We encourage users Always at Faced with any problem Young or old, communicate with Apple's customer service, also it does not matter in which country you are now, just contact Apple to solve your problem. It is simple and tested by thousands of Arab users.

Apple customer service

Steps to communicate with Apple


Log on to the site ...


Choose the device on which you want to receive support.


Pick the topic of the problem, or choose anything if you are confused.


Choose the problem detail or go to the end of the list and choose the last option.


Write anything in the problem details box and click the Go button


Choose the method of communicating with Apple and talk on the phone.


Put your name, mail, and phone number to which you will call Apple Support.


Immediately you will find Apple called you, and there is a recorded message telling you to press (1) to contact customer service.


In some cases, Apple may ask you for the IMEI number. Just make a copy of the phone settings, wipe the blank spaces when pasting it.


When starting a conversation, ask Apple tech support to speak Arabic if that's best for you. Just say…

Can I have support in English

Have you spoken to Apple customer service before? What is your experience? Transfer your experience to your brothers so that they can benefit them.

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