You must have read about that information that says what happens within a minute in the world of the Internet? And you must be shocked by these numbers, as the statistics estimate that there are 4 million searches on the Google engine and 200 thousand tweets are tweeted, in addition to the participation of 300 thousand pictures on WhatsApp, and these numbers have doubled significantly over the past recent years, and will double significantly over the next year. If you now look at the volume of data on the Internet, you will reach trillion large numbers that may be valuable if analyzed carefully.

Have you ever wondered how WhatsApp makes money? The beginning of WhatsApp was a paid application that was generating profits for the company, but now the application is completely free, and there are no ads in it or paid services such as Twitter, Facebook, and others.

There is a saying that says if you do not pay, then you are the price (Check out this articleSimply, when Facebook invested in WhatsApp because it wanted the amount of data that WhatsApp has, it wants you, I do not mean literally your personal information itself, but the behavior that you, your surroundings and the society in which you live.

For example, Muhammad sent a site “Location” to Khaled on Friday, Muhammad sent again another site the following week. This repetition of information when analyzing it produces data for us that Muhammad goes out every Friday to a restaurant or another friend’s house, so imagine the size of the information that is being processed to become Data, if circulated to an entire community or country, WhatsApp data can obtain a people's lifestyle, consumer behavior and popular topics.

All of these are for marketing purposes and to understand the most appropriate way to enter the products of the owner of this data, and his understanding of this community's acceptance of its products or even predict his reaction to a certain thing, and there is a hypothesis that says that WhatsApp actually sells user data to those who need it for marketing purposes or even governments, and this is supported by that there is no Another way WhatsApp might be profitable is.

Big data right now

Regardless of the WhatsApp application, let's look at the volume of data circulating on the Internet. They are trillion numbers that cannot be counted, and that data can access interesting facts.

There is an interesting tool in Google called google  scientific researcher, It is an archive from Google for a large number of books dating back 200 years. Hatem Al-Najjar, who showed me this tool from Google while listening to him, found that the word bathroom ideas, which means ideas while defecating, originated in the mid-twentieth century, and this information gives us an understanding that behavior The human being changed the beginning of the emergence of television at that time, as the only resort for producing ideas was during the elimination of need without distraction, but before that date the word did not exist because the human being before it was producing ideas regardless of the place because there was no distraction.

This is a simple example that shows the amount of facts that can be obtained from this archive, which contains an enormous number of data.

Also, MawdooXNUMX website whose beginning I thought was analyzing the number of most searched words in Google, comparing it with the amount of content in Google and exploiting the shortage of Arabic content.

Google predicts street congestion through devices running in this street, it also displays what time the restaurant will be crowded by knowing the number of phones = people who entered this restaurant, and at what hour they entered and based on that cumulative data, it predicts at what time it will be crowded

The future of big data

Every year, our connection to the digital world becomes more and more, so your recording of the days of your appointments in the hospital in the calendar, or the time of drinking your medicine in the diary, or the types of drugs you use, and the number of steps that the bracelet or even the smart watch on your wrist takes, may produce systems in the future Analyze your health system to predict potential diseases that may affect you due to your healthy behavior.

Or by analyzing the raging anger on social media about the poor infrastructure of a place, it can be predicted which places will be more harmful if a natural disaster occurs.

They may seem crazy and imaginative ideas, but those who look at the rapid technical development during the last decade will not say on the whole that they are difficult to achieve, even if they take some time to appear.

The need for big data analysts

The need for big data analysts has increased since the beginning of 2012, for the purposes of studying consumer behavior, the nature of societies, and the best marketing or promotion method for most technology companies.

The following infographic shows the programming languages ​​most in demand, and Python and R are the most developed languages ​​because they are the languages ​​for big data analysis.

Dubai City launched an initiative aimed at developing one million Arab programmers in several fields, and among the courses offered, a big data analysis course, if you are a developer and want to develop your skills in the world of data analysis, I advise you to register for the initiative from: Here

What do you think, dear reader, about the future of technology? Do you have other assumptions about what the future of technology will transform into in a future other than the Internet of Things and Big Data?

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