Apple's pricing strategy rarely allows the accessories it sells to go down in price and you can find a piece of cloth alongside 17 other Apple-branded products on the company's website that are a mix of charging cords, dongles, and adapters. Each product is $19, and you might be wondering, Alice selling wires, adapters, and cleaning cloths for less than $20 might put them in cheap territory and this is the opposite of what everyone knows about the status of Apple products, which are a luxury that no one can have, read on to learn about Apple’s magical strategy in selling its products and what is the secret At number 9 you can find it in the price of every product it has.

The secret is in number 9

The $19 Apple merchandise along with the Apple Watch, AirPods and other accessories are part of the wearables and home products category that brought Apple more than $8 billion in revenue in the quarter ending in October.

According to economists and marketing experts, the $19 price is neither too high nor too low to turn off the company's target customers. When you buy an expensive item like the iPhone 13 or MacBook Pro, you won't have a hard time buying the Apple Cleaning Cloth for $19. However, analysts say the price is high enough to suggest you're buying a premium product even if it's not. What is this discrepancy Is the price high or low?

Let me show you, there are two marketing strategies that have each been developed over decades and that Apple has mastered so well:

First It is “tempting pricing” or the strategy of ending prices with the number 9 that gives buyers the feeling that they are getting good value and this strategy is based on the feelings and psychological behavior of consumers and so you will find that every product on the Apple website from the Mac Pro to the power adapter ends up with the number 9 Even the cheapest Apple-branded accessory, a $3.5 9mm headphone adapter that some consider low, is enough to buy and feel special and elite.

According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, prices ending in a 9 are viewed as lower than a higher price. So, while two products that cost $29 and $30 are roughly the same price, seeing "2" on top of the first price makes the difference feel like $10 instead of just $XNUMX.

the second It is to suggest or imply that these are high-quality and first-class products because they are priced more than competing alternatives and Apple is targeting wealthy users who are willing to pay more for basic technical products and services, these will not hesitate or think twice and will buy the additional product like a piece of cloth Cleaning is under $20 even if it's $XNUMX elsewhere.

Finally, it's okay to pay a lot for a high-end Apple device because you get value for your money. For cheap products, the company's experience has been very successful because Apple is great at marketing and knowing how its users feel and how and when to manipulate them and when to make them feel good with a purchase.

What do you think of Apple's pricing strategy, tell us in the comments



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