It's fun to rearrange the home screen from time to time. Especially placing important applications and arranging them according to importance, priority and accessibility. There are some users who do not pay attention to this matter, so he uses his phone as it is in its default position and does not make any significant changes. But there is no doubt that arranging applications by folder, application, or page is an easy way to quickly access what you want and be under your control all the time, making it easy for you to operate, customize, arrange and delete any of them. And for those interested in playing in the iPhone icons, whether using themes, and this you see is difficult now, except in the case of jailbreak. There are creative ways through which you can customize the iPhone icons as you like through which you can change the shape of the icon in your picture or one of your friends or any picture you want, and there are layouts. Others you can choose from. Follow us.

Organize icons as shortcuts

To do this, you must have the Shortcuts app running on iOS 12. This shortcut allows you to change the icon shape of any iPhone app to the way you want it.

  • Download the Shortcuts app
  • Click on Create Shortcut

  • Search for "open application."

  • Choose the app you want to create a shortcut for.

Let the Quran apply, for example

  • Tap on the Settings tab

  • Click on "Icon"

  • So you can customize a color, an icon, or even choose or take a picture of the shortcut's shape and then Done

  • When finished, click Add Shortcut to Home Screen or click Share Shortcut, then call up the Posts window, then Add to Home, then Add

  • You will be taken to the browser to add the shortcut to the main page

  • You can add a shortcut to Siri for any application, for example, say "Mushaf", so that Siri will open it directly. This is done to return to the shortcut, then the shortcut settings, as we explained earlier, and then add to Siri

  • Then register the shortcut to Siri

You can be creative with this feature, you can make all the application icons on your device with pictures of people you love.

It does not end there, we still have a lot and a lot of these customizations, you can color your icons according to their classification, for example, make game icons in a color, news applications in one color, and communication applications in another color. Meaning turn your icons into a rainbow.

And to do these tricks, one article is not enough for us, try what we mentioned in the article and you will find fun when you succeed in creating a shortcut on your own. In later articles, we will provide tricks and explanations by using the Shortcuts application, which will make using the iPhone a fun thing, and add you an ideal experience.

Have you tried creating shortcuts before? Are you a fan of customizing the look of your phone? Let us know in the comments.



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