The Apple Watch is a great product that will be launched at the start of the new yearWe talked about it earlier Islam's iPhone, too We made a comparison between Apple Watch and Android Watch. A few days ago, Apple released developer tools and packages that revealed many, many things that the watch does.

All you need to know about the Apple Watch

How will the applications work?

A big surprise revealed by Apple when it sent out the watch's developer tools. This surprise is that there are no applications on the watch. Yes, the applications will not work on the watch, but on the phone. When Apple talked about that there must be an iPhone, everyone mentioned that this is in order for the watch to perform some functions such as answering calls and others, but the truth is that there is no watch without the iPhone in most of the functions.

The applications on the watch will run on the iPhone to take advantage of the power of the processor and display on the watch screen some information, such as the widget completely, meaning that the Facebook or Twitter application or any other application on the Apple Watch is sent the information to him through the copy of these applications on the iPhone . So the bottom line is the apps on the iPhone will be updated to include a watch face.

Although the watch in this way is not independent, it promises that the performance on the watch will be very good because all the processing effort is done on the iPhone also the watch battery will last longer and Apple does not need to put a lot of gear in the watch.

Apple Watch apps work in 3 different ways:

  • Widget: They are the applications that are in the main interface of the watch and can be dealt with.
  • HintsGlances: These are alerts, which give the user information that he can read and cannot handle.
  • Interactive alerts: These are alerts that the user can deal with through the watch.


What will the app look like?

The Apple Watch comes in two sizes (312 x 390 pixels) and small (272 x 340 pixels). So dealing with applications will be by touching to the next page or returning to the previous page, or by horizontal dragging, also the reinforced pressure (the Apple watch contains a sensor to measure the pressure of the pressure) will show you a menu. Also, you can use the rotary button to zoom in or out, or to move between the different menus.


What are the limits of the application work?

Developers can use the tools they use to create iOS apps, and this means that we will find flexibility in using apps, but knowing that developing apps for the watch is very similar to a widget, and imagine that apps on the watch are only an interface to give you quick information, not complete apps.

This does not mean that the applications on the watch will not be useful, so imagine an application like Facebook showing you a notification of the arrival of a message, so you raise your watch to show you the message and you can reply to it from the watch by voice. In the case of other applications such as Instagram, prices for a new image are shown and the watch is raised to find a glimpse of the image and who sent it, and if you want to continue browsing, you can open the iPhone to find yourself in the same place with the Handoff feature.

How will my alerts appear?

There are two types of alerts, long alerts and short alerts. Short alerts, limited information will appear in anticipation of the user’s privacy, and the application icon and the type of alert will appear, such as: (new message, new image).

If you raise your hand or touch the alert, long alerts will appear, which contain the application icon, its type and other data to deal with this alert.


How can I start developing applications?

Application development here is no different from developing applications for the iPhone, but to start developing you need an iOS developer account to be able to develop watch applications. WatchKit is designed to suit developing applications for iOS, and all you have to do is obtain the latest version of XCode. Just make sure that the iOS app supports the iPhone before developing a watch app. Attention: It seems that the watch does not connect to the iPad, so the application must be designed for the iPhone

If you are an application developer
Click here for some WatchKit tips and games

  Other points:

  • The clarity of the watch screen is like that of the Retina screens: this is due to the small size of the two watches.
  • Maps inside applications are not interactive: applications cannot include interactive maps, only you can mark the place in different colors and you cannot move and see other places except by moving on the map application in the watch.
  • The watch does not support videos, but only images and animations.
  • The font used on the watch is different from iOS and its name is San Francisco.
  • No information yet about Arabic language support.

In a press report for Apple It tells that it is possible that there will be separate applications for the watch in the coming year, which means that we may not need an iPhone to use the applications on the watch.



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