Usually, we choose general applications in Friday’s applications as a way to facilitate finding useful programs, but these programs are not for everyone and we know that. Perhaps according to your personal taste, you will find an application or two that you like and do not care about the rest, and this is the goal of the article, but what if you can find a full article full Applications that may help you in the field that you like? We also asked this question, so we decided to create a series of articles to suggest applications for many fields and each field comes with a complete article with suggestions for the best uses, and since everyone loves learning but say who finds the right way, you will find our talk today about applications for language-learning lovers.

Applications for language-learning lovers


The best application in the field of language learning, and although it is not anonymous applications and although we mentioned it more than once before, it remains essential in any topic of discussion about language education, and not mentioning it may be considered an insult. Duolingo is a free application that helps teach any language you may need in a wonderful and smooth way. You can do it for only ten minutes a day. Also, you can learn fancy languages ​​such as this language from Star wars movies or Valyrian from “Game Of Thrones” 😀 but this is on the web version and not in the mobile app.

Duolingo - Language Lessons


No matter what you learned in theory, the best way to master a foreign language is to speak with native speakers of the language, and this application is based on this idea. It brings you together with a lot of those who want to learn around the world where they can teach you and you can teach them your mother tongue. The application also provides cards with initial topics for dialogue in order to bypass the embarrassment and lack of discussion topics that occur when talking with a stranger for the first time. You can also pay through the app to have a language tutor help you. Great app and highly recommended.

Tandem: Conversation exchange


A wonderful application whose idea is based on the principle of language education using fast games, as you are in the game a spy who traveled to a planet that speaks a foreign language and you must learn and answer questions and gain points. Every now and then, audio or video recordings of native speakers speaking those foreign languages ​​also come in. A great app, especially for improving grammar and word yield.

Memrise Easy Language Learning


Another program that allows you to talk with native speakers, but this time you feel as if you are talking in a regular chat program such as WeChat or Messenger and this is the goal of the application as it helps you to search for your partner in education, then you can talk by messages or send voice messages and the like.


Excuse me my friend. We will do an advertisement for our app again on our website and this article: D. You can benefit from Sync to improve your language by opening foreign sources such as TheVerge, iClarified and many others, which will give you a great idea about the common language and general culture, although these sites use correct and good English, but they also use a lot of expressions and methods of description that you can hear in Slide talk, which helps you to master languages. Personally, a large part of my mastery of English was by constantly following the technology sites, but unfortunately I did not have synchronization before so I took the opportunity 😃.

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Are you a language learner? We participated With your tricks and methods for learning the language

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