The iPhone, the dumbest device in the world, is the title of many videos on YouTube, and the title of many posts on social media sites. The title naturally attracts many Android users, not Apple users, because whoever owns an Apple device knows well that it is a distinctive device that cannot be replaced. You say on my stupid device or (a donkey and a dog) like kindergarten children, it will be my response, may God forgive you. Of course, this article is not to answer those who say that the iPhone is a stupid device, but rather is an educational article, which explains the difference between the philosophy of the iOS system and the Android system, because anyone who switches from the Android system to the iOS system comes loaded with ideas that get used to it from this system, and because we are contemporary The first smart device, the iPhone since its inception, there was no Android, so it was not difficult for us, and we know that an Android user when trying iOS system faces some difficulty, and we are here to help you. Dear Android lover, read the article away from fanaticism ...

How is the best-selling device around the world a dumb device?

First of all, let me explain to you that we are talking here about a widespread device and not cheap either, and I will not talk about sales of the iPhone device in previous years, but in this year the iPhone devices are at the forefront of the best-selling devices, when you say that it is a stupid device, You accuse everyone who carries this device of stupidity because of their stupid choice, and they are many, it is unreasonable that he did not understand this stupidity except for you, surely there is a problem with launching the word stupid on the device of most of your friends using it, if I said the device is good for others, but it is not suitable for me, this would have been More fair.

The iPhone is a defective device

Nothing human-made is without flaws, and we do not deny that the iPhone and the iOS have flaws, andWe hope for some advantagesThe problem occurs when the feature is a defect for some, and the disadvantage for some is an advantage, and let us give you some examples ...

Phone conversations cannot be recorded via iPhone

Most owners of Android devices mention that not recording calls on the iPhone is a defect, and that this is available through Android simply, the problem is that the non-specialist does not understand that Android does not provide this feature in his system, but rather the phone conversation system in Android is not safe, so the recording of conversations is available. For applications, imagine if the application can record your conversations, would you secure a system that allows this feature to the applications? Of course, this is a matter of concern that applications have the ability to stay in the background of the system and know every phone number that calls you, and also the ability to register. In the iOS system, this is impossible, except by hacking the device via the jailbreak, which Apple plugs the hole immediately, and it is also impossible for regular applications with jailbreak or without jailbreak to record the conversation.

Even some applications like TrueCaller work in the Android system so that the name of the unknown caller you have appears immediately, and this is possible because the Android system delivers the phone number to the application and thus the TrueCaller application knows all the numbers that communicate with you, but in the Apple system although the application itself is available, except He does not know anything about you, and the iOS system asks the application to send him a list of phones known to be annoying, and the system itself makes a comparison without providing the application with any information about you in order to preserve your privacy.

Did you notice the difference, my brother coming from Android, the difference is very big, yes we cannot record phone conversations, but at the same time there are no applications that can monitor our phones and penetrate privacy, and if Apple someday make this feature available, it will be available in the system itself or The feature will be as secure as it has been with the caller name recognition apps.

Background apps cannot be closed at once

Android users are used to closing applications running in the background in order to free up memory and make the device faster, and this is really effective because the Android system works like Windows, but the iOS system does not work in this way, we do not worry about the applications open in the background, and the device will not become slow if you open a million An application in the background, and the reason is that no application works in the background at all, the iOS system is magical in these matters, every application has limits that it does not exceed and strict rules that it must follow, and therefore I as a user do not care the system guarantees this about me, and the iPhone does not become slow, and the evidence The strongest thing is that Android phones come with 6 or even 12 GB of internal memory, while iPhone comes with 3 GB, and this is more than enough. This is called resource management, and all the experts admit that Apple is very good at managing device resources. You can read a full article about the harm of closing apps in the background.

Songs and movies cannot be downloaded to an iPhone

Yes, because it is forbidden 😊 By God, I wish I said this, but you can download audio and video files to your device without a problem from the Safari browser, there is a download option that has become available since iOS 13, and the Files file system has also become wonderful and can be connected to most cloud services as well, you may mean Pirated videos and other things, and Apple, of course, will not allow theft, as it is a reprehensible matter in civilized countries and it is supposed to be impermissible with us in a first order, but also Android does not allow this, and both systems have applications that leak in each of them’s stores for illegal downloading.

It is not possible to turn off the notifications sound only and at the same time listen to the phone ringing

No, you can never do it, you just don't know. On the contrary, one of the most important features of the iOS system is the Do Not Disturb feature, which is a great feature, for example you are playing a game or watching a video and want to turn off notifications until it ends, it is very simple in the control panel, a long press on the do not disturb icon, and you can receive calls, or receive calls If it is repeated, and you can hear the sound only if the device is on or always silent if this feature is turned on. Do Not Disturb is one of the strengths of iOS and is very easy to use.

Siri is very sterile and not comparable to Google Assistant

In this I believed, and I have written On Twitter previously "Siri is great until you talk to it" and he laughs that it works well, and the Siri system and its compatibility with the device are more than wonderful, but talking to Siri raises the pressure sometimes, but it has evolved a lot with iOS 14 and in simple matters Siri does the purpose, but if you want to chat, use the Google Assistant And also the Alexa Assistant, each of them has iOS apps and accessing them is easy.

Bad Apple Maps, Annoying Safari, Boring Mail Program

You find an Android user telling that Apple Maps is annoying, that my travel is bad and that the mail program is boring, and of course I do not disagree with him at all, the same thing in the Android system, I may find the GMail program closed on itself and that the Chrome browser violates my privacy and easily you can use another application, And in iOS 14, you will be able to make the app you want the default. Do not judge the system from applications that are not suitable for you or you are not used to them, although they work efficiently, they are suitable, but excellent for others. In the end, if the system gives you the freedom to use other applications, then you have no problem. Why do you insist on using Apple Maps, personally I use Google maps Of course, and maybe if I moved to America or England, I would definitely use Apple Maps The best in this country. It is up to me as a user, the important thing is that the applications, even the Google applications themselves, run more smoothly on the iOS system, the device does not collapse, the applications do not penetrate my privacy and everyone works in harmony.

Pictures and videos cannot be transferred from computer to iPhone

Apple has a feature that has been present for a long time called AirDrop that makes you transfer any file from any device to another device, this feature that we heard that Android will finally develop a similar feature soon is really a feature worth imitating, and if your devices are Apple devices, for example your computer is a Mac, You will never find a problem in transferring photos and videos from the Mac device easily to the iPhone, as well as between the iPhone and iPad and other Apple devices. As for your problem here, you want to transfer from Windows to the iPhone, and this means leaving the Apple system, and there is a solution. Certainly, but the solution needs an application that you download on Windows such as (Copy Trans Photo) Or the free app (3uToolsThis is logical because Apple does not have Windows, and the Apple file system is closed because it is encrypted and secure, and even is fast, unlike Android devices, so downloading an application that converts images from the Windows system to the iPhone is a small price to maintain the file encryption on your device, and you do that only once and from Then your dream of transferring files from Windows to iPhone becomes simple.

Of course, there are many other things that Android users do not like on the iPhone, but it is not possible to write an article longer than this, and I say to every Android fanatic, if you like Android, congratulations to you, but do not bother please 😊 (Refer to the article by Android owners and HittiesThis article is aimed at fanatics, as for the current article, it is for everyone who has difficulty moving from Android to iPhone.

Tell me what you think, as an iPhone user, do you hate someone telling you that the iPhone is a stupid device, and why do you think that says this?

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