Yesterday it was issued TaiG jailbreak team For all Apple devices running on 8.1.3, 8.2 and 8.3. However, we soon received dozens of complaints that the jailbreak is incomplete and stops at only 20%. How can this problem be solved?

IOS 8.3 jailbreak failure fix

The problem is the main cause of it, according to the experience of dozens of people, it is iTunes, and the solution is to remove iTunes and install the old version with the number 12.0.1, through the following steps:

Tag Fail


Make sure while deleting iTunes that you are doing "Uninstall" and not delete the icon. You must also delete all iTunes elements from the "Control Panel" on your device, which are in order:

  1. iTunes
  2. Apple Software Update
  3. Apple Mobile Device Support
  4. Hello
  5. Apple Application Support

If you find any of them, delete them in the order shown in the previous point.


Reboot your device, then download the old version of iTunes number 12.0.1 to your computer from this link (Open Link From the Windows computer, not the iOS device).


After downloading the previous version of iTunes, the automatic update may appear that there is a newer version, so reject the update (the newer version is the one that causes the problem and it is the one we deleted at the top).


Repeat the previous jailbreak steps mentioned in yesterday's article -this linkAgain, don't forget to back up.

If you find the previous points too long or difficult, wait a few days for the TaiG team to release a tool update to fix the problem.

Did you experience a failure to do the jailbreak? And after your experience of the previous steps, has the problem been solved?



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