the same problem, I deleted the emails that I added, including iCloud, and I did a reset, and then the battery became better.
How do you know if your iPhone battery is weak?
The battery should not lose XNUMX% or XNUMX% charge in one night when the internet is off, Wi-Fi or cellular data is off
You must do a reset and then leave the device charging and leave it for a whole night, and if it loses XNUMX% or less, if the battery is excellent
The network that provides you with wireless connection may be weak in your area and this makes the phone consume power
To sum it all up, play MP3 audio files for an hour or 55 minutes. If the battery has lost 3% or less, then the battery is excellent. You should listen to the audio files with headphones.
Go to Settings, then Privacy, then Location Services, and close all open programs and games. Just leave Siri and Weather open. This won’t cause you any problems, and you’ll feel a huge difference. You’ll find that the iPhone 5 battery lasts for a day and is more reliable. At least I’ve tried it.
The unlock loophole works for me and my device is iPhone 4s not iPhone 5 only and I tried it several times
Do you. Dangerous jailbreak??
Yes, it is dangerous in unreliable tools, even in using trusted tools. Only XNUMX% safety
Please advise
Anyone who has a link for notifications of events for the Hijri calendar, please send me the link
Thank you
This is the Hijri calendar link
And this description
Hijri 1434
Always keen on everything new, thank you iPhone Islam
Hijri date widget
In my humble opinion, the worst thing I noticed about the iPhone XNUMX is the battery. It is the worst iPhone battery ever, and hopefully we will find a solution.
I have a problem, which is that after I did the jailbreak, the charging ended quickly and the mobile entered the save mode more than once a day, knowing that I did not download many programs from Cydia and I did not find anything interesting in them and that my version is ios6.0.0 only. Please help us, thank you
The device will be in Safe Mode if you download a program from Cydia that is not compatible with the iOS 6 version
Try uninstalling the programs from Cydia one by one
Elaine has not reached the program that is compatible with the five
number book
It has not happened yet for the new source OS 6
I do not recommend downloading it until after he speaks
you suggest
My dear brother, the same thing that happened with you, I have it because I deleted all the programs that I installed, including Cydia, and re-stored the device and everything returned to normal
I tried to make the first exploit, but I got a black screen 😀
Because your phone is not an iPhone XNUMX
I have XNUMX and the loophole does not work on it
Shame on you, iPhone Islam. I sent you the news and informed you about it, but you pass by as if you were the ones who discovered it. At least the publisher of the news is in a small line. What arrogance.
Thank you my dear brother. I thank you for your concern and initiative.
You also know that the profession of journalism and publishing is distinguished by a specialist from others by the abundance of his sources and the speed of his interaction, with the talent for subtraction. We, by the grace of God, have the resources that make us - after God's grace - among the distinguished in this field.
You may be surprised if one day you join our team :) To learn how many sources we have and how we select our news and materials.
We do not find it wrong to mention the name of the owner of a source if he is the source of our news. And the site has examples of evidence of this. Do not be sad, we are pleased to communicate with you.
Thank you.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
I wasn't interested and didn't want to talk about it
Until I read Ru's comment, may God reward him
As for the first hole
I was the first to mention it, and the blog manager knows that
I sent him the link on his Twitter account.
Thank you anyway
Not only the iPhone 3 lock hole, as you say, also with the XNUMXGS
You broke with me so much
Peace be upon you. By God, I am working diligently on these matters and the news that I know. I strive to search for them, and I see if you refuse me help and I am not underestimating your abilities. This is clear that you are the best, but there is something in the river that is not in the sea. Can I do that if you want
My beloved brother, if you understood from my words that we do not need your help and participation; I apologize for that.
I assure you that we have not reached where we are today without you - after the grace of God Almighty -. By following up, persevering with us, accepting what we offer, and expressing your opinions.
I am glad to message you. I promise you that if you provide us with a scoop with news or information or any useful matter that no one else has done before you, we will publish it in your honor.
Have a good time.
There is a bug yet!
If you do the password and open the cam from the main screen and get out! ~> Look at the lock screen without asking for the password??
there is a solution ??
May God bless you and I will do my best, God willing, and I will be at the level, but how can I contact you? What is your email? Praise be to God.
And God bless you.
Please write to us through the “Contact Us” section, or directly at info(at)iphoneislam(dot)com
For me, the first vulnerability is the most important one, as it allows you to access the device owner’s privacy, and this is really annoying. As for the rest, they are simple errors that will be fixed in upcoming updates, God willing.
We were forced, and there are no loopholes in the system, thank you Yvonne Islam
As for the open system, I do not think that Apple will change its approach, nor do I think that it will do anything in this direction in the future at all. Why ? Everything is closed to us. Until the time. movements. themes. Telecommunications . Blair. Bluetooth. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
I tried the first exploit twenty times, with the same video steps, and the result is always a black screen, and after pressing any button, the screen returns to the lock page
Note that I have an iPhone 5 and version 6.1
This vulnerability does not work, so in the jailbreak, only a black screen appears, but without jailbreaking, the names appear
I mean, the jailbreak saved us this time 😃
Sorry brother, but I tried on iPhone 4s without jailbreak
Tried it on 4s with jailbreaking
Either way, a black screen
Brother, the first vulnerability requires accuracy and speed. I tried it on the iPhone 5 at first, but it didn't work for me. However, after several attempts, the vulnerability was hacked!! I tried it on the iPhone 5, iPhone 4 with jailbreak, iPhone 4S, iPhone XNUMXS with jailbreak
I did not jailbreak and I have a black screen
Thank you, iPhone Islam
But you mentioned that the first vulnerability works on iPhone 5 only
I tried it on my iPhone s4 and it worked
This vulnerability is an addition to the connection that allows browsing images
By modifying avatars..
Personally, I am fed up with Apple and I have lost patience with these trivialities. Here I come, HTC. Note: If there is one thing I will miss, it is Islam’s iPhone.
Frankly speaking, we are tired of Apple and Apple's absurdities. Every day they have a movie, and the biggest disaster is that we Arabs buy and do not even care if we know that Apple is in bed with us.
The evil of the calamity does not make you laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most important thing in the device is the photos and records of numbers, and if you find out, the safety is no longer useful
Is there a solution for the 4s I upgraded to 6.1.1 and the battery still drains quickly
The same problem I have
Dangerous once 😱😱😰😥😢😓
There is nothing more dangerous than a jailbreak and here we are using it
It is true, my dear brother. For this reason, those who jailbreak do not care about loopholes, especially the first loophole. Their devices have not been exposed before, and any program can spy on you as it wants, and thank you.
It's soooo once