IPhone XS has an amazing camera according to Test results Conducted on it in the last period. And the best part about that camera is the new Depth Control feature that lets you adjust background blur. There is no doubt that this is a powerful feature, but if you want to get the most out of it and get the best results, here are some tricks and tips on how to use depth control on the iPhone XS. Follow us.

How to use the depth control feature in the iPhone XS?

Depth control feature on iPhone XS

Depth Control is the name for a new feature to be used in Portrait Mode after the photo has been taken. As it is known that the portrait style was introduced by Apple for the first time on the iPhone 7 Plus, and this mode works to blur the background of the image and focus on a specific element in it. Mostly this element is a person. While shooting in this mode, the TrueDepth camera is used to create an accurate XNUMXD depth map, so the camera senses how far away the subject is. After capturing the image, the iPhone XS allows you to adjust the amount of blurring or blurring when adjusting the image using a slider that simulates the aperture, so you can adjust and customize it as you like.

How to take photos using Portrait mode on iPhone XS

First, turn on Camera and then swipe on the screen until you reach Portrait mode. To get a good photo, the subject should be two or eight feet away. This distance is normal. There are also instructions on the screen that will help you if you go outside the limits. You can also preview and choose photo light filters while shooting. Once you have taken the photo, you can proceed to the editing stage.

You can use any of the following points if you want to make the image better.

◉ Zoom in to 2X, this means that you will have to step back a little so that you do not have to approach the person's face and get confused. The result will be satisfactory.

◉ Make sure there is good lighting. Because the iPhone XS camera has poor performance in low light, and also because the portrait mode naturally loves lighting. Since you have zoomed in to 2X, that will naturally need more light.

◉ Portrait mode works for any image, it is not limited to portraits only. However, if the iPhone XS identifies a face in the image, it will be captured and create a high-resolution, detailed portrait. In other words, twice the detail of regular XNUMXD images is captured from those without faces.

How to modify the depth control feature in the iPhone XS

To edit the image using the depth adjustment feature, just open the image, and click Edit on the top right or top left of the screen depending on the phone's language. You will see a depth adjustment indicator at the bottom of the image, or at the side if you are using the phone in landscape mode.


You can use the slider to "Adjust Depth" on any of your iOS 12 devices. This means that you can take pictures on the iPhone XS, and edit on the iPad.

Numbers have been placed on the slider starting from f 1.4 to f 16. This is a simulation of adjusting the aperture settings, which in turn control the amount of background blur. All you need from this tape is to know the amount of blurring or blurring in the background, preferably the default f 4.5, and this is usually true.

To toggle photo mode on and off, tap the yellow Portrait sign at the top of the screen. You can also adjust the portrait lighting on this screen, and the result will depend on the amount of Control Depur you add.

 Sometimes, a mark is placed on top of the image, in which case the depth adjustment slider will not appear. To adjust the blur and blur, you can use third-party applications, on top of which is an application Slor To be able to adjust the opacity as desired.

Starting with the upcoming iOS 12.1, you will be able to adjust the depth directly while shooting with the XS and not just after it like now

Have you tried shooting with the XS exclusive Depth Control? Share your opinion in the comments.



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