The loss of important files and data is very common on the computer, and this may happen when you upgrade the system or reinstall the system, or a sudden power failure, or a hard disk corruption, and even unintentionally deleting, in the end you find yourself losing pictures, videos, work files A task, or even a letter. So having a program to recover files that were lost or deleted by mistake is essential.

IMyFone AnyRecover

This program helps you recover lost photos, videos, documents, emails, etc. from the hard drive on Mac or Windows devices, and it also works on hard disk type of SSD, USB, memory card and digital camera.

And you can recover a wide range of files such as documents, audio files, pictures, videos, e-mail, zip files, and others

You can use the program easily and with just a few simple steps you will recover your lost files ...

Step 1: Select a site

Select the location or hard disk from which you want to recover lost data.

Step 2: examination

The program performs a quick scan and then performs a deep scan until it reaches the deleted files.

Step 3: recover files

Filter the recovered files by path or file type, preview all recoverable data, and select the file you wish to recover. Click "Recover" and store the file in a folder of your choice.

You can download the trial version for free from the program now

iMyFone AnyRecover Mac Data Recovery


Recover Files After Emptying The Trash

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