After Apple unveiled a lineup IPhone 15While the attendees were trying out the new iPhone, everyone felt that the iPhone 15 Pro was noticeably lighter than the iPhone 14 Pro. Many may attribute this to the switch to titanium, but it seems that there is another hidden reason that makes the 15 Pro lighter than the iPhone 14 Pro. 15 Pro. In the following lines, let us learn about the hidden secret behind the lighter weight of the 14 Pro compared to the XNUMX Pro.

From, iPhone 11 comes in different colors.

IPhone 15 Pro

From, the iPhone 11 is shown in black with different parts.

Apple used titanium instead of stainless steel with the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. As we know, titanium is one of the best metals in terms of strength to weight ratio. That is why the weight of the iPhone 15 Pro is 187 grams, while the weight of the iPhone 14 Pro is 206 grams, meaning a 19-gram difference in weight between the two devices (a decrease of only 9 to 10%). However, this cannot make a difference. The user feels that the 15 Pro is much lighter than the previous version when held in the hand.

What is the secret behind light weight?

From, a blue sheet of paper with an automatic arrow pointing to it.

It seems that the real reason behind the lighter weight of the iPhone 15 Pro is due to the change in the moment of inertia of the device.


It is a physical term that expresses the property of the resistance of a physical body to change its state from rest to movement, and in a straight line unless acted upon by a force that changes its state.

That is, every material body is incapable of changing its state of rest or movement unless a force acts on it that changes its state. The force required to change the motion of an object depends on the mass of that object.

For items that are constantly handled like smartphones, rolling resistance plays an important role in how heavy or light the weight feels during daily use.

When you hold the iPhone in your hand, it is not stable, and you often move it. If the weight is distributed within the phone’s components correctly to make the inertia less by 15%, this will make you feel that the phone is easy to handle and move, and thus you will feel that it is lighter in weight.

From, A person plays a video game on a phone with iPhone 15 Pro features.

Finally, the switch from stainless steel to titanium on the 15 Pro is pivotal in the weight manipulation; Because a large part of the phone's weight reduction is at its outer edges. One specialist points out that by reducing mass mostly at the periphery, Apple has achieved a reduction in the phone's moment of inertia (by 14 to 15%) which is even more significant; As expected from the massive weight reduction alone, this contributed to the impression that the 15 Pro is much lighter than the 14 Pro.

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