A four-year-old girl suffers from neurological and psychological disorders if her iPad is removed from her, and she is presented to a doctor. She was diagnosed with addiction and a treatment program was set up for months.

A wife complains about her husband and says, “My husband looks at his phone screen more than he looks at me,” and you can read her complaint once in a while. This article.

You go to the restaurant and to entertainment venues, you find everyone looks at the screen of his phone and forgets the reason for his presence in these places, which is interaction with people and entertainment.

Hundreds of accidents, the first reason is that the driver looks at his phone while driving, endangering his life and the lives of others.

For all these reasons and others, we renew our call ...

A day without a mobile phone, after the condition of people has become wondrous, everyone looks at his phone all the time, lacking contemplation of the nature and beauty around him in the vast heavens, stars, moon, trees, roses, and in the creation of God. After we lost meditation and contemplated on five-inch or smaller screens, examining every pixel in it and leaving our families, we played with our phones and left playing with our children. We checked the weather through apps and did not go out to feel it. A friend of yours, do not go to visit him, but call him by phone even if he lives a few kilometers from your place.

Technology and phones have become a feature of the age, and we never say that we should completely dispense with them, but they will not always be the same with us It happened in New York When the electricity went out during the hurricane, at that time everyone remembered what the days of writing on paper and waking up from sleep without an electronic alarm, and that if he wanted to play the ball, he had to use his feet, not his fingers, on the screens, etc., and the friends spent more time with each other and some and discovered that there was Beautiful places where they can spend time and pass by a lot, and no one noticed them because they were busy until the disaster struck and the technology was gone, so they turned to them.

So we decided in iPhone Islam to adopt a campaign to eliminate A day without a mobileThis day we go out with our families, we do not say that we turn off the phones, but that we are only intended to be satisfied with the important communication and that we use our devices as a phone only, and we strive for playing on this day with our friends and families a real game and not in the world of virtual games inside our devices. And we visit our relatives if possible, contemplate the sky and the creation of God, we read paper books, and live a normal life for only one day, so can we do this?

Interact with us on Twitter and urge your friends to spend the day without a cellphone

Do you think we need a day without a mobile? Choose the day that suits you and move away from your phone and enjoy life, nature, family and relatives, and after the end of this day, tell us in the comments how your day was without a mobile

Image Source | tedoz

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