Many have noticed recently the improvement of the Arabic language on the iPhone Islam website, and the reason is that we finally found Smart Arabic Tool It can help us in this dilemma. Whoever writes articles on our site, although most of them are highly educated, some even study PhDs and some of them are teachers. However, with the need to publish articles quickly, there may be not a few errors, and this makes Arabic language lovers among you. Immediately they shout "Oh," as the Arabi said to the prince when he heard him sing in Arabic.

But rejoice, dear reader, for we have a tool that will make your Arabic language better, and ask an experimenter. We are now using “qalam” to review articles and we will make you familiar with this wonderful tool now.

pen keyboard app

Pen keyboard works in all applications that allow you to write Arabic text. It will help you write using artificial intelligence techniques to check your words for spelling and grammar.

Features of the pen keyboard

  • Checking common mistakes in writing in the Arabic language, such as writing the hamzat in the correct way, differentiating between the ha' and the ta' murtabat, and others.
  • Delete randomly duplicate characters and typos.
  • Checking grammatical errors such as the rules of number, countable, and its siblings, and Almjroorat, and others.
  • Improving the phrasing by suggesting an opposite eloquent for colloquial or foreign words or synonyms for the word.
  • Manage your own vocabulary and the preferred way to write them.
  • Shaping service and choosing the required formation density (full formation - end words - selected movements such as shadda and tanween)
  • Documenting and proofreading the verses so that they form and rewrite the verses as they are in the form of the Noble Qur’an.

What distinguishes a pen?

What distinguishes Qalam is that it was built using artificial intelligence techniques to help the user by checking the writing in the sites that allow the user to write texts.

Great offer on pen app

Of course, you can try the Qalam application for free and get a lot of features for free, but we advise you if you find this application useful for you is to take advantage of the offer that Qalam presents now in celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language, Qalam offers you an offer to subscribe through the mobile application, only with ($19.99) annually, until the end of December!

In addition to checking spelling and grammar, you can enjoy:

  • shaping 
    • Complete - Late Words - Selected Words
  • Formatting
    • Suggesting equivalent phrases - Drafting improvements - Suggesting colloquial and foreign language equivalents
  • Checking Quranic Verses
    • According to the Holy Qur’an

Smart proofreader pen

How to activate the pen keyboard

After downloading and launching the application for the first time, you can follow the instructions in the application or go to the settings of the iPhone and then search for “pen”

Then open the Pen app settings

And click on the option Keyboards

Then select the options available

We ask you to encourage Arabic applications, especially if they are distinguished, so that they continue with us

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