We talked in an article a few days ago about Apple's strengths and the things that changed the concept of technology in that it made system updates free - see this link-. Apple invented something called a subscription account. Our previous article did not explain in detail what this account is and why did Apple think about it in the first place? So what happened and pushed Apple to do the unfamiliar at the time? It's the story of the old 802.11n update.
The story began in 2006, when Apple released Mac computers and included an advanced connection chip. At that time the standard was 802.11b / g, but Apple secretly added the latest chip, which also supports 802.11n, but has not announced this matter; Why! Simply because the standards for using and dealing with N have not been completed and agreed upon yet, but this happened several months later, these standards were issued, and here was the surprise from Apple.
Apple revealed that the latest Mac devices already support this new standard and its own speed, but this is not for free. At this time, Apple was selling devices at a not small price, where the price of the MacBook Pro 15, for example, starts at $ 2000, and the 17-inch starts from $ 2800, and even the cheapest MacBook with a 13-inch screen was priced at $ 1100. Apple decided at the time that whoever wanted N benefits would have to pay $ 5 money.
The amount was very small by all standards until our time, as you pay several thousand dollars in Mac and Apple devices in general, meaning that you demand to pay 5 dollars is not a big deal, but there was a violent attack on Apple and an outright accusation of greed by journalists as well as its users, as they said that the company gets 2000 dollars For the device, then you ask them to pay an additional 5 to activate their feature! Initially, as usual, Apple resisted and said that activating the feature requires the work of employees, so it is separate from the current operating system, but after a while, Steve Jobs began to back down and decided to reduce the cost to become only $ 2 instead of $ 5 to work as 802.11n instead of 802.11g.
Meanwhile, Apple had begun the era of the iPhone "it had not been released" and here is the opinion of Steve Jobs and Apple's leaders that one of the defects of competitors such as Blackberry, Palm, Microsoft and others is that these companies make the new operating system exclusive to the new device. And they thought that if Apple provided updates to the iPhone, it would be a fatal advantage for competitors. But updating an old device means that a team will be devoted to developing it, and therefore it must be issued at a price. But the current attack "at the time" because of 802.11n taught them that no one would buy an iPhone and then demanded that he pay an annual subscription, even if a small one, in exchange for updates. Except that Peter Oppenheimer came up with the magic solution.
Peter Oppenheimer is Apple's chief financial officer who was in charge of the apple’s funds and accounts between 1996 and 2014. Peter said at the time that the solution would be like magazines and newspapers do, where they charge an annual subscription, but they enter it into the accounts on a monthly basis because if they enter it immediately upon payment Subscription, this means that in the month of subscriptions and their renewal, the institution will have strong financial returns, but throughout the year there will be no return. Rather, if a customer wants to cancel a subscription and refund the remaining period, this will be entered as losses. But if the return comes and is divided monthly, it will be better.
So Peter decided to apply this to the iPhone. Apple will get the price of the phone now, but its full price will not be immediately reported in the reports, but part of the price will be divided over the 24 months following the purchase. Suppose, for example, that the price of the iPhone is $ 720 (this is an illustrative example only). Apple calculates in the financial report that it reached $ 600, for example, and then divides the remaining $ 120 by 24 months, as if the customer pays $ 5 per month for a subscription. This subscription covers the costs of the updates for two years. That is, for two years, you get updates for your phone, not a favor from Apple, but because you are already paying for this update through the subscription method. The price of the iPhone in our example is $ 600, but you paid $ 720 because this additional 120 is for a guarantee of updates for two years in the future.
Initially, Apple's shareholders rejected this idea and said that it would lead to the sale now taking place, but not fully appearing in the financial quarter report, and therefore these reports will not reflect the actual size of the sale. But Steve Jobs and his assistant Peter Oppenheimer insisted on this method, and it was and has become among the iPhone's killer advantages is that it gets regular updates while its competitors may or may not be updated. Because the competitor simply costs money to update the device, most often he only updates high-priced devices because he makes a lot of it from them, so he can bear the cost of updating, while low-end devices may not see any final update; While Apple does not cost anything with the updates, but rather gets the money "with the subscription" mentioned.
Of course, the method of Apple accounts has evolved over time, but we tell you the old story that happened in 2007 and how it started.
Did you know anything about the 802.11n crisis that occurred with Apple? What do you think of the company’s contribution calculation philosophy?
And if it is broken or something becomes in my phone ?? Am I actually my father refunding the price of the updates I paid for the future?
Thank you, Yvonne Islam.
This is news, perhaps the first time I knew it ..
Steve Jobs' daughter reveals her father and describes him as a devil!
Follow the Emirates site today
Date: 03 August 2018
Exciting details revealed by the daughter of the late founder of "Apple", Steve Jobs, who said that the "genius father" used to treat her rudely, as they roughed her in shocking terms at times.
In her memoir, "Small Fry," Lisa Jobs quoted a different picture from what many people might think about a daughter who was supposed to have lived spoiled by looking at her father's fortune.
She stated that her father once told her: "You smell like a toilet," according to what was reported by the British newspaper, "Daily Mail".
She indicated to the newspaper that Steve said to her on one occasion: "You will not get anything at all," when she asked him about whether she would get his "Porsche" car if he thought about getting rid of it.
The forty-year-old daughter says that success was a scourge for her father, because he had turned him into a "devil."
She added that her troubles with the "genius father" did not stop there, as he lied to her for years when he told her that he had called her (Lisa) on one of the devices for her. However, she discovered that Steve called the name on a computer produced in 1983, that is, after five Years since her birth, as an acronym for "Locally Integrated Software Architecture", meaning it's not about daughter Lisa.
Yes, as if I had read about these things before
But I noticed it and felt it when I read his autobiography and his relationship with his children.
In general, his relationship with his daughter “Lisa” was never stable
Even her half-sister "Irene" was suffering from the lack of attention from her father. He was more inclined towards his son, "Red" than the girls, as he strengthened his relationship with him more unlike the daughters, and his wife "Lauren" said (he focuses on his work, and in some Sometimes he paid no attention to girls - Page 285)
As for Lisa, her story is long, but I will give some quotes ..
(While Lisa was in the middle of the eighth grade, the teacher called Jobs. There were serious problems, and it was probably better for her to leave her mother's house, and then Jobs went out for a walk with Lisa, asked her about the situation and offered to move in with him. A mature girl, she turned 281, and thought about it for two days. Then she agreed - page XNUMX)
(Lisa lived with Jobs and Powell "and she is his wife, Lauren" over the four years she spent in Palo Alto to study high school, and began using the name Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Jobs was trying to be a good father, but he was passing by some times he was lukewarm and unfriendly And when Lisa felt she had to flee, she resorted to living with a friendly family who lived nearby - Page 282)
(She went abroad for a year to study at Ming University in London, and her relationship with her father remained rocky during her college years. When she returned home, she would pick small fights—over what was for dinner, or whether she was taking enough care of her half-siblings. They could end up estranged for weeks, sometimes months. Sometimes the arguments would get so bad that Jobs would stop supporting her and she would borrow money from Andy Hertzfeld or others. - p. 282)
(... and when Chrisan “Mother Lisa” needed money for health problems related to sinusitis and teeth, Jobs refused to give her the money, which again caused Lisa to sever her relationship with him for a few years. Then, their relationship continued in this manner - page 283 )
On the other hand ... there were nice moments between them, such as getting a special trip with her father to Japan, for example, and eating sushi with her, even though he is a vegetarian "according to what you remember" :)
This is about his relationship with Lisa.
As for the fact that he lied to her about naming the computer after her, I think she was completely wrong, and that Jobs was honest and did not lie to her .. It was mentioned in the following biography:
(… He called him Lisa “Lisa.” Other computers were named after the daughters of the engineers who designed them, but Lisa was the name of Jobs’s daughter, whom he abandoned and did not fully acknowledge that she was his daughter, says Andrea Cunningham, “Maybe Jobs did it out of guilt. With a sentence whose initials represent the name of the device in order to pretend that the computer is not named after the child Lisa. ”The sentence they arrived at was local integrated systems architecture, meaning“ local integrated systems architecture. ”Although the sentence did not have a convincing meaning, it was the official interpretation of the name. Al-Muhammedin was referred to as the interpretation of Lisa's name “Lisa” with the phrase Lisa: invented stupid acronym (meaning Lisa: an artificial abbreviation stupid). Years later, when I asked, “Of course, the questioner is the biographer,” Jobs simply admitted the name, saying, “It is clear that it is my daughter’s name.” Page 102)
The source for all I mentioned is the book "Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson" and I mentioned the page numbers
Oh my god!!
What is this newspaper that you wrote !! 😂😂
I apologize .. I get very excited when I talk about any CV I like, especially if it is about Jobs ج
My brother Mustafa, my sister Nour :)✨, do not care about trivial matters that do not benefit you in any way. In the end, this is his personal life and one should not interfere in the life of others 💔
Respect your opinion, brother
It seems that you do not like to read biographies in general :) Steve is one of the influential people in the world, and reading biography books for any influential person in the world (it is not considered a trivial matter at all). In it, you know the aspects, pros and cons of that influential personality, and you pursue the positive ones, add to your personality, and avoid the negatives. And you see how he was thinking and how he was handling his life "practically" or "personally", from which she would get a summary of his life experiences and beliefs and adopt what suits you from them and avoid his wrong ideas and bad beliefs, etc.
In turn, I respect your opinion :)✨, and I have read a number of biographies of some influential celebrities in the world, which tell the story of the person’s struggle and how he overcame difficulties until he reached what he reached, and what I read in your comment about Jobs’ biography does not go beyond being family problems from my point of view.
And thanks for your understanding 👍✨
How SMS does not exist An old Nokia phone is strange to have on a wealthy iPhone
I will buy the next iPhone. I will see the magic behind your love for Apple 🤔
IF almighty allah wants
Are you an Android ???
Nice and interesting article
Thank you bin Sami
No, I didn't know anything about the 802.11n crisis that happened with Apple.
Your opinion of the contribution calculation philosophy applied by the company, continuous income of the company.
Start off
Great article thank you 👍
A piece of information for the first time I know it, thank you Yvonne Islam
I like this type of article very much
I enjoyed reading .. Thank you, brother Bin Sami
May God reward you a lot, a very new piece of information that I did not know before, our esteemed teacher
A piece of information about it in the Iraqi, I mean, new
Thank you Professor Bin Sami
Greetings to you and the entire Tahrir family
In 2009, a telecommunications company refused to sell me a third-generation iPhone in cash, so I was amazed at this thing, and after a while they issued Apple iPhone 3gs and agreed to buy iPhone Cash, and I was very happy that I was the first time to be able to buy a guaranteed product with a large screen at the time I was amazed at the clarity of the screen, a YouTube application, stereoscopic games, and more. From that, I was able to send SMS easily because the first iPhone did not support SMS and the Arabic language, and now thanks to the creativity of Steve Jobs, multi-touch screens have been corrected in every device and I do not buy a laptop whose screen does not work on touch. The iPad has made the clarity of the traditional laptop screen a duty, otherwise it will not be sold. For example, I used to suffer from seeing diamonds and I used to see the laptop screen as a blue gradient color now life is easier and I move on my own and do everything I wish that Steve Jobs thought about producing a professional camera, I would now be producing The most beautiful videos
A great idea and the beginning of the success of Apple and iPhone
Wonderful illustration
And a great idea
It can be developed by the company issuing two models for the device:
The first: It does not receive any new operating system, only minor updates, and the company can sell it for $ 600, according to the example.
The second: It is subsidized for 3-5 years from system updates, and its price is $ 720.
I imagine such a move would boost iPhone sales
In theory, it is a good idea, but actually companies are badly affected by having devices on different systems, so even Google is trying to find a way to make companies happen. If Apple introduces this idea, it is, in short, creating the problem for itself, which is the dispersion of devices on systems
Wonderful illustration