Warnings have always appeared to keep children away from modern technical devices at an early age, but as usual they have not fallen on deaf ears. What is the truth of these warnings? Is it really dangerous to this degree? If it is dangerous, what are its consequences for our children who have become addicted to these devices and become part of their daily routine, the answer you will get from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Pediatric Association.

Technical devices

The study confirmed that newborns to two years of age should not be exposed or use any of the modern technology devices at all, but from the age of 3-5 years an hour per day is sufficient, and from the age of 6-13 years only two hours per day are sufficient. But today children and adolescents use these devices many times the times they are allowed. This leads to non-benign consequences that may threaten the lives of our children, and these risks come after the increase in the use of these devices, especially mobile phones, electronic games and other portable devices. This increase results from the ease of their access to these devices and the expansion of the use of the Internet of all ages, so it must be There are serious steps by governments and parents to prevent the use of these by these age groups or legalize them, especially for children under the age of twelve.

What are the risks of using these devices on children?


Rapid brain growth:

From the birth of the child until the age of two years, the size of the child's brain doubles three times and continues to grow until the age of 21 years, and this is done through environmental stimuli surrounding the child, but when he is overexposed to the use of these devices, a strong stimulation of the brain occurs that may result in many dangers such as lack of attention, distracted thinking and weakness In learning, not being able to regulate himself and he can go into frequent tantrums.


Delayed learning:

Exposure of children to these devices at a very early age leads to a delay in the development of the child's educational skills, as one out of three children in America are considered educational lag because of their early exposure to the use of modern devices, as it causes an increase in the number of educational tardiness, which leads to an increase in illiteracy among children and a decrease in academic achievement.



Watching TV and playing electronic games causes a noticeable increase in obesity, in a study that confirmed that children who had televisions in their bedrooms were 30% obese, which is a very high percentage, and that one in four Canadian children suffer from obesity, and it is also known that obesity is a major cause. For diabetes and early heart attacks, the first generation of the twenty-first century may be the shortest life among previous generations in the future.



Studies have confirmed that 60% of parents do not supervise their children's use of modern devices and 75% of them allow them to be used in the bedroom and do not impose any control over them, which leads to sleep deprivation and insomnia, which affects their mental performance, and that children who use modern devices in a way They sleep less, more hours compared to them.

Father son iPad


Mental illness:

Early use of modern devices is one of the most important factors in children's mental illness, including depression, anxiety, attachment disorders, attention deficit, autism, bipolar disorder, psychosis and children's behavior problems, according to a study prepared by the University of Bristol, as one in six Canadian children has mental illness.


Tendency to violence:

What children see through these devices cannot be completely controlled, as they are subject to scenes of violence, sex, and drugs, as scenes of murder, torture, mutilation, rape, sex and drug abuse have become widespread in the media largely without supervision and uncontrolled. All this is negligence by governments for not imposing restrictions on what is presented, especially For children.


Having digital dementia:

You may find in the twenties unable to memorize his phone number, these are the symptoms of digital dementia, all of it is a secret of technology, so you are unable to rely on yourself without the help of modern devices, as it causes a lack of attention and a weak focus and memory, children who are unable to pay attention cannot learn At school.



Those who feed the addiction to modern devices are the parents themselves, in fact, so children do not want their gifts to be children's toys but electronic devices such as the iPad, Playstation and others, so there must be firmness by parents in the use of these devices by their children, one in 11 children of age 8-18 years old have an addiction to technology and the numbers are increasing.



Exposure to radiation emissions:

In 2011 the World Health Organization classified mobile devices and other wireless devices B2, which means a potential carcinogen, but other organizations demanded that it be classified A2, which means a carcinogen with a very high probability, which accelerated technology companies, led by Apple, to produce devices that emit light, harmless radiation And we talked about it In this article.



The ways parents and teachers were raised in using modern devices are no longer sustainable, so these methods must be changed to preserve the future generation from these dangers, as it is not a current problem. It is a problem that will last for generations if nothing strong is done by governments and parents to reduce children's exposure. To use technology, especially in the early stages.

A whisper in every father's ear

We know that prohibiting the use of modern devices by anyone in our time is a path of imagination, and we do not mean permanent prevention of course, because technology is also useful and one of the best means of education, but if the use exceeds a maximum, then it will be very dangerous. So, know that buying electronic devices for your children is not good for their physical and psychological health, so try to keep them occupied with what will benefit them in their religion and world. Children will not prefer playing football or any game over the truth and leave the virtual “games”, but in reality it is real sports that will benefit them in The future is the opposite of others that will waste their time in destroying their health. We also know that society is against you and it is illogical to deprive your child and the rest of his neighbors and compare him with modern devices, but we repeat it again. We are not talking about total deprivation but about legalization (children in the first three years are advised to be totally deprived as we mentioned), and you start with your child to build all of us a society Strong, cohesive, free from social and health pests, you alone decide what your children will be like in the future.

Do you legalize the use of electronic devices for your children? What do you think of the dangers of these devices to children? We shared your experience with your children

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