The accessibility menu in the iPhone is one of those options that are very neglected and forgotten by many iPhone users with its amazing capabilities such as the “AssistiveTouch” which is almost the only feature that it uses. It seems that Apple knows and decided to pay attention to it in the upcoming iOS 13 update. The list has been taken care of and moved from the "General" menu to the main settings menu directly so that it is more clear. It has also been reorganized and more sub-menus added. In this article, we learn what's new in iOS 13's accessibility settings.
IOS 13 accessibility
◉ In the new accessibility, AssistiveTouch, Ease of Access, 3D Touch, touch facilities, Tap to wake, Vibration to Back, Vibration and Voice call forwarding are all grouped together in the “Touch” or “Touch” menu under the Physical and Motor section. They all had separate menus on the accessibility page under the 'Interactivity' section.
◉ Screen facilities, which used to include the inverted color feature, color filters, automatic lighting, and white point reduction, became known as the "Screen and Text Size" menu in iOS 13. In the Inverted Color menu, a new toggle was added under the name "Differentiate Without Color". Without color.
◉ The “Reduce Motion” setting that was present in the “Vision” or Vision section has become part of a new group under the “Vision” section called “Motion”, and there are two new settings which are “Autoplay Message Effects” And "Autoplay video preview."
◉ "Speak" or "Speech" has been renamed as "Spoken Content" or "Spoken Content" and it includes all the same options except for "Speak Selection", which has been completely removed.
◉ Also in the new “Vision” section we find “Audio Descriptions” that were listed under the Media section at the bottom of the list.
◉ Despite the design difference, the new accessibility stand still maintains some familiar elements to help ensure you get used to them in place and to reach them in no time. The most important "Accessibility Shortcut" setting is still at the bottom of the page.
◉ The "Face ID & Attention" setting from the old vision section is now in the Physical and Motor section and has been linked to the "Switch Control" setting. In addition, there is also a new Voice Control feature, as well as a new Apple TV Remote option.
◉ The Hearing Aid section still contains “Made for iPhone Hearing Aids” but “LED flash for alerts, mono sound, phone noise cancellation, and volume balance indicator” have all been moved to a sub-menu called “Audio and Visual” or “Audio / Visual” Also, “translation and written explanation” have been transferred from the media section to the audiology department.
It should be noted that iOS 13 is still in its early beta stages, and that Apple may rearrange these options, update them, or introduce other modifications. And when the update is officially released, we will explain the functions of these new features in some detail.
Thank you for this nice topic
Why are the illustrations of the iPhone settings in English in the article? I do not understand this matter. Your app, your website, and your followers are Arabs. Why are your illustrations in English language !!!?
The most important thing forgotten from my point of view in the calls is that I can let Siri answer the calls without touching the device in case of eating or not cleaning the hand is very necessary if it helps you send it to Apple
I guess Blind Blind forgot the most use of Apple services, at least Iraq
I use accessibility when I need it
I put it in the control center for quick access
To it and it is as follows:
Smart Invert (similar to Night Mode)
Reduce the white point
Zoom in / Zoom out
Color filters
Thank you for the article
Dying for an update
Brothers, I have a problem, and whoever has experience helps me
This iPhone shuts down unexpectedly because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary maximum power. You have manually disabled performance management protection.
How do I return to activate this counter because when I turned off the battery performance this setting became my VoiceOver speaker slow to speak when switching between Arabic and English and this annoys me a lot when reading an article or words that are Arabic and English words with some 🤔
My brother Hamza, what was your battery
Weak, try to change it 🙂
My brother, I have the battery 80%, but I mistakenly stopped this setting and I want to return it, and the way to return is that it turns off the device suddenly, so these numbers are working, the Battery Protection Department because it was with me before the time and I turned off this setting and turned off the device suddenly and turned on again, Brother Ramzi This counter when activated is very important for managing the battery and processor in this device 🤔
You have a way, my brother Ramzi, because this setting must be activated. This setting is very important. When I turned off this setting, my VoiceOver spokesperson became slow to speak because the battery is weak. This setting regularly distributes the battery to the device so that it loses weak battery
Enter Battery - Battery Status - you will find the setting that reduces performance in exchange for battery preservation
No, no, no, it has nothing to do with VoiceOver. This setting is completely off. And if this number is on, the iPhone will be slow because it preserves battery life. That’s why the processor is slow. It’s better to stop it.
I got in, but I can't do it again
Ok, why, brother, when I stood this counter for the first time I had VoiceOver, it became slow in speaking words and came back. This counter worked after the device suddenly stopped and VoiceOver came back fast and I pressed it again mistakenly, I had VoiceOver as slow as the first time
Always enter accessibility because it contains any numbers that you do not find in front of you, and to show them abroad, everyone will benefit from them, any numbers you search for and do not find you will find in them except that they contain many things that they do not use because they do not know about it
When is the ios public beta release date?
When will he arrive to our iPhones?
You can also mute any sound effect you want
An example
You can mute all effects except the sound of double clicking, you can mute the sound of clicking twice and keep all sounds the same and so on
Thank you
Ok, what about VoiceOver accessibility for the blind? Are there advantages for us, nor does the company forget this setting 😔 🤔
Do not be afraid
Apple has never forgotten the visually impaired
The VoiceOver assistance system for the blind in iOS 13 has greatly improved.
Now you can customize gestures for you and many features that you will know after the official release of the update
There are also improvements in pronunciation in general
Also, the name of the Accessibility Option for the Disabled has been changed to a new name
The name is, Facilitation of Use
I expect this is a bug in beta updates
And they might review the name again.
Sweet a lot, thank you for your information, my brother. I have Majid when I have an article to read, and in the article there was an English word that would be delayed for me. VoiceOver to convert to an English speaker and this bothers me. Do you know this problem 🤔 Especially when I have apps on the main screen and it is in Arabic to pronounce it and go to an application For my English, the speaker will be delayed to switch to a native English speaker, or vice versa, what is the reason
I went through this problem, and I could only solve it by reconfiguring the restor and the speaker was working more efficiently than before.
Finally, I found someone with the same problem as me, thank God. This is the second time it has happened to me, and I formatted the device and it came back new, but the problem is that you lose all your data. I spoke with technical support and told them that they need to set a reset and clear all VoiceOver so that you don’t lose your data, and they told me that they need to take your opinion from Apple engineers. The second time this happened to me, after I put the battery protection management stop and I couldn’t do it again. Maybe the weak battery makes VoiceOver difficult to pronounce quickly.
I currently put Victoria's voice, its size is one megabyte, its sound is very fast, but it is not understood and the accuracy of the voice is not clear. There are spelling errors when pronouncing English words and there are words like juggling to say I used to use the voice of Siri Female in the speaking size is 500 MB Her voice is clear and three-dimensional and you feel like you With it, but when I put it on now, my spokesperson becomes very, very slow, and also in trouble when I turn off the device and turn it back on, it sits a minute until VoiceOver turns on and this delays you
We don't want features, I swear to God, we've been fed up with iOS 10 until now, and it hasn't solved an annoying problem related to VoiceOver. It's a bilingual problem, which is converting between languages. I understood how the WhatsApp program pronounces a voice other than Majed's voice. This is correct, but some programs are in English. Majed's Arabic voice is pronounced in English.
This is what works and the pronunciation is bad like iTunes Store, Spotlight, VoiceOver, 3D Touch and also Touch ID... These are simple examples. See the difference. As for the websites, there is no life for those you call and no word is spoken by the English voice. It is all in Arabic, unfortunately. It is completely disabled on websites like Safari, Google, and so on. If you browse the website, suddenly the article contains an English word like turning on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, it is not spoken by the English voice. Say it by the Arabic voice. Of course, the blind know what I mean, and this is a problem that is frankly very annoying.
Because the English speaking speed is slower than the Arabic pronunciation, you must set it to 65 and sixty-six, or if you want the English speaker to be faster than Arabic, you can do so VoiceOver settings
Do not play sounds. Make the main sound Samantha because it is installed on the device and cannot be deleted. This is the best thing
Your words are right, my brother To the words I mentioned in English I speak them in English to me and some words I pronounce them in Arabic I don’t know what the reason is, but you can press the screen with two fingers and the second time remain pressed on the screen.
I do not mean this. I mean when there is an article in Arabic that reads it and there is an English word in the article that sits three seconds until it is switched to an English speaker. This delays me in browsing for what are Arabic and English words with each other and also when there are applications in the Arabic name or a name in English when I switch In an Arabic app, pronounce it when I go to the application with the English name, it will be delayed until the English speaker changes
Ok, I enter the settings, then VoiceOver, then speak, scroll down, add the Arabic language, there is an Arabic language, and there is a default Arabic language, either the Arabic language speaks English words in Arabic, and the default Arabic language when an Arabic word is pronounced in Arabic when an English word is pronounced in English after you work This counter adds this language by moving the rotor. Put on the language, and instead of top to bottom, when you come to the default Arabic language, not only Arabic, you can activate this language in the rotor within VoiceOver settings.
This voice is not as clear as the voice of Siri a female because it voices clarity and accuracy and it understands the clarity of her voice
My brother, for me the language, I know and I told you some words, pronounce it in the English voice, which is Samantha
Then let the spokesman read this comment, and you will notice that the speaker switches between the sounds. Look, I am clearing you have words in English and I would like to speak it in English like WhatsApp. I saw how now you switched from the English voice to the Arabic voice. Majid Taib's voice Spotlight What has changed, also the same thing is fine Safari and the same thing has not changed Ok Google also the same thing did not change the sound is true or not, but for a moment it tells you social media applications and see what is the application that turns into the English voice Facebook Twitter Instagram WhatsApp
Anyway, I won't make the list long and you know what I mean. As for your problem, I told you to make the sound and the sound specified by Apple. Don't change the sounds because these files are removable. Delete this file that is one megabyte in size because it doesn't work. Try it anyway. The sound will change to the sound that was from Apple, which is the name I mentioned to you at the beginning. Do you understand what I mean? Try it and you will see. Believe me, the problem will be solved if you make this sound the English sound...
Look now if he tries to copy my words and go the right to write on the basis that you are writing the speech that was pronouncing the English voice, he will speak the Arabic voice, and unfortunately, there is no single word that I pronounce in an English voice, the right to write.