For years, Apple relied on Google Maps and then switched to its own version and caused disasters that prompted the company to fire the creator of iOS over Maps scandal Its time. However, with time, Apple Maps has improved dramatically. But despite these constant updates, I still prefer Google Maps; These are my reasons.

First of all, to be fair, the beauty of the design, colors, and XNUMXD graphics in Apple Maps is better than Google. I even prefer the satellite version of Apple over Google because of its true-to-life colors. But that's when I want to browse the map for fun. As for the practical performance, the situation is completely different.


More places: Perhaps this difference will not be felt by those who live in European countries or America. But in our Arab world, Google Maps provides dense data about stores and stores and their locations, so you can easily access what you are looking for.


Better information: This point differs from the previous one, so even if you find the place you are looking for in Apple Maps, you will find very few details about it and there is no comparison between it and Google Maps


Traffic density: A fatal feature in Google Maps, which is the main reason I open the application daily. When you live in an area like Greater Cairo, which has a population of 30 million, you have to think carefully about which road is suitable for your trip. One look at the Google app to see which way I move or stay at home :-).


Navigation: Egypt and Morocco are the only Arab countries that Apple supports in navigation to apply its maps for an unknown reason. So whoever lives in any other Arab country, his only option is Google Maps. But even if you live in Egypt, for example, due to the density of Google Maps data and information, you will prefer to use its navigation.


Crowded shopsA: Not many map users may know this feature. Sometimes I think about going to a store but I think is this a good time to shop or will the store be crowded. Simply what I do is search for the store and then swipe up to see the data, which will include the congestion in the store now, as well as an indication of the congestion on the days of the week and the timing to decide when to go.


times of work: A while ago I was thinking of going to a friend who lives near a government facility. Because I don't know the way, I searched for it and then asked Google to navigate to this place. Google told me before it started that we expect to arrive at such and such an hour, while this place closes its doors at such an hour, so am I sure that I want to go there and find it closed?


Place on the wayA new feature, but immersed in Google Maps, is that you can shop while navigating. For example, you go to visit a friend, but your car is running out of fuel. You can ask Google to choose the best route for your friend and at the same time there will be a gas station on this road. Or even choose a place from the map yourself. Open the application and choose your destination, then before clicking on the note, press the three dots next to your current location.


Always in the appIn Apple Maps, when you search for a place and want to see its image, you will find it close the Maps application and open Forsquire or Yelp to see the pictures there, even if this place is the headquarters of Apple itself !!! On Google, you will see the images directly inside the Google app. (Apple now provides Wikipedia pictures only without exiting the application).


 Uber: When I select any location and see the road and traffic density. With one touch I can know how much it will cost me to get there with Uber. This is very useful, as sometimes the road is crowded and you hate driving in traffic, and you think about canceling your appointment, then you look at the cost of going to Uber and find it suitable, so you decide to leave your car.

last word

There are other advantages in the Google application, such as downloading maps, but unfortunately this feature does not support Arab countries, as well as those written in symbols "Japan, China, Korea and Thailand." So it was ignored.

Google Maps

Apple Maps is characterized by the provision of Wikipedia support for some places, as well as the beauty of the design in a difference from Google Maps in addition to that you see navigation in the lock screen, flight flayover in addition to some opening and closing dates for stores (specific countries). But what Google provides from advantages such as crowding, for example, there is no comparison between it and cosmetic advantages such as that offered by Apple.

Which do you prefer Google Maps or Apple? What is the reason for your choice?

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