Apple holds an annual developer conference in June to unveil its latest systems. This year, the conference will be held on June 5 - see More about himAnd because the attendance ticket only costs 1599 dollars, excluding air tickets and accommodation, which makes the total cost very high, and it is not possible for many students, especially students. So Apple and its encouragement for young developers and students offer a free scholarship to attend. Learn how to apply for this Apple Student Scholarship.

Apple scholarship for students to attend WWDC

This year, Apple moved its conference from San Francisco to San Jose. It seems that the changes are not only in the place, but even the student scholarship also has changes. In the beginning, the traditional conditions are:


You must be 13 years old or more, and if you are less than 17 years old, parents ’consent must be required and Apple must be informed of their number.


You have a free or paid developer account.


You must be a permanent or partial student and submit proof of that. The same applies to members of any STEM organization

After the previous traditional points, the difference will come this year, in the past they were asked to make an iOS application, but this year, you have to know Swift Playgrounds, which Apple revealed previously.


You must by iPad or Mac create an interactive interface that can be tried within 3 minutes.


Write in a maximum of 500 words about the features and technologies you used with Swift. As well as writing, in a maximum of 500 words, how do you see sharing knowledge and technology in the field of computer with others. And also send your CV.

Apple asks applicants to be creative and to get helpful ideas, it advised them to try out the existing "template" already. Watch more video introductory about SWIFT:

Apple will open the door for applications on March 27 (that is, after approximately 3 weeks) through this link And it lasts until April 2, so progress is only one week. Apple will announce the winners on April 21.

Share the article with your friends. Maybe you are not a developer, but we hope to see young Arab developers benefit from an Apple grant to attend the conference



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