A four-year-old girl suffers from neurological and psychological disorders if her iPad is removed from her, and she is presented to a doctor. She was diagnosed with addiction and a treatment program was set up for months.
A wife complains about her husband and says, “My husband looks at his phone screen more than he looks at me,” and you can read her complaint once in a while. This article.
You go to the restaurant and to entertainment venues, you find everyone looks at the screen of his phone and forgets the reason for his presence in these places, which is interaction with people and entertainment.
Hundreds of accidents, the first reason is that the driver looks at his phone while driving, endangering his life and the lives of others.
For all these reasons and others, we renew our call ...
A day without a mobile phone, after the condition of people has become wondrous, everyone looks at his phone all the time, lacking contemplation of the nature and beauty around him in the vast heavens, stars, moon, trees, roses, and in the creation of God. After we lost meditation and contemplated on five-inch or smaller screens, examining every pixel in it and leaving our families, we played with our phones and left playing with our children. We checked the weather through apps and did not go out to feel it. A friend of yours, do not go to visit him, but call him by phone even if he lives a few kilometers from your place.
Technology and phones have become a feature of the age, and we never say that we should completely dispense with them, but they will not always be the same with us It happened in New York When the electricity went out during the hurricane, at that time everyone remembered what the days of writing on paper and waking up from sleep without an electronic alarm, and that if he wanted to play the ball, he had to use his feet, not his fingers, on the screens, etc., and the friends spent more time with each other and some and discovered that there was Beautiful places where they can spend time and pass by a lot, and no one noticed them because they were busy until the disaster struck and the technology was gone, so they turned to them.
So we decided in iPhone Islam to adopt a campaign to eliminate A day without a mobileThis day we go out with our families, we do not say that we turn off the phones, but that we are only intended to be satisfied with the important communication and that we use our devices as a phone only, and we strive for playing on this day with our friends and families a real game and not in the world of virtual games inside our devices. And we visit our relatives if possible, contemplate the sky and the creation of God, we read paper books, and live a normal life for only one day, so can we do this?
Interact with us on Twitter and urge your friends to spend the day without a cellphone
Do you think we need a day without a mobile? Choose the day that suits you and move away from your phone and enjoy life, nature, family and relatives, and after the end of this day, tell us in the comments how your day was without a mobile
Image Source | tedoz
Really great idea
I applied it for months, and was devoted to each week without a cell phone or the net or anything, only regular calls. Thank God, it has become a special day for me and the family. Real social communication gives you a better feeling than the electronic one, and tomorrow it will be without a mobile, God willing. Greetings to you, my dear ones, for this beautiful site ..
Nice idea, I wish we all try to enjoy the atmosphere with the family away from the mobile
But if we do a revision of our devices in the rest of the days
Meaning, I go to WhatsApp, each group does not interest me or is nothing but a waste of time, get out of it
Every app is of no tangible use, delete it, and so on
Not everything is worth following up. Rather, what is worth following up we reduce the burden on it in the sense of quickly passing on the content and not wasting time
We will find that we have saved a lot of time that was kept hostage and confined to our devices
So easy, it happened yesterday, on my birthday to be exact, I am not surprised and it was a beautiful day
I decided to leave the iPhone for five days every month and use a normal Nokia phone for communications only, and I started the first round, I was where the malls go, working coffee shops I see people with their faces down looking at the phone screen with my head raised and I watch people like our old days before smart phones Two days later I see myself strange because people She looks at me with amazement, but I took advantage of the clarity of mind and relaxed my eyes.
Frankly, it is very difficult 😥 With all my regret, the reality is that we have become addicted to tours and our lives have been robbed and we are clutching at these damned devices
I tried, but I couldn't
I switched off my phone today in the morning and gave it to my mother and told her to give it to me on Saturday and at night because I want to study for the IELTS test
Because I discovered that the mobile wastes a lot of my time in something that is not meaningful!
Your calls for me to answer 5,5 or more
True mobile has kept us away from many works, the most important of which is the integration of the personality into real society.
This time you notice the person on the net from behind the id. A brave hero and he does not care about anything, but in reality a closed coward
Damn this time
A story happened to me that I consider strange.. I was at an event and a person was sitting next to me and I noticed that he was using a regular Nokia phone and did not have any modern technology. I asked him at the time if using the phone prevented you from communicating with others. He answered, on the contrary, I communicate with them through calls and text messages because they know that I do not use a modern phone, so they accepted my communication with them in this way and got used to it.. I asked him about the news and knowing what is going on in the world. He said I have a laptop that I use for an hour a day to check my email and read the news, and then I close it.. I approached him and whispered in his ear and said, my friend, you are in a state of bliss that we, the users of modern devices, miss. Believe me, you have not missed anything..
Very very nice and we really need this procedure
The mobile is the dearest owner and best friend of yours, who saved you from Alvazilakat to what I saw other than lying
Be with your mobile companion
But do not accuse others Balvazlakat and lying
Surprised how the admin before publishing your comment
Because you were unable to live reality
So you choose to live the illusion
Where you say but not
Where the artificial guts
As idealism is shown behind a screen, and in front of it, a person fleeing pain is afraid to face it
Where the admiration (button) is named like
Where interacting with the ummah's misfortunes is just sharing a post that you see (and by that you think that you are one of the Mujahideen who have done their deeds)
My dear, but you let go of these heresies and lies that follow behind them
A very beautiful idea, and I applied it to myself from a time when I used my very old phone, Nokia is more than XNUMX years old
Thank God I am not addicted, my phone is completely free of all social media programs, I use the phone only for communications, reading and watching videos at specific times, and how I feel deprived of others of the joy of life, and I do not see that it is difficult to be like me, whoever sees outside the circle sees Clearly and precisely, do not put your life prisoner of technology, be free from your chains, and fly high and free
Peace be upon you. The most beautiful thing in life is simplicity. 5 days ago my mobile screen burned out. If I told you that I haven't sat with my father at a party for 10 years, believe me. At that time, I was bored, so I went to him and sat with him and we talked for hours. Yes, 10 years, my father and I haven't spent a party like this, and how much I regret wasting these years of my life without these beautiful times. I decided at that time that family is worth the filth and everything in it.
Nice experience We thank you for your valuable ideas and information. Thank you very much and good luck
Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you, a very beautiful topic, but unfortunately my spokesman stopped at a word, we decided iPhone Islam only
And the words that follow are re-read, I don’t know whether they are pictures or in a problem in the application, may God reward you with the best of an important topic
I thank God if you are with people even if there is no previous and all of them are on their devices I never use two devices unless I am alone
My experience ... as I deleted WhatsApp and some communication programs for a week, and I felt more life, my day, morning and evening ... I felt the mother and father ... my sleep schedule changed ... and after I returned to the programs, I did not find anything that I missed !!!!
The best phrase "and after I went back to the programs, I found nothing that I missed."
Why did not it persist?
On vacations possible
Because during work, it is difficult to work without communicating with people, whether by email or WhatsApp
If you shut down your mobile phone on vacations or at the end of the week, you will not lose anything, therefore (we may apply a day without a mobile phone)
Tomorrow will be a day without a mobile except for emergency calls, and I will tell you about my experience the day after tomorrow
The tongue cannot thank you for making us aware of the things we missed
Thank you iPhone سلام Islam
Yes, we need a day like this. A day without a mobile phone, but it is an imaginary thing, as in this era, the mobile phone has become the most loyal friend of the human being
Because the company of people is mostly interests and sitting with the family, discussion and talk has become only about matters of criticism of others and their actions towards us. Nothing beats a mobile today
It is difficult to go back to the days of the past, because the human condition has changed so much
In the past this was not the case, what happened is that we changed and the machine became the friend
This idea actually haunted me today in particular, Glory be to God, and I intended to go to visit some relatives and my family and leave my phone completely so that it does not occupy me or change my path
This is great, about posting your experience on social media and on our website, describing your feelings and urging others like you to change
I go to the gym without the phone to focus on exercising
This is a great idea, but I am using the BodyBuilding app:)
I don't go crazy when I get away from my phone a lot, and I don't use it much
Of course we get there and need hard
Although a little day, it is better than nothing
God willing, it will be today
Although I look at my phone while reading the article and also look at it when writing the comment, I support the idea because we have become very suffering from it with all people.
And do not forget that you will look at your phone while you are reading it
I really think this is a useful campaign, and I want to launch a hashtag on Twitter and invite for this day
Someone has already done this, and we will update the article to include Hash crown
Now, impossible
The pictures express the last strong unity 👌🏼
Unfortunately, this is what is happening in our current time
Not only Arab countries, even America and Europe
But the difference is that in a program “Manshi” (for example) in Germany, in order to integrate with the community. Children 12 years ago, few parents, to buy a smart phone, and if they buy, there will be certain times for use.
The adults (loyal to everyone, of course) are the example of me and my friends
In the week we have a day of playing football, a day of meeting in a café, and at the weekend
We stay with the family and the family
I mentioned how many examples are there because the times of using the smart miss are almost non-existent, especially when you are in a community with a person, and this is a person who does not have a mobile phone.
Thank you, Yvonne Salam, for your good and useful articles, and for good luck
Thank you Yvonne Islam for this wonderful article. I liked it very much
A day without a mobile. I think so in dreams. And maybe only if you've been sleeping all day. This idea wandered in my head and my wife confronted me with words like this. “You are all day long at work, and when you come, you don’t sit around with us, either in front of the TV or a mobile holder or sitting on the computer, and even while eating, you don’t have time to hold on to the remote control and turn on the news of movies of any need. You who want you a little Your children want you to play hide-and-seek with you, as long as they are, or ride on your back as ever. ” How nostalgic I feel, but only with strong determination. I support the idea, write it my name with you.
But can you really? Please try to specify a day and say on this day, I will not use technical devices, no matter what. And tell us the result, was this a good day?
The problem is that if you transfer that experience to me, you think that those around you will do the same, but if you are among them without technology, you will be marginalized and you will notice those around you showing you their phone screens.
In the end, leaving the technology in general requires moving away from the quarrel, or it is being fought by you in the midst of the tribes of Africa