For more than two years, Apple iPad sales have been continuously declining without stopping. Apple introduced new versions of it and even the iPad Pro, to no avail. We analyzed this matter several times, but I was surprised each time that Apple is still the most company selling tablets since the launch of the first iPad until today. What is the secret? And why shouldn't Samsung, which is known for providing hundreds of devices, give us tablets with capabilities equivalent to its new S and Note phones? And my answer to this was that the secret is the end of the era of the second generation of tablets.
The first generation of tablets
You may have noticed that I repeat the phrase "second generation" for tablets in the previous sentence as well as the title. So what is this second generation, when did it appear, and where is the first generation?
In the nineties, a smart device called PDA spread and was more like a notebook in which you can record your notes, and Apple at the time provided its "Newton" device. Until Microsoft came in the year 2000 to present to the world the concept of real tablet devices with the Pocket PC device, which worked on Windows CE 3.0, and two years later, it presented the so-called “Microsoft Tablet PC” and it was a real tablet device that works with a modified version of the famous Windows XP system.
But these devices remained limited in use and capabilities and did not achieve sales due to the company's mistake at the time that it did not provide a complete concept for tablets, but rather it was only introducing a new device in addition to the technology at that time was late (this is what Bill Gates himself mentioned in response to a question that the founder of the tablets is supposed Real). But these devices, although they did not attract the eyes of millions of users, did attract the attention and attention of a person. This person is Steve Jobs, who found in her what he wanted for the future of Apple.
second generation
Jobs became famous for the phrase that geniuses "steal." But we can say that Jobs was a thief - as he described himself and we are not his lineage - a sophisticated one, as he picked up distinctive ideas and developed them with his famous skill. Therefore, the attempts of Bill Gates and then Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's leaders in promoting tablets, could not pass before Jobs without any benefit from them. So he met with the leaders of his company and asked them to make a tablet for Apple. Indeed, they did this and brought him a copy of the tablet. Here the genius of Jobs appears, as he took the device from them and placed it next to him and told them "Wonderful, but people need such a thing, but a phone. Let's start a touch phone project." The result was the iPhone in 2007 and it began to achieve global success in 2008, and here Jobs called the team again and told them it was time to revive our tablet project. I want you to be inspired by all that we benefited from the iPhone to offer me the iPad. In early 2010 Jobs revealed the iPad. And here the second generation began.
Constant control of Apple
When Apple launched the iPad, it swept the sales of tablet devices and achieved unprecedented popularity and making all companies offer tablet versions, whether Microsoft itself or its Android competitors. But the iPad remained superior and at times Apple was selling more than all companies and the world together. Now, after 6 years, we find that Apple, although its devices are known for their very high price, the second quarter sales figures (April-May-June) show us that Apple has a share of 25.8% and is almost equal to the total sales of all tablet devices from Samsung, Lenovo and Amazon together. But if you look at the numbers, you will find that the total sales are decreasing, so why did you die?
The advantages that made him fall apart
Do you remember above when I spoke that Jobs told his team that he wanted to introduce a tablet device and take advantage of it with what they learned from the iPhone? If we can say that the iPad is nothing but a "super" iPhone. Any large iPhone device. And because the current era of tablets is led by Apple from the beginning, it was the saying of all companies that their tablet device is an enlarged version of their phones. But with the passage of days, phones began to increase in size and even Apple was forced to release the 5.5-inch iPhone Plus, and its sales increased with time.
With the increase in the size of the phones, functions that are difficult to do on the old 3.5-inch iPhone (iPhone before 5) have become possible with the Plus, which has become an iPad mini, ie an "iPad mini" but miniature. In Android, the phablet category has appeared and spread, but companies with the most powerful phones are found, such as Huawei in the Mate devices and Samsung in the Note phone. And for those who do not know that devices even the size of a 5.1 inch screen are called a phone. Between 5.11 tablets to 6.99 tablets are called phabets (meaning a hybrid between a phone and tablet) and devices from 7 inches are called tablets. In 2012, the phablet sold 25.6 million devices, and the number jumped to 50.4 in 2013 with the launch of the iPhone Plus. It is expected that the number will reach 146 million this year, i.e., sales have doubled by 600% in 4 years. So, it is not surprising that companies neglect to offer tablets. For example, Samsung has 356 devices under the name "Galaxy". Looking at the most recent 70 of them, you find there are only 3 tablets.
The third generation of tablets
Now, what happened with Microsoft and its pledge in the past decade is repeated in the 2010 Apple era - that tablet sales decline. But technology has always taught us that nothing dies. So we invite you to discuss in the comments about the future of tablets. And how can it be developed to provide the third generation. We will devote a new article a few days later to imagine the future of the iPad, and we will use it with what you remember.
Do you agree with us that the era of the second generation of tablets has ended and a new era has come? Where do you expect the new revolution?
Human genius does not end
Development has to be done. Nothing stays the same
Thank you for the efforts..!?
I can shorten the article by one line.
Revolutionary change does not necessarily work for a new generation of devices, it could be the end of all device generations.
From my point of view, Apple needs only two changes and they change the operating system from iOS to macOS and switch the current USB C charging port on the new MacBook and thus it will become a real alternative for the computer, at least for the Pro version.
We all know that Apple has not and will not add any new technology to any device, even if it exists, unless it knows XNUMX% that the user will benefit from it.
I read all the comments, but I did not find a single comment that could attract the attention of * Bin Sami *, because I did not find a comment close to the idea that he tried to put forward!
Bin Sami has a distant and insightful look at the third generation!
To look at the difference between the first generation and the second generation that bin Sami mentioned, note the tremendous difference between the two. Yes, this difference is what made bin Sami do justice to them as generations! And we need a difference like the one between the first from Microsoft and Apple! Here we'll get to the idea! I assure you that the device, which will be a third generation, will be completely different from what we knew and know today! First, augmented reality will play a role in third-generation devices, and most importantly of all that is mentioned is size. Or specific sizes to increase diversity! What do you think of a device that could become a Phablet and an iPad?
Can you fold it and put it in your pocket? The idea is there, but who is the company that will come to make it practical and productive? As previously happened from touch! Fingerprint ! Iris print ?! Certainly it is Jobzian: According to Jobs :. What do you think of a device in which the physical buttons will be canceled? What do you think if the home button disappeared and became part of the main screen as one unit? How many devices enable you to communicate without a telecom service provider ?!
I expect a lot, and this is what Tim stated when he mentioned that what's coming from Apple will make it difficult to live without it! Sir, I guarantee you that the third generation will also be Apple's share due to many strengths, the most prominent of which is its store, which is the most important thing on which the foundation of the third generation can be built!
Every classification and break in history and science needs a big, important and new event in order for it to be a break, a generation, and a new era that differs completely from its predecessor.
Greetings to the wonderful bin Sami and all the staff Yvonne Islam!
Frankly, I am happy that as far as I understand what I mean from the article ... I felt that I was mistaken in the presentation and it was vague, and I intended to devote half of my next article to re-clarifying and explaining the idea again
Those ideas and innovations that flow from the creators of Yvonne Islam are what made Yvonne Islam and Zaman in the refineries of indispensable sites! We became with Yvonne Islam as a family that we love and understand what they want as they understand what we want! Your articles and your proposal in all of the above has merit and influence in forming part of our thoughts and opinions. Thank you, and wait for more!
Sorry for the misspelled words. I was distracted by the article. It made me write and post without checking and correcting
God bless you
Indeed, iPhone Islam reminds me of the beginnings of the dazzling Sakhr company!
You have a bright future, God willing
Something beautiful and wonderful
If Apple wanted to make a revolution with the third generation, it would have to “shake it up” a bit, meaning open the strict system and use a USB or memory and integrate Windows (we even know that these are doors for viruses), but certainly the technologies that Apple has reached enable it to integrate what people need and at the same time maintain security... This is (if) Apple originally wanted to lead with the third generation 🙊 And dance with me, man
I think that Apple should stop producing an iPad from me because it is the worst iOS device, as an iPhone hardware with an iPad, so after finding an iPhone Plus, there is no need for it.
I expect after Apple's interest in increasing the level of luxury in the iPad, such as 4 speakers, and the presence of an iPad Pro will lead the tablet devices to stay longer.
I am my problem. I want to buy an iPad Pro to watch the video, but I don’t know whether I will be able to carry a TV in cafes. The device is beautiful but the size is difficult to carry. Does someone have an iPad Pro he can advise me to buy it or not
IPad Pro 9.7 is a universal device
I think that you should open the system more often .. This will make a lot of difference with the addition of new capabilities and make it easier for the user
I am in my opinion that Apple will move to merge Windows 10 with the iPad in one device such as the MacBook and thus announce to the world that computers are able to own the market with genius and it is now in the process of changing the processor because the world of computers has begun to interest in the merging of the two.
Nice and accurate words, we thank you for your kind efforts
thank you. We were tempted to update, and then we are surprised that inside the article is an announcement of why you were not satisfied with the outside instead of inside it! And why don’t you remember this one within the update that contains internal ads! And excuse us for the criticism !!
Dear brother, there is no advertisement inside the article
How did an advertisement appear to you inside the article?
I am browsing for four articles a while ago, and I did not see a final announcement
The third generation of the tablet is Microsoft's Surface and similar devices
Because it acts as computers in a tablet spirit
who agrees with me
I strongly agree
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I think for the success of the third generation of the iPad, Apple must design a new system so that it is not similar to IOS, but rather more like macOS, but in a more simple way and adding a USB-C port
Where the laptop is dispensed with for many people who use it for home use, and the iPad with the new system is the alternative to them.
The laptop is for a group of people dedicated to the needs and requirements of more, such as programmers and companies that work on many programs and need high specifications.
Integrating the iPad with a new system and powerful hardware to be the iPad, MacBook Air and Pro
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Hand expressions are better than expressions in other graphics
We can change the expressions at any time, even without updating the application, so you will find them changing constantly. Don't worry :)
Thanks, iPhone Islam, I think the iPad will last for a long time
Add from among the emoji 😒 I don't care
Because I do not care about tablets, nor do I use them
Refuse to give the same meaning, but no problem, we will make your choice soon
I think the iPad competes in a different category than the iPhone. The iPhone came to compete with the old Symbian system and the old BlackBerry system. It entered the market and pushed them out of the market. The iOS system provided integrated services that made it difficult for the user to replace the iPhone with any other phone. Here, the comparison is difficult because the iPad entered the market to compete with the Windows system in the tablet category, and laptop sales were significantly affected and sales decreased because the common user does not want a computer for the functions that the iPad and iPhone can accomplish.
Without a doubt, Windows XNUMX came to fill this gap in the system, and companies began to offer different models and Microsoft entered the manufacturing stage with its powerful devices from the Surface category, these devices with the presence of the Android system with the introduction of users' devices and with the absence of what is new in the iPad made Apple present the iPad Pro tablet And XNUMX and XNUMX inches claim to have the ability of a laptop, the future of the iPad determines the features of Microsoft more than Apple, and perhaps Apple, and the share that Apple obtained may be its share of the rest of the market.
Now Microsoft is working on a new operating system, considering that Windows XNUMX is the last, and it seems that this system is intended to work on all its devices, and it is also clear that Apple is going in the same direction, the environment of the Windows operating system has its customers who are accustomed to it, and the primacy of the iPhone gave it the superiority .
I am surprised by this continuous discussion regarding the decrease in iPad sales, as if the iPad has to compete with the iPhone sales!
IPad sales were strong and rising because it was a new device. When the market was saturated with the iPad, its sales declined, and this is normal.
The iPad is a practical and functional device, not a fancy and fashionable device, and this is a fundamental difference between it and the iPhone, for in addition to the iPhone's functions, it is a fashion device, meaning people are interested in keeping up with its new releases, carrying it with them, and showing it in front of each other.
I own a MacBook Pro, an iPad Air, and an iPhone 6 Plus, and there is no device among them that can sing about the other, so even the iPhone does not substitute the iPad for browsing the net, reading books, watching movies and YouTube, and these are the purposes for which I use the iPad, and it is convenient and practical in which more than Mac, and if that is the case, I don't need to change it every year, it is a functional device that I will keep using as long as it does the things that I use it for.
And often, I think that there is a general saturation of the existing technology, not just the iPad, even the passion for the iPhone has declined, and this is normal for a 10-year-old device and its additions are limited every year.
A very logical analysis and XNUMX% correct God be upon you
I salute you for this wonderful comment and agree with you strongly
Thank you very much for the article. May Allah reward you. A long time ago, when the iPad came out, I was saying it was a big iPhone. When there were rumors about the Pro, I said, "Henslo 's salvation for the Mac OS, but it is not useful for them. Why do you prefer the IOS?"
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your application has become more fun because of the emoji below, comments will decrease and expressions will increase if these faces are animated like the ones that Facebook has 😂😂😂😂😂
It was just introducing a new device and the technology was far behind
Question: How late? At that time, technology was just beginning to shine. How? 😒
There is an error in the article:
Between 5.11 tablets to 6.99 tablets, they are called phabets
the correct :
Something between 5.11 inches to 6.99 inches is called a phablet
I think that the third generation should have the specifications and equipment that allows it to move between operating systems
In addition to developing features and features that attract the user to buy these devices
In addition to developing the intelligence of these devices, my father is currently considered a Siri service, but it will be stronger and more interactive, and this will be an important step
Effort thanks von Asla 👍
Honestly, Apple tablets are beautiful, fit the purpose, have a long life, and the user does not need to change, and also their price is very high and increases little by little without stability.
Especially that the differences in terms of features are few between them and are not something that forces the user to renew!
Honestly, Apple tablets are beautiful, fit the purpose, have a long life, and the user does not need to change, and also their price is very high and increases little by little without stability.
Especially that the differences in terms of features are few between them and are not something that forces the user to renew!
It is well noticed that what the iPad offers is only a bigger screen, nothing but the phablet solves the problem of switching between devices
In addition to its inability to be a replacement for a laptop or Mac
So what is its use?
I believe the phablet has proven to be efficient and popular, and is a tangible future and present
The only solution is to eliminate the MacBook to save the iPad, or vice versa as well
I love to have a Mac, but at the same time I want an iPad to do something. As for the rest, the iPhone Plus can easily achieve it.
The iPad keyboard is also one of the reasons for persuasion to eliminate the Mac, especially the Mac Air and its ridiculous shape, as it is practically an iPad with a Mac system that will crush it forever.
Apple has a similar option to the iPod
And this time, either the iPad or MacBook
As it was either the iPhone or the iPod
In my opinion, this news will not harm the Mac Pro because of its huge potential, which will also disappear with the power of processors and the capabilities of powerful tablets, especially if it carries an apple on its tree ....
When the first touch-enabled device, the iPhone, was invented
The user had no opinion of it because it hadn't been created yet
Rather, it is the diligence of Apple company, so a limited system was invented
Capabilities works on it and it is iOS
With the development of processors and hardware performance the system continues
It evolves with it until it starts to get close to iOS performance
Mac system and with this I conclude from my experience
That the next generation will come out with a hybrid system
All devices work on it, followed by a word that distinguishes between the iPhone
And other devices will stop making
The MacBook and Apple are satisfied with making the iPad and iMac and it is done
Abandon the fingerprint button and are satisfied with the XNUMXD Touch
The development of screens for the better and a panel is being developed
The keys are for iPad, which made me speak to this conclusion
The new MacBook is satisfied with only one entry
And who told you that Apple was the first to invent the first touch device ?? Apple didn't invent Shi Apple, beautifully remaking the innovations of other companies
On the other hand, Apple did not present, throughout its work, a new invention of its own, but rather takes the ideas of others and builds on them .. And since others have nothing new to offer this period, so we do not expect anything from Apple because it is waiting for others like us.
The customer, when he owns any tablet device, will not think of renewing it for a long time, unlike the phone, even companies do not offer temptations that make the user change his tablet device constantly.
The reason for the decline in sales
Apple was reckless to download the Plus device. If Steve Jobs lived, he wouldn't have agreed if a company had insisted on unloading the device in a size of an inch large, it would have succeeded and has its prestige that it is not fake
just an opinion
I expect the third generation will be completely different from all the previous ones in terms of design, capabilities, features, and everything as well. I do not think that Apple will have a head start in this, but Apple has a lot of surprises. I think that the next year will be full of dazzling technology and it will break all expectations
My opinion is that the iPad becomes like a Mac, running on macOS, with a keyboard in its box instead of buying it at a very expensive price, and it performs the functions of the Mac, and you can switch between iOS and macOS ..
Some news says that there are revolutionary changes in the iPad in 2018 and there is a 10-inch version ...
(Even the iPad is no longer interested in people, but even parents are buying it for their children as a gift for them on the occasion of their success, the iPad is the best device for me after the iPhone, and it is the most wonderful device for studying)
The development of a tablet device for reading as in the Kindle reader, with the expansion of its tasks of audios, translation, browsing and downloading of various programs, especially of interest to researchers
Creates a new font for eye-reading readers, unlike the current screen technology for the tablet
If the iPad system becomes closer to the Mac system, then we will see the difference
The third generation of the Mac OS system and the abandonment of the MacBook and iPad and merging them into one category with the specifications of the MacBook and the shape and keyboard of the iPad
When iPad Pro becomes Mac OS
Only then will the matter completely change, especially if the iPad maintains its price (this is impossible from Apple ☺️)
Yes, it is true if the iPad works on a Macintosh system, perhaps most people will buy it, but it will be a loss for the MacBook Pro ☺️ For example, if the iPad is running on the Macintosh system, the user will buy an iPad keyboard and thus become a laptop and iPad at the same time. Not only this, but the memory seemed to rise to the top, for example the iPad is capable P to receive a capacity of XNUMX GB
The only thing I think about If the iPad system became a Macintosh system, how much would the price of the iPad be, my sense, reaching XNUMX means a collective withdrawal, at least better than the MacBook Pro, which is priced at XNUMX
It is necessary to look at the future of tablets in a third generation, because this generation has started aging
And the start will not be at the hands of Apple, because it is our return to slow down and start steadily.
As for what is the third generation, this is difficult to predict .... I imagine that the third generation will have an impact on portable devices because it will collect mobile specifications, but it is in the form of a tablet
Ie 2 * 1, but full-featured, so that it carries an integrated system similar to what is found in a mobile, but a tablet
This is preceded by an important thing, which is the integration of mobile systems with tablet systems
Don't be surprised at the drop in iPad sales
The reason is because the iPad from Apple is an amazing and awesome device.
The iPad 3 and 4, the iPad Air 1 and the Air 2 are widely used devices, and their owners do not think about renewing them for the latest because they meet everything (speed and constant updates).
For example, I have an iPad Pro 9.7, it is very difficult to buy another iPad because it is great for its speed, battery, sound and screen
In the end, sales will undoubtedly decrease
On the other hand, the iPad has uses that a large screen phone cannot do, for example, but not limited to.
Watching movies on iPad is the most amazing thing
you are right
I don’t see that the iPhone makes me sing about the iPad… I prefer working and browsing on the iPad… I own an iPhone 6 Plus and an iPad Air
I think that the best solution to solve the problem is in the iPad system, it must change to become closer to the laptop in terms of the system, relying on the iOS system does not fit the iPad