IPhone XS has an amazing camera according to Test results Conducted on it in the last period. And the best part about that camera is the new Depth Control feature that lets you adjust background blur. There is no doubt that this is a powerful feature, but if you want to get the most out of it and get the best results, here are some tricks and tips on how to use depth control on the iPhone XS. Follow us.
Depth control feature on iPhone XS
Depth Control is the name for a new feature to be used in Portrait Mode after the photo has been taken. As it is known that the portrait style was introduced by Apple for the first time on the iPhone 7 Plus, and this mode works to blur the background of the image and focus on a specific element in it. Mostly this element is a person. While shooting in this mode, the TrueDepth camera is used to create an accurate XNUMXD depth map, so the camera senses how far away the subject is. After capturing the image, the iPhone XS allows you to adjust the amount of blurring or blurring when adjusting the image using a slider that simulates the aperture, so you can adjust and customize it as you like.
How to take photos using Portrait mode on iPhone XS
First, turn on Camera and then swipe on the screen until you reach Portrait mode. To get a good photo, the subject should be two or eight feet away. This distance is normal. There are also instructions on the screen that will help you if you go outside the limits. You can also preview and choose photo light filters while shooting. Once you have taken the photo, you can proceed to the editing stage.
You can use any of the following points if you want to make the image better.
◉ Zoom in to 2X, this means that you will have to step back a little so that you do not have to approach the person's face and get confused. The result will be satisfactory.
◉ Make sure there is good lighting. Because the iPhone XS camera has poor performance in low light, and also because the portrait mode naturally loves lighting. Since you have zoomed in to 2X, that will naturally need more light.
◉ Portrait mode works for any image, it is not limited to portraits only. However, if the iPhone XS identifies a face in the image, it will be captured and create a high-resolution, detailed portrait. In other words, twice the detail of regular XNUMXD images is captured from those without faces.
How to modify the depth control feature in the iPhone XS
To edit the image using the depth adjustment feature, just open the image, and click Edit on the top right or top left of the screen depending on the phone's language. You will see a depth adjustment indicator at the bottom of the image, or at the side if you are using the phone in landscape mode.
You can use the slider to "Adjust Depth" on any of your iOS 12 devices. This means that you can take pictures on the iPhone XS, and edit on the iPad.
Numbers have been placed on the slider starting from f 1.4 to f 16. This is a simulation of adjusting the aperture settings, which in turn control the amount of background blur. All you need from this tape is to know the amount of blurring or blurring in the background, preferably the default f 4.5, and this is usually true.
To toggle photo mode on and off, tap the yellow Portrait sign at the top of the screen. You can also adjust the portrait lighting on this screen, and the result will depend on the amount of Control Depur you add.
Sometimes, a mark is placed on top of the image, in which case the depth adjustment slider will not appear. To adjust the blur and blur, you can use third-party applications, on top of which is an application Slor To be able to adjust the opacity as desired.
Starting with the upcoming iOS 12.1, you will be able to adjust the depth directly while shooting with the XS and not just after it like now
Sho hi comments, all tips and no, why do we want people to enter into the topic of the special and proposed by the iPhone Islam Shaw Hi nervous and criticize a specific company and talk that has no meaning on the topic. The important thing is with the highest respect for the companies to all members and subscribers.
One must know that one is iOS and not ten android 😃 Hi, why not, because whatever it is, Android will eventually perform, after a not too long time, and it will be full of viruses until it installs applications on its own.
My brother Hamid, my comment about changing the camera is not serious of course and just joking Thank you 🌹
I thank the admin for deleting the comments and for preserving the comments
Now the sun shone on the site and rained down on the sky, cleaning the surface of the earth from insect scales
Thank you iPhone سلام Islam
My brother Nasser, the iPhone XR is a very good device, and it is enough that it has the new A12 processor, as for the screen and the camera, although it is less than the two categories above, but I assure you that it is not bad but very good. And better cameras, and its price is not limited to mid-range devices at all, so expect to find a very good phone.
Apple, dear, does not produce anything bad if it is not excellent, it is very good at least This is a word of truth that I cannot deny, and if I have criticisms about several points in Apple, and if there is something better here or there in some Android devices, but the Android devices we follow and admire some of its technologies, but Follow up for information only and it is difficult for us to use it after we got used to the beautiful iOS system for several years and congratulations on the device in advance, and we hope you have an enjoyable use with it.
God bless Majid Al-Brahim
Certainly, it will be a good and acceptable screen, God willing
My brothers, we learned about the specifications of the iPhone Max, but what about the iPhone XS, is it different from the iPhone X in the screen, the camera and the battery, either in the processor only?
I have a dear person who has an iPhone X and is considering an upgrade to the iPhone XS, as he wants the same size and does not prefer large devices. Please advise and thank you.
The two versions do not differ, except in size exclusively
My brother Ismail, my question is about the difference between an X and an XS generous
IPhone X and iPhone X are the same size, the same screen, the same battery.
One difference is that the X processor has 11 aibonic and the SS has 12
Slight difference in the camera sensor.
So what upgrade ??!
My advice to the brother is to wait until the next year or after as long as he does not like the big screens.
There is no big difference between them, save your money.
True, my brother Mustafa, it is logical ... as long as it is, indeed, it is not worth the promotion. Thank you
Update ios12.01 battery drains clearly on iPhone X..
Apple is dealing with one problem, and we expected a second problem.
In the upcoming updates, please ask Apple to pay attention to the battery instead of speed and performance.
For me, he bought an iPhone X Max and was surprised that the Huawei p20pro camera
Much better and outperformed his camera by four points.
I would like to tell you, dear, that there are shops in Dubai, I think, they can remove the camera of your max device, put the original Huawei camera for you, open the drill with a slot in your device for the third camera, and they order the software and everything and say their work is clean and the iPhone will be the Max with the wonderful Huawei camera you wish.
Just a piece of advice to me, he has a desire, and may God grant me success and you for all good and thank you
With all due respect to your high rating of Huawei, who would accept to replace something that is inferior with something that is better? Although the author of the article confirmed that camera specialists have proven that the XSMAX phone contains a high-quality camera that should not be underestimated, but here comes the puzzle after the word but, if you want to get the best three-dimensional image, you must follow the following steps, which he clearly explained in his article, may God reward him on our behalf with all good, and therefore I hate this word I frankly because it contains selfishness. I told you previously, in the name of honest defense and not fanaticism of the iPhone, that good knowledge of how to use the device is the only way that leads you to complete conviction that the iPhone is the best device ever, and I am not fanaticism, but rather a truth that is beyond doubt and not fabrication.
Thank you, my brother Hamid, and may God reward you
The iPhone Max camera isn't bad however
Never quite up to the standard of Huawei's camera
p20pro with a significant difference of four
Points in favor of Huawei and thank you for
Useful article 🌹
IPhone XS Max camera killer ☠️
Smart HDR Imagination Technology
Apple every year develops the camera
Do not forget the front camera has a technology so far that has not come with any forks
It is the flash on the screen
Terrible technique, brother
In complete darkness take a picture 👽☠️💀👻
In a previous article titled What's New in the iOS 12.1 Beta Update, and under Tab No. 5, you wrote the following “Advantages of the XS Camera: At the recent Apple conference, I reviewed some of the features of the XS camera, but it was not released in its full form, such as the new depth control feature. The feature only works on previously captured portraits, but with iOS 12.1 demo, the feature now works directly before shooting so that you can control before taking the picture.
But after I updated, I did not see this add-on. Did they not add it or is there a way to activate it
New update 12.0.1
The feature will work with 12.1
thank you for replying
So I am waiting for the 12.1 update
Dear brothers ... Let us open a new page of discussion ... and let every person start expressing his opinion against or with Apple, Android, Google or Huawei ... away from hints and suggestions about other brothers.
This article recorded a positive calm in the discussion that we had not witnessed in the previous period .. so that we might consecrate that .. and move away from what stirs the fire of personal enmity between us .. and return to our usual technical rivalry .. which was characterized by a spirit of brotherhood and humor .. despite the antagonism over a specific technical topic.
I ask everyone to pick up this comment ... and we consider it the gateway to the new page ... and let us do a restore via iTunes to get rid of the problems that we suffered from in the previous update ..🤗
good greeting
True words, my brother Ismail, and this is supposed to be the original in the comments, but you are right, a clean restore is enough to remove the problems of the previous update. A beautiful comparison 😂⭐, and may God reward you, my dear brother.
There is no problem-free system .. Currently, please update to the iPhone Islam Forum version XNUMX 😜
My brother Ismail, may God reward you well. If we want to open a new page, every offender must completely stop his offensive comments, directly or indirectly, then the one who initiates the mistake must apologize in front of everyone. I pledged to completely stop responding to any offensive comment. Thank you, brother
My brother Majed .. of course this is what we asked that everyone stop directing a veiled or explicit response to any subscriber .. and I think that the origin of the problem has been addressed 😊 .. if you notice the comments .. it remains for us to erase the data and perform a clean restore .. and then everyone should bear The consequence of any offense issued by him from now on .. Each of us issued what is not appropriate as a result of anger, reaction or misunderstanding accumulated as a result of certain comments ..
God willing, these comments will no longer exist ..
good greeting
Done 👍🏻
God’s blessings, God willing.
The iPhone camera for the Secretariat is developing terribly in every release, we noticed the quality of the images between the iPhone and other phones, all of them are not bad, but the integrity and quality of the iPhone makes the blasphemers larvae feeding on cash in the forums, and I am almost certain that they collect money (one riyal above one riyal) in order to own An iPhone, but Apple came at a price that exceeds the proceeds of the piggy bank, which made them criticize the product altogether for its high price 🤣🤣
But to be honest, my brother Saeed, his night photography is still below the required level, and I was the one who I thought was an improvement in the versions after the iPhone 6 Plus
My brother Saeed, do you not know that there are people from the dear brotherhood members or readers who may really find it difficult to buy expensive devices such as the iPhone due to the lack of their hands?
Is poor financial condition a defect calibrated by a person ?!
How much of a little money is of great manners, humanity and good reputation, and how much money I have seen and we have seen is of little value because of his bad reputation, bad morals and lack of humanity!
This comment is not appropriate and is not permissible at all!
I had to respond to you despite my pledge not to respond to any offensive comment because this point that I raised is very deep and affects the human aspect greatly and cannot be tolerated with my commitment to the limits of respect as I have always been with everyone and guided and guided you by God.
Brother Osama Ismail ,, To the Secretariat, I do not care much about the mobile camera except for normal photography ,, as I use a professional camera for photography, but for me the iPhone camera is not so bad as it serves and meets my limited needs for photography through the phone
Thank you 👍🏼
As for the night photography of the iPhone X Max, I noticed that there is a big difference from the 8 Plus, whether in pictures or videos
And that's a good thing for me
I know the iPhone is not the best for night photography and I was bothered by the quality of the photos at night
But there is a big difference now
Apple fanatics are all crammed into a weak spot on the iPhone, such as night photography, for example, telling you, this is not important to me, because I use a professional camera.
And if the screen is not good, he will tell you: I do not care about the screen, because I connect it to the laptop or TV, and if the battery is weak, he will tell you that the battery does not concern me, because I use an external battery and I have no problem.
The important thing for them is that they do not criticize the device in anything and find an excuse for them in everything
Why would you buy the device, then if you are going to use alternatives to it in everything, Nokia Abu Schaf will suffice for the purpose of communication 😂😂
Well done brother Majid
Comment or the coolest 🌷🌷
Brother Amin, I expect that you attacked me unintentionally. Perhaps you are wrong and do not intend to attack
(((Disclaimer and Clarification)))
For every fanatic, may God forgive him, he accused me of double standards, my recognition of the site that ranked the Huawei camera as the best camera, and my suspicion of the site that rated the MAX screen as the best screen.
My dear, I know the camera site very well, as it is a very popular site with high credibility and reliability. As for the site for the screen, I do not know it, so I said what I said. If the site is famous, credible and reliable like the first site, then I retract what I said and admit to what the site mentioned that the iPhone Max screen The best screen, noting that the resolution (ppi) is not the highest in the MAX, and there are screens higher than it, and this made me doubt the news. I mentioned this point at the time. Thank you.
May God guide you, my brother Majed. Because we call on you to be objective in your speech, have we become fanatics? My brothers and I did not offend you in any way and did not attack you personally as some did 🌚, but we wanted to clarify the point of your citing a reliable site and the result was in favor of Huawei, which you always praise, and when the iPhone outperformed according to another reliable site, you accused it of being loyal to Apple, and for those who did not read your comments before, they will see you as a fanatic now, since you are taking from the site that gave the highest rating for the phone you are praising, and leaving the rating of the site that did not, and you are excused in this case for not knowing the reliability of the other site, and speaking of this site, which is Display Mate, which is the most famous site for evaluating screens and is reliable, the iPhone Islam site has also praised it, and as for your screen evaluation, which you rely on one standard, which is the number of pixels ppi, I would like to tell you that it is not the only standard for measuring the quality of screens, since the screen has many technologies that are illogical to limit them to the number of pixels, and specialists know them and evaluate them based on that, and this is their specialty and area of expertise, and for further clarification, I am not a fanatic for any company, neither Apple nor For others, and the discussions in which I see excitement and heat over mere phones that we do not own anything from their companies make me laugh. I discuss the topics with you and the rest of the members in the comments section to benefit from each other’s information, and to increase our technical information. I have benefited from your comments before, my brother Majed, and I hope that you read my words carefully and benefit from them as well, so that we can improve our comments and leave blind fanaticism and excitement. May God reward you with good.
Dear brother Osama
Certainly, dear, my words above do not include you at all, and not everyone who accused me of this issue is a fanatic, but there are some fanatics who clung to this position and I liked to explain it to everyone.
You are one of the dearest brothers on this site, and I have all the respect and appreciation for what I found from you of good morals, style and wide knowledge, after about fanaticism, and I benefited and still benefit a lot from you. As for the screen, I retreat from my previous saying, since as I mentioned and this is what I liked to clarify with my previous comment and thank you Much dear brother 🌹
XNUMX% O Osama🏆🌠✅
Don't worry, my dear brother Majed ⭐, respect and appreciation are a constant from me to you, and what you described me with, I consider it a certificate from you that I am proud of and cherish. I pray to God to perpetuate and strengthen this brotherhood, and indeed, as you mentioned, fanatics like to exploit these opportunities, and I consider blind fanaticism a disease that affects the vision of its owner and prevents him from seeing the truth. I ask God to heal everyone, and may God reward you, my dear brother ⭐.
An infernal idea, if implemented by Apple, would overwhelm the market with force.
Creating iPhones for the Android operating system at the same time as their usual iPhones in its own system.
With this terrible idea, she will have both hands of customers and will crush all the manufacturers of the Android operating system.
A bit strange idea 🤣🤣👍
A nice idea, but the percentage of its implementation by Apple is 1%, and this percentage is considered small because Apple is playing with the system and its fans, but if it enters the world of Android, it may succeed, but after years.
Brother, make sure it is a daydream. The idea 🙈🙈😂 ..
But God is the All-Knowing .. Perhaps the dream will come true.
Greetings 🌹🙏
One of the seventh impossible things Apple applies it because the developers have a successful card ,,, and the iPhone system is the trump card for Apple
On the contrary, you will be out of the market and strongly, you know that humble Apple hardware offers better performance than competitors, due to the iOS system, which means that the same hardware on the Android system will perform less than competitors, and you also know that the highest profit margin for Apple, which results in Expensive phones with cheap performance and specifications, and here the iOS system is not present to save these devices, they work with the Android that most devices work with, and they will suffer from what Android devices suffer from slow updates and other problems, in addition to their own problems, and this may harm The reputation of the iOS iPhones for people with little knowledge in the world of technology, and investors may think that this move from Apple has done it for fear of the lack of selling iOS phones, and here the investors in Apple are afraid and the price of its shares will decrease, and it will not crush other companies 😂, but She is the one who will be crushed by the rest 😂😂😂, and it will not affect the Android customers, and it will lose its iOS clients, and its fall will be greater than the fall of Nokia.
Yes, my brother Majed, the respectable Islam iPhone site is open to everyone, and everyone gives his opinion about it and its experience, whether ios or android, in order to benefit and exchange information .. Ramzi fanatic wants to sow discord among the members.
With all due respect to the wonderful and best iPhone Islam website in the Arab world 🌹🌹
True, my brother Amen, not fanaticism 👍
One of the most wonderful comments, but the phone looks a bit like me when I look at the screen as if it is me
Thank you, brother Yusef
True, my brother Amin, I completely agree with you, thank you
I am, in fact, very surprised at the condition of some Apple fanatics, and this situation may also be the case with fanatics of Samsung, Huawei, and others.
My beloved brother, my good brother, my brother.
When I criticize Apple or Apple devices, by God and God, then by God, what is considered that I have insulted you or attacked you, and you are not personally intended? Are you the one who made the iPhone? You are Tim Cook. No, are you Steve Jobs or one of his relatives?
Yes, why do you annoy us, may God reward you with good, and all that we have said is a word or criticism with Apple that you defend it as if we Sabine or Sabine one of your family or Sabine your religion or your country !!! ???? 😳😳😤😤😤
By God, by God, there is a difference between you and the iPhone. To prove it to you, hold the iPhone, stand in front of the mirror and see for yourself. You will find that the iPhone is inanimate and you are a human. The iPhone is made of glass and metal and is small in size. You were created from clay and have flesh and blood and five senses. You do not resemble the iPhone at all, nor does it resemble you. There is nothing in common between you!! So when I say the iPhone has this and that and criticize it, you, my heart, my love, my eyes, have nothing to do with the subject, neither closely nor remotely. On the contrary, you are a good, intelligent, understanding, aware, and sophisticated person. There is good in you. Are you an iPhone? Is your name iPhone? Do you resemble the iPhone? No. When I criticize the iPhone and say there is and there is, that does not mean that I am criticizing you. On the contrary, you are my brother and my love!!
I don't really know why this nervousness and extreme sensitivity. When I bought the iPhone X last year and I was happy with it, several dear people said that they didn't like it and it wasn't worth the price. I swear to God I didn't argue with them or fight with them or say anything to them. I just continued the session with them normally and had dinner and chatted happily. Because they are free to have their own opinion and I am convinced of my choice. I don't care about the opinion of others, but I respect their opinion and I didn't tell them, "No, you don't have a point and this is the best device." But you are backward and don't understand!!
People, in the end, we are just users, and companies are competing and competing between each other to serve us and compete to win our satisfaction and our money, and we take from them what meets our taste, needs and use, according to our budget, from any company. Your health, which may deteriorate due to this nervousness and excitement, criticize Apple, good, good, let him criticize her and cut it apart, I am and my relationship, and God do not speak about my religion or speak in my country, and I do not talk about my show, so do not be idiot and confuse others because of something silly and there is no camel or camel !! Thank you and sorry for the long haul
The most important thing is the comparison in front of mirrors between a person and his cell phone
May God help you, brother
Thank you, my sister, Amen, and you 🌹
One of the most beautiful comments, my brother Majed, is successful, God willing. Perhaps the message arrived and achieved the necessary goal
Of all the fanatics, Apple fanatics are the ones who think they offend when we criticize the iPhone and Apple 😂😂😂
My dear brother Ismail, we hope so Thank you 🌹
Brother Osama true thank you
Oh God, the full moon has risen upon us from the folds of the gardens. We must thank you, as our hearts are forgiving and our mouths are full of honeyed words. So all thanks are due to you, oh God, oh Guide, oh Hearer, oh Best Judge. Bring together the hearts of Ramzi and Majid, and make each one of them forgiving and pleased with the other.
Thank you, brother Hamid, and for your kind words
Make sure there is good lighting. Because the iPhone XS camera has poor performance in low-light, 😂😂
Brother Osama 😂😂😂
It is true and this is not my words but the words of the famous side, but I was not saying that the X-camera is amazing, good enough on it
Brother Maher 😂😂👍
But I am not failed sayings
Brother Muhammad 😄
I think that describing people with awareness when praising a good product and ignorance when diminishing is not accurate and it has a lot of fanaticism, so everyone has his own taste, preferences and special needs, and it is not necessary for him to like the iPhone to be aware and if I detract from it he becomes ignorant 😄 Thank you
My brother Himo, I repeat to you what I said to Brother Muhammad. People cannot be classified according to the phones they prefer. People are tougher and needs in the end. As for the comparison, if the site that classified the Max screen as the best screen is the same as that famous site that classified the Huawei camera, then I retreat from my skeptical words that I complained about with Apple As I did not pay attention at all to the name of the party in the subject of the screen, noting that the degree of clarity (ppi) remains in favor of the Note 9 and not the Max screen is the highest clarity and thank you
Dear Majid, first, I apologize to you Secondly, I did not mean to praise the Apple product only, I mean that the wonderful product does not diminish it, regardless of its source 🙏
Dear Muhammad, no ordinary brother and dear, but a wonderful product is not without flaws, and perfection is for God alone, then if I see it and you are wonderful, others may see it as normal, and so people remain tastes. Exactly, for example, the Huawei camera and the Max camera have the two best cameras on smartphones now, so a sane and conscious person cannot poke on one of them or say about one of them that it is a bad or bad camera and thank you
No, Majid, what is the same site, the camera rating site is dxomark and the screens ’rating site is display mate
Yes, this is what I meant, since the topic is specific to the camera, I do not prefer to deviate from the context of the topic, and it is personal freedom. I prefer manual settings and others do not like complications.
Very nice, but my iPhone X camera is enough ..
And if we follow phone models, it will never end ..
They said last year is the best camera and this world they said is the best camera from last year and they will say it next year .. and this is how the convoy is going ..
It is true, my brother Mustafa, our problem is that we think about whether we have the most powerful camera (or the advantage of the market) or not ... while it would be better for us to think whether what I have now is sufficient for my need and desire or not.
Greetings 🌹🙏
Yes, right, brother Ismail.
If every time we have to get the most powerful and exclusive devices in the market, this situation will make us compelled to change whenever new ones appear ..
Although the old device works and fulfills its purpose ..
This is called obsessive disease, meaning that a person is obsessed with technology ... and all new
This is the type that companies prefer to advance their production and profits.
Note :
If you buy the new, do not waste the old.
I agree with you, my brother, Mustafa
Thank you, Professor Mahmoud for the article.
Greetings 🌹🙏
May God reward you, my brother Ismail, and did not deprive us of your kind responses and your presence with us
Phones are technically weak and ugly and never worth buying. The idiot is the one who pays $ 1100 for a 64GB phone, as for this feature it is not new in my Note 9 phone and we discovered it in the Note 8
His photography is very beautiful on the iPhone, but his problem is with night photography, I do not know why
In general, the iPhone is beautiful in all its other features, and I am completely satisfied with the purchase of the device ... and the iPhone Max screen is a second story..🚶🏻
The iPhone XS has an amazing camera and (but) it is not the best camera and no better than the Huawei P20 Pro camera, the comment is directed at you and you know yourself 😄
The spark starts here 😅
Wonderful products do not need testimony from the public, and I am the first. If you praise the beautiful product, this indicates your awareness and your wide awareness, and if you lack it, this indicates your ignorance.
Himo, I am a Huawei user 😎
Commenting on my brother Osama's comment regarding the competition:
I think that we are in a maze that we will not get out of .. The basic rule is that there is no perfect product in everything .. every technical product has what distinguishes it and what is wrong with it .. and if the supremacy and the first place will remain for a single person, product or company .. So what is this evaluation of the basis of .
If evaluation and positioning is the degree of an approach that companies benefit from in order to improve themselves .. Let us strike like a student .. How many students excels in their class but did not score the first place on a quarter of a mark (and sometimes less) .. and the three on half a mark .. Does this mean that The second and third are losers and have no value
This comment is not a praise for any company .. Rather, we have to understand that centers are an evaluation of self or product improvement (in the case of companies) .. and it is not always blameworthy for the person or the product
Rather, what is judged on success or failure .. Is this so-and-so company able to progress and rise to a higher position or rank with time, or it remained in its position without progress .. Here we can judge success and failure.
Greetings 🌹🙏
Greetings to you, my brothers Muhammad, Maher, Himo, Ismail ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thank you iPhone Islam for this information 😘
The new iPhone has a professional camera 😍