We mentioned in a previous article what OLED screens work, whose basics date back to 1987, and we mentioned the difference between them and LCD screens. You can see this. Link. And since the world of technology is constantly evolving, it is impossible to be certain that it will stop at a specific limit or category. And this you see tangible in every area. As we know, this year Apple plans to use OLED screens and LCD screens New iPhone devicesIn the future, however, we may see a major shift from Apple to using MicroLED displays. What is the story of these strongly awaited screens? And why is Apple so interested in it?

These screens were announced at CES 2018 by Samsung when it presented a TV under the name The Wall, or the wall, based on that technology, with a size of 146 inches.

MicroLED screens are similar to OLED screens in the way they work, that is, they do not need backlight, but rather rely on pixel lighting, but they are not organic lighting and are basically made up of a group of LEDs, but they are much smaller than usual. The LED lights are designed on a TFT backplane (Thin-Film-Transistor) or liquid crystal display with a thin transistor, providing the LED with power, lighting, and the time and location of that illumination. Because there is no organic layer like OLED screens, MicroLED screens can have a longer life and have no risk of pixel burn.

Companies tried to provide such screens before in small devices such as phones or even televisions, as they are not born today, but were founded in 2000, but these companies faced obstacles, including the very small size of lamps, whose size does not exceed the radius of a hair. Therefore, it was only used in large screens in sports stadiums and elsewhere.

"A snapshot of the Samsung Micro LED panel through the microscope"

And with this infinitely small size of a single hand, this precision in aligning it closely next to each other and combining those red, blue and green colors to form a single pixel. So you can imagine screens with high resolution and color, those screens will support 25 million colors and will open the field to 8K screens instead of 4K.

Apple and its efforts to develop this technology

Last week, Apple attended a conference in Taiwan, where it held meetings with at least two companies about MicroLED technology, according to Economic Daily News.

OLED screens are the best screens out there now because of their quality in color and brightness, and the control to make them bent or folded as desired to create different designs. But many companies are now excited about the new MicrOLED type that can provide great images, talk about it, and which can be adapted and create large and small screens with ease.

In fact, MicroLED technology can provide great opportunities for Apple, at least in the design aspect, as it is considered the thinnest, lightest and longest life, so it can be used in completely new iPhone designs.

But the biggest problem with this type of screen is the high cost and difficulty of producing them at the present time. Although many industry experts see it as an inevitable alternative to OLED screens, it does not seem that soon, as OLED screens are still expensive to produce.

However, according to a Bloomberg report this year, Apple and Samsung are very excited about these screens. And other reports said earlier this year, that Apple is developing a secret facility in California to research and develop those future screens expected to be seen in the iPhone and Apple Watch devices.

Do you think that phone screens need to be improved, or are there more important hardware such as the battery, sensors and camera?


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