It's been over a year since Previous part From this series, in which we answer the questions we receive, the iPhone Islam team, about us and not about problems facing our followers. In this article we will answer the most frequent comments in recent articles.

[3] iPhone Islam's responses to the readers ’questions

Where do I sync from Android?

Although we mentioned this before, but already there are a lot of followers who did not know that there is a sync in Android -this linkOf course, the version there is not fully efficient and the quality of iOS, as it is still in the process of development and updating. But you can download it to follow the favorite sites from your google device :-).


Wouldn't you admit that Android is better than iOS because it includes more features?

There is a large article we have published explaining that the word "better" is relative and difficult to measure. What is best for you is not what is best for me. Even if we assume that the number of advantages in a particular system is times that of the other, this will not make it better for it -Check out our articleBut many people understood the article that we are comparing the two systems or not, how can a system with fewer advantages is better? So let us give us a new example.

Imagine yourself in front of two dining tables. The first includes 100 items, but you do not like them, and the second includes only 10 items, but they are your most favorite items. Which of the two tables would you choose? The most numerous or the one with what you like to eat ?! I suspect most of us will feel that a table of 100 items is empty.


This is exactly the case with operating systems. I have a dear friend who uses Microsoft Windows Lumia phones and thinks it is the best. Yeah! He doesn't like iOS or Android and Windows thinks better.

Why do you publish promotional articles on your site? Won't you respect your followers ?!

This comment and the question has been repeated recently, and we really do not understand why some people think that others have no right to receive an income? So if MIMV became a non-revenue company, how would I get paid at the end of the month? So I will leave the company and my articles will disappear :-). Yes, I love Islam's iPhone site and writing for you, but let's talk honestly. Anyone who has a family and a life must have an income. The same goes for the company's account manager, programmer, web developer, and any company employee. So having income in any way is not a shame that deserves constant criticism and it is a bad thing.


As for the lack of respect for followers, how did it come from the ground? When we talk about a free program that is free, it will not cost the user anything. But if it is paid, like a lot of computer programs, to clean the memory or photograph the screen of the device, etc. Here the situation differs, so the follower will get out the money to pay. Therefore, we insist on companies to offer a discount to our followers, and sometimes even the lowest price arrived in the history of this program at any time. In fact, this sometimes costs us because the advertiser wants to sell at the highest price in order to achieve the largest profits. And when you insist on him to reduce his profits, he may reduce the return for us. Where, then, is our lack of respect for our follower ?! We provide them with discounts or free apps. In the end, no one was forced to download or buy.

Why do you insist on linguistic and spelling errors in your articles?

Delete "MISTAKE"

This is the most embarrassing question I've received since I started here 5 years ago. The truth is, I like technology and writing in general, but I have had a problem with the Arabic language since my childhood. By the way, I did not study media or literature, rather my university studies were in the Faculty of Science, Department of Physics-Chemistry. The reason for entering the college is the Arabic language. In the Egyptian high school exams over two years, I got 91%, meaning I lost 9%, of whom 5% were in Arabic and the remaining 4% were in 10 other subjects. I do not intend to spell errors and insist on them, but many of them are due to my lack of knowledge and some of them because the article was not reviewed well before publishing, and this I apologize for it. Frankly, I thought about reading in the language, but the truth was I could not stand it, and I found that if I read about technology, economics, history, or politics, my articles would be better in terms of science, even if they were not at the required level of linguistics. The reason for this decision was to “focus on the scientific aspect” is that the follower here enters to read “technical” and not the fluency of an Arabic language. I apologize for my linguistic mistakes.

Please help me in the future in fixing frequent errors.

What do you think of a statistic that says an iOS user is more arrogant, liars, and materialistic?

What do you think of another American study that said that Android users are shorter, poorer, have poor health, less educated, and more miserly, "less donated" than iPhone users? This is a really real study published 3 years ago -this link- But do you believe it !!! Let us believe that these studies are really real, although the statistics are easy to manipulate, and if it were not for we being a technical site, I would have published articles explaining how to manipulate them. But suppose its truth, then what? If you met an iOS user, would you tell them that they are conceited and arrogant? And if you met an Android user, would you see him as poor and uneducated? Will this happen?

These studies are not of interest to us and should not lead to any change in behavior based on them. You will find one rich Android user and another poor one. You will find a humble person who owns an iPhone and another who bought it to show off. In the end, don't let a statistic like this lead to any decision making.

Write any question in the comments to answer it later, whether Apple and iOS questions, problems in the "You Ask" series, or direct questions for us in the next part of this series.

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