With iOS 12, Apple introduced the Shortcuts app to help the user add features and voice commands to Siri as needed. Also, Apple allowed applications to create ready-made shortcuts and present them to the user so that he can add those shortcuts to Siri with the touch of a button and without the complications of making them yourself. Of course, a large number of applications should support shortcuts in the coming period, but there are applications that do support it. Here is your list of apps that support Siri Shortcuts.

Applications that support the shortcuts program


I really adore the developers of this app, they are always early birds when it comes to adopting new features (unlike Facebook, which does not adopt anything in its time). Now you can add PCalc shortcuts to the Shortcuts app and the app will allow you to create audio shortcuts for any activity that you can do in the app like converting currencies, doing math operations, adding data to the clipboard and using it for new operations.

This app is the lite free version. There is a paid version that costs ten dollars.

PCalc Lite

The Weather Channel

Yeah! Now you can get weather through an app other than Apple's and Siri! The application enables you to use voice commands to get the weather forecast using Siri .. in case you hate the Apple application.

Weather - The Weather Channel


CityMapper is one of the best transportation apps ever. It gives you detailed information about metro and bus lines and ways to move around in many large cities in the world. Unfortunately, the application is not available in Arab cities, but it is useful for travelers as it is useful for those who live in one of the major European or American cities. It also supports Siri shortcuts, which is an important feature.

‎Citymapper: All Live Transit

Google News

Is it an unexpected move, for Google to support the new iOS features so quickly? I do not think so, as Google has teams specialized in iOS applications as it sometimes releases features on the iOS app before its Android brother. Google sells systems and software and is seeking to improve its programs everywhere. So you can browse Google News using Siri if you are a fan of him.

Google News


One of the trip planning applications, and it collects many features such as hotel reservations and plane tickets, as well as maps for routing at airports, a directory for stores and restaurants, etc. .. What is distinguished here is that it supported Siri shortcuts early.

TripIt: Travel Planner


Bear is one of the favorite note-taking and writing apps for its great design and interesting features. Now you can take notes with voice commands.

Bear - Markdown Notes


An application that helps you manage your time and your productivity - and your studies - in an excellent way and in a Pomodoro manner, which is characterized by a period of serious work with a timer and then intermittent breaks in which you do other work in order to maintain the same degree of focus all the time. The app now supports Siri shortcuts.

Focus - Productivity Timer

What do you think of the apps initiative to support the feature? Have you started using shortcuts yet?



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