Sometimes news of medium importance appears that does not deserve to be devoted to an entire article, so we present a weekly compiled article to make the reader aware of various news and make sure that when he follows us, he will not miss anything.

News on the sidelines: Week 13-20 April

OnePlus 5 was the first Android phone to beat the iPhone 7 Plus in speed

With the release of the iPhone 6s, Apple won the title of the fastest phone in the world. The title continued with the device until the release of the iPhone 7 and became its successor, and the Android phone could not outperform the iPhone, including the S7-S8 phones and Google phones such as Pixel, Sony, HTC, LG, Xiaomi and any company. Unfortunately, however, the iPhone lost the title to the "killer of giants" and the OnePlus 5, which comes with the same processor as the S8, which is Snapdragon 835, but with an 8 GB memory, not 4 like Samsung. The phone surpassed the iPhone 7 Plus with the A10 processor and 3GB memory. Watch the video:

Another long video for several experiments, and once again, OnePlus surpasses, but not by a big difference. OnePlus clearly outperforms the overall performance of the cores, while the 7 Plus is outperformed in a single core device.

Qualcomm precedes Apple in integrating the fingerprint into the screen

Qualcomm announced a major development in the technologies of integrating the fingerprint into the screen, as it showed a phone produced by Vivo that includes Qualcomm sensors that it is possible to touch the screen to recognize the fingerprint. The idea of ​​the method is to provide specific sensors that recognize the fingerprint from the screen and transmit it to the fingerprint sensor inside the device itself. The method is similar to the one that Xiaomi used in its Mi 5s, which placed ultrasonic sensors, but here the development is that it can be placed in a greater depth of up to 800 microns of glass. See the following picture of the Vivo phone, which shows the success of the method, but it is slower than the traditional fingerprint

Dropbox adds text editing option

The most popular cloud service, Dropbox, has updated its application on iOS devices to version 54.2 to support the text editing feature. For years, the application has allowed us to view the content of text files and if you want to modify them, you have to resort to applications such as Microsoft Word, but with the new update, the Modify button will appear at the bottom. It should be noted that the modification will be text only, i.e. not a professional text editing program, but it is useful if you find an incorrect word and want to amend it.

‎Dropbox: Files & Photo Storage

Google updated the photo application to add sharing suggestions

Google started updating its Photos app to add the features that it reviewed during the I / O conference, which are sharing suggestions. If you want to share a picture, the application will suggest to you the people that you share it with, depending on the ones who communicate with you most, as well as the content of the image "recognizes the people in it and suggests that you share it with them." The feature was first available in the Android app and began to gradually become available now in iOS and the web.

Google Photos: Backup & Edit

Apple will provide charger 10W Type-C with the iPhone 8

A report by the Barclays Research Center revealed that Apple intends to support the USB C port with the iPhone 8, and the phone will come with a 10-watt charger versus traditional 5-watt chargers now (12-watt iPad charger). Which means that the speed of charging the next iPhone will be twice the current - if using the original chargers -. The source explained that Apple will support PD technology for the C-ports, similar to what it did on the new iPad Pro to provide additional charging speed.

Poll: 25% of Windows users want to move to Mac

In a survey conducted in America, 98% of current Mac users indicated that their next device will also be from Apple, while 21% of Windows users have laptops and 25% of Windows PC users say they are thinking of moving to Apple within 6 months. The report showed that the highest percentage was at the highest income ($ 150 and more) and reached 20%, and it is strange that the second largest percentage was from the lowest income (less than $ 20 thousand), as 14% of them think of acquiring Apple. The poll was only conducted in the US and was attended by 6000 Windows users.

Report: Samsung iPhone 8 crashes due to its problems

Industry reports revealed that Samsung may disrupt Apple's iPhone 8 detection because it faces manufacturing problems. Apple had asked Samsung to manufacture 50 to 60 million screens, but after contracting with Apple, it discovered its inability to manufacture this number, but rather it is expected to supply 3-4 million screens only by the Apple conference and this may push the apple to either postpone the announcement of the iPhone or Uncover it and delay the offering until you have gathered enough numbers that will appear from the pre-bookings.

The iMac Pro will include a server processor and another ARM, and it will cost $ 17000

A report revealed that Apple may be preparing for an unprecedented step in the iMac Pro, which will be the most powerful or perhaps the most powerful computer in the world. In terms of the processor, the news is that Apple will put the Xeon processor that is used in servers, not only that, but also found codes in the Mac High Sierra system talking about a secondary processor ARM, which is the same quality that Apple uses in the iPhone and iPad, and this processor will be dedicated to specific functions. The report mentioned that the price of the iMac, which will start from $ 5, will reach $ 17 in the case of maximum specifications.

Some cloud backup servers down for XNUMX days

The cloud servers, specifically the backup feature, are facing a strange technical problem from two days ago, as Apple's System State website showed that less than 1% of users face, since the day before yesterday, until the moment of writing these lines, the problem of their devices stopping backing up in the cloud. Apple did not issue a statement to explain what is the reason for the delay in repair for this period, as we are used to treating problems in hours, not days.

Dash technology is faster than QC 2.0

As part of the OnePlus app for its new phone, I published a video to compare the charging speed with Dash technology compared to the old Qualcomm QC 2.0 technology supported by the Samsung S8 and S7, and the video showed a clear superiority of OnePlus. But the video is clearly propaganda. Otherwise, why is the comparison with the QC 2.0 phone and not the QC 3.0 if the goal is to measure the charging speed or if OnePlus wants to prove the superiority against the S8 in a new area other than performance.

Apple reminds developers to update their apps to 64Bit

Apple sent a reminder to developers this week that they must update applications to support 64Bit, otherwise they will not work after the release of iOS 11. As for Mac, Apple will not accept any application from developers unless it is supported by 64bit architecture as of next January in the case of new applications. .

Miscellaneous news:

سا Marisa Mayer, the former CEO of Yahoo! Announced her solidarity with the founder of Uber, who was forced to resign due to not making a profit.

◉ Apple has discontinued the possibility of rolling back to iOS 10.3.1.

◉ The founder of Telegram registered his company in Russia to bypass the legal ban imposed on him there.

Apple has begun to employ specialists to develop Siri performance to be more aware of global events and occasions.

Yahoo announced the redesign of its mail and the provision of a subscription for an ad-free version.

These are not all the things that are on the sidelines, but we have come to you with the most important of them, and it is not necessary for a non-specialist to occupy himself with all the wandering and incoming, there are more important things that you do in your life, so do not make devices distract you or distract you from your life and your duties, and know that technology is there to make life easier for you. And help you, and if I robbed you of your life and preoccupied you with it, then there is no need for it.


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