An update came iOS 16.4 With some important new features and fixes, we have mentioned some of them in this article- Link – It is recommended to update now, to maintain the security of your device, as well as benefit from system speed and improve device performance, in addition to enjoying the new features, and in this article we mention the most important things that came in the latest update.

Third-party browsers now support home screen web apps

It is now possible to create web applications for the home screen on your iPhone using third-party web browsers other than Safari. This ability was not previously available, but with the iOS 16.4 update, browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox now support the “Add to Home Screen” option from their list of posts, and it will appear on the home screen.

Better icons for bookmarks on the home screen

When you add a web page shortcut to your home screen, its icon is set automatically, and when the icon is not available, Safari will take a snapshot of the web page itself and use it, which is not desirable. In iOS 16.2, the first letter of the site name will be set in a color that matches that webpage.

New sort button in your music library

Also new in the Music app is a new sort button for artists, albums, songs, genres, ratings, playlists, and other content. Before, there was a three-dot icon (•••), but now it has an up arrow and a down arrow side by side. There are many updates to the Music app.

New Game Center screen

In the iOS 16.1 update, Apple added a new Game Center splash screen UI that provides an overview of a player's achievements, stats, and progress across different games.. And in the iOS 16.4 update, there's a newer version that highlights the Activity Widget, which was already available:

When you hit Continue on the splash screen, it takes you directly to the Add Friends screen, where you can start adding Game Center friends through iMessage. On that note, it is said that Apple may be working on a messaging app for the Game Center soon.

Software updates using another Apple account

The Beta Updates screen displays your Apple ID, which can now be changed in iOS 16.4 without affecting the rest of your iOS devices. This allows developers to install the beta on devices with different IDs.

Dim the flash in videos

A new feature has been added to the “Motion” submenu in the Accessibility settings for iPhone devices that allows users to dim bright lights in video content that contains frequent flashing or flashing lights. The feature displays the video timeline indicating that the lights are flashing in the supported media.

VoiceOver for Maps in the Weather app

If you use VoiceOver on your iPhone, the iOS 16.4 update adds VoiceOver support for city maps in the Weather app.

Widget on lock screen for contacts

In the iOS 16.4 update, there is code indicating that the lock screen widget for the Contacts app may be coming very soon. The following new plugin is included in the Contacts app but is not yet published.

New colors for the Apple Watch face

If you have an Apple Watch, there are new colors in the Face Gallery in the Watch app. And there is a new color called “Zeus” in the iOS 16.4 update codes that will come soon.

There are many updates and improvements, more than 50 changes in the iOS 16.4 update, but we just mentioned the most important of these updates. You have to find out for yourself.

If you know a new feature in the iOS 16.4 update, let us know in the comments.


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