At first I am not talking in this article about any device that actually exists. I am not talking about an iPhone, an Android phone, a Windows Phone, or a recently deceased BlackBerry. I just imagined how the perfect future phone could be for me. This was my dream for him.

This phone is my dream to see

With the development of phones, we started for the first time in history to find comparisons made between their performance compared to personal computers. It was the most famous comparison between the performance of the iPhone 7 processor with all Mac Air devices. Hence the idea that the phone works on the same philosophy as the personal computer. I do not mean here what companies seek to provide "computer" functions for phones. But I mean here the literal meaning. Treat your phone system as you would your computer. I invite you to fantasy with me now.

Imagine that you are buying a phone made by Samsung, HTC, Sony, Mi, LG, and others. This phone does not have an operating system. Yeah! The phone comes like a personal computer without an operating system. And after you buy it, you open the phone to find options in front of you. What operating system do you want to download? Do you want a raw Android system from Google? Do you want Android system Samsung or HTC? Do you want to download the BlackBerry system? -Suppose it is? - Do you want Windows, for example? A heavily modified Android system like Amazon Fire?


As you would do on a personal computer after purchasing it, we plug in a DVD or Flash and download Windows 7-8-10 or Ubuntu. It would be the same philosophy now in your phone. The manufacturer's role will be to put in place only the system download application and its hardware "definitions" as in the computer.

Strange idea, but can devices support it?

Now the main operating systems support 64bit and thus support the operation of more than 4 GB memory. Indeed, we have seen many phones, the most famous of which is OnePlus 3, working with a memory of 6 GB. And maybe soon we will see 8 GB. It also became rumors that you would find a storage capacity of 64 GB, as well as 128 and 256 GB. That is, in terms of hardware, phones work with a processor, memory, storage capacity, and sometimes a graphics engine that competes and surpasses traditional computers. Loading any system will not be a hindrance.


But the most important question is the companies; What is the benefit for companies from these phones?

Everyone wins

In our article Why Brilliant Ideas Don't Succeed We talked about any idea that would have to get adoption from gigantic companies to survive. So let's think about what returns to companies as well as the user?

Google: These devices will be Google's dream, the company that suffers from the dispersion of users of its systems will find the magic solution. Anyone can download the raw version which is known for its quick official updates as well as high performance.

MicrosoftMicrosoft is spending billions of dollars to convince phone users to try Windows. Now she will have a magic phone, all she wants is to tell the user, “Why not try Windows Phone? You do not need to buy a new phone, but you can try it now on your device. ”You can convince someone to pay thousands to buy a new phone. The promotions will only be“ Connect your device to the Internet and download our system. ” Of course, these devices will support the ability to operate more than one system.

Windows 10

Telephone companies: How many people have heard telling you I love Samsung devices, for example, but their Android version is bad as it is slow with time. Or you hear another saying to you, I hope to find an HTC phone, but it runs on Xiaomi's MIUI Android system, for example. This is a basic problem for companies, which is that they are "hardware" companies, so their experience in modifying Android is not the same as their experience in manufacturing the devices themselves. The result is that you find a phone with a great design and perfect hardware, but the operating system has a lot of problems. This idea will be the solution. Now phone companies will struggle in their field of "hardware" and if the user does not like their operating system, he can change it. Sony, for example, wants you to buy the phone, use it for Android, use it as a camera, or even throw it in the sea. It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you buy the device, right?


the userThe third party in the equation. Now the user will be free. He buys a LG phone, for example, and downloads the Android version, “Samsung,” and finds that the latter has stopped updating its system to the latest Android version. Well wow, in minutes it will uninstall this version and raw Android will download the latest version. He would be literally free now, buying the best hardware and then choosing the best operating system for him. Isn't that cool ?!

Camel: Unfortunately, this party is not a winner but a loser, Apple depends on its superiority on the dispersion of others, Google cannot provide hardware hardware that is superior to the iPhone, and Samsung manufactures advanced hardware, but its violent modification of the system reduces performance. Or, for example, HTC, which I see designs the most beautiful phones now, but the system also flaws it. Now Apple will face a super adversary which is the best design for Android phone with a raw version. In addition, the same device can include the latest version of Windows with Android. And maybe with them Ubuntu system. Now imagine the best design, hardware, and all operating systems with them. Can you imagine this opponent?


One last comment

All of the above is a fictional idea that came to my mind, although the idea is not pure fiction because there are devices that work Windows and Android together. And also the idea above that computers are actually working on. But for it to happen, a giant and giant company here, meaning Google, Samsung, or Microsoft, will have to adopt this idea. Although ostensibly it is a Win-Win relationship, meaning everyone is a winner, the manufacturing and the steps are very complex and it takes years of research and modification to see the light. And the gigantic companies to do this have to make sure that every dollar spent will double them. Tech companies are already looking for the next generation of phones, which is what Google called to support the project PhoneBlock Under a draft ARA But the project died. My imagination may not see reality, but I wanted to share it with you.

What do you think of the idea of ​​this imaginary phone? Can it come true? What is a dream phone for you?

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