Face ID and Touch ID are two great ways to keep the information on your iPhone secure without the hassle of entering a passcode every time. However, there may be times and situations when a fingerprint is not desirable to keep your information secure. The good thing is, Apple has provided quick ways in which you can lock fingerprints immediately.

The first thing to consider is that biometric authentication features “fingerprinting” are better security, but they are convenient, other than a password, and as high-tech and secure as these features seem, technically it is not as secure as using a strong and complex password, because it can be Fingerprints stolen or copied A face can be spoofed or it could even work with the wrong person, or your fingerprints could be taken by force. Whatever the scenario, you should be aware of the importance of locking your fingerprint in case of danger.

In the United States, law enforcement officials generally can't force you to use your iPhone password to unlock it for them, but it's different when you use fingerprints, you may put your finger or point the iPhone to your face and unlock it in an instant, but they have the law and they have no right In some other countries this is different, as it will come.

How to protect yourself and stop fingerprinting quickly

Civil liberties advocates have long recommended that you disable your face when you're in a situation where you might encounter law enforcement, especially if you're traveling, because the laws in some countries differ. It is good to disable the fingerprint when approaching a security checkpoint at the border or the airport in a foreign country if your phone has something related to civil rights, which some countries see as attempts to overthrow the regime and create confusion in the country.

The good thing is that this can be done very quickly through a process referred to as “Hard Locking” the iPhone. There are three ways to do this, all of which are designed to be as separate as possible:

Show off screen

You do not need to turn off the iPhone; Just bring the shutdown screen, for iPhone devices with a fingerprint, this is done by pressing and holding the power button and any volume button for a few seconds, and iPhone devices with a fingerprint require pressing the power button if it is at the top or on the side, depending on your device.

So, practice that quickly, press the power button and the volume up button for a few seconds, the device lock screen will appear and there you will be safe and the face print will not work until after entering the passcode.

Start an emergency SOS call

Pressing the power button five times in quick succession will initiate the emergency call, and there will be an eight-second countdown before this happens, giving you time to cancel it. The iPhone will be forcibly locked once this process begins, whether or not you cancel the emergency call.

through Siri

Siri can identify the owner of the iPhone when prompted, but one additional trick it has is that this prompt will instantly lock the iPhone if it's not already unlocked. Simply say, "Hey Siri, whose phone is this?" Or “Who does this iPhone belong to” or something like that. Thus, you can even lock the iPhone while you are at home while it is far away at or while you are in the car, so that no one will tamper with it.

After performing any of these actions, the iPhone will ask for the password the next time you open it.

There are other reasons why Apple designed the iPhone to forcibly lock it when you take these steps, but they revolve around protecting your data when the iPhone is away from you or out of your control. For example, if you are initiating an emergency SOS call, you may be on the verge of passing out, at which point anyone can use your face to unlock the iPhone easily.

Similarly, when Siri is asked about the identity of the iPhone, the assumption is that you lost your device and someone else found it. The fingerprint lock provides an extra level of protection.

And if the iPhone is in your pocket, when you press the volume buttons, for example, for about a second, the iPhone will be converted to vibrate when ringing, you can adjust this through Settings -> Sound and touches, you will get haptic feedback confirming that the screen is off , so you can do it separately without taking out the iPhone at all. And if you use the Silent button to set the vibrate mode, you can quickly flip that switch in your pocket before holding down any of the buttons.

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