Because it sees privacy as the birthright of every user and because it is one of the few companies that remains on the ground about users' data, Apple is constantly adding new privacy and security features to the iPhone while upgrading existing ones. But some of these features have to be activated manually. In the following lines, we will review 5 iOS security features that you should use if you care about your privacy.

Choose photos to share with any apps

When an app requests access to the Photos app, you either deny or grant access, but for many of us, there are a lot of personal photos that we don't want to share anywhere and this can be inconvenient if you want to edit a single photo but don't want to give the app Full access to your camera roll. You now have three options:

  • Select specific photos
  • Allow access to all photos
  • Disallow

 It may feel simple or unimportant but being able to only allow access to certain photos is a big plus if you're looking for more privacy.

Control the location information on the iPhone

Few apps need to know your exact location to function properly, so why share your exact location with all the apps that ask you to know where you are, while only sharing your approximate location is enough for most of those apps, to set location tracking for certain apps, go to Settings > Privacy > Location services and then select the app that you want to reach your exact location, if you don't want the app to know your exact location, turn off “Precise Location”, for apps that must be accurate like Google Maps switch to Precise Location in order to perform function as required.

Find out if your passwords have been leaked

Your iPhone can send notifications when your password has been hacked. track service iCloud Keychain Your passwords that appear in a data breach for other services, and they alert you if and when they happen, giving you the opportunity to change them right away. This feature is turned on automatically, but if you want to make sure it's on, go to Settings > Passwords > Security Recommendations and check if Hacked Password Detection is turned on.

Get the full privacy report

It's no secret that Apple works hard to prevent website tracking on its devices, but it has now added a new level of transparency. Intelligent tracking prevention feature on the web pages you visit. To view your privacy report, open the Safari browser and then click the double “Aa” icon next to the search bar and then select the privacy report (if the browser is in Arabic, press A next to the search bar) A window will appear showing you details about the blocked trackers So you can see everything you are protected from.

Keep your WiFi address private

You can join WiFi networks more privately. When you enable the private address feature, your device's network address will not be visible to other networks, network operators, and network monitors, preventing the parties we just mentioned from tracking you and creating your own profile. This will not affect how you join Wi-Fi networks and everything will work as normal but the only difference is that you will be able to prevent network providers from tracking your iPhone as the feature works to use a different MAC address for each Wi-Fi network you connect to and although the feature works correctly By default, you need to make sure that it is turned on and that you have not disabled it previously (some networks do not allow devices with a private address to connect to it), and to do that, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap the blue info icon next to your network and then switch to Private address.

In the end, these were some of the features that if you activate it on your iPhone, it will enhance the level of security and protect privacy and you can feel reassured that the iPhone will work to ensure that your private information will remain private and no one will be able to access it.

Do you use the methods we mentioned in the article to protect privacy, tell us in the comments



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