Technology has become almost everywhere in the world and now everyone on the face of the planet uses a phone or smartwatch, but technology may be very useful to us, but it has dangerous side effects that may not be noticed by many, as these devices emit harmful radiation that can cause many problems, you know With us on the truth of this matter and whether it is really dangerous.

What's the story

We will talk about two types of side effects for phones and smart watches and more for smart watches that overcome phones when it comes to damage caused by EMF radiation and blue light.

EMF radiation

It is a wave of electromagnetic radiation, and scientifically if any type of radiation passes through our bodies, it affects the mechanism of our nervous system and causes serious health risks, and in this case, there are harmful radiation emitted from smart watches in a greater quantity compared to phones because smart watches are directly adjacent to you.

Blue light effect

Experience has shown that if you use your phone before bed at night, this causes sleep disturbances and with a smart watch, you cannot protect your eyes from the effect of screen rays because you use the watch all day and at night.

Biological side effects

Most Dangerous Side Effects Of Smartwatch

With our excessive use of phones and smart watches, a person can face memory problems, sleep disorders and over-feeding, as excessive use of phones as well as smart watches lead to a lack of focus and thus memory problems. You will also feel that you are less active and all this because of the imbalance that occurs in the performance of memory.

The relationship between smartphones and overfeeding

You may think it is strange but there is a relationship between overfeeding and our use of the phone and even the smartwatch, let me explain to you, when eating we do not care about food time instead, we get busy with our phones or smart watches to check messages or see notifications and this is why Your metabolism system does not respond properly to the feeling of fullness, even though you are getting an adequate amount of food, your stomach responds to your mind that you are still hungry and as a result, you overfeed.

 Psychological side effects

Misuse of technology not only badly affects our biological health, there are side effects on mental and psychological health where people feel stressed, depressed, and even unable to control self-control, but why?

Using smart watches, a person can face three types of psychological effects, which are:

Dispersion: Where you get busy with notifications and feel the desire to open the device all the time and not pay attention to anything around you.

Mood Swings: It appears as a result of exposure of the body to radiation from the phone and the watch for a long time, which is why tension and frustration grows in a subtle and gradual way, and then you feel that you are acting in a kind of anger and mood swings all the time.

Anti-social behaviorIt appears as a result of your preoccupation with the device, as many people want to use the phone while eating, while studying, on the playground, and even when using the toilet, this matter ultimately makes you neglect your friends and closest people.

Impact on children

Most Dangerous Side Effects Of Smartwatch

Children are fond of owning smartphones and watches, but these devices, specifically watches, are not as healthy as parents think, because on average, a smart watch emits a lot of radiation and it is unhealthy for the retina of the eye, and this is why the doctor advises.Mercola“Children should not use the phone or any wireless device of any kind because they are more exposed to radiation than adults, and the reason is due to your skull bones, which are still thinner, and their brains and immune systems are still in the development stage.

How to reduce side effects

Frankly, we cannot avoid the use of technology, whether it is over the phone or the watch, but the resulting side effects can be reduced through self-control, as it all depends on our habits. If you are determined to use the phone and the watch, there is no need to overuse these devices because technology addiction affects a lot. Strong on your biological, mental, and even professional life, and here are some steps to help reduce the side effects of watch and phone use:


Move away a little from the phone

I know it's tough for everyone but if you occasionally enable airplane mode, this will keep you out of the radiance.


Avoid wearing the watch while sleeping

Many of us wear our smartwatch to track sleep habits, it's okay to wear it for several days, but it shouldn't turn into a habit.


daily routine

If you want to live a healthy life with your smartwatch, you need to set up a routine and determine the time that you use your watch as necessary, and after setting up a schedule, you will be able to know how much time you are spending with your watch.

Finally, technology provides us with a lot of jobs that we need in our daily life, which is why I would say that technology is not bad for us, but unfortunately our habits with devices can be described as bad. We need to use our smartphones and watches in a normal and not excessive way so as not to suffer side effects that will be felt by many. From us for the long term.

What do you think of the possible side effects of mobile technology overuse, tell us in the comments



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