It has been categorically confirmed that Apple will launch three devices named iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus and another with a new OLED screen design called iPhone X. The X here is the Roman number ten, and this corresponds to the tenth anniversary of the first launch Iphone.

More discoveries

As we mentioned in yesterday's article, what has been discovered so far is not considered anything, but more will come when specialists work on examining the final leaked version of iOS 11 for a longer time, and the mechanism of facial recognition has already been discovered almost completely.

Face recognition

The developers detected the destination recognition settings screen, which is similar to the fingerprint recognition settings screen, and the face recognition method was also simulated, but of course not completely, but only the steps that the user will take to add a new face.

On the lock screen, a face will be quickly recognized with a graphic showing the steps ...

① When the face drawing is gray, this means that you should show your face.

② When the presence of a face is identified, the face drawing will be changed to a blue color.

③ It is verified that your face is registered on the device.

④ A face drawing is converted to a smiling face and the device is unlocked.

Status bar

Certainly with the presence of a bump in the middle of the iPhone X screen, most of us were wondering how it will display the status bar, especially with the presence of many icons that help us understand the status of the iPhone and also the watch that was displayed in the middle of the status bar, and it seems that the solution is ready at Apple, it will allocate the place on the left for the watch and return to the previous screen, and the place on the right for the icons of the status bar.

As we can see here, the battery and Wi-Fi icon, as well as the network appear on the right, and the clock and the back button on the left.

In the event that there is a phone conversation running in the background, a green background will be placed on the watch, and by clicking on it, you will start the conversation again.

And if there is an application that makes a sound recording in the background, a red background will be placed on the watch, and by clicking on it, you will return to the application again.

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