Used Camel Titanium for the first time in the design of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, and this new material is characterized by light weight with strength and durability. The question here is, how can you clean the iPhone 15 Pro made of titanium? During the following lines we will review what you should do and what you should not do. Do to clean your device and keep it as long as possible.

Titanium material

Titanium design

Each metal has its own characteristics that make it different from the other, and titanium as well, so you must be aware of the correct steps to deal with this new material, so that you can clean your iPhone without any problem, and according to Apple, the oil in your skin may change the color of it. External tape of your device temporarily, so if you use IPhone 15 Pro Without a case or case, no problem, because by wiping the device with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth, you will be able to restore your device's original appearance with ease.

 Things not to do when cleaning iPhone 15 Pro

From, A person holds an iPhone 11 with two lenses.

You need to stay away from those things that we will review shortly in order to preserve your iPhone. Here are things not to do when cleaning the iPhone 15 Pro:

  • Avoid using products that contain bleach
  • Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or any solid or reactive chemicals
  • Avoid immersing the phone in cleaning solution
  • Do not use air pressure to clean dust and ports
  • Avoid using a hair dryer; Because it weakens or dissolves the waterproof seal
  • Avoid getting any openings in the device wet
  • Avoid cleaning while operating the iPhone or connecting cables
  • Avoid using abrasive materials; Because it weakens the coating material, and may cause scratching of the iPhone

Things you should do while cleaning the iPhone 15 Pro

From, A person holds an iPhone and places his finger on it.

According to Apple, there are a number of things through which you can clean your iPhone easily and safely, which are as follows:

  • Use a cleaning solution containing about 70% isopropyl alcohol or 75% ethyl alcohol.
  • Use a soft, clean microfiber cloth (such as an eyeglass lens wipe)
  • Spray the cleaning solution on the cloth first and not on the device
  •  Use Clorox wipes

Steps to clean the new iPhone

From, a glass bottle with a plant next to it.

After we learned what to do and what to avoid, let us now learn the steps for cleaning the iPhone 15 Pro, which are as follows:

  1. Disconnect any cables or wires and turn off your iPhone
  2. Then use a cloth with the cleaning solution in it and wipe the device from all sides and corners
  3. Now, use Clorox wipes, isopropyl or ethyl alcohol to wipe down the entire phone and sterilize it.
  4. Gently use ear or toothpick to clean the charger port and other openings, do not press too hard; Because this may cause damage. You can also rely on Blue Tack (a reusable adhesive) to remove dirt from the vents easily.

Finally, we learned how to clean the iPhone 15 Pro, which is made of titanium. Apple also advises its users to clean the iPhone immediately if they come into contact with anything that causes damage or stains to the device, including sand, ink, soap, makeup, cosmetics, or detergents. Or acids or lotion.

Do you clean your iPhone? What do you use to clean it, tell us in the comments



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