In the past weeks, Apple went through a difficult time and difficult challenges, since the launch of iOS 11 there were some problems in this new system, which many complained about, and then Apple launched successive updates to treat these problems until the system stabilized somewhat. However, we are still waiting for iOS 11.1 which bodes well depending on the experience of many developers.
And given the unique system and powerful hardware that Apple offers in its devices, perhaps because of that many people overlook some of these problems because they believe and trust their favorite company that it is working hard to solve these problems quickly. It is also one of the few companies capable of creativity, and an example of this creativity is a strange feature in the iPhone X that did not publish anything about it in any of its sites, but it was discovered by users themselves. This feature won the approval of many.
We do not know why Apple hides many secrets contained in its systems, whether on its sites or even in its conferences ?! Probably because it operates on the “discover for yourself” principle.
PhoneArena has discovered a very smart trick in the iPhone X that enables you to protect your privacy just by looking at the lock screen through the feature Face ID.
In the past, when a notification comes to you, it appears on the lock screen, and some details of the notification are also shown, and anyone can see this notification and understand its content through these details.
But this matter has been canceled in iPhone X, and if a notification comes to you and you are the owner of the device and you look at the lock screen, then you will see the notification details, and if you are not the owner of the device and you look at the lock screen, the Face ID system will realize that you are not the owner of the device and the notification details will disappear and you will not see Nothing.
To be fair, there is no way to use a fingerprint that achieves this level of security through a look.
This clever trick is not limited to the iPhone X only
This feature is not limited to the iPhone X only, but is present in the iOS 11 system, there are settings for this feature, but many people are unaware of it. In order to be able to use this feature on your iPhone, go to Settings - Notifications - Show Previews - and then choose "If the lock is unlocked". And when a notification comes to you, an alert will come to you that the notification will arrive on the lock screen, but you will not see the notification details until you unlock the phone by fingerprint.
Admittedly, this method is not like the iPhone X method, which controls it through a look, but it will remain a useful trick for those who want to preserve their privacy.
To be honest, I have tried all the systems and all the phones. There is nothing like the BlackBerry at all, but since it is intended for a specific group, this thing has made software developers stay away from it. However, the BlackBerry remains the only device that has safety and credibility from the company. It is not like some companies, and the phone is dismantled in order to enter the market for parts of others. By the way, we used to use most of the features we used from time immemorial, such as touch and the LED bulb that changes with notifications and the first application store. And the touch feature before the iPhone came out, we were hoping for something better than BlackBerry, but after they changed the system to Android, we knew that they were walking with the herd after it was invented now. Imitate
As for my experience with facial recognition, it is pretty and pretty much practical
The fingerprint has evolved since the iPhone 5S and has become fast and accurate. As for the face print, being at the beginning it is slower and sometimes it does not accept the face if the device is not completely facing the face.
So far, I have not had any problem with the face print, except that I am not used to it. Sometimes when I cover part of my face because of the cold it doesn't work.
The feature is present in my 6S fingerprint phone, and when I click on the prices it prompts me for the fingerprint to open the text of the notification
Update phone number XNUMX
This feature is not new
The feature is very excellent
The most important thing is that Apple fools users with its XNUMX screen size
The reason is that when watching a video presentation of a movie, for example, the front camera part blocks a part of the display
The most important question: Maybe someone can unlock your X device by fingerprinting your face while you sleep without touching anything from your body ?? Or is the fingerprint attached to the eye opening?
I used this feature before iOS 11
I am with you before Advantage 11
Wow, if this feature is in iPhone X as well, then it is really wonderful
First we buy it after we know the secrets
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
The feature has been around for a long time, but in the past you had to open the device and enter the application that a notification appeared from.
The new feature is that when you put your fingerprint the phone does not open, but rather you can view the content of the notifications, and if you want to view from within the application, fingerprint again to unlock the phone
I agree with the title of the article. Indeed, it's a clever trick
And thank you Yvonne Islam for all the wonderful articles
This is in the Galaxy. First you need to adjust the device’s operation settings. This option will give you this option 😂 I mean, you don’t need all this drumming
Means because it is Samsung from the first became drumming :)
Congratulations, please buy your Galaxy and disassemble
We like this situation and love to drum 😉
My brother, you have a style of speech. You feel that you have invented an amazing missile, the last of which is notifications .. The feature to hide the message content is from the year of the surge in iPhone 3G ..
Because of its drumming, Apple is suffering, is still suffering, and will suffer with its policy ... so that its idols will not be able to patch
My brother, when you are thinking, I mean, if someone praises something beautiful, drumming !!
If you know it from the year of the boom, I am an iPhone user since XNUMX, and I did not know this feature!
And others are many thousands, and there may be millions, and the comments indicate that there are many who are ignorant of them
If you do not like Apple or its politics, and it suffers, release yourself from suffering, buy a second device, keep up with their development, and do not act on yourself
Thanks for the article, but in my opinion, its title was not successful. Remind me of buzzing blogging topics to attract visitors.
Thanks without limits.
Thank you, thank you for a wonderful effort, especially if you did not say (no hope for you) as it was said before
The fingerprint is so safe that if the fingers are dirty or wet, you cannot open the device
As for the destination fingerprint, it has not been tried yet to judge it and it will certainly be used strongly in the future
Thank you Yvonne Islam for the useful article
The site that discovered the information was sent the expected iPhone to try it and discover its content. If Apple did not announce it, how was it detected and the device is not within reach !!!
The feature can be discovered by analyzing the source code of the system + that the feature is actually present on old devices that use a fingerprint .. It is obvious that in the absence of a fingerprint, the face print becomes the alternative
I was hoping that Apple would provide the two features together, a fingerprint and a face print
Better in my opinion
Hide old notifications
I use it before ios11
Otherwise, I'm wrong ??? The messages appeared on the screen with me, so I hid them a long time ago !!
I expect it was for each application separately
Information valuable and smart .. As for the fingerprint, because of its speed in many cases, the device is opened before notifications appear to you (especially if you specify this in the device settings)
As for the face print, even if the device recognizes you, you must swipe horizontally to open the device in all cases .. Here comes the preference of the face print over the fingerprint in this particular feature ..
Greetings to all
Thanks for this special article. Masha Allah, I think that the face print is a bad technology, it is not safe. The fingerprint, God willing.
Thank you iPhone Islam, this is beautiful information and a very, very useful feature, really. We want Apple to make greater and more practical use of the Face ID feature, whether at the system or application level.
Thanks ✨
There is a point where you said that you can only see the message by unlocking the iPhone using the fingerprint and this information is wrong, but you can see the message by touching the home button with the fingerprint without opening the lock
How do you touch the home button and the device does not turn on?
Exactly 👍🏼, I was going to clarify it as you did
Bin Shami
I expect you to be needed first
To Deactivate the following option from sittings => “Rest finger to open”
At that time, if you touch the fingerprint, the iPhone will not be unlocked unless you press the fingerprint button, at that time it will unlock
As for me, were it not for the iPhone Islam, I would have been ignorant of many of the features of the iPhone and the iOS operating system. We know the general features that most users use, but there are many benefits that we only knew from iPhone Islam and the article writing about it. May Allah reward you
Thank you for your diligence and efforts, but the feature is present on the previous models as you explained it at the end of the article and the difference here is how to open the lock, and it is natural that the criterion is the same, whether the device is unlocked through a fingerprint or an anthropomorphic fingerprint .. I do not see that there is any trick or trick or intelligence in the subject Thank you 🌹
Thank you guys, may Allah reward you with goodness. Your efforts are wonderful in serving friends. The most beautiful site and application is Yvonne Islam
Peace be upon you..Please help me, the issue exhausted me and I did not find the solution..My iPhone 6s, the problem does not appear on the video pages of the post icon in the account, not even in the list, and when entering the same mobile on another account, the saved icon appears, knowing that I deleted the program and installed it again and the settings ... Thank you, brother Ayman, Palestine
Is it true that Apple asked manufacturers to reduce the resolution of the fingerprint sensor in order to speed up manufacturing?
No, this is the opposite of Apple's policy of adopting the highest levels of security and encryption, and it will not risk its reputation in order to accelerate industrialization ..! Rather, it will delay us until the completion of manufacturing, as it is doing now with the iPhone X
Not true, and an official statement was revealed that this statement is not true at all
Desperate attempts by Android companies to distort
Thanks for this note, and I have a question for the blog administrator: Can developers - or does Apple allow developers - to customize their applications in this service, for example applications that are not private, such as a synchronized application and applications with general notifications, you can choose to keep their notifications appearing on the screen, and private applications (Face (Facebook, WhatsApp ... etc.) I can choose to show them only when the lock is unlocked, and so on 😁😁😁.
Isn't it a good idea for developers or Apple itself 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Yes, you can, but without knowing that there are notifications .. for example, when you choose the Do Not Disturb feature, any notification comes to you on the lock screen .. and when you open the device, you will see the number of notifications above the applications
I think it is possible to enter the notifications of each application and customize what you want
And I will add to you more poetry .. the one who has an Apple watch can read the notifications on his watch completely .. and on the iPhone 6, 7 or 8, you only get notifications 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
May Allah reward you for the addition. 👍
Indeed, it is a great feature .. despite my experience with Apple devices over the years for the first time, I know about this service .. You are blessed by the Zamen team
Indeed, it is an advantage that the device understands and performs it
Due to snooping, I activate preview only if the lock is unlocked
Whoever has a vision in the eye, that is, he cannot control his eyes movement, it seems that iPhone X is not suitable for him. Thank you for telling us about this feature. I have been struggling to leave my phone on the sorrow because I put a large font size and when I receive the alert my friends can read the alerts remotely so thank you for your efforts Now you managed to convince me again that Apple will not die
Oh GOD make it easy. 😊
Thank you for this valuable information
That is why I love this company and I love you. May God reward you well and grant you success, and God preserves everyone
Great feature but I wish Apple kept the fingerprint too it would have been a great addition
New technologies have to replace old technologies
And every new technology added naturally is better than the old one
All thanks to iPhone Islam every day, always and forever
Is there a possibility to return to the old line .. The new line reminds me of the beginnings of using the Galaxy S2 smartphone
We have filed a complaint with God while we are waiting
nice thank you
Thank you for this info 👍
On the contrary, we are impatiently waiting for the notifications of iPhone Islam because it was and still is the coolest, latest and most comprehensive in the topics
God bless you
God reward you. We are not deprived of your encouragement and constructive criticism.
Blessed be your efforts, Yvonne Islam
Even you (Iphone Islam) have started to show signs of decline... Your daily articles were the height of magnificence and we were waiting for them impatiently, but now they are not as they used to be. Perhaps you sensed that from the number of comments... What is noticeable now in each article is that the comments did not exceed the fingers of two hands and were in the hundreds, and this is clear evidence of dissatisfaction or lack of objectivity in the articles... So please review your policies and find out where the fault lies.
And you last
Why don't you tell us you are? Say your opinion and we accept it with open arms. But to speak like this without restriction! What do you dislike as we treat it?
Brother, I think you don't know anything about this field. If you talk to me, I can see who you are !!!!!
What is the meaning of retraction? Please advise us, may God have mercy on you
No, on the contrary, the last two articles in which they scored two goals in 88 minutes and 90 minutes. We need awareness because we no longer care about some details because we are used to using the features we have known for this reason. IPhone Islam is a necessity for the iPhone as if it is part of iOS
I agree with you about the lack of objectivity of the articles .. The direction of the articles here is always the direction that Apple blesses. Apple is promoting Facebook ID as the future and nowhere else, that was disgustingly apparent at the conference. We see here the writer says, “To be fair, this feature does not work with a fingerprint” ?! Very suitable for you .. no?
Writes that operating system No. XNUMX addressed all the problems in the next update, without mentioning any criticism that this is the first time in history that a system from Apple has issued such a huge amount of errors that all reviewers talk about this topic, while we see iPhone Islam as usual praises Apple in It will correct system errors two months after launch
Thank you, Brother Arkan. Always be present with us with your comments. God reward you.
I think that most of the previous comments are useless because they are only a thank you letter to Yvonne Islam
So that the comments are only a thank-and-like board without information that enriches the article, such as the comments of some followers currently
Brother Muhammad, we know that you are a good follower of iPhone Islam. And you know very well that we have neither a camel nor a camel with Apple. Rather, the truth is it is said that I have been using the iPhone since the first iPhone and tried Samsung, but like many others, I was not comfortable with a system other than iOS. And I know that nothing is perfect, and a shower is not infallible. We have said this repeatedly. We are not drumming, roaring, cheering, or applauding for anyone. Rather, we provide information, so we as observers must express our opinion regarding the information, and not accuse people or underestimate anyone. God reward you
What I see is that the large number of comments is considered a measure of the level of success of the article or the satisfaction of the followers
Some articles increase the number of comments in certain cases:
1- Hocha or a strong disagreement between two in the comments 😁
2- One of my Android phones came with a grain of criticism
3- An article or one praising Apple as an atom-sized praise
4- They hang for comment only (wasted time) 😁
5- He excludes a mistake alone to criticize 😁
As for the rest of the articles that are devoid of these five points, their comments meet the number of your fingers, are of little interest, rarely contain an important question, rarely have a useful discussion, and even a few comments of thanks and praise 🤷🏻♀️
Followers are available. But, Glory be to God, some of them will not emerge unless these five points are present.
It is possible that some of them are only present at the first point
Jptihaaa 😂😂😂😂😂
Comments are zadu comment
My brothers on iPhone Islam, I advise you advice for the sake of God .. Change the name of the site to Android Islam (for example) Perhaps by this, some may be convinced that you are a site specializing in the transmission of Apple news and products (perhaps the opposite effect will result) 🤗😅
Regarding comments, my dear brother .. iPhone Islam was previously the only source in the application .. As for the launch of synchronized .. it is obvious that the rate of participation will decrease with the abundance and diversity of sources ..
In conclusion, we have to differentiate between specialization and lack of objectivity ... specializing in a specific product, company, or topic ... Every realistic detail of product technologies is mentioned ... and these details may be in the eyes of the average user, neither objectivity nor drumming ... but if we go more broadly to development The technician you enter into the software market enables the user to realize the importance of any feature or topic raised.
Greetings to all
The light of her comments is always gratifying 💪🏻😂
True, well done. 👍
Your words are sound and correct. The site is called iPhone. As I mentioned, my brother is a specialty, not drumming. I don’t know what is meant by “drum, we drum” and barrage dancing. May God forgive them, our brothers.
I am a good follower of Islam's iPhone, and a user of the Sync app, otherwise my prayers, and I know that you are not a camel or a camel. I am also an iPhone user from XNUMX until now, and no other system is suitable for me. (Despite my experience of more than one device) and I always benefit from your articles, may God reward you a thousand good.
All that I want to communicate is that there are clear lapses and sometimes clear exploits from Apple, I give you an example of the feature of multitasking via Three Touch that Apple removed from the system quietly and without any comment, because it is present in the iPhone X by touch, and if you appreciate it then you should be the tenth. Were it not for the reviewers' insistence on stating this point and that it is a clear exploitation, God knows if we will see it come back (it will return in version XNUMX).
Sometimes you devote an entire article to a feature in the iPhone that was there years ago in Android, without mentioning any mention about it.
Another example, most news sites are circulating information that will reduce the quality of the iPhone X’s front camera. The news may be true, and it is most likely not (I have complete confidence in Apple’s manufacturing quality). Tell me now, is there any chance of such news in the iPhone Islam? Of course not.. because it harms Apple’s image, which is free from all shortcomings and defects.
I am not a defender of a system over another (I do not own shares in either company), but truth be told, and objectivity is required. To glorify your opponent then say you do
Dear sir, the problem is that some people think that Apple is his big sister who cares about his interests, but Apple is not the elegant merchant who will do anything to make you a customer and increase his profits.
What do you think after I read the news on the sidelines on Thursday? This point is mentioned. As for Android, it has its own sites. And remind you that it is on Android, there is no problem. I really do not know all the features of Android, perhaps I am hidden in a lot. Do not underestimate your brothers and implicitly accuse them of drumming, fanaticism, or ignorance. You know that Apple does not explain anything how much we mentioned. It is my duty to make it clear to people. Even they love their gadgets in their hands. But if it makes you hate your device, there is no doubt that you can mess it up in the wall or get rid of it in any way. Thank you very much for your constructive criticism. We are discussing and there is no problem.