warning: This topic is very important to all jailbreakers, you are in great danger, and you may lose your device completely. I publish the article for the benefit of everyone.

A few days ago we published an article entitled “You criticize the jailbreak and use it!And in it we explained why we always attack the jailbreak, and the most important advice we mentioned is that if you are not an expert and know what the tools do in your device, do not do the jailbreak because it is dangerous. Yesterday, a tool was released in Cydia proving that it is really dangerous. This tool kills the iPhone completely.


In Cydia, there is no censorship from anyone on the applications, so you can try anything you want and provide any tool you want. In order for the hacker "Arcticsn0w" to prove the power of Cydia tools, he mentioned that he can, with an application you download from Cydia, kill the device completely. The term used is correct and is "killing" and not destroying or damaging the system. Arcticsn0w released a tool in its “Repo”. If you download it, your device will die. At first it will restart and then it will not work again, and you will never be able to fix it. Yes, your device is finished and will not work again.

This is a serious matter, and we strongly warn about it, and anyone who has a jailbreak is advised to stop downloading any application that encounters it because the source of this tool available now In front of the developers, therefore any programmer can put it in a deceptive application in Cydia and then write some tempting things such as “an application that makes you get all the purchases from within the application for free, an application that can do such-and-such” and tempts some people to download it and here their devices are finished. It will not work again forever and will throw your iOS device for which you paid hundreds of dollars in the nearest trash bin; Do you imagine this matter and its seriousness ?! So, be careful what you download in your device, and if you are not 100% sure that what you download is safe then do not download the application in the first place. We are not talking about a data risk or making the iPhone slow, but we are talking about the end of the device and that you will buy another.

There is no risk to those who do not download the jailbreak, but if you are a jailbreak user, you must make sure of the safety of the application before downloading it, and it is better not to download any new applications now until the jailbreak community comes out with a solution.

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