How long do cell phones last? It is natural to think about the longevity of the product before buying it, especially the iPhone that does not come cheap, so it is natural to wonder how long it will take before you have to upgrade and buy a new device, it is an investment after all, so we will take a look at the best Time to upgrade and buy a new iPhone.

The life cycle of the iPhone

The most likely way for your iPhone to reach the end of its life is to run out of its battery, of course this is if the screen does not break or lose the device in one way or another, and whether you like it or not, the battery of the iPhone will die over time as it also depends on how you use it. For the device in addition to the number of times the iPhone battery is charged.

Apple says that the average life of an iPhone is up to three years, but many people see a decrease in performance after about two years, however, some people keep their iPhones for up to five years before they decide to upgrade and buy A new device, perhaps because of the money they spend on the battery, screen and other components, but in general, the life cycle of the iPhone in your life should range from two to three years.

When do you need to upgrade

Perhaps you are hesitant and do not know when you should upgrade because your iPhone may not work as you promised it the first time, but it is still usable or you do not want to spend a lot of money now and you see that the time has not come yet or for any other reason, whatever the reason We will mention some of the signs that, if you have them on your iPhone, then you will know that it is the right time to buy a new device, and here are the signs:

Reduced performance

Is your iPhone working hard or you feel that the performance is no longer the same as it was before, once you have problems with the performance and speed of the device, it is time to buy a new iPhone, you may say to yourself, I will ignore the performance problem as long as The device works, but this will exacerbate other problems and therefore you will not be able to do anything and you will find yourself without an iPhone for some time until you can buy another device, for this reason you must be ready to upgrade as soon as the malfunction occurs in your iPhone device Pay frequently, and this will help you a lot. Even if you managed to get a few months old with an old device, you will be happy that you have a pre-plan in case the iPhone stops working permanently.

Battery life

IPhones use lithium-ion batteries, and this type of battery charges faster compared to older generations of batteries, and lithium-ion batteries also tend to last longer than their predecessors, in addition, they are able to increase the energy density that it can sustain. Battery life lasts longer with a lighter body, for now, a technology Lithium-ion batteries Rechargeable is the best option for your iPhone, however it is the battery One of the main factors that control the decision to upgrade and purchase another device is because it ages and becomes less efficient with time, and whether the battery life of your iPhone decreases because you keep the device connected to the mains all night or because the device you had for a long time, there is no solution when the life of your iPhone ends. The battery of your iPhone device, and the battery can be changed for $ 69 for the iPhone X and higher versions, and about $ 49 for the iPhone 8 and older versions, beside the iPhone SE first and second generation, and if you own a device for more than 3 years, it may be time to upgrade instead of paying money On the battery once in a while.


If the latest iOS update does not support your iPhone, it is definitely time to get a new one. A missed update may not seem like a big problem, but you will lag quickly, and apps that are updated to run on the new operating system may not. It works fine or at all with your old device, and I would like to tell you that there is little benefit in keeping a device that is not supported by the latest iPhone OS.

Physical damage

Our iPhone devices can be exposed to damages due to falls or other accidents, but sometimes some damage is serious and affects the device such as: If you are trying to use your device through a broken screen because you decided that it is not worth the repair, or if it is The button is broken and cannot be used, or the frame is constantly loosening, or you used tape to attach anything to the device, this is the time to buy a new iPhone.

New feature


You probably don't need to purchase a device New iPhone But you need a new feature available on the latest iPhone, perhaps you want 5G, or you are looking for a larger screen or a smaller size, or even want to have more storage space, or because you want to buy a new device and can afford the cost, whatever the reason, you can buy an iPhone - A new iPhone and enjoy the new features that you miss in your old device.

Finally, if you are still asking about how long the iPhone will last, the answer may be more complicated than you thought, as iPhones are designed to last long, but like any piece of technology, they can deteriorate and face a decline in performance, however. Sometimes, these devices need a little maintenance to restart them for a longer period, and if the device is working with you in an acceptable way after three or even five years, then that is okay, but if you are facing problems, you may need to make the decision to upgrade, and if you have decided to buy A new device, you should know that the best time is not necessarily when launching a new model, but it is good to buy a new iPhone device at any time during the nine months following the launch of the new iPhone.

How old is the iPhone device that you currently own? Why are you buying a new iPhone? Let us know in the comments



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