Several anonymous rumors indicated that Apple headphones in particular and Bluetooth headphones in general can cause brain damage. To make matters worse, a video went viral on TikTok earlier this year titled “Why you should get rid of your AirPods.” , where the video maker claimed that the Apple headphones emit low-frequency radiation that works to damage your brain after a while, and during the following lines we will discuss this matter and find out whether it is real or not.

Do AirPods really emit harmful radiation?


A person said in a video of him on Tik Tok that the Apple AirPods headphones are dangerous because they are literally inside the head and therefore close to the brain, which is exposed to low-frequency electromagnetic waves, which in turn works to destroy your brain. His owner claimed that Apple headphones cause cancer.

 There is no need to panic and you can breathe a sigh of relief as health officials and scientists have said that these allegations are baseless, and Facebook has marked the video as containing “false information.” In addition, Reuters published a new report in which it made clear that there is no evidence On such claims, he cited the views of many health, science and research experts, who said there was no consistent evidence against the use of wireless devices such as Bluetooth headphones.

Non-ionizing radiation


For many people, the word radiation has a terrifying psychological feel, because our minds immediately remember the dangerous radioactive materials used in nuclear reactors and dangerous weapons.

However, this type of radiation is what scientists call "ionizing" radiation and differs significantly from the other "non-ionizing" type that most modern electronic devices emit.

There are actually many sources of non-ionizing radiation including routers, phones, even a microwave oven, anything that emits signals in the gigahertz range and beyond is considered a non-ionizing radiation source, and since bluetooth operates at the 2.4GHz frequency, this puts AirPods in the same category along with every other set of wireless headphones.

Reuters said it was difficult to get conclusive studies about the potential health risks of exposure to any type of radiation, because researchers can't put a group of people in a room like lab mice and use high-frequency radio waves on them to see what happens.

This is the main reason why scientists have not been able to come to a complete consensus about the effects of radiation from smartphones, however, most of them agree that the radiation from these devices is not harmful and not the panic that many users feel.

However, it is important to keep in mind that there are two aspects to non-ionizing radiation, it has to do not only with the frequency at which the radiation is emitted from the device but also with the amount of energy behind the signal.

For example, (military-grade) radar and microwave systems can emit enough radiation to dangerously heat anything placed in front of them, and there were reports of radar technicians having reproductive problems in the decades before extra safety precautions were taken. However, these systems save an astonishing amount of power as they are designed to send communications or detect planes and other objects over hundreds of miles.

However, even your microwave oven uses non-ionizing radiation to cook food with frequencies emitted in the 800MHz to 6GHz range. The only difference between a microwave oven and a router is that your oven generates about 1000 watts of power, in contrast, the maximum power output of a regular router is 100 milliwatts, which is 0.1 watts or less about 10 times less.

Since transmitting strength is driven at least in part by the distance the signal needs to travel, and Bluetooth is a technology with a much shorter range, it shouldn't be surprising if a 2019 study found that Bluetooth headphones emit less radiation than other devices such as smartphones.

Are AirPods radioactive?

The answer is yes. Reuters contacted Apple, which said it extensively tests all of its products “to ensure they comply with applicable safety requirements.” Apple’s AirPods and other wireless devices comply with all known radio frequency exposure guidelines and limits, and AirPods and Pro AirPods XNUMX times below the applicable limits for radio frequency exposure.

Apple added that its products are subject to standards set by not only the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), but also the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

Finally, it can be said that it is safe to say that you do not have to worry about any health risks from your AirPods when it comes to the radio frequencies that they emit but what you should worry about is hearing damage due to high volume when using the headphones for long periods.

Do you really think that Apple headphones cause damage to the body, tell us in the comments


Reuters | nih | FB | idropnews

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