There are no months for the game "Pokemon Go" now, everyone is talking about it, and if you are a good follower of the sources of technology or games in Zamen, you definitely know the stories that this game brought and the rumors and noise it causes now.


why all that?

Simply because this is what "Pokemon" always does in marketing, it raises a lot of rumors and opposition that ultimately lead to more fame, and you may remember that when the Pokemon animation was shown in the Arab world, many rumors and even Fatwas prohibiting viewing themAnd this is what led to her more fame, even this article that we are writing now is more fame for her, and although many of you asked for an explanation of this game and asked about it, we did not want to be led by what is not useful because the best thing is to ignore this news and it will be forgotten as he forgets. everything.

But now we are writing this article because there is a great danger if you play "Pokemon Go", so we must warn, because it is not easy.

A security search company named "RedOwl" revealed that the game "Pokemon Go" forces users to register with a Google account before playing. If you try to register by any other means, you get an error and in the end you have to log in with a Google account, and that the manufacturer of the game "Pokemon Go" named Niantic has All the powers are on your account, which means ...


Read all your e-mail

☠️ Send e-mail with your name

Link to all your documents in Google services

☠️ Delete any mail or any document you have in your Google account

☠️ Look at your search history, map history and navigation

☠️ Access to any private photos that may be stored in Google photos

This is just a little of a lot, it is terrifying, especially knowing your location and browsing history, as well as accessing your photos, in addition to that you can access your other account linked to this account simply.

If you were someone who downloaded the game "Pokemon Go" and gave the game your account in Google and gave them permission for all this ...

Maybe you want to cry now?


Don't worry, let's fix this issue ...


Open This page For your Google account,
Then press (Connected apps & sites)




Then tap Pokemon Go Release, then tap REMOVE

Now the danger has ended, and at least they no longer have authority on your account, but also you will not be able to play the game until after registration and we recommend that you make a separate mail if you want to continue chasing Pokemon

After we mentioned one danger from the dangers of this many game, we know that some will ask, and we will answer because we believe that after clarifying the risks, it is a person's business to estimate this risk, and science is not restricted to anyone ...

Is "Pokemon Go" game available in the Arab world?

No, it is not official, when the game "Pokemon Go" was released in Australia, and it is now available in America and New Zealand, and from the users' passion for the release of this game in the stores of other countries it was released Several locations It monitors the game's availability in software stores for different countries and alerts you when it is officially released in your country's store. However, this did not prevent users from setting up accounts in the American store and spreading ways to download the game. And Android owners definitely have them The cracked version with the virus Its like most of their apps :)

Pokémon GO

All we ask you is to warn everyone who has this game, at least if he is determined to continue playing with it, he must create an impersonal Google account, otherwise it is exposed to a great risk, so no one knows which information that this company collects will go to and to whom it will go. . So share this article


Adam reeve

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